• Islamic Hate Film Gets PG Rating

    From Dave Dimmy@3:800/432 to All on Sunday, April 15, 2007 11:41:43
    On the one hand, Muslims literally explode with rage when someone
    publishes cartoons of their false prophet, and call for censorship
    (or worse) of the publishers. On the other hand, Muslim hate films
    are rated "PG". One day, too late perhaps, the useful dhimmis will
    wake up to the reality of the Islamic attempt to conquer the West
    and to establish a global caliphate under Sharia Law.


    Islamic hate film gets PG rating
    By Liam Houlihan
    April 15, 2007 01:00am

    A PRO-TERROR hate film that urges children to martyr themselves in Islam's
    war on the West and calls Jews "pigs" has been rated PG by Australia's censors.

    Sheik Feiz Mohammed's DVD box set, which also calls for the murder of non-believers, was initially seized by Federal anti-terror police.

    But the Office of Film and Literature Classification has ruled that
    The Death Series is suitable to be bought and watched by children.

    The shock decision has seen the nation's peak censorship body slammed
    as weak and out of touch by family groups and the Jewish community.

    It has also made a mockery of the Attorney-General's plans to bring in
    tough new laws that ban material which "advocates" terrorism.

    The PG decision comes as Australian-born Sheik Feiz, who is in exile
    in Lebanon, is still preaching to Australians by phone.

    The films urge parents to make their children holy warriors and
    martyrs, and praises jihad as the pinnacle of Islam.

    The radical sheik makes snorting noises on the films as he vilifies
    Jews as the "army of pigs".

    He blames a lack of courage for martyrdom on the battlefield for the "humiliation" of Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and

    The censors' finding means children of any age can watch the films
    - but it is advised under-15s have a parent present.

    The OFLC finding said the sheik's calls to "jihad" and "martyrdom"
    were ambiguous.

    And it found that comments vilifying Jews as an "army of pigs" and
    saying "behind me is a Jew, come kill him" were mitigated by the


    Full article at "NEWS.com.au" http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,21556613-421,00.html

    * Origin: Dhimmitude? No Thanks! (3:800/432)