• FG V18 I2 Mast

    From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to All on Monday, January 24, 2022 16:13:32

    FidoGazette is a weekly publication for the sysops and users of

    This newsletter has no association with the Fidonews and is
    edited and published by an independant editorial staff.

    The opinions expressed in the FidoGazette are of their authors
    and do not represent the views of the FidoGazette and its staff.

    Editor: Sean Dennis - 1:18/200 - sysop@outpostbbs.net
    (Netmail is preferred)

    For submission information, please FREQ FGAZSUB from 1:18/200 or
    send an email to bbs@outpostbbs.net with the subject line of
    FREQ and the message body of FREQ FGAZSUB. If neither of those
    are workable for you, please send the editor a netmail and he
    will make sure you get what you need.

    Thank you for reading the FidoGazette!


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    * Origin: Outpost BBS (1:18/200)