• Current supported tools f

    From MRO@BBSESINF to Accession on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 21:41:20
    Re: Current supported tools f
    By: Accession to poindexter FORTRAN on Tue Jun 25 2024 06:56 pm

    Hello poindexter,

    On Sat, 22 Jun 2024 08:25:00 -0700, you wrote to me:

    Believe they already have something like that in place in Fidonet in
    the Telegram related echo. Funny though, it's now just as dead as the
    rest of the echos there. Whoda thunkit?

    So there's a Fido TELEGRAM echo and fido echoes ported to Telegram
    groups? I suppose I'm old-school, I prefer to talk about platforms on
    the platform in question.

    The FIDONET.TELEGRAM echo *is* ported to and from Telegram. There is only one echo for it, as far as I know.

    okay i found a bbs that carries it.
    Rusty Mailbox Telnet://trmb.ca:2030

    here is me talking. i had lightning bolts in my name so it shows up as ????
    my name is mro1337

    telegram message #403 from ??????1337??? to All.
    Entered on 1st June, 2024 at 02:51, 4 lines.
    There are replies to this message.

    Subject: I dont know what the R)eply feature is ===============================================

    I dont know what the R)eply feature is


    and this is my last post


    telegram message #418 from ??????1337??? to All.
    Entered on 1st June, 2024 at 02:57, 4 lines.

    Subject: okay catch you guys later. I'm going to go do some yard work ======================================================================

    okay catch you guys later. I'm going to go do some yard work

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