Uploaded Fri Jan 31 2003 11:05 pm

PACC103.ZIP (1,415K)

Uploaded Fri Jan 31 2003 11:05 pm

PowerAccess v1.03: Totally FREE terminal
program offering amazing Windows MULTIMEDIA
experience online for PowerBBS BBS systems,
as well as full ANSI access to other BBS'!
Use buttons and icons, preview full color
images, listen to WAVs & MIDIs while online!
Down/Upload files *while* you write mail,
chat, search files etc. Full GUI OFF-LINE
mailer built in! X/Y/ZModem, TCP/IP & ANSI
support too!! ROYALTY-FREE $0 Package!
PBBS401A.ZIP (1,353K)

Uploaded Fri Jan 31 2003 11:05 pm

PowerBBS FOR WINDOWS v4.01  (Disk 1/2):
 The #1 solution for running a full-featured,
   * Multimedia GUI* multi-line BBS with 
   sound and graphics from within Windows! 
 * Support for the brand-new GUI Windows    *
 * multimedia term program PowerAccess !!!  *
 * Full Internet FTP support. Full 256 node *
 * Local and Large Area Network support.    *
 * Windows 3.1, 3.11, WFWG, NT &  Win '95   *
 * compatibility! Windows .DLL add-on SDK!  *
PBBS401B.ZIP (1,094K)

Uploaded Fri Jan 31 2003 11:05 pm

PowerBBS FOR WINDOWS v4.01  (Disk 2/2):
 A powerfully flexible BBS system with a full
 multimedia Windows GUI client terminal with
 Bi-directional protocol and ANSI/ASCII & RIP
 support, DOS Doors, online dBase, Internet/
 Usenet mail, Telnet, FTP, FTPmail, QWK-mail
 netwrk, MAPI Gateway, satellite mail, 1000
 forums, air-tight security, KERMIT/X/Y/Zmodem
 protocols, message file-enclosures, CD-ROM
 support, FILE_ID.DIZ support, u/l scanning,
 split-screen & group teleconferencing! More!
PGEN101.ZIP (1,157K)

Uploaded Fri Jan 31 2003 11:05 pm

PowerGenerator v1.01: Visual screen designer
for PowerBBS 4+. The ultimate in BBS power!
********** Your BBS has arrived! ************
* Object-oriented Point-and-Click design for*
* PBBS! Make stunning 3D Windows GUI screens*
* with 24-bit color graphics & full WAV/MIDI*
* support for an awesome online Multimedia  *
* experience! No artistic ability required! *
   By Brad Friedman {Requires VBRUN300.DLL}