Name | Size | Date | Description | |
🔎︎ | | 5.1K | May 05, 2015 | ACiDiC MultiValidator 2.0 For synchronet Acidic Presents [SYNC]
│Synchronet Multi Autovalidator 2.0 │
│A awesome port of the Mystic Autovalidator │
▄▒▄ ▄▒▄ ░ ▄▄
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▀▀▀▀ ▀▀░▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀░▀ ░▀▀▀▀▀
ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
🔎︎ | ACE_MTRX.ZIP | 11.9K | Jul 27, 2002 | Matrix Login v1.0β - The Best Matrix System for Synchronet Matrix Login v1.0β - The Best Matrix
System for Synchronet BBS Software v2.2+
-Random Selection of 5 LightBar Matrixs!
-Fast display at any Modem Speed!
-Automatically Detect ANSI and call the
Classic Sync LOGIN if not detected!
-Optionally call my DOSMTRX from within!
-Optionally call my NUV_CHK to check NUV
status from Matrix!
-Allows any User (In Database or not) to
send Feedback to SysOp from Matrix!
-Page SysOp from Matrix!
🔎︎ | ACH_142A.ZIP | 3.7K | Jul 27, 2002 | Alias/Chat Handle Changer v1.42a -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Alias/Chat Handle Changer v1.42a
Give your users the option to change
their Alias or Chat Handle without
hassling you (the sysop). Logs that
that the user entered, searches all
users to make sure the Alias choosen
isn't being used. Verifies the users
information upon exit. Several bugs
fixed and things changed.
🔎︎ | ALTERNFO.ZIP | 2.0K | Jul 27, 2002 | ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Change the "SY ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐
│ Change the "SYSOP IS:" information │
│ sent to the user during initial logon,│
│ every hour by use of a simple script. │
│ Edit the script to suit your tastes, │
│ compile and enjoy! Brought to you by │
│ The Chuckle Box BBS (334) 653-1776 │
🔎︎ | ALTRSYS1.ZIP | 12.9K | Jul 27, 2002 | AlterSys 1.0 Alters the Sysop Is line for Synchronet BBS AlterSys 1.0 Alters the Sysop Is line
for Synchronet BBS v2.00a
This version will alter the Sysop is
line to read ANYthing YOU want !!
From Universal Joint Utilities
BBS (612) 240-9076 14.4bps
🔎︎ | Altxferp.ZIP | 172.3K | Mar 06, 2004 | ALTERNATE FOSSIL PROTOCOLS FOR TELNET BBSES v4.1 A LOT of Streamline Design (Lite) Fossil Protocol
Module v1.01d; Offers ASCII status screens,
XModem, XModem Relaxed, XModem/CRC,
XModem/CRC Relaxed, XModem-1k, XModem-1k,
Relaxed, XModem-1kG, XModem-1kG Relaxed,
Ymodem, YModem Relaxed, YModemG, YModemG
Relaxed, YModem-128, YModem-128 Relaxed,
ZModem, ZModem-8k. It also has many options
for managing files and various port options.
🔎︎ | AM11.ZIP | 67.5K | Jul 27, 2002 | Access Master - Version 1.1 ** Major BUG Fixes * Access Master - Version 1.1
** Major BUG Fixes **
- Baja Programming Language Enhancement -
With this program you can modify any aspect
of a users security settings via Baja
Scripts! What you couldn't do in the past
with Baja can now be done! Includes complete
menu-driven configuration program. Welcome
to the next generation of Baja programming!
Registration is $10 and covers all future
and past versions.
🔎︎ | AMTRX_12.ZIP | 24.2K | Jul 27, 2002 | Matrix Login v1.2 - The Best Matrix System for Synchronet Matrix Login v1.2 - The Best Matrix
System for Synchronet BBS Software v2.2+
-SysOp Configurable Random Selection of
up to 15 different LightBar Matrixes!
-Fully configurable Display positioning
let's you create your own Matrixes!
-Optional SysOp Configurable System PW!
-Allows User to Feedback from Matrix!
-Page SysOp from Matrix!
-Automatically Detects ANSI!
-Optionally call External Check Module!
-Optionally call External Page Module!
-Displays Welcome file before Matrix!
-Written 100% in BAJA!
🔎︎ | AMTRX_13.ZIP | 21.9K | Apr 21, 2002 | Matrix Login v1.3 - The Best Matrix System for Synchronet Matrix Login v1.3 - The Best Matrix
System for Synchronet BBS Software v3+
-SysOp Configurable Random Selection of
up to 15 different LightBar Matrixes!
-Fully configurable Display positioning
let's you create your own Matrixes!
-Optional SysOp Configurable System PW!
-Allows User to Feedback from Matrix!
-Page SysOp from Matrix!
-Automatically Detects ANSI!
-Optionally call External Check Module!
-Optionally call External Page Module!
-Written 100% in BAJA!
-New FREEWARE Release 04/20/02
🔎︎ | ANIPMT11.ZIP | 7.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | Animated pause prompts v1.1 for SBBS v2.20+ Fixes extended Animated pause prompts v1.1 for SBBS v2.20+
Fixes extended delays some 2400bps users
and includes new enhanced prompt viewer.
Written and compiled with BAJA v2.04 and
includes an example source file for help
in making your own customized prompts.
🔎︎ | ANIPRMT1.ZIP | 4.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | Animated pause prompts for Synchronet v2.20+ Written and c Animated pause prompts for Synchronet v2.20+
Written and compiled with BAJA v2.04 and
includes an example source file for help
in making your own customized prompts.
🔎︎ | ANNOUNCE.ZIP | 3.9K | Jul 27, 2002 | ┌─=[ Chuckle Box ANNOUCEMENTS v1.0 ]=──┐ │ ┌─=[ Chuckle Box ANNOUCEMENTS v1.0 ]=──┐
│ │
│ Display important NEWS to your Users │
│ but only make them read it one time. │
│ │
│ Baja SOURCE included! │
│ For SynchronetBBS 2.20 │
│ │
└───────=[ The Chuckle Box BBS ]=──────┘
🔎︎ | ANUV_10.ZIP | 12.0K | Jul 27, 2002 | New User Voting v1.0 - The Best NUV System for Synchronet New User Voting v1.0 - The Best NUV
System for Synchronet BBS Software v2.2+
-Written entirely in BAJA(tm)!
-SysOp Configurable # Yes/No Votes Req!
-Optional Welcome and Completion Screen!
-Tracks Users who have Voted(Vote Once)!
-Sends E-Mail to SysOp when User is
Voted in or Out!
-Sends MSG to SysOp when User is Voted
In or Out!
-SysOp can Review Application before he
makes the final decision!
-Tracks and Displays Comments by Voters!
-Voters can Review Application anytime!
-SysOp can view how users vote/comment!
-Users Pending Can Check NUV Status from
anywhere SysOp desires.
🔎︎ | ANUV_11.ZIP | 11.9K | May 28, 2000 | New User Voting v1.0 - The Best NUV System for Synchronet New User Voting v1.0 - The Best NUV
System for Synchronet BBS Software v2.2+
**Updated FREEWARE version May 2000**
-Written entirely in BAJA(tm)!
-SysOp Configurable # Yes/No Votes Req!
-Optional Welcome and Completion Screen!
-Tracks Users who have Voted(Vote Once)!
-EMail to SysOp when User is Voted In/Out
-MSG to SysOp when User is Voted In/Out
-SysOp can Review Application before
makeing the final decision!
-Tracks and Displays Comments by Voters!
-Voters can Review Application anytime!
-SysOp can view how users vote/comment!
-Users Pending Can Check NUV Status from
anywhere SysOp desires.
🔎︎ | AP_PAUSE.ZIP | 1.6K | Jul 27, 2002 | Random [PAUSE] string replacement script by Amish Pimp Random [PAUSE] string replacement script by Amish Pimp
🔎︎ | ARMR_10.ZIP | 9.4K | Jul 27, 2002 | Rumors Module v1.0 - The Best Rumors System for Synchronet Rumors Module v1.0 - The Best Rumors
System for Synchronet BBS Software v2.2+
-SysOp Configurable Maximum # of Rumors!
-SysOp Configurable SL to Enter Rumors!
-SysOp Configurable SL to See Rumors!
-Configurable SL to Delete/Edit Rumors!
-SysOp can Delete any Rumor and Replace
it with any text he desires.
-SysOp can Edit any Rumor or UserName!
-Tracks & Displays Users who add Rumors!
-CTRL-A Color Codes Supported!
-Configurable ANSI Matrix Menu System
-for Total SysOp Customization!
-100% in BAJA!
🔎︎ | ASK_QWK.ZIP | 2.9K | Jul 27, 2002 | ASK-QWK Module For Synchronet 2.+ + Allow Systems to confi ASK-QWK Module For Synchronet 2.+
+ Allow Systems to configure QWK NODE
+ Accounts Automatically when used as
+ a Newuser Event. By Robert Kluver of
+ Maryland Online Network (410)282-3555
+ Copyright 1996 [Shareware] Expires 1-97
+ Support Available from Maryland Online
+ BBS: (410)282-3555/(410)285-7267
+ Fidonet: 1:261/1559
+ Or Contact DIOS Software (410)203-1850
🔎︎ | ASKNEW.ZIP | 1.4K | Jul 27, 2002 | Ask users what command shell they want each login. |
🔎︎ | AXMAT1B.ZIP | 4.5K | Jul 27, 2002 | AXE-MATRIX v1b Matrix Logon Module More speed!! Rewritten AXE-MATRIX v1b Matrix Logon Module More speed!!
Rewritten to max out the speed of the lightbars.
Has support for non-ansi users, and is designed
to blend with the original Synchronet default
command shell. Custom Matrix Modules available.
🔎︎ | BAJAAMI.ZIP | 25.1K | Jul 27, 2002 | Baja1.02 Operation Manual AmiPro Format Indexed with page Baja1.02 Operation Manual AmiPro Format Indexed
with page numbers "Baja1I.Sam". The Index includes
the page numbers for each BAJA command. Making
it easier to locate which page each command is on.
Includes Table of Contents "Baja1T.Sam"
-Req. AmiPro 3.x
🔎︎ | BANG100B.ZIP | 4.3K | Jul 27, 2002 | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BANG! is the Russian-Roule -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
BANG! is the Russian-Roulette
of Lottery door games. It
runs ONLY on Synchronet and
is FREEWARE! By Charles
McColm. BUG BBS (705)725-0183
🔎︎ | BANG2.ZIP | 11.7K | Jul 27, 2002 | ┌───[ BANG! v2.0 Russian Roulette ]────┐ │ ┌───[ BANG! v2.0 Russian Roulette ]────┐
│ │
│ Gambling and High Risks │
│ Notated Baja SOURCE included! │
│ Runs ONLY on Synchronet BBS │
│ FREEWARE by Charles McColm │
│ The BUG BBS: (705) 725-0183 │
│ Notated Revision by Robert Nykvist │
│ │
└───────=[ The Chuckle Box BBS ]=──────┘
🔎︎ | BANG21.ZIP | 11.0K | Jul 27, 2002 | ┌───[ BANG! v2.1 Russian Roulette ]────┐ │ ┌───[ BANG! v2.1 Russian Roulette ]────┐
│ │
│ New: Log Generator/Viewer │
│ │
│ Gambling and High Risks │
│ Baja SOURCE included! │
│ For SynchronetBBS 2.20 + │
│ │
└───────=[ The Chuckle Box BBS ]=──────┘
🔎︎ | BBSLISTR.ZIP | 8.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | ┌──=[ Chuckle Box BBS LISTER v1.0 ]=──┐ │ ┌──=[ Chuckle Box BBS LISTER v1.0 ]=──┐
│ │
│ Includes Edit and Sort Options, │
│ plus a dupe phone number check. │
│ Baja SOURCE included! │
│ For SynchronetBBS 2.20 B │
│ │
└───────=[ The Chuckle Box BBS ]=──────┘
🔎︎ | BBSTOWN.ZIP | 12.5K | Jul 27, 2002 | ┌────────────────────────┐ │A command shell to │ ┌────────────────────────┐
│A command shell to │
│convert your BBS to a │
│town look. With built │
│in help files that all │
│users beginners and │
│advanced can understand │
│Done by Night Falcon │
│of Night Falcon's Plains│
│(615)446-9900 │
🔎︎ | BDOS_100.ZIP | 5.2K | Jul 27, 2002 | SDOS v1.00 - Fake DOS Command Shell for Synchronet BBS ver SDOS v1.00 - Fake DOS Command Shell for
Synchronet BBS version 2.
🔎︎ | BDOS_V1.ZIP | 8.5K | Jul 27, 2002 | ┌──────────────────┐ │ █▀▀▀ ▀▀▀█ │ ┌──────────────────┐
│ █▀▀▀ ▀▀▀█ │
│ █ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ █ │
│ █ █▀ ▄▄ ▀█ █ │
│ █ ▄ ▄▄ ▄ █ │
│ ▄ ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀ ▄ │
│ █ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ █ │
│ ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀ │
Command Shell
Psuedo-Command Line
Interface for
Synchronet v2.0x
🔎︎ | BL_GNS.ZIP | 3.0K | Jul 27, 2002 | · ∙ ■ ─────────────────────────────── ■ · ∙ ■ ─────────────────────────────── ■ ∙ ·
Animated Global New Scan Prompt!
Asks if the user wants to
Perform a global new scan.
Arrow-Key, keypad, and Y/N
Support! Includes docs and
source file. Very nice looks
Knowledge in baja suggested,
but not necessarily needed
Download now! Your users
will love it!
Coded by β£ÆÇKΣÑΣδ
· ∙ ■ ─────────────────────────────── ■ ∙ ·
🔎︎ | | 5.3K | Nov 03, 2005 | Fixed Blacklist SynchroNet 3.13+
User Blacklister v1.5
* Source Edited By Dribble *
- Removed Drop To Dos Exploit
- Removed Unregistered!!
- Included Source
🔎︎ | BLACKJ20.ZIP | 10.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | ┌──=[ Chuckle Box Blackjack v2.0 ]=───┐ │ ┌──=[ Chuckle Box Blackjack v2.0 ]=───┐
│ │
│ New: Log Generator/Viewer │
│ │
│ Low Risk Credit Gambling │
│ Notated Baja SOURCE included! │
│ For SynchronetBBS 2.20 + │
│ │
└───────=[ The Chuckle Box BBS ]=──────┘
🔎︎ | BLKLST1.ZIP | 4.0K | Jul 27, 2002 | SynchroNet 2.20+ User Blacklister v1.0β SynchroNet 2.20+
User Blacklister v1.0β
Easy To Install
Easy To UnderStand
🔎︎ | BLKLST15.ZIP | 4.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | SynchroNet 2.20+ User Blacklister v1.5 SynchroNet 2.20+
User Blacklister v1.5
Easy To Install
Easy To UnderStand
🔎︎ | BNIX1A.ZIP | 23.5K | Jul 27, 2002 | BNiX 1.O BBS-UNiX Command Shell BNiX 1.O
BBS-UNiX Command Shell
XENiX 32BiT Style Online Operations
For Synchronet 2.OX
🔎︎ | CHALS_10.ZIP | 2.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | Change Alias Module for Synchronet. Ver 1.0 This module a Change Alias Module for Synchronet. Ver 1.0
This module allows users to change their alias
and searches for dupilcate names. It also can
change the handle. Configurable by use of
two external display files.
🔎︎ | CHALS_13.ZIP | 15.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | Change Alias Module for Synchronet. Ver 1.3 Works with th Change Alias Module for Synchronet. Ver 1.3
Works with the Synchronet v2.2 and later.
This module allows users to change their alias
or handle.
* Checks for duplicate Alias/handles
* Sends Telegram to sysop when used.
* Supports Share! Safe on Multinode
BBSs. (For Telegrams)
* Two external files to allow
customization by sysop.
🔎︎ | CHALS__1.ZIP | 2.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | Change Alias Module for Synchronet. Ver 1.0 This module a Change Alias Module for Synchronet. Ver 1.0
This module allows users to change their alias
and searches for dupilcate names. It also can
change the handle. Configurable by use of
two external display files.
🔎︎ | CHAT1.ZIP | 2.0K | Jul 27, 2002 | Costumized CHAT/BAJA menu, Looks just like the default onl Costumized CHAT/BAJA menu, Looks
just like the default only Better!
🔎︎ | CHATER.ZIP | 8.9K | Jul 27, 2002 | Chatter v2.01 for SBBS asks user reason for sysop chat * F Chatter v2.01 for SBBS asks user reason for sysop chat
* For SynchroNet v2.x
* Gives back timeslices to
DesqView, OS/2, and Windows
* Creates log file of chat attempts
🔎︎ | CHECK002.ZIP | 3.7K | Jul 27, 2002 | Checker v0.01β Is a BAJA module for Synchronet BBS's. Checker v0.01β
Is a BAJA module for Synchronet BBS's.
This module make it were your users can
check thier messages without completely
logging on, after they read'em it hangs
them up. They may Read, Send, Bulk,
and Feedback.
Made by The Caretaker
The Haunted Mansion
🔎︎ | CHECK250.ZIP | 35.5K | Jul 27, 2002 | Checker v2.00β Is a BAJA module for Synchronet BBS's. Checker v2.00β
Is a BAJA module for Synchronet BBS's.
This module makes it were your users can
check thier messages without completely
logging on, after they read'em it hangs
them up. They may Read, Send, Bulk,
and Feedback. Has many other features.
Now, offers:
** User Tester
** CheckMan (The Guru)
** Normal and Highlight Menus!
** Lots more
** and even more to come!
Made by The Caretaker
The Haunted Mansion
🔎︎ | CHECK300.ZIP | 39.3K | Jul 27, 2002 | The Creepy Checker v3.00β Is a BAJA module for Synchronet The Creepy Checker v3.00β
Is a BAJA module for Synchronet BBS's.
This module makes it were your users can
check thier messages without completely
logging on, after they read'em it hangs
them up. They may Read, Send, Bulk,
and Feedback. Has many other features.
Now, offers:
** Combination (Lightbar & Key Press) Menus!
** Lots more
** and even more to come!
Made by The Caretaker
The Haunted Mansion
🔎︎ | CHG_MENU.ZIP | 1.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | CHG-MENU.SRC and CHG-MENU.ASC are hereby entered into publ CHG-MENU.SRC and CHG-MENU.ASC
are hereby entered into public
domain. CHG-MENU.SRC is really
a "command shell" thats asks
users to choose a command shell.
🔎︎ | CIVWAR11.ZIP | 4.6K | Jul 27, 2002 | Civil War Menus Version 1.1 For Syncronet Version 2.0x Civil War Menus Version 1.1
For Syncronet Version 2.0x
Created by L. Alexander Tamasi
a.k.a. Confederate Gentleman
🔎︎ | CLIENT.ZIP | 2.1K | Jul 27, 2002 | Client orientated command shell for sysops with clients wh Client orientated command shell
for sysops with clients who aren't
quite sure what a BBS is, let
alone what all those commands are
on about, but occasionally need
to download or upload files.
🔎︎ | CLIENT11.ZIP | 2.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | Client orientated command shell v1.0.1 for sysops with cli Client orientated command shell v1.0.1
for sysops with clients who aren't quite
sure what a BBS is, let alone what all
those commands are on about, but
occasionally need to download or upload
Minor changes from v1.0 to stop
concealing authorship and tidy up a
couple of minor points.
🔎︎ | CLIENT12.ZIP | 3.9K | Jul 27, 2002 | Client orientated command shell v1.0.2. Client orientated command shell v1.0.2.
For sysops with clients who aren't quite
sure what a BBS is, let alone what all
those commands are on about, but
occasionally need to download or upload
Minor changes from v1.0.1 including mail
bug fix, support for multiple clients,
and better documentation.
🔎︎ | DESERT.ZIP | 4.9K | Jul 27, 2002 | █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█ █ A GAMELIKE INTERFACE MEN █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█
█ BY Æû¥öéæèç·β⥠THE SYSOP █
█ █
🔎︎ | DOS_MTRX.ZIP | 5.0K | Jul 27, 2002 | DOS Matrix Login v1.0β - DOS Matrix for use with Synchrone DOS Matrix Login v1.0β - DOS Matrix for
use with Synchronet BBS Software v2.2+
🔎︎ | DOZERMNU.ZIP | 32.0K | Jul 27, 2002 | Command Shell Module for Synchronet created by Killdozer o Command Shell Module for Synchronet created by Killdozer
of The Mostly Harmless BBS. Includes Rumors, Registries,
and on-line help. Ok, so maybe I am flogging a dead horse,
but hell, I paid damn good money for Synchronet and I'm
in denial!
Of's freeware...except for the files included
from other developers who want your cash. :) Don't
send me a damn cent, k?
dsns_1da5419 | 66 | May 15, 2021 | ||
🔎︎ | | 5.7K | Oct 06, 2010 | mod to display global onelinerz bbs ______ ____ ____ ____ ____
/ ___// ___\/ __ \ / \_/ __ \
\___ \\ \__\ ___/| | \ ___/.org
/____ >\___ >___ >___| /\___ >
! econelinerz 2.0 js+ssjs |
+ a synchronet js mod to access the :
: the api to display/add +
] to the global onelinerz /by echicken ;
; !
: for more info [
🔎︎ | ELITE2.ZIP | 26.0K | Jul 27, 2002 | ELiTE 2 Command Shell FINAL! -Synchronet BBS v2.10a ELiTE 2 Command Shell FINAL!
-Synchronet BBS v2.10a
🔎︎ | EMENU10.ZIP | 11.6K | Jul 27, 2002 | Easy-Menu v1.0 A user friendly, easy to use command shell Easy-Menu v1.0
A user friendly, easy to use command shell for Synchronet v2.xx
🔎︎ | EMENU11.ZIP | 18.5K | Jul 27, 2002 | Easy-Menu v1.1 A user friendly, easy to use command shell Easy-Menu v1.1
A user friendly, easy to use command shell for Synchronet v2.xx
🔎︎ | ENDCHAT.ZIP | 1.9K | Jul 27, 2002 | Synchronet 2.2 and up EndChat Randomizer! Changes the bori Synchronet 2.2 and up EndChat
Randomizer! Changes the boring
"End of chat." to a random saying
each time a user calls 11-22-96
🔎︎ | EOB_FM41.ZIP | 7.8K | May 15, 2021 | sync] File Maint Baja Mod v4.1 [eob]■ QUICK! Safe, Simple [sync] File Maint Baja Mod v4.1 [eob]
■ QUICK! Safe, Simple Great Looking Baja Mod geared
toward remote SysOp maint.
■ Quick alternative to running multiple File
";" Commands from the File Menu.
■ SysOp Password Checking and Dos shell
■ .src included!
by -oblivious- +o edge of oblivion
🔎︎ | ES1.ZIP | 564.6K | May 09, 2001 | Eliteshell v1.00 for synchronet v3 - add ice menus to sbbs EliteShell v1.00a
this shell puts a classic obv2/vis-x
style look to your bbs.
includes a newuser command shell
another product by the
Synchronet MOD Development Team
(C)2001 Idell Software Inc.
🔎︎ | ESHELL.ZIP | 32.0K | Jul 27, 2002 | ELiTE Command Shell BETA!!! for Synchronet BBS v2.x ELiTE Command Shell BETA!!! for Synchronet BBS v2.x
🔎︎ | EZLOG10.ZIP | 10.7K | Mar 25, 2000 | EZLOGON v1.0 - for Synchronet BBS v2.3+ - Logon Module Rep EZLOGON v1.0 - for Synchronet BBS v2.3+
Logon Module Replacement for the SBBS
default logon. Includes System News,
Random Logon Screens, OneLiner Wall,
Msg/File Scan, QuickLogon, and Bulletins!
BULLETIN and WALL modes may be ran
as seperate Doors also!
Fully Sysop Configurable
Enable / Disable any of the EZLOGON Modes!
Option to Force a New Msg Scan on any area
(c)2000 All Rights Reserved.
🔎︎ | | 5.9K | Mar 06, 2013 | Ezycom Command Shell v1.0 By The Millionaire The look of Ezycom in Synchronet BBS!
A command shell that will absoulutely
stun you to death. Written and converted
by The Millionaire! Another fine quality
file from Park Avenue Place! Enjoy!
(c) 2012 Park Avenue Place Productions.
🔎︎ | FEEDBACK.ZIP | 3.3K | Jul 27, 2002 | Synchronet Multiple Lightbar Feedback v1.0 by .Apocalypse. Synchronet Multiple Lightbar
Feedback v1.0 by .Apocalypse.
for Synchronet BBS v2.20b+
files.bb_ | 80.1K | May 15, 2021 | ||
🔎︎ | FIREQMT.ZIP | 1.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | File Request Matrix by Ez-Rider File Request Matrix
by Ez-Rider
🔎︎ | FORSALE1.ZIP | 7.4K | Jul 27, 2002 | ┌=[ Chuckle Box FORSALE Script v1.0 ]=─┐ │ ┌=[ Chuckle Box FORSALE Script v1.0 ]=─┐
│ │
│ Here is a FREE script which you can │
│ run as a FORSALE door. It comes │
│ with automatic maintenance. Rewards │
│ for posting ads, notification to │
│ SysOp of new posts, and has other │
│ features like eMail replying. │
│ │
└───────=[ The Chuckle Box BBS ]=──────┘
🔎︎ | FSERVE1.ZIP | 3.1K | Apr 15, 2001 | file server command shell for sync v3 Synchronet File Server Command Shell
For Synchronet v3
Allows Strictly File Transfer Access
Idell Software Inc.
🔎︎ | FWISH10.ZIP | 3.9K | Jul 27, 2002 | ┌─────────────────────────────┐ │ File Wish List v1.0 ┌─────────────────────────────┐
│ File Wish List v1.0 │
│ Baja Script with Source │
│ * FREEWARE * │
│ By Robert Nykvist │
│ The Chuckle Box BBS │
│ (334) 653-1776 │
│ 19 Oct 1995 │
🔎︎ | GERMAN_1.ZIP | 30.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | German Command Shell for SBBS 2.2x German Command Shell for SBBS 2.2x
🔎︎ | GOODBYE.ZIP | 4.4K | Jul 27, 2002 | ┌────── Goodbye Baja Menu ────────┐ │ ┌────── Goodbye Baja Menu ────────┐
│ │
│ Give your users one last chance │
│ to send yourself or one of your │
│ Sysops email. You even give │
│ your user a chance to change │
│ their mind and go back to the │
│ BBS without forcing them to log │
│ off and back on. │
And find out about the one call
network where you can get many
networks. You can even get your
network into this net with ease.
🔎︎ | GUESS10.ZIP | 7.2K | Jul 27, 2002 | ┌──=[ Chuckle Box GUESS Lotto v1.0 ]=──┐ │ ┌──=[ Chuckle Box GUESS Lotto v1.0 ]=──┐
│ │
│ 5 Tries to Find Random Number │
│ between 1-100 (Rewards Credits!) │
│ Baja SOURCE included! │
│ Runs ONLY on Synchronet BBS │
│ FREEWARE by Robert Nykvist │
│ │
└───────=[ The Chuckle Box BBS ]=──────┘
🔎︎ | GUESS20.ZIP | 9.1K | Jul 27, 2002 | ┌──=[ Chuckle Box GUESS Lotto v2.0 ]=──┐ │ ┌──=[ Chuckle Box GUESS Lotto v2.0 ]=──┐
│ │
│ New: Log Generator/Viewer │
│ │
│ 5 Tries to Find Random Number │
│ between 1-100 (Rewards Credits!) │
│ Baja SOURCE included! │
│ For SynchronetBBS 2.20 + │
│ │
└───────=[ The Chuckle Box BBS ]=──────┘
🔎︎ | GUEST200.ZIP | 2.9K | Jul 27, 2002 | Guest Account Command Module For Synchronet BBS. Guest Account Command Module For
Synchronet BBS.
Written In Baja 2.10 For
Complete Compatibility And
Limits Your Guest Account's
Access To A Very Few Functions.
Freeware From Idell Software
🔎︎ | HARMATRX.ZIP | 4.7K | Jul 27, 2002 | Harmless Software Logon Matrix for Synchronet BBS ┌───── Harmless Software Logon Matrix for Synchronet BBS
│ Mostly Harmless BBS (813)880-9063 │
│ Features of Harmless Matrix │
│ -Fast for any BAUD rate. │
│ -No external ANSI or ASCII │
│ screens. all screens inside │
│ BAJA Module │
│ -Easy to set up. │
│ -YES NO BAR code included │
🔎︎ | HARMBULL.ZIP | 4.5K | Jul 27, 2002 | Harmless Bulletins is a BAJA Module for Synchronet BBS. I Harmless Bulletins is a BAJA Module for Synchronet BBS. I wrote it using
Synchronet Version 2.20b so I cannot guarantee it will work on earlier
versions. It is very simple to use, so have a blast with it. You can do
your own menus, so personalize it all you want.
🔎︎ | HARMBYE.ZIP | 3.4K | Jul 27, 2002 | Harmless Software Logoff Module for Synchronet BBS ┌──── Harmless Software Logoff Module for Synchronet BBS
│ Mostly Harmless BBS (813)880-9063 │
│ Features From LOGOFF: │
│ -Send Feedback to SYSOP │
│ -Send E-Mail │
│ -Write AutoMessage │
│ -Logoff and Fast Logoff │
│ -Return To BBS │
🔎︎ | HARMTAG.ZIP | 4.2K | Jul 27, 2002 | Harmless Software Tagline Generator for Synchronet BBS ┌ Harmless Software Tagline Generator for Synchronet BBS
│ Mostly Harmless BBS (813)880-9063 │
│ Features of HarmTag: │
│ -Capable of supporting ASCII, │
│ -No dropfiles. │
│ -Easy to set up. │
│ -YES NO BAR code included │
🔎︎ | HELP100.ZIP | 7.6K | Jul 27, 2002 | Helpter v1.00β Is a BAJA module for Synchronet BBS's. Helpter v1.00β
Is a BAJA module for Synchronet BBS's.
This module makes it were your users can
receive help on download, posting, and
other things, with out having to wait for
a GURU to answer. The info was retrieved
from HELP.DAT (Help Guru) off of Vert.
Many other items are to become available
Now has Normal and Highlighter Menus!
Made by The Caretaker
The Haunted Mansion
🔎︎ | IDBLT1.ZIP | 2.9K | Apr 03, 2003 | ID Bulletins v1.0 ID Bulletins v1.0
Freeware Bulletin Program For
Synchronet v2.xx 3.xx
Written In BAJA
2003 Idell Software
🔎︎ | ILV_PLMU.ZIP | 1.6K | Jul 27, 2002 | ........................... ......iLLuSiVe mOdDinG..... ...........................
......iLLuSiVe mOdDinG.....
......SynChRonET v2.2o.....
......PosT LogiN maTrIx.... Ez-Rider..........
🔎︎ | ILV_PTLM.ZIP | 1.6K | Jul 27, 2002 | ........................... ......iLLuSiVe mOdDinG..... ...........................
......iLLuSiVe mOdDinG.....
......SynChRonET v2.2o.....
......PosT LogiN maTrIx.... Ez-Rider..........
🔎︎ | K12_SYNC.ZIP | 31.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | K12.SRC Script for Baja commands in Synchronet to emulate K12.SRC Script for Baja commands
in Synchronet to emulate K12Net
Style Commands also encludes added
Menu screens..Written and editied
by David Neal 1:2613/604
🔎︎ | LINE100.ZIP | 4.4K | Jul 27, 2002 | Lucifer Liner 0.02β Is a BAJA module for Synchronet BBS's. Lucifer Liner 0.02β
Is a BAJA module for Synchronet BBS's.
This module makes it were your users can
leave ones liners about things, this version
_SHOULD_ have NPCs in it. I need to really
debug it. You won't run into any BUGS that
I know of!
Made by The Caretaker
The Haunted Mansion
🔎︎ | LOGOFF2.ZIP | 3.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | 3903 03/16/98
Synchronet Logoff Matrix
Ver 2.00
Idell Software 1995-1996
🔎︎ | LOGOFF3.ZIP | 1.6K | Jul 27, 2002 | Synchronet Logoff Matrix Idell software 1996 Synchronet Logoff Matrix
Idell software 1996
🔎︎ | LOGOFF4.ZIP | 1.9K | Jul 27, 2002 | Synchronet Logoff Lightbar v1.1 by .Apocalypse. For use wi Synchronet Logoff Lightbar v1.1
by .Apocalypse. For use with
Synchronet BBS v2.20b+
🔎︎ | LOGONSTS.ZIP | 1.0K | Jul 27, 2002 | This logon screen will provide your users with their own s This logon screen will provide your users
with their own statistics and some system
statistics. Navy Navsat II BBS
🔎︎ | MAGIC1_G.ZIP | 30.1K | Jul 27, 2002 | MAGIC-Matrix1g -> Rotation Matrix Modu MAGIC-Matrix1g -> Rotation Matrix Module.
> Sysop initiated chat works when you hit alt-c
> Feedback option even by users not in database
> Rotation option allows you to pick which matrix to use and how many
> Can run Matrix modules written by other and include them in the rotation.
> Awesome Guest Registry in Full ANSI for guest users
> Defaults to stock Synchronet Module(s) if no ANSI
> 8 modules included
🔎︎ | | 7.6K | May 28, 2008 | Masquerade Last Callers v1.1] !bd Masquerade Last Callers [Masquerade Last Callers v1.1]
█▄ ▄ ▄
▐██▄▐██▄▄▄ !bd ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▀█▄ ░
░ ███▐▌██▌ ▄█▄▀▀██▀▀▀ ▄█▀██▒
▒███▀ ▐█▌▐█▄██ ▀▀█▄▄ ▐█▌▄▐█▌
██▒▀ ░ ▀██▐█ ▐█▐██ ██▌███▄██▄
█▄ ▀▀▒▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▄ ▀▀▒▀ ▀
█ Masquerade Last Callers █
▒ Mod for Synchronet v3.14a ▒
░ Version 1.1 ░
░ By Blakdeth ░
🔎︎ | MATCH.ZIP | 3.5K | Jul 27, 2002 | Very easy to use shell, based on the "matchmaker" UNIX boa Very easy to use shell, based on the
"matchmaker" UNIX board based in my
city, Tampa.
🔎︎ | MATRIX3B.ZIP | 5.3K | Jul 27, 2002 | MATRIX3B.. More SPEED!! A Logon Matrix that is Faster than MATRIX3B.. More SPEED!! A Logon Matrix that
is Faster than before. 2400 baud callers are
the target for this one. Smooth for all baud
rates. ANSI/ASCII are both supported. Also,
the FeedBack option has been added.
🔎︎ | MAX3S~1.ZIP | 4.4K | Jul 04, 2001 | Maximus Command Shell | | for Synchronet 3.xx | | by: Digi +=========================+
| Maximus Command Shell |
| for Synchronet 3.xx |
| by: DigiTalis |
🔎︎ | MIME_RMR.ZIP | 13.0K | Jul 27, 2002 | MiMeWoRKS: Baja Rumors version 1.0β ────────── MiMeWoRKS: Baja Rumors version 1.0β
Rumors mod written completely in the BAJA
scripting language. Script included.
Handles up to 1,000 randomly chosen rumors.
*NOT* WhoreWare (ie, it don't cost nuffin')
Created by MiMe of MiMeWoRLD (334) 297-9493
🔎︎ | MIMED.ZIP | 23.1K | Jul 27, 2002 | Mimed World BBS Command Shell for SynchroNet BY: The Under Mimed World BBS Command Shell for SynchroNet BY: The UnderDark AIS
wrote by: BlackNet Runner
🔎︎ | MIMELIST.ZIP | 7.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | MiMe's File Listing Mod for SBBS 2.30β MiMe's File Listing Mod for SBBS 2.30β
This mod adds a light bar to your File
Listing function in Synchronet as well
as a few new functions (such as toggle
extended descriptions).
It might even work in SBBS 2.20x, too.
Yes, it's Freeware; I hate Whoreware..
🔎︎ | MM_SP10.ZIP | 2.0K | Apr 04, 2005 | Sysop Pager 1.0 for Synchronet 3.12a by Magic Man ┌─┤ Sysop Pager for Synchronet v1.0 ├─┐
│ Baja Mod for Synchronet SBBS v3.12a │
│ Make your bbs just a little cooler│
│ Runs using the exec_bin command │
│ Free Reg included │
│ Easy to Install by: magic man│
🔎︎ | MM_SP11.ZIP | 1.4K | Apr 11, 2005 | Update for sysop pager 1.0 minor cosmetic change sbbs 3.12 Update for sysop pager 1.0
minor cosmetic change
sbbs 3.12a baja mod
🔎︎ | MM_TS10.ZIP | 28.7K | Apr 16, 2005 | Treasure Bay Command Shell v2005 Synchronet 3.12a+ by Magi Treasure Bay Command Shell v2005
Synchronet 3.12a+ by Magic Man
Replaced text.dat with Treasure.dat
Elite Prompts!
Sysop Pager
Last few callers header
Win Credits Game
Differnt options to logoff
Built in Menus
Nice header on Xtrn programs
Sub Board Headers
Directory Headers
Stand Alone Email Subsystem
Default Message Editor modified
IRC Chat on main menu
System Info
User List with Header
So much more...!!!!
🔎︎ | MOPAR.ZIP | 10.4K | Jul 27, 2002 | Mopar Command Shell Mopar Command Shell
🔎︎ | | 17.0K | Jun 07, 2008 | Masquerade String Editor v0.9b !bd Masquerade String Edito Masquerade String Editor v0.9b
█▄ ▄ ▄
▐██▄▐██▄▄▄ !bd ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▀█▄ ░
░ ███▐▌██▌ ▄█▄▀▀██▀▀▀ ▄█▀██▒
▒███▀ ▐█▌▐█▄██ ▀▀█▄▄ ▐█▌▄▐█▌
██▒▀ ░ ▀██▐█ ▐█▐██ ██▌███▄██▄
█▄ ▀▀▒▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▄ ▀▀▒▀ ▀
█ Masquerade String Editor █
▒ For Synchronet v3.15a ▒
░ Version 0.9 beta ░
░ By Blakdeth ░
🔎︎ | MSG_MAIN.ZIP | 4.6K | Jul 27, 2002 | Fully Seporate Message Menu SRC for SBBS 2.00+ Fully Seporate Message Menu
SRC for SBBS 2.00+
With Sample Menu
And Install Docs
Version 2
Update In Docs!!!!!
🔎︎ | | 14.8K | Apr 11, 2005 | Mystic Command Shell 1.1 Mystic Command Shell for Synchronet 3.12a
Version 1.1 (Fixes some minor bugs in v1.0)
🔎︎ | NB_30.ZIP | 3.6K | Jul 27, 2002 | Newuser Bulletins 1.22 For Synchronet BBS. Newuser Bulletins 1.22
For Synchronet BBS.
🔎︎ | NETSERF.ZIP | 136.5K | Jul 27, 2002 | NETSERF v1.0: Extensive BAJA mod for your NetXpress UUCP c NETSERF v1.0: Extensive BAJA mod for your NetXpress UUCP
connection! Attract and train users in Internet use.
GOPHER, ARCHIE, Net News Filter, FTP, Weather Reports and
much more. Extensive Help Files! Must try!
Shareware. (c)1995 by Tom Hill. All rights reserved.
🔎︎ | NEW12.ZIP | 7.3K | Jul 27, 2002 | New User Baja Module v1.2 v1.2 of the new user module New User Baja Module v1.2
v1.2 of the new user module
used at the REALITY LTD BBS
SRC file included
🔎︎ | NEW200.ZIP | 2.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | Newuser Command Module For Synchronet BBS. Newuser Command Module For
Synchronet BBS.
Written In Baja 2.10 For
Complete Compatibility And
Limits Newusers To A Very
Few Functions.
Freeware From Idell Software
🔎︎ | NEW_100.ZIP | 3.2K | Apr 10, 2001 | newuser command shell for sync 3.0 NEWUSER Command Shell For Synchronet Version 3
= =
= Allows Newusers Restricted Access To The System Until Validated =
= =
Idell Software Inc. -- ARCTICZONE.DNS2GO.COM
🔎︎ | NEW_USER.ZIP | 2.5K | Jul 27, 2002 | New user command shell Allows L/D callers a Password, loca New user command shell Allows L/D callers a Password, local users the CallBack
BlackNet Runner
🔎︎ | NEWMENU.ZIP | 2.4K | Jul 27, 2002 | ╔═╗ ╔═╗ ╚═╬════════════════════ ╔═╗ ╔═╗
║ ║
║ ║
╚═╝ ╚═╝
🔎︎ | NEWMSG.ZIP | 1.0K | Apr 09, 2000 | Simple BAJA Script designed to send New Users a Text File Simple BAJA Script designed to send New
Users a Text File via Email with SMBUTIL.
🔎︎ | NEWPWRD.ZIP | 1.9K | Jul 27, 2002 | NEWUSER.SRC - New User Shell ----------------------- NEWUSER.SRC - New User Shell
Limits the new user to a few commands and
allows the user to automaticly upgrade his
access via a password, Configurable by the
sysop. -- Synchronet v2.10+
Also Disables the question "Search For New
Messages" Loadable Module Synchronet v2.10+
🔎︎ | NEWSCAN2.ZIP | 2.3K | Jul 27, 2002 | newscan.src |
🔎︎ | NEWSCRPT.ZIP | 3.9K | Jul 27, 2002 | These are logon scripts that check to see if a user is a n These are logon scripts that check
to see if a user is a new-user,
then prompts him/her accordingly
to do a visiting sysop validation
and run the call back verifyer.
Totally transparent to verifyed
users. Written By: Mike Nestrud
🔎︎ | NEWUSER.ZIP | 7.3K | Jul 27, 2002 | NEW USER BAJA MODULE ******************** NEW USER BAJA MODULE
"Forcefully" advises
the use of the Call
Back Verifier, Checks
if new user is a
SysOp, and give new
user the opportunity
to download Adult
Registration Form.
🔎︎ | NEWUSER2.ZIP | 7.4K | Jul 27, 2002 | NEW USER BAJA MODULE ******************** NEW USER BAJA MODULE
"Forcefully" advises
the use of the Call
Back Verifier, Checks
if new user is a
SysOp, and give new
user the opportunity
to download Adult
Registration Form.
🔎︎ | | 9.0K | Aug 28, 2003 | SYNCHRONET BBS MODS by neurobound Sorce code for Baja SYNCHRONET BBS MODS
by neurobound
Sorce code for Baja
🔎︎ | NOVICE.ZIP | 13.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | ┌──────────────────┐ │ █▀▀▀ ▀▀▀█ │ ┌──────────────────┐
│ █▀▀▀ ▀▀▀█ │
│ █ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ █ │
│ █ █▀ ▄▄ ▀█ █ │
│ █ ▄ ▄▄ ▄ █ │
│ ▄ ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀ ▄ │
│ █ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ █ │
│ ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀ │
Online Help Text
for new users
🔎︎ | NU_SYNC.ZIP | 9.0K | Jul 27, 2002 | SYNCHRONET BBS MODS by neurobound SYNCHRONET BBS MODS
by neurobound
Sorce code for Baja
🔎︎ | NUV10B.ZIP | 12.6K | Jul 27, 2002 | New User Voting v1.0β - The Best NUV System for Synchronet New User Voting v1.0β - The Best NUV
System for Synchronet BBS Software v2.2+
-Written entirely in BAJA(tm)!
-SysOp Configurable Yes/No Votes Req!
-Optional Welcome and Completion Screen!
-Tracks Users who have Voted(Vote Once)!
-Sends E-Mail to SysOp when User is
Voted in or Out!
-SysOp can Review Application before he
makes the final decision!
-Tracks and Displays Comments by Voters!
-Voters can Review Application anytime!
🔎︎ | NW_MOD01.ZIP | 538 | Jul 27, 2002 | No description given. |
🔎︎ | OLINE2V1.ZIP | 19.5K | Dec 29, 1999 | Oneliner/2 v1.0 Freeware Oneliner for OS/2 -----------------------------
Freeware OS/2 Native Oneliner
it's Oneliner/2! by: Fusion
🔎︎ | ONELINE1.ZIP | 6.6K | Jul 27, 2002 | ┌──=[ Chuckle Box ONE-LINERS v1.0 ]=──┐ │ ┌──=[ Chuckle Box ONE-LINERS v1.0 ]=──┐
│ │
│ Nice little One-Liner Script. │
│ Random Colors, Credit Awards. │
│ SysOp sees who wrote One-Liners. │
│ Baja SOURCE included! │
│ For SynchronetBBS 2.20 │
│ │
└───────=[ The Chuckle Box BBS ]=──────┘
🔎︎ | OVB2SHEL.ZIP | 13.7K | Jul 27, 2002 | Synchronet Oblivion/2 Clone Command Shell Synchronet Oblivion/2 Clone Command Shell
If you like Oblivion/2 2.55, and you are
running Synchronet v2.00x you will love
this additional command shell for your
board. Many Thanks to The DoJo BBS for
this one.
Xsword, NEOCOM CBB&FL, 703-666-9533
BeaVis edited this to work on sync. V2.20x
🔎︎ | OVB_2SHL.ZIP | 12.9K | Jul 27, 2002 | Synchronet Oblivion/2 Clone Command Shell Synchronet Oblivion/2 Clone Command Shell
If you like Oblivion/2 2.55, and you are
running Synchronet v2.00x you will love
this additional command shell for your
board. Many Thanks to The DoJo BBS for
this one.
Xsword, NEOCOM CBB&FL, 703-666-9533
🔎︎ | PDQUOTE.ZIP | 36.5K | Mar 19, 2001 | PDQUOTE 1.0 March 18,2001 by Paul Dobbs. BEST random quote ##########################################################
PD Quotes v1.0 March 18, 2001 by Paul Dobbs
Paranormal Discussions BBS, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
Fantastic, fast, baja mod that displays 1 of 1400 randomly
selected quotes. Quotes are plain text, can be edited,
added to, and are in a separate file. Does NOT use, edit
or alter your TEXT.DAT! Its all its own!
🔎︎ | PDWALL.ZIP | 7.2K | Apr 07, 2001 | PDWall v1.1, fixes last line over-write bug. ##########################################################
PDWALL v1.1 April 8, 2001 by Paul Dobbs
Paranormal Discussions BBS, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
* FIXES WALL OVER-WRITE of self at last line, sorry,
this was a variable string length limit problem!
Fantastic, fast, baja mod that functions as a Graffiti Wall
Simple, supports LORD colour codes, has built-in Sysop Edit
to let you tidy up undesirable entries on the spot, and is
auto-cylcing (old graffiti gets chopped off the top).
Uses its own file, never touches SBBS text files.
🔎︎ | PIPSHELL.ZIP | 113.4K | Jul 27, 2002 | PiPELiNE SHELL - For Synchronet v2.0 -------------------- PiPELiNE SHELL - For Synchronet v2.0
PiPELiNE SHELL is for sysops wanting a
totaly awesome shell for Synchronet
🔎︎ | POSTIT10.ZIP | 9.6K | Dec 03, 2000 | AT2k Post-It! = VBBS style autopost module in Baja [AT2k] - Post-It! v1.0 for Synchronet BBS
This is an autopost module for SBBS that is
nearly identical to the one used on the VBBS
and VADV BBS systems.
Aspect Technologies 2k
🔎︎ | POSTMAT.ZIP | 2.6K | Jul 27, 2002 | Post Logon Matrix A simple utility BAJA module Post Logon Matrix
A simple utility BAJA module
that will allow your users
to either skip the normal
logon procedure and/or jump
to different sections of your
board like external programs,
QWK mail, their mail, or chat.
(c) 1995 Dustin D. Brand
1:301/14 505-828-2647
🔎︎ | POSTMOD.ZIP | 25.9K | Nov 18, 2001 | Post-It Mod to replace SBBS standard auto-message. [AT2k] - Post-It! v1.0 for Synchronet BBS
This is an autopost module for SBBS that is
nearly identical to the one used on the VBBS
and VADV BBS systems.
Aspect Technologies 2k
Modified for use as auto-message replacement
on SBBS systems by Cyclops of Blue-Covenant
BBS telnet://
🔎︎ | | 5.4K | May 01, 2010 | Synchronet Pre-Matrix 1.1 _>'\___ ___>'\_ ___>'\_ _>\r
\\ \' \\ ; \\ `\' \E
`\\ ' \\ \\ ' ._\k.
│ \ ├ '\___│ . ';
/ ,;\ // '// ,_\ ┤
\ `/' '\__\\ ___/'\,/' \ /
Synchronet Pre-Matrix 1.1
Just a little program that allows
the user to select between bbs
systems. *see whatsnew.txt*
🔎︎ | PRSHL11A.ZIP | 13.7K | Jul 27, 2002 | ProShell v1.1 - Command Shell for Synchronet v2.x [1 of 2] ProShell v1.1 - Command Shell for Synchronet v2.x [1 of 2]
This Command Shell allows you to have
seperate areas on your BBS.
A Main Menu, Message Menu, Transfer Menu,
and a Features Menu.
Download PRSHL11B.ZIP, It contains the
External programs required.
🔎︎ | QUICK.ZIP | 3.1K | Jul 27, 2002 | Synchronet Quick Login v1.0 by Apocalypse. For use with Synchronet Quick Login v1.0 by
Apocalypse. For use with
Synchronet BBS v2.20b+
🔎︎ | | 5.3K | Feb 21, 2007 | Remote Access Clone Command Shell v1.0 For Synchronet BBS |
🔎︎ | REDMENU.ZIP | 6.6K | Jul 27, 2002 | RED MENUS for Synchronet's DEFAULT SHELL ----------- RED MENUS for Synchronet's DEFAULT SHELL
SYSOPS!, Break free from those Blue and
Green menus forever! (TELIX LOOKING)
🔎︎ | REGSSLOT.ZIP | 2.6K | Jul 27, 2002 | BAJA GAME! - Sync Slots v1b A One Armed Bandet That Gives BAJA GAME! - Sync Slots v1b
A One Armed Bandet That Gives
Credit Prizes. This Slot is
Alot Better than Alot Of the
Baja Games We Made in the Past.
This Game Is FREE! No Registrations!
🔎︎ | REGSSTB.ZIP | 2.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | SBBS Shoot The Bottle Full Version!!!! Yes Challenge Your SBBS Shoot The Bottle Full Version!!!!
Yes Challenge Your SysOp at a Shooting
Contest And Win Credit! But Be Carfull
You can Miss!!! This is the Full Version
We Think This will be alot Better For The
SysOps Who Need it! FROM ACESOFT!
🔎︎ | RIP4SYNC.ZIP | 29.5K | Jul 27, 2002 | █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█ █ Advanced RIP Support █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█
█ Advanced RIP Support █
█ for █
█ Synchronet 2.x █
█ █
█ Updated on 10/5/94 █
This 'patch' modifies the
Default Command Shell to
add advanced RIP support
to Synchronet 2.x
🔎︎ | RMRS_22.ZIP | 48.1K | Jul 27, 2002 | RUMORS v2.2 - The Best Rumors System for use with Synchron RUMORS v2.2 - The Best Rumors System for
use with Synchronet BBS Software v2.0+.
-BAJA(tm) integrated for maximum speed!
-Synchronet CTRL-A Color Codes Supported!
-SysOp defineable display screen!
-Tracks and Displays Rumor Writers!
-SysOp can Delete Rumors and optionally
send a message to user!
-SysOp Definable up to 100 Rumors!
-SysOp can set Minimum ARS needed to
Display Rumor.
-BAJA Module Source Code Included!
-SysOp can Edit any Rumor or UserName!
🔎︎ | SB10WB.ZIP | 8.9K | Jul 27, 2002 | SPORT!ware BAJA Bulletin module for Synchronet! A snap to SPORT!ware BAJA Bulletin module for Synchronet!
A snap to setup and maintain with all sysop
functions done right in the module! FREEWARE!
🔎︎ | SCHATH10.ZIP | 1.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | _____ __ __ ____ ____ _____ | ,__| | | __| \ _| _____ __ __ ____ ____ _____
| ,__| | | __| \ _|
|___ | | |_ __| | | |
|_____|__|____|__|__| |__|
_____ __ ____ _|__;.
| | | _| | |
| |--| | | | | |
|_____|__|__| \_ |
Silent City Change Chat Handle
module v1.0 for Synchronet v2.1+
🔎︎ | SCITYV15.ZIP | 7.0K | Jul 27, 2002 | _____ __ __ ____ ____ _____ | ,__| | | __| \ _| _____ __ __ ____ ____ _____
| ,__| | | __| \ _|
|___ | | |_ __| | | |
|_____|__|____|__|__| |__|
_____ __ ____ _|__;.
| | | _| | |
| |--| | | | | |
|_____|__|__| \_ |
Silent City Command Shell v1.5
for Synchronet BBS v2.0+
🔎︎ | | 3.1K | Jun 23, 2005 | Synchronet Daily Logon Statistics v1.00! Sysop must have! Daily Logon Stats v1.00 for Synchronet 3.12
by Booch
This is a JS module that creates
a bar graph of total logons per
day. Is useful to see what peak
days are during the week. Output
is a viewable html file.
🔎︎ | SDOS_100.ZIP | 5.7K | Jul 27, 2002 | SDOS v1.00 - Fake DOS Command Shell for Synchronet BBS ver SDOS v1.00 - Fake DOS Command Shell for
Synchronet BBS version 2.
🔎︎ | SHC_121A.ZIP | 8.1K | Jul 27, 2002 | Synchronet High Cards Version 1.21a -=-=-=-=- Synchronet High Cards Version 1.21a
Written entirely in BAJA(tm) and designed for
speed; Synchronet High Cards was written for
your Synchronet Multinode Bulletin Board
System. This version instroduces the long
awaited betting.
🔎︎ | SMI1.ZIP | 1.4K | Jul 27, 2002 | |10Synchronet |02BMOD (BAJA MOD) |15- |02Implements a |02T |10Synchronet |02BMOD (BAJA MOD) |15- |02Implements a
|02Telegard-like BBS list! |07Prophet '95 |09[|11SMI|09]
🔎︎ | SMI2.ZIP | 1.1K | Jul 27, 2002 | Synchronet BMOD (BAJA MOD) - Seemlessly integrate Internet Synchronet BMOD (BAJA MOD) - Seemlessly integrate Internet
Email into your BBS if you have a FIDOnet node! A must
for any SysOp who uses FIDOnet's UUCP gateway to send
Internet Email! By Prophet '95 [SMI]
🔎︎ | SMI3.ZIP | 2.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | Synchronet BMOD (BAJA MOD) - The absolute BEST Matrix Logo Synchronet BMOD (BAJA MOD) - The absolute BEST Matrix
Logon!! Written fully in BAJA, FAST, takes seconds to
install! By Prophet [SMI] '95
🔎︎ | SMI4.ZIP | 1.2K | Jul 27, 2002 | Synchronet BMOD (BAJA MOD) - Auto-Offline File Requester! Synchronet BMOD (BAJA MOD) - Auto-Offline File Requester!
Make it easy for users to request offline files!
By Prophet [SMI] '95
🔎︎ | SMMBULL1.ZIP | 7.3K | Jul 27, 2002 | ┌[ Match Maker Bulletin Colorizer 1.0 ]┐ │ ┌[ Match Maker Bulletin Colorizer 1.0 ]┐
│ │
│ It takes the rather bland │
│ SMMSTATS.TXT file generated │
│ by SMMUTIL and makes it │
│ more appealing to the sight │
│ by reformating, and colorizing. │
│ │
└───────=[ The Chuckle Box BBS ]=──────┘
🔎︎ | SMOD20.ZIP | 11.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | Synchronet Mod Development System v2.00 Modules And Shell Synchronet Mod Development System v2.00
Modules And Shell To Totally Change Your
Synchronet BBS System ver 2.2+
Comes With :
Logoff Matrix
Newuser Menu
Guest Menu
Command Shell
Newuser Bulletins
And More!
🔎︎ | SMOD40.ZIP | 12.7K | Jul 27, 2002 | Synchronet Development System Version 4.0 Synchronet Development System
Version 4.0
Comes Complete With
----> Command Shell
----> Guest Menu
----> Newuser Menu
----> Logoff Matrix
Check It Out Today!
🔎︎ | SMOD60.ZIP | 379.0K | May 15, 2021 | |
🔎︎ | SNDTL_12.ZIP | 6.7K | Jul 27, 2002 | Sendtele was written to allow sending of telegrams with BA Sendtele was written to allow
sending of telegrams with BAJA,
Escape to Other Worlds
Brett Frymire
🔎︎ | SNOTICE1.ZIP | 1.2K | Jul 27, 2002 | Sysop Notices 1.10 Synchronet Logon Sysop News Sysop Notices 1.10
Synchronet Logon Sysop News
Bulletin Program.
version 1.10
Registration Is Just $1
🔎︎ | SPOST100.ZIP | 3.0K | Jul 27, 2002 | SyncPost v1.00 =============== SyncPost v1.00
Autopost program for synchronet
bbs systems.
written in baja 2.10 for speed
and reliability.
registration just $1
Idell Software Inc.
Files: 7 ■ Dizdate: 05/16/96
Newest: 05/16/96 ■ Oldest: 05/07/96
🔎︎ | SRCHLGHT.ZIP | 30.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█ █ Searchlight Comand Shell █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█
█ Searchlight Comand Shell █
█ / \ for █
█ │▒│ Synchronet 2.x █
█ / \ █
█ │▌█▐│ Updated on 9/17/94 █
🔎︎ | STAG1B.ZIP | 2.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | *Synchronet Tagline Module* Users can create their own tag *Synchronet Tagline Module*
Users can create their own taglines
to be displayed during User Lists.
A great way for users to customize
their accounts. Fun and creative!
Best of all, it's FREE!
By: Nemesis Software, (c) 1995
🔎︎ | | 3.2K | Jun 23, 2005 | StoryBoard v1.00! JS module allows users to add to a story StoryBoard v1.00 for Synchronet 3.12
by Booch
- allows users to contribute to a story
- increases user interaction
- JS src included (obviously)
- easy to set up and fully customizable
🔎︎ | STFMV1.ZIP | 15.4K | Jul 27, 2002 | Synchronet Text File Manager v1.0 (Freeware!) Sysop online Synchronet Text File Manager v1.0 (Freeware!)
Sysop online text file customization manager
for Synchronet systems! Easily access, update
or change any SBBS text display. Quick & easy
to install and use. Provides reminders to SBBS's
many often overlooked customization features!
Requires SBBS v2.3 beta (06/08/96)
by Tom Hill (DOVE-Net: Symbolist@COMMNET)
🔎︎ | SUSP.ZIP | 2.7K | Feb 04, 2004 | No description given. |
🔎︎ | SWALL100.ZIP | 2.4K | Jul 27, 2002 | SyncWall v1.00 =============== SyncWall v1.00
One Liner program for synchronet
bbs systems.
written in baja 2.10 for speed
and reliability.
registration just $1
Idell Software Inc.
🔎︎ | SYNC_FMT.ZIP | 3.3K | Jul 27, 2002 | A Joke Hard Disk Formatting Utility exclusive to Synchrone A Joke Hard Disk Formatting Utility
exclusive to Synchronet BBS v2.X
Trick your users into thinking their
doing something they shouldn't be!
FORMAT.BIN file complete with Baja
script language for your personal
FREE, Courtesy of RiVeTeR from
The Game ExChange BBS, Ont. Canada.
🔎︎ | SYNC_K12.ZIP | 23.9K | Jul 27, 2002 | K12.SRC Script for Baja commands in Synchronet to emulate K12.SRC Script for Baja commands
in Synchronet to emulate K12Net
Style Commands also encludes added
Menu screens..Written and editied
by David Neal 1:2613/604
🔎︎ | SYNCCALL.ZIP | 24.6K | Jul 27, 2002 | -/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/- Sy -/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-
Synchro-Callers v1.0
Synchronet 2.1+ Program that lets
you pick how many previouse callers
you wish to display (as of now 1-20)
With Built-In BAJA Module Creator!
Written by Dan Buckler
🔎︎ | SYNCFV10.ZIP | 10.1K | Jul 27, 2002 | Fileview v1.0 - Archive Interface for Synchronet BBS Softw Fileview v1.0 - Archive Interface for
Synchronet BBS Software v2.2+.
-Written entirely in BAJA(tm)!
-Supports ZIP/ARJ/LZH/SQZ/UC2 Formats
-Allows Users to View/Read/Download/Test
Archive files in Synchronet File Areas!
-Allows SysOp to Delete files within
Archives and Comment Archive Files
-Great Looking ANSi Lightbar Interface!
-Users can Read TXT Files from Within
compressed files.
-Users can Test a Compressed Files
Integrity before Downloading.
-Users can Extract Files from Compressed
Files to Download individually.
-Very Nice!
syncnews.key | 33 | Oct 01, 2006 | SyncNEWS 7.5 -- KEYFILE -- Copy to SyncNEWS directory. | |
🔎︎ | | 25.2K | Oct 01, 2006 | SyncNEWS 7.5 -- Latest Synchronet BAJA News Door [BiOWARE] |
🔎︎ | SYNCTDY1.ZIP | 40.6K | Jul 27, 2002 | SynchroNet Today! v1.0 is a Callers Per Day Graphical Bull SynchroNet Today! v1.0 is a Callers Per Day
Graphical Bulletin Maker for SynchroNet 2.xx.
Keeps tracks of calls per day of the week and
makes an ascii and ansi file with scalable
🔎︎ | SYNOEB12.ZIP | 382.1K | Jul 27, 2002 | SynOEB 1.2c - Take Checks online for merchandise/services( SynOEB 1.2c - Take Checks online for
merchandise/services(C)1995 21st Century
Automatically Processes and uploads
transactions to the processing center VIA
QWK Network Callout Event.Forwards
receipt to the user and SYSOP.Archives
transactions and creates a FULL Log of
all activity.Can be used with BAJA(TM)
Checks are processed within 24-48hrs!
BUNDLED WITH SUBCHEK!!! Includes version
for Canadian Sysops.
🔎︎ | SYSMSG.ZIP | 1.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | Great System Message For Synchronet. Great System Message For Synchronet.
This System message is designed to
show everything in detail about the
user and the BBS. It is designed
especialy for Synchronet BBS's, and
takes full use of @X02C@X01O@X03L@X04O@X05R.
🔎︎ | SYSOP130.ZIP | 13.1K | Jul 27, 2002 | SYSOPIS v1.30 (Baja version) Copyright 1995, Jeremy Bellwo SYSOPIS v1.30 (Baja version)
Copyright 1995, Jeremy Bellwood
AKA The Witch Docter
🔎︎ | SYSOP_IS.ZIP | 1.4K | Jul 27, 2002 | Alter you "Sysop is:" line in text.dat with this Baja modu Alter you "Sysop is:" line in text.dat with
this Baja module. *.src included. Good for
20 choices.. Edit to increase/decrease amoumt
of choices. Compiled with Baja v2.01.
🔎︎ | TAGSH_11.ZIP | 6.5K | Jul 27, 2002 | ░░▒█▒░░ T.A.G. BBS COMMAND SHELL v1.1 ░░▒█▒░░ ░░▒█▒░░ T.A.G. BBS COMMAND SHELL v1.1 ░░▒█▒░░
Command shell for Synchronet v2.00x. T.A.G.
Created by Chris Bourne, Excalibur BBS |
🔎︎ | TAWALL.ZIP | 5.5K | Jul 27, 2002 | TA WALL Ver 1.5 By Subzero A completely free wall written TA WALL Ver 1.5 By Subzero
A completely free wall written
in BAJA.
Features include:
■ Sysop Editing
■ Wall Post Packing
■ Anonymous Posting
■ User Download Of Post
■ Definable Menus
🔎︎ | TEE_001.ZIP | 2.5K | Jul 27, 2002 | Evil Editor 0.01β Is a BAJA module for Synchronet BBS's. Evil Editor 0.01β
Is a BAJA module for Synchronet BBS's.
This module makes it were your users can
edit there accounts. Such as changing their
Alias, Telephone #, Address, and etc.
Real Name and Birthday have *NOT* been
put in this version for obvious reasons.
Made by The Caretaker
The Haunted Mansion
🔎︎ | TELVAL16.ZIP | 13.0K | May 30, 2001 | Telnet Verifier v1.6 for Synchronet v3+ - Powerful utility Telnet Verifier v1.6 for Synchronet v3+
Powerful utility to verify a Users Email
Address and upgrade their access online.
Sends a unique code for every user to an
email address and allows users to upgrade
their account instantly by entering code.
Many New Features
TELVAL (05-30-01)
🔎︎ | THE_WARP.ZIP | 2.3K | Jul 27, 2002 | The Warp: Loadable Logon Module for Synchronet The Warp: Loadable Logon
Module for Synchronet
v2.0 . Allows quick access
to Doors/Chat Area/Files
check it out!
🔎︎ | TKR_1A.ZIP | 4.1K | Jul 27, 2002 | *Synchronet Ticker Module* Have a personal *Synchronet Ticker Module*
Have a personal message scroll across
the screen to the user, just like the
ESPN Sports Ticker or the Stock Exchange
Ticker. Neat little gadget.
Best of all, it's FREE!
By: Nemesis Software, (c) 1996
🔎︎ | TKR_1B.ZIP | 1.6K | Jul 27, 2002 | *Synchronet Ticker Module* This is a bug f *Synchronet Ticker Module*
This is a bug fix ONLY. This version slows
the scroll across the screen. You must have
a previous version of Synch Ticker to work.
This is the registered version. This is not
crippled in any way. This is the replacement
for TKR_1.ZIP & TKR_1R.ZIP
By: Nemesis Software, (c) 1996
🔎︎ | TKR_1R.ZIP | 3.7K | Jul 27, 2002 | *Synchronet Ticker Module* Have a personal *Synchronet Ticker Module*
Have a personal message scroll across
the screen to the user, just like the
ESPN Sports Ticker or the Stock Exchange
Ticker. Neat little gadget.
Best of all, it's FREE!
This is the registered version. This is not
crippled in any way. This is the replacement
for TKR_1.ZIP
By: Nemesis Software, (c) 1996
🔎︎ | TM4QNET.ZIP | 2.6K | Jul 27, 2002 | Telemate Script file to do QWK network call- outs to a Syn Telemate Script file to do QWK network call-
outs to a Synchronet v1c or v2.0. BBS. This
script will logon to Synchronet upload your
QWK replies if found and downloand your QWK
mail packet. You must edit the script file
to your profile. Editing is explained in the
script file.
🔎︎ | TMQN105D.ZIP | 9.1K | Jul 27, 2002 | Telemate script for QWK Networking calls to a Synchronet B Telemate script for QWK Networking
calls to a Synchronet BBS hub.
Automatic, unattended, well-commented,
and keeps detailed log of each call.
TotallyFree, TotallyHere, TotallyNow.
Version 1.05d 08-05-1995, AV encoded.
Could be modified to automate user QWK
exchanges, so ANYONE who uses Telemate
ought to take a look at this!
Courtesy Minority BBS 508-791-3303
🔎︎ | TONMSTR1.ZIP | 32.5K | Jul 27, 2002 | ToneMaster v1.00 BAJA SysOp Pager -Provides Variety for S ToneMaster v1.00 BAJA SysOp Pager
-Provides Variety for SysOp
-Allow Users to select .TON file!
-Easy Installation!
-Logs Chat Attempts w/ Reason!
-Not Crippled!
Written by Mike Nestrud
🔎︎ | TOPTEN20.ZIP | 33.6K | Jul 27, 2002 | »> User Top Ten List <« »> by ShΣhkTΣch Software <« »> User Top Ten List <«
»> by ShΣhkTΣch Software <«
User Interactive Door as seen
on David Letterman. User can
input his/her own topics and
responses. While it is still
UnRegistered, it is not as
limited as "other" door games.
This great door was built to
increase user interaction.
🔎︎ | TREASURE.ZIP | 7.6K | Jul 27, 2002 | Treasure Bay Command Shell v1.0 Treasure Bay Command Shell v1.0
🔎︎ | TS_001.ZIP | 2.9K | Jul 27, 2002 | The Sentencer 0.01β Is a BAJA module for Synchronet BBS's. The Sentencer 0.01β
Is a BAJA module for Synchronet BBS's.
This module makes it were your users can
pass a sentence around the BBS to see how
much people have screwed it up afterwards!
Made by The Caretaker
The Haunted Mansion
🔎︎ | TTT3J0.ZIP | 9.1K | Jan 28, 2003 | Tic Tac Toe BAJA style v3.J.0 ANSI Screens by Hkb - Try to Tic Tac Toe
BAJA style
ANSI Screens by Hkb
Try to beat the computer!!
Not the most difficult opponate
but keep paying attention, because
you can still loose...
Be sure to preserve
directory structure
- Reaper Man
🔎︎ | TUCMFULL.ZIP | 337.3K | Jul 27, 2002 | Introducing...TUCM v2.60 The Ultimate Comm Introducing...TUCM v2.60
The Ultimate Command Modules includes
the FIRST EVER BAJA Configuration
module, a logon/graphical logon matrix,
a User Participation Checker, a Security
System, a Post Logon Matrix, 2 Bulletins
Displayers, a File Requestor, Graffiti
Wall, a Command Shell, TOO MUCH TO LIST!
Copyright 1997 AMO
1:301/14 (505)828-2647 BBS
Files: 54 ■ Dizdate: 06/13/97
Newest: 08/29/97 ■ Oldest: 10/07/95
🔎︎ | TUCMV200.ZIP | 48.9K | Jul 27, 2002 | └── TUCM v2.00 - The └── TUCM v2.00 -
The Ultimate command modules
o EASY CFG FILE Configuration
o Logon and Post Logon Matrix
o TUCM Security System
o User Participation Checker
o SYSOPIS line randomizer
o Optimized Command Shell
Copyright 1995 Dustin D. Brand
1:301/14 (505)828-2647 BBS
🔎︎ | TUCMV210.ZIP | 49.6K | Jul 27, 2002 | └── The Ultimate Command Modules v2.1 └── The Ultimate Command Modules
v2.10 - Includes:
o Installation Module
o New Graphic Logon Matrix!
o Logon and Post Logon Matrix
o TUCM Security System
o User Participation Checker
o SYSOPIS line randomizer
o File Requestor, Graffiti Wall
o Optimized Command Shell; MORE!
Copyright 1996 Dustin D. Brand; ION
1:301/14 (505)828-2647 BBS
🔎︎ | TUCMV255.ZIP | 97.0K | Jul 27, 2002 | Introducing...TUCM v2.55 - Bug Fixes T Introducing...TUCM v2.55 - Bug Fixes
The Ultimate Command Modules includes
the FIRST EVER BAJA Configuration
module, a logon/graphical logon matrix,
a User Participation Checker, a Security
System, a Post Logon Matrix, 2 Bulletins
Displayers, a File Requestor, Graffiti
Wall, a Command Shell, TOO MUCH TO LIST!
Copyright 1996 Dustin D. Brand
1:301/14 (505)828-2647 BBS
🔎︎ | TWCS_120.ZIP | 11.8K | Dec 13, 2000 | TWCS v1.20 - The Wizard's Command Shell - * PUBLIC GAMMA R TWCS v1.20 - The Wizard's Command Shell
----- ** PUBLIC GAMMA RELEASE ** ------
Command shell includes ansi menus Gives
a Telegard type feel to your BBS and
integrates into an additional message
menu for Synchronet BBS v3.x
Wizard Zone Software 2000
🔎︎ | UBERWALL.ZIP | 3.2K | Aug 29, 2001 | Uber's simple wall baja mod, including source. Uber's simple wall baja mod, including source.
Show up to 10 lines of wall text to users.
Easy to read, documented code.
Good primer for beginners.
🔎︎ | ULTMODS.ZIP | 12.9K | Jul 27, 2002 | -=-=The Ultimate Command Modules v1. -=-=The Ultimate Command Modules v1.01!!
- New Version fixes hangup bug
- 3 Modules that will really make your
Synchronet v2.20 BBS MOVE!
- Includes Logon Matrix, Post Logon
Matrix, Bulletins Displayer, and
an updated SYNCHRONET v2.2+
- A MUST SEE!!! Powerful/FAST!!!
Copyright 1995 Dustin D. Brand
FIDO 1:301/14 BBS (505)828-2647
🔎︎ | ULTSHELL.ZIP | 7.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | The ULTIMATE Command Shell v2.0 NEW! Add The ULTIMATE Command Shell v2.0 NEW!
Addon Command Shell for Synchronet v2.1*
- Has Built in SCREENS
Can ALSO use External Screens!
FAST at any speed from 2400-28800
- NEW Online Help Screens
- FREE!!! (as of 7/28/95)
(c)1995 Dustin D. Brand A.M.O.
(505)828-2647 FIDO 1:301/14
Baja v1.10 Module
For Synchronet BBS v2.x
Using baja in javascript.TXT | 126 | Jul 23, 2006 | Using baja in javascript.TXT | |
🔎︎ | | 4.2K | Feb 13, 2013 | Virtual Advanced 2.x Command Shell For Synchronet v3.1x! I Virtual Advanced 2.x Command Shell For
Synchronet v3.1x! Instructions: Just
copy the 2 dirs to your SBBS dir and
enjoy! Another fine product by The
Millionaire. (c) 2013 Park Avenue Place
VALHALLA.SRC | 15.0K | Jul 27, 2002 | Valhalla Src file form Valhalla BBS. 1994. | |
🔎︎ | VBBSHELL.ZIP | 4.2K | Jul 27, 2002 | ┌────────────────────────────────┐ │ BASIC ┌────────────────────────────────┐
│ VBBS Command Shell │
🔎︎ | VISION2.ZIP | 10.8K | Jul 27, 2002 | ▄ ▄ ▐▌ ▐ ▐ ▄ ▄
▐▌ ▐ ▐
▐ ▄▌ ▀▌ ▄█▀▀ ▄ ▄▄ ▀█▄ █
▐▌ ▐▐ █▄ ▐▌ ▄▄ █▌▀▀▄ ▐▐▀▌ ▐▌
█▄▄▌▐█▌ ▀▀▀▄ ▀▌▐█ ▀█▐▌▀█▄ █▌
▀▀ ▄▐ ▐▌▌▐▐ ▐▄ ▄█▐▐ ▌▐▄
▀ ▄█▀ ▀ ▀▀▀ ▀ ▀
█ ViSiON/2 Command Shell ░
█ for ░
█ Synchronet v2.00x ░
█ 09/11/94 ░
█ Updated Version includes ▒░
█▒ minor updates/add-ons ▒▒▒░
█▒▒ ░█▒▒ ░░██▒░
██▒░░░░▒░▒░ ░░██▒▒ ▒▒▒░ ██░
█░ ░▒░░░█▒░░ ▀██▒▒▒▒░ █
█ █▒░ ▀▒░ ██▒▒░ ·
· ▀█░ █░ █▒░ ■
▀ ░ █ █░
■ ▐ █
· ■
🔎︎ | VNETSTR.ZIP | 112.3K | Jul 27, 2002 | VNET Starter/Update Packet v3.25 VNET a great QWK network VNET Starter/Update Packet v3.25
VNET a great QWK network for
All Synchronet Systems
🔎︎ | WALL001.ZIP | 97.0K | Jul 27, 2002 | Checker v1.0β Is a BAJA module for Synchronet BBS's. Checker v1.0β
Is a BAJA module for Synchronet BBS's.
This module makes it were your users can
check thier messages without completely
logging on, after they read'em it hangs
them up. They may Read, Send, Bulk,
and Feedback. Has many other features.
Now, offers:
** User Tester
** CheckMan (The Guru)
** Lots more
Made by The Caretaker
The Haunted Mansion
🔎︎ | WAREZAPP.ZIP | 2.8K | Mar 06, 2004 | sync] WaReZ app baja mod [eob] simple mod that asks the us [sync] WaReZ app baja mod [eob]
simple mod that asks the user if they want warez access,
then tells them to upload some first for the sysop to checkout.
src included of course!
by -oblivious- +o edge of oblivion bbs
🔎︎ | WC4_V1.ZIP | 9.9K | Jul 27, 2002 | ┌─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┐ ├─┼─WILDCAT! v4─┼─┤ ┌─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┐
├─┼─WILDCAT! v4─┼─┤
├─With Synchronet─┤
├─Can Have It All─┤
├─┼─version 1.0─┼─┤
🔎︎ | WCAT_UPD.ZIP | 113.5K | Jul 27, 2002 | WILDClone - WILDCAT! Command Shell update WILDClone - WILDCAT! Command Shell update
🔎︎ | WCATUPD1.ZIP | 3.6K | Jul 27, 2002 | WILDClone - WILDCAT! Command Shell update for v2.20b WILDClone - WILDCAT! Command Shell update for v2.20b
🔎︎ | | 23.4K | Oct 08, 2020 | A collection of webv4 and sbbs 3.18 scripts |
🔎︎ | WIZRLM.ZIP | 6.0K | Jul 27, 2002 | Wizards Realm Command Shell v1.0 for Synchronet Multi-No Wizards Realm Command Shell v1.0
for Synchronet Multi-Node BBS v2.0
🔎︎ | WWIVSRC.ZIP | 5.5K | Jul 27, 2002 | These files will allow you to add WWIV to your command she These files will allow you to
add WWIV to your command shells.
🔎︎ | XMASHELL.ZIP | 13.1K | Jul 27, 2002 | Christmas command shell for Synchronet Christmas command shell for Synchronet
🔎︎ | YAK.ZIP | 5.1K | Jul 27, 2002 | Yak Shack Version 1.0 is a BAJA written bulletins program Yak Shack Version 1.0 is a BAJA written bulletins program w/Download
capabilites for your documents and bulletins frequently requested by
your users. Yak Shack is fully functional and will accomidate your
every need for bulletins and available documents for reading online and
to download to your users. Yak Shack (c) 1995 Copyright by Tom Sumner
of Talon BBS (502) 968-6606 (502) 966-0444 1:2320/404@Fidonet
🔎︎ | YESNOB12.ZIP | 2.3K | Jul 27, 2002 | No/Yes Light Bar modification - Eliminates Cursor No/Yes Light Bar modification
- Eliminates Cursor
- Retains commandstring
Requires SBBS 2.20B & the original
package YESNOBAR.ZIP by Digital Man.
🔎︎ | YESNOBAR.ZIP | 12.0K | Jul 27, 2002 | Yes/No Light-Bar for Synchronet v2.20b Replaces all yes/no Yes/No Light-Bar for Synchronet v2.20b
Replaces all yes/no and no/yes questions
with a light-bar (ASCII compatible).
🔎︎ | YNBAR11.ZIP | 1.9K | Jul 27, 2002 | No/Yes Light Bar mod - Eliminates cursor! Requires SBBS 2. No/Yes Light Bar mod - Eliminates cursor!
Requires SBBS 2.20B and the original
package YESNOBAR.ZIP by Digital Man
🔎︎ | ZCHATMOD.ZIP | 2.1K | Jul 27, 2002 | Module For Sync Sysops Using ZChat Uses Stock Menu Module For Sync Sysops Using ZChat
Uses Stock Menu
🔎︎ | ZREG143.ZIP | 16.5K | Jul 27, 2002 | Zephyr User Registry v1.43 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-= Zephyr User Registry v1.43
Baja mod for Synchronet
Allows users to get to know
eachother, easy to setup,
allow color changes in the
default chat, individually
loading modules for
flexability, staff/sysop
editing feature.
218 files listed
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Wed Mar 12 2025 19:51:34 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)