• [VOICENWS] SW: UPDATE: eCS 2.2 DVD released at 16:00 hours Amsterdam

    From VOICE News Service@1:3634/1000 to All on Monday, March 25, 2013 17:57:49

    ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice.org ++

    From: rwkleinDESPAM@DESPAMmensys.nl

    A few dozen people downloaded the eCS 2.2 beta English DVD ISO from the
    Mensys server. We had to withdraw the ISO at 22:30 Amsterdam time.
    Booting from DVD the ISO works without any error. However on boot from
    hard disc the wrong 2 USB drivers are installed.
    The files USBOHCD.SYS and USBEHCD.SYS where not updated 1 pack file.
    This could result in problems with USB devices and slow boots.
    At 23:15 we released a new ISO with the proper version of the drivers
    in place.
    If your ISO is effected by this please check the file:

    \ECS\ecs_inst.flg on the DVD it mentions:

    eComStation 2.2_beta EN_US Mon Mar 25 02:19:05 pm 2013

    In the new released eCS 2.2 beta the file has this information it:

    eComStation 2.2_beta EN_US Mon Mar 25 10:21:02 pm 2013

    If you have the effected ISO you can also boot from the DVD and open a
    command prompt and from the ramdrive (normaly drive Z:) copy usb*.sys
    to bootdrive:\os2\boot. That way your boot on hard disc will be up to
    date with the proper drivers.

    Boot from the DVD is not affected!

    Sorry for the inconvience

    Best regards,

    Roderick Klein
    Mensys B.V.

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