• Amazing

    From Weatherman@TLCBBS to All on Monday, December 28, 2020 01:41:56
    I have to admit, I'm gob-smacked, absolutely amazed at the lack of discussion in this forum regarding what has happened in the recent general election. We are literally looking at one of the greatest threats to the Second Amendment that this country has faced, and yet the message traffic on this message base is a big, fat zero. Absolutely amazing. So... when the Second Amendment has been abolished, which the Left would purely love to do, they'll come after the First Amendment. Believe me, THAT assault has already begun. After the First is gone, then you'll find yourself wondering how the hell you'll be able to defend the REST of the Bill of Rights. Truth, people. The First Amendment is the most threatening to government. The Second Amendment exists solely to defend the other eight amendments that make up the Bill of Rights.

    It's truly a shame they don't teach American History in schools any more.


    ■ Synchronet ■ The Lost Chord BBS - Cheyenne, WY
  • From Digital Man to Weatherman on Monday, December 28, 2020 04:06:43
    Re: Amazing
    By: Weatherman to All on Mon Dec 28 2020 01:41 am

    I have to admit, I'm gob-smacked, absolutely amazed at the lack of discussion in this forum regarding what has happened in the recent general election. We are literally looking at one of the greatest threats to the Second Amendment that this country has faced, and yet the message traffic on this message base is a big, fat zero. Absolutely amazing.

    Not really. I've been hearing (and originally, believed) the alarm bells over gun rights since the '80s. Meh. Don't get too worried about it. Like abortion, it's a dog whistle that the politicians use to drive people to the polls. That's it. They don't really care if you do or don't own a gun, what kind of gun it is or what you do with it, they just care about votes (well, and money, which buys votes).
    digital man

    Rush quote #43:
    Summers going fast nights growing colder children growing up old friends, older Norco, CA WX: 43.7°F, 96.0% humidity, 0 mph SSW wind, 0.31 inches rain/24hrs
  • From HusTler@HAVENS to Weatherman on Monday, December 28, 2020 08:06:24
    Re: Amazing
    By: Weatherman to All on Mon Dec 28 2020 01:41 am

    I have to admit, I'm gob-smacked, absolutely amazed at the lack of discussio in this forum regarding what has happened in the recent general election. W are literally looking at one of the greatest threats to the Second Amendment that this country has faced, and yet the message traffic on this message bas is a big, fat zero. Absolutely amazing. So... when the Second Amendment ha

    It's not that amazing. I've been a gun lover since I was a kid. Deer
    hunting every year. Pheasant, Grouse, Duck. Trap shooting in the summer. I loved my guns. As much as I love my guns I don't feel we need all the guns available out there. We need tighter control. We don't need automatic rifles and pistols. I doubt anyone would take my shotguns and 30.30 but I'd give them up just to set an example. Not everyone should be permitted to own a firearm. If you want to shoot people join the army or marines. I'd love debate this though. I get what you and the NRA are saying. I just don't see it happening that way.

    |12 HusTler

    ■ Synchronet ■ Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@REALITY to Weatherman on Monday, December 28, 2020 08:05:00
    Weatherman wrote to All <=-

    It's truly a shame they don't teach American History in schools any

    Oh, they do - but it's a little different from the history I learned.
    But, that's a topic for another echo.

    ... Are there sections? Consider transitions
    --- MultiMail/XT v0.52
    ■ Synchronet ■ realitycheckBBS -- http://realitycheckBBS.org
  • From Vlk-451@INREALM to HusTler on Monday, December 28, 2020 22:56:44
    Re: Amazing
    By: HusTler to Weatherman on Mon Dec 28 2020 08:06 am

    Re: Amazing
    By: Weatherman to All on Mon Dec 28 2020 01:41 am

    I have to admit, I'm gob-smacked, absolutely amazed at the lack of
    in this forum regarding what has happened in the recent general election. W are literally looking at one of the greatest threats to the Second Amendment that this country has faced, and yet the message traffic on this message bas is a big, fat zero. Absolutely amazing. So... when the Second Amendment ha

    It's not that amazing. I've been a gun lover since I was a kid. Deer
    hunting every year. Pheasant, Grouse, Duck. Trap shooting in the summer. I loved my guns. As much as I love my guns I don't feel we need all the guns available out there. We need tighter control. We don't need automatic rifles and pistols. I doubt anyone would take my shotguns and 30.30 but I'd give them up just to set an example. Not everyone should be permitted to own a firearm. If you want to shoot people join the army or marines. I'd love debate this though. I get what you and the NRA are saying. I just don't see it happening that way.

    I think Joe Biden's older idea that "You don't need an AR, just get a Double Barrel Shotugn" is really flawed in the sense that it's much harder for smaller and less experianced shooter to effectively make follow up shots with a shotgun if it's flying out of their hand, where as your usual AR kicks about as much as .22.

    I think if you start to outlaw larger calibers, people will just switch to pistol caliber carbines or ignore the regulation.

    I do actually think that ultimately it's not the worst idea. If you limit civilians to pistol and shotgun calibers, you make it so that law enforcement has a range and capacity advantage in any engagement, if ultimately you care more about Law enforcement having an easier time killing citizens, even if they are criminals, then you do about the ability for a citizen to defend themselves from any threat, forein or domestic.

    I don't think it's the worst idea, but I really don't like it. I would prefer some other alternative.

    ■ Crystal Palace, Orbitsville ■

    ■ Posted via InnerRealmBBS ■
    ■ Synchronet ■ Inner Realm BBS - Charlotte, NC - innerrealmbbs.us
  • From Arelor@PALANT to Weatherman on Monday, December 28, 2020 18:10:37
    Re: Amazing
    By: Weatherman to All on Mon Dec 28 2020 01:41 am

    I have to admit, I'm gob-smacked, absolutely amazed at the lack of discussio in this forum regarding what has happened in the recent general election. W are literally looking at one of the greatest threats to the Second Amendment that this country has faced, and yet the message traffic on this message bas is a big, fat zero. Absolutely amazing. So... when the Second Amendment ha been abolished, which the Left would purely love to do, they'll come after t First Amendment. Believe me, THAT assault has already begun. After the Fir is gone, then you'll find yourself wondering how the hell you'll be able to defend the REST of the Bill of Rights. Truth, people. The First Amendment the most threatening to government. The Second Amendment exists solely to defend the other eight amendments that make up the Bill of Rights.

    It's truly a shame they don't teach American History in schools any more.


    "First Amendment" is heavily compromised nowadays with all the cancel culture going on.

    Your non-profit says something that does not follow the party line; they revoke your non-profit status, force payment processors to stop processing your donations, and funnel a bunch of tax money into your opposition.

    This, I find disturbing. But what I find even more disturbing is the fact people allows such thing to happen.

    If you think Americans are not combative when it comes to their rights you should come to Europe and see how we are doing.


    ■ Synchronet ■ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Arelor@PALANT to Digital Man on Monday, December 28, 2020 18:14:27
    Re: Amazing
    By: Digital Man to Weatherman on Mon Dec 28 2020 04:06 am

    Re: Amazing
    By: Weatherman to All on Mon Dec 28 2020 01:41 am

    I have to admit, I'm gob-smacked, absolutely amazed at the lack of discussion in this forum regarding what has happened in the recent genera election. We are literally looking at one of the greatest threats to the Second Amendment that this country has faced, and yet the message traffic this message base is a big, fat zero. Absolutely amazing.

    Not really. I've been hearing (and originally, believed) the alarm bells ove gun rights since the '80s. Meh. Don't get too worried about it. Like abortio it's a dog whistle that the politicians use to drive people to the polls. That's it. They don't really care if you do or don't own a gun, what kind of gun it is or what you do with it, they just care about votes (well, and mone which buys votes).

    There is a lot of money to extract from gun owners via licenses and permits.

    There is a lot of money to extract from gun stores, ammo manufacturers, shooting clubs et al via licenses and permits.

    There is a lot of control to be exterted by channeling "cultural funds" tax money into target shooting associations that further your party line.

    Either way, it is about control, like everything governments do.

    ■ Synchronet ■ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Dumas Walker@CAPCITY2 to WEATHERMAN on Monday, December 28, 2020 14:36:00
    I have to admit, I'm gob-smacked, absolutely amazed at the lack of discussion >in this forum regarding what has happened in the recent general election. We >are literally looking at one of the greatest threats to the Second Amendment >that this country has faced, and yet the message traffic on this message base >is a big, fat zero.

    Bigger than Obama?

    Absolutely amazing. So... when the Second Amendment has
    been abolished, which the Left would purely love to do, they'll come after the >First Amendment. Believe me, THAT assault has already begun. After the First >is gone, then you'll find yourself wondering how the hell you'll be able to >defend the REST of the Bill of Rights. Truth, people. The First Amendment is >the most threatening to government. The Second Amendment exists solely to >defend the other eight amendments that make up the Bill of Rights.

    It's truly a shame they don't teach American History in schools any more.

    Agree on your summation of the amendments, bill of rights, and not teaching history any more. Gotta make room for gender studies and "feelings," after all.

    * SLMR 2.1a * "Now who's laughing?! Now who's laughing?!" - Pagans

    ■ Synchronet ■ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Gamgee@PALANT to Weatherman on Monday, December 28, 2020 19:04:00
    Weatherman wrote to All <=-

    I have to admit, I'm gob-smacked, absolutely amazed at the lack
    of discussion in this forum regarding what has happened in the
    recent general election. We are literally looking at one of the
    greatest threats to the Second Amendment that this country has
    faced, and yet the message traffic on this message base is a big,
    fat zero. Absolutely amazing. So... when the Second Amendment
    has been abolished, which the Left would purely love to do,
    they'll come after the First Amendment. Believe me, THAT assault
    has already begun. After the First is gone, then you'll find
    yourself wondering how the hell you'll be able to defend the REST
    of the Bill of Rights. Truth, people. The First Amendment is
    the most threatening to government. The Second Amendment exists
    solely to defend the other eight amendments that make up the Bill
    of Rights.

    Do you honestly believe that any of those Amendments are going to be
    repealed? Do you know what is required to take place for that to

    For the record, I'm a staunch conservative, and hardcore supporter of
    the 2nd Amendment. I have owned LOTS of guns, before they were all
    tragically lost in a boating accident, of course.

    It's truly a shame they don't teach American History in schools
    any more.

    You may be able to find a remedial class at your local community
    college. Study up on what it takes to make (or repeal) a
    Constitutional Amendment. Then, come back here again and tell us what
    you think the odds of that actually happening are. Cheers!

    ... All hope abandon, ye who enter messages here.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    ■ Synchronet ■ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Dumas Walker@CAPCITY2 to VLK-451 on Tuesday, December 29, 2020 14:35:00
    I do actually think that ultimately it's not the worst idea. If you limit civil
    ans to pistol and shotgun calibers, you make it so that law enforcement has a r
    nge and capacity advantage in any engagement, if ultimately you care more about
    Law enforcement having an easier time killing citizens, even if they are crimin
    ls, then you do about the ability for a citizen to defend themselves from any t
    reat, forein or domestic.

    If you limit law-abiding civilans to pistols and shotguns, you don't necessarily give an advantage to law enforcement. Back when law
    enforcement first lost their advantage, it was because mobsters and outlaws
    had machine guns. My point being that most of the time they get in big shootouts with people who can outgun them, it is not your average civilian
    they are trading shots with, and making those guns illegal is not going to change that.

    I don't think it's the worst idea, but I really don't like it. I would prefer s
    me other alternative.

    Me also.

    * SLMR 2.1a * What do you mean, QWK?? It took me over an hour to read!!

    ■ Synchronet ■ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Vlk-451@INREALM to Dumas Walker on Tuesday, December 29, 2020 21:37:52
    Re: Amazing
    By: Dumas Walker to VLK-451 on Tue Dec 29 2020 02:35 pm

    If you limit law-abiding civilans to pistols and shotguns, you don't necessarily give an advantage to law enforcement. Back when law
    enforcement first lost their advantage, it was because mobsters and outlaws had machine guns. My point being that most of the time they get in big shootouts with people who can outgun them, it is not your average civilian they are trading shots with, and making those guns illegal is not going to change that.

    I definately agree with that agument. In effect, gun control and regulation like it limits or otherwise obstructs citizens while not effectively preventing criminals from having access to regulated/illegal weapons.

    I also just so happen to be a fud when it comes to gun, so if someone told me I could only have 9mm and 12g from now on, I would be quite content.

    ■ Crystal Palace, Orbitsville ■

    ■ Posted via InnerRealmBBS ■
    ■ Synchronet ■ Inner Realm BBS - Charlotte, NC - innerrealmbbs.us
  • From Weatherman@TLCBBS to Digital Man on Wednesday, December 30, 2020 00:46:00
    Digital Man wrote to Weatherman <=-

    I have to admit, I'm gob-smacked, absolutely amazed at the lack of discussion in this forum regarding what has happened in the recent general election. We are literally looking at one of the greatest threats to the Second Amendment that this country has faced, and yet the message traffic on this message base is a big, fat zero. Absolutely amazing.

    Not really. I've been hearing (and originally, believed) the alarm
    bells over gun rights since the '80s. Meh. Don't get too worried about
    it. Like abortion, it's a dog whistle that the politicians use to drive people to the polls. That's it. They don't really care if you do or
    don't own a gun, what kind of gun it is or what you do with it, they
    just care about votes (well, and money, which buys votes). --
    digital man

    Wow, so then universal background checks for any and ALL transfers of firearms, including private sales and those to family members don't bother you.
    You don't see that as a backdoor strategy to actually create a national registry of firearms and their owners as a confiscation database. Quite interesting.

    Limits of the amount of ammunition that can be legally purchased on a per-month basis is not in ANY way limiting the rights of the legal firearm owner?

    Banning firearms because of purely cosmetic features like pistol grips or flash suppressors is absolutely reasonable in your mind, is that correct?

    You don't mind the limiting of magazine capacity of any kind of firearms, including handguns at all.

    If a person walks into a gun store and sees a certain number of highly desireable and collectible firearms and wants to add them to his collection but can't because there is a limit to the number of firearms an individual is allowed to purchase in the course of a month, he's just shit out of luck because he hit his quota earlier in the month. That's fine with you, right?

    Each and every one of these restrictions, and OTHERS, are currently active in various states in this country. The clear fact of the matter is this. If the Left wins the Senate there is nothing to block them from making these restrictions nationwide. Once they have sufficiently handcuffed (in all applicable meanings of the term) legal gun owners, they WILL begin to encroach on the other rights that the Second Amendment currently protects. The Second was passed to allow the populace to protect itself against the government. It has done so in the past, and the intent is to allow it to do so in the future. The assault on the First Amendment has already begun. The press is controlled by a single political party. Do you not see how that is wrong? Try, just TRY to express a conservative point of view on social media. You'll be squashed.

    Sorry, DM, but I disagree. There is a very real and very present danger to ALL of the rights afforded us under the Bill of Rights, and the ONLY thing that stops an all out assault on those rights are the rougly 100 million Americans who own the 390 plus million firearms in this country. Private firearm owners represent the largest military force this nation has ever faced.

    ... The more I see of people, the more I appreciate my dog.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.49
    ■ Synchronet ■ The Lost Chord BBS - Cheyenne, WY
  • From Weatherman@TLCBBS to HusTler on Wednesday, December 30, 2020 00:59:00
    HusTler wrote to Weatherman <=-

    I have to admit, I'm gob-smacked, absolutely amazed at the lack of discussio in this forum regarding what has happened in the recent general election. W are literally looking at one of the greatest threats to the Second Amendment that this country has faced, and yet the message traffic on this message bas is a big, fat zero. Absolutely amazing. So... when the Second Amendment ha

    It's not that amazing. I've been a gun lover since I was a kid. Deer hunting every year. Pheasant, Grouse, Duck. Trap shooting in the
    summer. I loved my guns. As much as I love my guns I don't feel we need all the guns available out there. We need tighter control. We don't
    need automatic rifles and pistols. I doubt anyone would take my
    shotguns and 30.30 but I'd give them up just to set an example. Not everyone should be permitted to own a firearm. If you want to shoot
    people join the army or marines. I'd love debate this though. I get
    what you and the NRA are saying. I just don't see it happening that

    The NRA are a bunch of profiteers benefiting from the legitimate concerns of firearm owners in this country. I didn't say I WANTED to shoot anybody, that's just a ridiculous accusation. Obviously anybody who actuall looks forward to harming another person should not own a firearm. For you to suggest that responsible gun owners think otherwise is indicative of the kool-aid mentality of the Left.

    Don't think anyone will come after you for your .30-30 or shotguns? Well, you better lock that lever action away, buddy, 'cause they're already illegal in countries like the United Kingdom, and Australia The fact that you would voluntarily disarm yourself speaks for yourself. Put your blinders on and have another glass of Kool-aid....

    ... Heisenberg may have slept here.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.49
    ■ Synchronet ■ The Lost Chord BBS - Cheyenne, WY
  • From Weatherman@TLCBBS to poindexter FORTRAN on Wednesday, December 30, 2020 01:00:00
    poindexter FORTRAN wrote to Weatherman <=-

    Weatherman wrote to All <=-

    It's truly a shame they don't teach American History in schools any

    Oh, they do - but it's a little different from the history I learned.
    But, that's a topic for another echo.

    It's a highly selective version of American History...

    ... Gone crazy, be back later, please leave message.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.49
    ■ Synchronet ■ The Lost Chord BBS - Cheyenne, WY
  • From Weatherman@TLCBBS to Gamgee on Wednesday, December 30, 2020 01:13:00
    Gamgee wrote to Weatherman <=-

    I have to admit, I'm gob-smacked, absolutely amazed at the lack
    of discussion in this forum regarding what has happened in the
    recent general election. We are literally looking at one of the
    greatest threats to the Second Amendment that this country has
    faced, and yet the message traffic on this message base is a big,
    fat zero. Absolutely amazing. So... when the Second Amendment
    has been abolished, which the Left would purely love to do,
    they'll come after the First Amendment. Believe me, THAT assault
    has already begun. After the First is gone, then you'll find
    yourself wondering how the hell you'll be able to defend the REST
    of the Bill of Rights. Truth, people. The First Amendment is
    the most threatening to government. The Second Amendment exists
    solely to defend the other eight amendments that make up the Bill
    of Rights.

    Do you honestly believe that any of those Amendments are going to be repealed? Do you know what is required to take place for that to

    Did you read the word "repeal" in any of my post? Of course I know what's required to repeal a Constitutional Amendment. It requires ANOTHER amendment. HOWEVER, many of our rights have ALREADY been sidestepped, eroded and maipulated through laws and regulations that bypass the Constitution. The Federal Firearms Act of 1938, the Gun Control Act of 1968, the "assault weapon" ban of the Clinton administration, Section 230, various provisions of the Patriot Act, FISA and so, so many other federal laws have put restrictions on personal liberties and rights that were originally protected under the Bill of Rights and yet... even without a constitutional amendment we find these rights have been trampled upon by our government. It takes a Constitutional Amenemdnet to repeal or alter the Constitution, but it does NOT take an Amendment to destroy our rights.

    For the record, I'm a staunch conservative, and hardcore supporter of
    the 2nd Amendment. I have owned LOTS of guns, before they were all tragically lost in a boating accident, of course.

    It's truly a shame they don't teach American History in schools
    any more.

    You may be able to find a remedial class at your local community
    college. Study up on what it takes to make (or repeal) a
    Constitutional Amendment. Then, come back here again and tell us what
    you think the odds of that actually happening are. Cheers!

    I don't need a remedial class. I see what's going on. And the odds of having the intent and purpose of the Second Amendment completely subverted are very high. Once that's done, you can kiss the rest of your rights good bye.

    ... MultiMail, the new multi-platform, multi-format offline reader!
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.49
    ■ Synchronet ■ The Lost Chord BBS - Cheyenne, WY
  • From Dumas Walker@CAPCITY2 to VLK-451 on Wednesday, December 30, 2020 13:59:00
    I also just so happen to be a fud when it comes to gun, so if someone told me I
    could only have 9mm and 12g from now on, I would be quite content.

    I know several who would be happy with a .22 or a break-barrel springer.
    Those certainly have their applications.

    * SLMR 2.1a * He does the work of 3 Men...Moe, Larry & Curly

    ■ Synchronet ■ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Arelor@PALANT to Dumas Walker on Wednesday, December 30, 2020 17:55:32
    Re: Amazing
    By: Dumas Walker to VLK-451 on Wed Dec 30 2020 01:59 pm

    I also just so happen to be a fud when it comes to gun, so if someone told I
    could only have 9mm and 12g from now on, I would be quite content.

    I know several who would be happy with a .22 or a break-barrel springer. Those certainly have their applications.

    * SLMR 2.1a * He does the work of 3 Men...Moe, Larry & Curly

    I am quite happy with my Llama .38 (which is a piece of junk compared to the irons you talk about in here) but that does not mean I like my ability to get something else removed :-)

    ■ Synchronet ■ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Dumas Walker@CAPCITY2 to ARELOR on Thursday, December 31, 2020 11:25:00
    I am quite happy with my Llama .38 (which is a piece of junk compared to the irons you talk about in here) but that does not mean I like my ability to get something else removed :-)

    I am more comfortable with .38 standard barrel handguns than others. A
    friend of mine used to have a nice Tarus .357 revolver. We'd load it with
    .38 shells (because they were less expensive) and use it for target
    practice. I got pretty good with it.

    I liked that gun. I wish I had known he was going to sell it before he did.

    * SLMR 2.1a * On a clear disk you can seek forever

    ■ Synchronet ■ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Gamgee@PALANT to Dumas Walker on Thursday, December 31, 2020 21:31:00
    Dumas Walker wrote to ARELOR <=-

    I am more comfortable with .38 standard barrel handguns than
    others. A friend of mine used to have a nice Tarus .357
    revolver. We'd load it with .38 shells (because they were less
    expensive) and use it for target practice. I got pretty good
    with it.

    A Taurus? Ewwwwwwww!!!

    ... I didn't claw my way to the top of the food chain just to eat vegetables! --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    ■ Synchronet ■ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Dream Master@CIAD to Gamgee on Thursday, December 31, 2020 23:33:59
    Re: Re: Amazing
    By: Gamgee to Dumas Walker on Thu Dec 31 2020 09:31 pm

    I am more comfortable with .38 standard barrel handguns than
    others. A friend of mine used to have a nice Tarus .357
    revolver. We'd load it with .38 shells (because they were less expensive) and use it for target practice. I got pretty good
    with it.

    A Taurus? Ewwwwwwww!!!

    Ew. My old boss had a Taurus 44 Mag... damn thing jammed the first time it was shot. I had to send the stupid gun back to Taurus. I did tell him to never buy a Taurus but he never listened.

    Personally, I'm a Beretta, Glock, H&K, and Sig person. Each are extremely reliable, damn accurate out of the box, and highly customizable. :)

    Dream Master

    ■ Synchronet ■ Caught in a Dream - Coming Soon!
  • From Gamgee@PALANT to Dream Master on Friday, January 01, 2021 09:14:00
    Dream Master wrote to Gamgee <=-

    I am more comfortable with .38 standard barrel handguns than
    others. A friend of mine used to have a nice Tarus .357
    revolver. We'd load it with .38 shells (because they were less expensive) and use it for target practice. I got pretty good
    with it.

    A Taurus? Ewwwwwwww!!!

    Ew. My old boss had a Taurus 44 Mag... damn thing jammed the
    first time it was shot. I had to send the stupid gun back to
    Taurus. I did tell him to never buy a Taurus but he never

    Yeah I have never owned one, and never will. That's based on the same reasoning as you described above. You get what you pay for.

    Personally, I'm a Beretta, Glock, H&K, and Sig person. Each are
    extremely reliable, damn accurate out of the box, and highly
    customizable. :)

    I have a Beretta 92FS that I like, but that's it for them. Also a few
    Glocks but no H&K. Don't like the looks of Sig. Mostly S&W and Ruger
    for me, and CZ.

    ... Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    ■ Synchronet ■ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Dumas Walker@CAPCITY2 to GAMGEE on Friday, January 01, 2021 09:19:00
    Dumas Walker wrote to ARELOR <=-

    I am more comfortable with .38 standard barrel handguns than
    others. A friend of mine used to have a nice Tarus .357
    revolver. We'd load it with .38 shells (because they were less expensive) and use it for target practice. I got pretty good
    with it.

    A Taurus? Ewwwwwwww!!!

    That is what most people say, but this one was a good one... or the mist of time has made me mis-identify it. :)

    * SLMR 2.1a * If you trade freedom for security, you get neither.

    ■ Synchronet ■ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Dream Master@CIAD to Gamgee on Friday, January 01, 2021 14:52:34
    Re: Re: Amazing
    By: Gamgee to Dream Master on Fri Jan 01 2021 09:14 am

    I have a Beretta 92FS that I like, but that's it for them. Also a few Glocks but no H&K. Don't like the looks of Sig. Mostly S&W and Ruger
    for me, and CZ.

    My Beretta is a 96FS INOX (40 SW). At this point in time, I'm looking at adding another Glock to my inventory. :)

    Dream Master

    ■ Synchronet ■ Caught in a Dream - Coming Soon!
  • From Gamgee@PALANT to Dumas Walker on Friday, January 01, 2021 20:13:00
    Dumas Walker wrote to GAMGEE <=-

    I am more comfortable with .38 standard barrel handguns than
    others. A friend of mine used to have a nice Tarus .357
    revolver. We'd load it with .38 shells (because they were less expensive) and use it for target practice. I got pretty good
    with it.

    A Taurus? Ewwwwwwww!!!

    That is what most people say, but this one was a good one... or
    the mist of time has made me mis-identify it. :)

    Hehe. No problem, just pokin' at ya.

    ... Press any key to continue or any other key to quit
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    ■ Synchronet ■ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Moondog@CAVEBBS to Weatherman on Friday, January 01, 2021 22:32:00
    Re: Amazing
    By: Weatherman to All on Mon Dec 28 2020 01:41 am

    I have to admit, I'm gob-smacked, absolutely amazed at the lack of discussio in this forum regarding what has happened in the recent general election. W are literally looking at one of the greatest threats to the Second Amendment that this country has faced, and yet the message traffic on this message bas is a big, fat zero. Absolutely amazing. So... when the Second Amendment ha been abolished, which the Left would purely love to do, they'll come after t First Amendment. Believe me, THAT assault has already begun. After the Fir is gone, then you'll find yourself wondering how the hell you'll be able to defend the REST of the Bill of Rights. Truth, people. The First Amendment the most threatening to government. The Second Amendment exists solely to defend the other eight amendments that make up the Bill of Rights.

    It's truly a shame they don't teach American History in schools any more.


    The anti 2a folk have been keeping things on the lay low. I'm sure that will change soon.

    ■ Synchronet ■ The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - cavebbs.homeip.net
  • From Moondog@CAVEBBS to HusTler on Friday, January 01, 2021 22:36:00
    Re: Amazing
    By: HusTler to Weatherman on Mon Dec 28 2020 08:06 am

    Re: Amazing
    By: Weatherman to All on Mon Dec 28 2020 01:41 am

    I have to admit, I'm gob-smacked, absolutely amazed at the lack of discus in this forum regarding what has happened in the recent general election. are literally looking at one of the greatest threats to the Second Amendm that this country has faced, and yet the message traffic on this message is a big, fat zero. Absolutely amazing. So... when the Second Amendment

    It's not that amazing. I've been a gun lover since I was a kid. Deer
    hunting every year. Pheasant, Grouse, Duck. Trap shooting in the summer. I loved my guns. As much as I love my guns I don't feel we need all the guns available out there. We need tighter control. We don't need automatic rifles and pistols. I doubt anyone would take my shotguns and 30.30 but I'd give th up just to set an example. Not everyone should be permitted to own a firearm If you want to shoot people join the army or marines. I'd love debate this though. I get what you and the NRA are saying. I just don't see it happening that way.

    |12 HusTler

    In Germany hunting has become so strict, only single shot firearms are
    allowed. Your .30-30 would be illegal there.

    ■ Synchronet ■ The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - cavebbs.homeip.net
  • From Tyner@MUTINY to Gamgee on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 13:53:56
    Re: Re: Amazing
    By: Gamgee to Weatherman on Mon Dec 28 2020 19:04:00

    I have to admit, I'm gob-smacked, absolutely amazed at the lack
    of discussion in this forum regarding what has happened in the
    recent general election. We are literally looking at one of the greatest threats to the Second Amendment that this country has
    faced, and yet the message traffic on this message base is a big,
    fat zero. Absolutely amazing. So... when the Second Amendment
    has been abolished, which the Left would purely love to do,
    they'll come after the First Amendment. Believe me, THAT assault
    has already begun. After the First is gone, then you'll find
    yourself wondering how the hell you'll be able to defend the REST
    of the Bill of Rights. Truth, people. The First Amendment is
    the most threatening to government. The Second Amendment exists
    solely to defend the other eight amendments that make up the Bill
    of Rights.

    Do you honestly believe that any of those Amendments are going to be repealed? Do you know what is required to take place for that to

    For the record, I'm a staunch conservative, and hardcore supporter of
    the 2nd Amendment. I have owned LOTS of guns, before they were all tragically lost in a boating accident, of course.

    It's truly a shame they don't teach American History in schools
    any more.

    You may be able to find a remedial class at your local community
    college. Study up on what it takes to make (or repeal) a
    Constitutional Amendment. Then, come back here again and tell us what
    you think the odds of that actually happening are. Cheers!

    ... All hope abandon, ye who enter messages here.
    What I think is funny is that you believe they have to repeal an ammendment to render it useless. They've already suborned the first ammendment with all of this "hate speech" crap. Your speech is now officially only protected if it is a popular idea supported by the majority (or whomever the media supports). If they don't like what you say it is automatically labled hate speech and you're ostricized and eviscerated by the media if not convicted. I actually heard on the news that Trump supporters need to be reprogrammed.

    First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I wasn't a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I wasn't a Jew.
    Then they came for me. And there was no one left to speak for me.

    ■ Synchronet ■ MutinyBBS.com port 2332
  • From Gamgee@PALANT to Tyner on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 20:53:00
    Tyner wrote to Gamgee <=-

    Do you honestly believe that any of those Amendments are going to be repealed? Do you know what is required to take place for that to

    What I think is funny is that you believe they have to repeal an ammendment to render it useless. They've already suborned the
    first ammendment with all of this "hate speech" crap. Your
    speech is now officially only protected if it is a popular idea
    supported by the majority (or whomever the media supports). If
    they don't like what you say it is automatically labled hate
    speech and you're ostricized and eviscerated by the media if not convicted. I actually heard on the news that Trump supporters
    need to be reprogrammed.

    First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out
    because I wasn't a socialist. Then they came for the trade
    unionists, and I did not speak out because I wasn't a trade
    unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out
    because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for me. And there was no
    one left to speak for me.

    Yada, yada, yada... Better tighten up your tin-foil beanie, boy.

    ... Ignorance can be cured. Stupid is forever.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    ■ Synchronet ■ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Watchman@TUBBS to Moondog on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 15:41:21
    Re: Amazing
    By: Moondog to HusTler on Fri Jan 01 2021 14:36:00

    By: HusTler to Weatherman on Mon Dec 28 2020 08:06 am

    In Germany, the elephant in the living room is how many "illegal" firearms are still lurking around in closets, attics, buried in the back yard, etc.

    WWII left a lot of real nice weapons running around that little country which were retrieved for safekeeping by the citizens. Germany probably has more "ghost" M1 Garands and 1911s in civilian hands than we do.

    There is a reason why our guys stationed over there in the 90's were occasionally approached regarding the possibility of obtaining .30-06 and .45ACP rounds...

    ■ Synchronet ■ The Unknown BBS - www.theunknownbbs.com
  • From Arelor@PALANT to Watchman on Wednesday, January 20, 2021 09:34:42
    Re: Amazing
    By: Watchman to Moondog on Tue Jan 19 2021 03:41 pm

    Re: Amazing
    By: Moondog to HusTler on Fri Jan 01 2021 14:36:00

    By: HusTler to Weatherman on Mon Dec 28 2020 08:06 am

    In Germany, the elephant in the living room is how many "illegal" firearms are stil
    lurking around in closets, attics, buried in the back yard, etc.

    WWII left a lot of real nice weapons running around that little country which were
    retrieved for safekeeping by the citizens. Germany probably has more "ghost" M1
    Garands and 1911s in civilian hands than we do.

    There is a reason why our guys stationed over there in the 90's were occasionally
    approached regarding the possibility of obtaining .30-06 and .45ACP rounds...

    Sounds like Spain too. Lots of goodies from the civil war floating around. Also lots
    of guns given away or sold by rogue Civil Guards to civs during the post-war era.


    ■ Synchronet ■ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Dumas Walker@CAPCITY2 to TYNER on Wednesday, January 20, 2021 16:41:00
    What I think is funny is that you believe they have to repeal an ammendment to >render it useless. They've already suborned the first ammendment with all of >this "hate speech" crap. Your speech is now officially only protected if it is
    a popular idea supported by the majority (or whomever the media supports). If >they don't like what you say it is automatically labled hate speech and you're >ostricized and eviscerated by the media if not convicted. I actually heard on >the news that Trump supporters need to be reprogrammed.

    Commie Curic said that, but she is not the only one who has said that.

    First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I wasn't a >socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out >because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not >speak out because I wasn't a Jew.
    Then they came for me. And there was no one left to speak for me.

    That is a famous quote, or paraphrase of one. I cannot remember who said
    it, though.

    * SLMR 2.1a * 2 + 2 = 5 for extremely large values of 2.

    ■ Synchronet ■ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Watchman@TUBBS to Arelor on Thursday, January 21, 2021 07:44:16
    Re: Amazing
    By: Arelor to Watchman on Wed Jan 20 2021 09:34:42

    There are a lot of hunting rifles out there that started out Mil-Surp from Spain...

    ■ Synchronet ■ The Unknown BBS - www.theunknownbbs.com
  • From Arelor@PALANT to Watchman on Friday, January 22, 2021 03:24:44
    Re: Amazing
    By: Watchman to Arelor on Thu Jan 21 2021 07:44 am

    Re: Amazing
    By: Arelor to Watchman on Wed Jan 20 2021 09:34:42

    There are a lot of hunting rifles out there that started out Mil-Surp from Spain...

    As longas they were not from the Spanish Republican side, you are golden :-P

    Spanish Republicans used all kinds of Italian material - heck they even used Italaian anarchist troopers - which was known for
    alñl kind of problems. Certain machineguns in particular were known for having the firing pins break mid-battle.


    ■ Synchronet ■ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Tortillaretreat to Weatherman on Monday, January 25, 2021 13:43:50
    Re: Amazing
    By: Weatherman to All on Mon Dec 28 2020 01:41 am

    So... when the Second Amendment has been abolished, which the Left would purely love to do,

    Thank you for reminding me of the shit joke of a left-wing we have in the U.S. Any self-respecting leftist who saw the average working class person getting their arms taken away from them to give the rich and powerful an advantage would nip that shit right in the bud before a second thought. But of course, the neolibs strike yet again, as they have been on the Democratic and Republican parties for the last couple of years now.