Name | Size | Date | Description | |
🔎︎ | 0893LIST.ZIP | 2.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | August 1993 BBS List for Georgina, Newmarket and Aurora On August 1993 BBS List for Georgina, Newmarket
and Aurora Ontario
🔎︎ | 1993LST.ZIP | 18.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | 1993 Salt Lake City BBS listing, vers 2.20. Here is the li 1993 Salt Lake City BBS listing, vers 2.20.
Here is the list of some of the finest bbses
in Salt Lake City, in color, with print
options, etc. Make this list the one that
'gets used'.
🔎︎ | 24KBBS.ZIP | 3.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Listing of those bbs's that will be using Zoom 24,000bd V. Listing of those bbs's that will be using
Zoom 24,000bd V.Fast class modems in
November/December of 93.
🔎︎ | 401OCT93.ZIP | 9.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIBBS: Rhode Island (401) Electronic BBS List |
🔎︎ | 414BBS.ZIP | 2.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | BBS's In The 414 Area Code |
🔎︎ | 609OCT93.ZIP | 10.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | 609 AREA BBS LIST; The only VERIFIED list available for So 609 AREA BBS LIST; The only VERIFIED list
available for South New Jersey!
🔎︎ | 617BBS.ZIP | 3.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | BBS list for 617 area code. |
🔎︎ | 714-LIST.ZIP | 6.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | BBS list for the 714 area code. Current as of 02/93. BBS list for the 714 area code. Current as of
🔎︎ | 800H31.ZIP | 9.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | BBSLIST800: National Toll-Free BBS Listing |
🔎︎ | 96CDAHC1.ZIP | 34.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | 96CDAhc1 list of 1866 BBS's in Canada that are 9600+ bps o 96CDAhc1 list of 1866 BBS's in Canada that
are 9600+ bps or faster
🔎︎ | 96LISTJ3.ZIP | 76.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | 10/01/93 - 9600+ bps BBS List - ASCII BBS list of over 3,0 10/01/93 - 9600+ bps BBS List - ASCII BBS
list of over 3,000 US BBS's supporting 9600
bps or faster CONNECT rates, sorted by Area
🔎︎ | ABBL-50.ZIP | 43.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | The Atlanta Bulletin Board List, Revision 50 The LONG and The Atlanta Bulletin Board List, Revision 50
The LONG and SHORT versions. Produced by the
Online Atlanta Society
🔎︎ | ABBSA004.ZIP | 9.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | American BBS Association; Background on and Application fo American BBS Association; Background on and
Application for free BBS Membership in the
the American BBS Association. ABBSA is a free
BBS Association devoted to BBS advocacy,
public education, and monitoring of the media
for misleading and incorrect information
about the National and Local BBS community.
Includes information on the formation of
State ABBSA Chapters and free access to the
National ABBSA Echo Conferences.
🔎︎ | AFRICABB.ZIP | 105.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | File collection from African studies BBS in Madison. File collection from African studies BBS in
🔎︎ | AIR800_.ZIP | 2.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Airline 800 phone # telephone directory. |
🔎︎ | AMLLIST.ZIP | 101.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | BBS list, detailed. 01/28/93. |
🔎︎ | AMLST018.ZIP | 155.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | AmeriBoard "The Nationwide Bulletin Board System Listing." AmeriBoard "The Nationwide Bulletin Board
System Listing."
🔎︎ | AREABBS6.ZIP | 3.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Area bbs list for Newmarket, Aurora, Bradford, Georgina, M Area bbs list for Newmarket, Aurora,
Bradford, Georgina, Mt Albert, etc.
🔎︎ | ASPBB4.ZIP | 13.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | A.S.P. Approved BBS listing for November |
🔎︎ | ASPBBS26.ZIP | 56.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | listing of all ASP approved BBS as of 31 Jan. 1992. There listing of all ASP approved BBS as of 31 Jan.
1992. There are two files: The full catalog,
with detailed information about each BBS; and
a file ready for printing labels (for those
BBSs wanting to receive disks by mail).
🔎︎ | ATHGA_13.ZIP | 2.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Athens Georgia Bulletin Board System Listing |
🔎︎ | AUTHOR20.ZIP | 21.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | list of MsDos shareware and PD authors with email addresse list of MsDos shareware and PD authors with
email addresses reachable on and from
🔎︎ | AUTOVON.ZIP | 7.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Information about AUTOVON, the U.S. military phone network Information about AUTOVON, the U.S. military
phone network. Text file.
🔎︎ | BANKHOAX.ZIP | 1008 | Aug 21, 2002 | Usenet CUD bulletin: PKWare bankruptcy a hoax Short announ Usenet CUD bulletin: PKWare bankruptcy a hoax
Short announcement from Computer Underground
Digest about fraudulent announce of PKWare
filing for Chapter 11. 03/04/93.
🔎︎ | BAYLIST.ZIP | 16.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | San Francisco Bay Area BBS Listing |
🔎︎ | BBS-0393.ZIP | 5.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | 03/5/93 BBS list for Charlottesville, VA. |
🔎︎ | BBS0228.ZIP | 11.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Latest (Feb 28,1993) list of Montreal PQ (514) bbss you ca Latest (Feb 28,1993) list of Montreal PQ
(514) bbss you can call. Practice your French.
🔎︎ | BBS1114.ZIP | 4.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Latest Tallahassee BBS Listing (November, 1992) Latest Tallahassee BBS Listing (November,
🔎︎ | BBS_-FEB.ZIP | 59.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Listing of BBS systems - February 1993. |
🔎︎ | BBS_0793.ZIP | 5.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Charlottesville, Virginia BBS list for July |
🔎︎ | BBS_9308.ZIP | 19.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | List of computer companies and their technical support BBS List of computer companies and their
technical support BBS numbers.
🔎︎ | BBSFORM.ZIP | 1.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | For Cleveland-area bbs sysops only - info and application For Cleveland-area bbs sysops only - info and
application to have your bbs included in the
new Wine Cellar BBS 'encyclopedia'. Free.
Complete details inside. 01/01/93.
🔎︎ | BBSLIST1.ZIP | 23.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | BBS List compiled and distributed courtesy of the RGV Comp BBS List compiled and distributed courtesy of
the RGV Computer and Telecommunications
Society (CATS) club.
🔎︎ | BBSLST93.ZIP | 40.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Latest Belgian Bbs List 1st October 1993 Fido Addresses In Latest Belgian Bbs List 1st October 1993 Fido
Addresses Included Where Applicable.
🔎︎ | BBSMAX01.ZIP | 11.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | BBS's To The Max; If you want to know where to find the BB BBS's To The Max; If you want to know where
to find the BBS that carries you favorite
Games, Utilities, Windows Programs, or even
On-Line games ect. Look No Further! This is
the first in a new Monthly BBS listing. Here
you may find out everything about the BBS
that goes with the Number. I have not seen a
more informative listing. Find out what is
there before you call
🔎︎ | BBSMAY93.ZIP | 14.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Fire Escape's St. Louis BBS Directory: This is the complet Fire Escape's St. Louis BBS Directory: This
is the complete and official BBS Directory
for the St. Louis Area Also contains a
condensed update of New BBSes, BBSes going
down, BBSes upgrading modems, Name and Number
🔎︎ | BBSNUMBS.ZIP | 6.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | List of bbs numbers from various metworks that carry Geowo List of bbs numbers from various metworks
that carry Geoworks echoes, files, or
conferences. Requires Geoworks to view or
🔎︎ | BBSREV.ZIP | 57.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Jeff Hunter's BBS list June '92. Updated weekly. Jeff Hunter's BBS list June '92. Updated
🔎︎ | BELBBS93.ZIP | 26.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Belgium BBS Listing |
🔎︎ | BLIST400.ZIP | 41.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Interactive BBS List V4.0 |
🔎︎ | BRAMPTON.ZIP | 3.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | List of 455 phone prefixs in the Toronto area that can be List of 455 phone prefixs in the Toronto area
that can be called from Brampton, On. without
charge. Info from Bell Canada. Great for
determining which BBS numbers to call from
🔎︎ | BULL1291.ZIP | 185.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | International WildCat! bulletin board listing |
🔎︎ | CALLHELP.ZIP | 2.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | List Of Computer Vendors BBS Phone Numbers |
🔎︎ | CALLVEN.ZIP | 1.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | File of many major hardware/software vendor phone numbers. File of many major hardware/software vendor
phone numbers. If you have had a problem with
any of the vendors listed, or their products,
give them a call.
🔎︎ | CANASSOC.ZIP | 2.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Association directories: list of directories where Canadia Association directories: list of directories
where Canadian non-profit groups can be
listed. Includes addresses, phone, fax nbrs.
🔎︎ | CAPEBBS7.ZIP | 7.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Cape Cod BBS listing complete with CAPEBBS.FON used for di Cape Cod BBS listing complete with
CAPEBBS.FON used for dialing from Telix. Ver
7 with verrifications and corrections.
🔎︎ | CBBS0993.ZIP | 21.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | The CBBSList - September 1993 Release As featured in Board The CBBSList - September 1993 Release As
featured in BoardWatch Magazine's March 1993
feature on Chicago BBS's (Over 825 systems in
this listing)
🔎︎ | CLASS4.ZIP | 190.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | BBS Numbers for the entire USA (Sysops get listed for Free BBS Numbers for the entire USA (Sysops get
listed for Free). In this issue Upcoming
Software releases, Health Tips, Shareware
Corner, BBS World, and Much,Much More! Free
Shareware Program Included!
🔎︎ | CLASS6S.ZIP | 36.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | CLASS; Features BBS NUMBERS for the entire USA (Sysops get CLASS; Features BBS NUMBERS for the entire
USA (Sysops get listed for FREE)! DOWNLOAD
SHAREWARE PROGRAMS,and a whole lot more
information. THE 6TH ISSUE ! SUBSCRIBERS of
CLASS get a FREE gift every month just to
mention one of many benefits available to the
Registered User. Automated & Color Version!
🔎︎ | CLOUT.ZIP | 131.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Mass mailer with senator addresses in database. Mass mailer with senator addresses in
🔎︎ | CLPBBS04.ZIP | 25.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Clipper/Xbase oriented BBSs List v004; Listing of CA-Clipp Clipper/Xbase oriented BBSs List v004;
Listing of CA-Clipper & Xbase oriented BBSs.
These include Users Groups, Vendors, and
Privately Operated Boards. Includes Board
Names, phone #(s), Sysops, Network
Address(es), etc.
🔎︎ | COMMERCE.ZIP | 32.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Listing of US Dept of Commerce materials. (facts,etc.) som Listing of US Dept of Commerce materials.
(facts,etc.) some free, some not. Via fax,
BBS, etc.
🔎︎ | CONGFAX.ZIP | 10.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Voice telephone & fax numbers for members of both the Hous Voice telephone & fax numbers for members of
both the House and Senate. As of Jan '93. So,
find a piggie bitmap and fire off a FAX to
Bob Byrd on the budget. 03/01/93.
🔎︎ | CS14400.ZIP | 649 | Aug 21, 2002 | CompuServe 14.4K access numbers |
🔎︎ | CSABBS53.ZIP | 14.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Stillwaters latest bbs list for Chicago |
🔎︎ | CT-BBS.ZIP | 16.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | The Connecticut Bulletin Board List (203) |
🔎︎ | CTEXCHGE.ZIP | 7.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Connecticut telephone exchanges by Saugatuck Software Inc. Connecticut telephone exchanges by Saugatuck
Software Inc. Locate CT exchanges by entering
city/town or find out what town an exchange
is located. 02/16/93.
🔎︎ | DCBB1093.ZIP | 115.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Washington, DC area BBS list, 558 - BBS numbers verified m Washington, DC area BBS list, 558 - BBS
numbers verified monthly
🔎︎ | DTPBBS07.ZIP | 10.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | July 1993 update of International List of BBSs dedicated t July 1993 update of International List of
BBSs dedicated to Desktop Publishing and
other BBSs of help to DTP enthusiasts!
🔎︎ | ECBL0810.ZIP | 13.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | ECBL: The Erie County Pennsylvania BBS List! |
🔎︎ | EDUNET.ZIP | 37.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Usenet sites of interest to educators. |
🔎︎ | ELIST41.ZIP | 71.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Elist BBS List Contains Over 2500 Numbers. |
🔎︎ | EMERGBBS.ZIP | 9.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | A list of medical, fire/EMS, science, alcohol, AIDS and di A list of medical, fire/EMS, science,
alcohol, AIDS and disABILITY related bulletin
board systems. Includes local, national, and
international boards.
🔎︎ | EN0293.ZIP | 33.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | List of engineering related bbs's |
🔎︎ | ENGRGBBS.ZIP | 8.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | List of science & engineering BBS's. |
🔎︎ | EVVIN309.ZIP | 3.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Evansville Indiana BBS List |
🔎︎ | EWIS0893.ZIP | 12.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Eastern Wisconsin Bulletin Board Directory (414) area code Eastern Wisconsin Bulletin Board Directory
(414) area code.
🔎︎ | EXCH0492.ZIP | 51.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Recent list of PC-Pursuit cities and exchanges. Recent list of PC-Pursuit cities and
🔎︎ | FAX0293.ZIP | 28.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | This is a continuously updated directory that now contains This is a continuously updated directory that
now contains current fax numbers for over
1,2OO major public corporations and financial
institutions that trade on either the NYSE,
the AMEX, or NASDAQ.
🔎︎ | FBBS9301.ZIP | 4.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Federal Government BBSs 1993 January. 03/20/93. Federal Government BBSs 1993 January.
🔎︎ | FD-9307.ZIP | 7.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Friends Network Mail Packet, July, 1993 "Come Join The Fri Friends Network Mail Packet, July, 1993 "Come
Join The Friendly Network" Nodelist,
Conference List, Network Rules Network
Membership Application, News
🔎︎ | FEDW0893.ZIP | 11.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | List of US govt online systems accessible via Fedworld & d List of US govt online systems accessible via
Fedworld & directly
🔎︎ | FINBBS1.ZIP | 3.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Combination of 3 lists of Financial BBS's |
🔎︎ | FJ022693.ZIP | 261.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Another Federal job listing for Washington DC area and nat Another Federal job listing for Washington DC
area and nationwide.
🔎︎ | FLINTBBS.ZIP | 3.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | List of Flint Michigan Area BBSs |
🔎︎ | FMBBS001.ZIP | 3.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | 813 Ft Myers/Cape Coral FL bbs list. |
🔎︎ | FREDNET.ZIP | 3.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | FredNet Information; About the fastest growing net in the FredNet Information; About the fastest
growing net in the U.S. We have grown to 288
BBS's in less than a year. FredNet is
unmoderated has no rules, and sets the
liberals hair on fire. Folks of all leanings
jump in and enjoy themselves. If this net
doesn't get your users going, nothing will!
🔎︎ | FREEUPLD.ZIP | 1.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Sysops: If you desire to have the latest and best versions Sysops: If you desire to have the latest and
best versions of Shareware, uploaded FREE to
your BBS (anywhere in the world), within the
week they are released, please contact us.
🔎︎ | FTP_CICA.ZIP | 46.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Information about internet archive site FTP.CICA.IND. Information about internet archive site
🔎︎ | GBBS9310.ZIP | 39.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Dick Pence's Consolidated list of Genealogy Bulletin Board Dick Pence's Consolidated list of Genealogy
Bulletin Boards. Compiled for the National
Genealogical Society.
🔎︎ | GIANT-2.ZIP | 13.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Giant bbs list for Toronto. 492 numbers. February 3/93. Giant bbs list for Toronto. 492 numbers.
February 3/93.
🔎︎ | GOVBBS93.ZIP | 4.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Government related BBS dial-ups. |
🔎︎ | GPOBBS.ZIP | 13.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Users guide for public access to The Federal Bulletin Boar Users guide for public access to The Federal
Bulletin Board.
🔎︎ | GREENBBS.ZIP | 6.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Greennet's Green bbs list. |
🔎︎ | HCAPBBS.ZIP | 22.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | List of BBS's carrying conferences and programs for the ha List of BBS's carrying conferences and
programs for the handicapped.
🔎︎ | HIBB1216.ZIP | 5.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | BBS listing for city & county of Honolulu (OAHU). BBS listing for city & county of Honolulu
🔎︎ | HM931004.ZIP | 7.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Hartford/Manchester Call Areas BBS List: Contains the BBSs Hartford/Manchester Call Areas BBS List:
Contains the BBSs known to us which operate
on a regular schedule in Hartford's or
Manchester's local-call area
🔎︎ | HOUBBS05.ZIP | 20.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Houston BBS List |
🔎︎ | HRBBS393.ZIP | 2.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Croatian and Slovenian BBS List as of March 5, 1993. Croatian and Slovenian BBS List as of March
5, 1993.
🔎︎ | IAMU.ZIP | 11.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | International Association of Modem Users' (IAMU) invites y International Association of Modem Users'
(IAMU) invites you to join to protect your
free speech and interests.
🔎︎ | IBMPHONE.ZIP | 1.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Listing of IBM Corp phone numbers, including their BBS in Listing of IBM Corp phone numbers, including
their BBS in Atlanta, GA.
🔎︎ | IN_9310.ZIP | 50.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | The Intelec Network Information File Oct 93 Friendly, Prof The Intelec Network Information File Oct 93
Friendly, Professional, Top-Quality Network!
Covering a Wide Range of Topics From Issues
to Tech Support, Special Interests and more!
184 conferences 307 members 10 Countries
🔎︎ | INTP0793.ZIP | 443.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | The Global-Link Network; Electronic Bulletin Board Service The Global-Link Network; Electronic Bulletin
Board Service International Conference & Mail
Network INTRO Files for conference descrips
For PCBoard Systems in Color!
🔎︎ | INVSTBBS.ZIP | 1.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Stock market & business related bbs numbers compiled by th Stock market & business related bbs numbers
compiled by the Computerized Investing BBS in
association with the American Association of
Individual Investors (AAII)
🔎︎ | IRP_BBS.ZIP | 11.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | I.R.S. BBS; The Internal Revenue Service BBS in Martinsbur I.R.S. BBS; The Internal Revenue Service BBS
in Martinsburg, West Virginia Text file of
features Open to the public
🔎︎ | JAN93BBS.ZIP | 8.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | January'93 bbs list from Allan Joffe. 12/31/92. January'93 bbs list from Allan Joffe.
🔎︎ | JAXDEC92.ZIP | 5.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | The Jax area BBS list for Dec of `92 Compiled by Tangee Br The Jax area BBS list for Dec of `92 Compiled
by Tangee Brusherd and sponsored by the JPSA.
Next JPSA meeting Jan. 17 MEMBERS ONLY
🔎︎ | JJSB0393.ZIP | 48.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | J & j's International bbs list. March 1993. 02/28/93. J & j's International bbs list. March 1993.
🔎︎ | JOBINFO.ZIP | 4.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Harry's Job Serach BBS Hot List |
🔎︎ | KBBS0893.ZIP | 1.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Knoxville Tennessee BBS Listing |
🔎︎ | LABBS_J3.ZIP | 44.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Los Angeles Area BBS List - October, 1993 Menu driven, ver Los Angeles Area BBS List - October, 1993
Menu driven, verbose list in .EXE format of
Bulletin Boards in the 213, 310 and 818 area
🔎︎ | LBL_0992.ZIP | 6.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Lansing Michigan BBS list. |
🔎︎ | LCBBS492.ZIP | 4.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Computer Bulletin Boards in the Las Cruces, Elpaso and Ala Computer Bulletin Boards in the Las Cruces,
Elpaso and Alamogordo area
🔎︎ | LIELST11.ZIP | 3.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | The Long Island Exchange BBS list for 3/93. This is a 516 The Long Island Exchange BBS list for 3/93.
This is a 516 area code BBS list. All BBS's
are verified between release dates for
name/phone # accuracy. Created By Harold
Stein for the LI Exchange BBS at 516-385-7882.
🔎︎ | LIST0893.ZIP | 6.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Waterloo Regional BBS Listing; Includes the Cities of Kitc Waterloo Regional BBS Listing; Includes the
Cities of Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge,
Guelph, and other small towns.
🔎︎ | LIST10.ZIP | 6.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | 414 BBS Listing for Milwaukee/Waukesha County |
🔎︎ | LOCAL12.ZIP | 1.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Bellingham/Milford/Blackstone BBS list |
🔎︎ | LONDON03.ZIP | 1.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | London, Sarnia and St. Thomas bbs list. |
🔎︎ | MARCH93.ZIP | 11.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | * The List* (215) Area Code BBS Listing! Featuring over 10 * The List* (215) Area Code BBS Listing!
Featuring over 100 BBS Names and numbers! To
start The List type MENU at the dos prompt.
Written by Ryan Teague and Jason Wallace.
🔎︎ | MAXBBS38.ZIP | 11.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | List of 514 Area Code Bulletin Boards |
🔎︎ | ME920921.ZIP | 3.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Maine BBS Directory - Area Code 207 |
🔎︎ | MED0393.ZIP | 12.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Latest black bag medical/science bbs list. March 1993. Latest black bag medical/science bbs list.
March 1993.
🔎︎ | MEDLIST1.ZIP | 9.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | List of mailing lists you can subscribe to on the Internet List of mailing lists you can subscribe to on
the Internet with medical/biomedical content.
Note: As per Bulletin 12, Rose Members _must_
obtain permission to access
listservers/mailservers etc.
🔎︎ | MFRBBS.ZIP | 16.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | PC Technical Support BBS List |
🔎︎ | MIDI1092.ZIP | 3.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | National and International listing of MIDI and SoundBlaste National and International listing of MIDI
and SoundBlaster/ADLIB/etc. BBS's. These are
known to have substantial areas dedicated to
electronic music. MIDI (Musical Instrument
Digital Interface). Several new additions for
October 1992. 10/01/92.
🔎︎ | MLIST12.ZIP | 75.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | List of Internet mailing lists (special-interest mailings List of Internet mailing lists
(special-interest mailings you can subscribe
to, which will appear in your Internet
mailbox periodically)
🔎︎ | MLOL.ZIP | 11.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | The Musical Lists of Lists - Internet and Bitnet mailing l The Musical Lists of Lists - Internet and
Bitnet mailing lists specific to bands and
other music-related topics.
🔎︎ | MVBBSL.ZIP | 77.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | A list of BBS around the Miami Vally Area in Ohio. A list of BBS around the Miami Vally Area in
🔎︎ | NABBS620.ZIP | 4.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Native American BBS LIST; All NABBS's in the Americans Native American BBS LIST; All NABBS's in the
🔎︎ | NAC1292.ZIP | 18.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Brazil National BBS listing |
🔎︎ | NEBG0393.ZIP | 7.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | New England BBS Guide; Listing of New England area bbs's i New England BBS Guide; Listing of New England
area bbs's including Massachusetts, New
Hampshire, Vermont, and Rhode Island.
🔎︎ | NISTBBS.ZIP | 8.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | U.S. Department of Commerce National Institute of Standard U.S. Department of Commerce National
Institute of Standards and Technology BBS
information file. 02/16/93.
🔎︎ | NJBBS132.ZIP | 29.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | NJBBS FOR JULY 1993 New Jersey's Largest Most Comprehensiv NJBBS FOR JULY 1993 New Jersey's Largest Most
Comprehensive Listing of Bulletin Boards in
the 201, 609 and 908 Area Codes. Includes
youth, adult & special interest. Now lists
baud rates and software on MORE VERIFIED
includes a news- letter to help keep you
up-to-date. Look for our listings in ON-LINE
ACCESS magazine
🔎︎ | NYNX0293.ZIP | 4.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Th NY Calling area bbs list - MONTHLY listing |
🔎︎ | OAHU0293.ZIP | 35.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Complete dialing directory of all the Hawaii's bbs already Complete dialing directory of all the
Hawaii's bbs already in the different com
programs format. 02/01/93.
🔎︎ | OC_BBS.ZIP | 6.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Orange County BBS listing 4 pages of 714 numbers. Orange County BBS listing 4 pages of 714
🔎︎ | OC_LOCAL.ZIP | 1.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Orange County BBS listing of BBS's which are local calls t Orange County BBS listing of BBS's which are
local calls to the Walnut/Diamond Bar area.
🔎︎ | OCCULT19.ZIP | 7.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | List of all known public computer bulletin boards in North List of all known public computer bulletin
boards in North America having occult,
metaphysical, or religious (non-Christian)
🔎︎ | OCT216CL.ZIP | 7.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Oct 93, Cleveland 216 BBS List and Now Akron Canton 216 BB Oct 93, Cleveland 216 BBS List and Now Akron
Canton 216 BBS List included no extra Charge.
🔎︎ | ONEBBS.ZIP | 55.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Announcing the Online Networking Exposition and BBS Conven Announcing the Online Networking Exposition
and BBS Convention - One BBSCOM
🔎︎ | OTTBBS.ZIP | 12.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | The OTTAWA Canada BBS List |
🔎︎ | PCB_0893.ZIP | 201.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Official WorldWide PCBoard BBS Listing |
🔎︎ | PCB_INET.ZIP | 10.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | PCBoard Systems Active on the Usenet |
🔎︎ | PCBLIST.ZIP | 9.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | A complete list of telnetable PCBoards |
🔎︎ | PCBLST93.ZIP | 19.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | * List of Utah BBSes* 1 9 9 3 .EXE file listing local and * List of Utah BBSes* 1 9 9 3 .EXE file
listing local and some LD Utah Bulletin
Boards, with emphasis on PCBoard Based
Systems. Download this file to update your
Comm Program Dir.
🔎︎ | PCO-MENU.ZIP | 31.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Menu Reader For PC-OHIO Filelist. Will Read Master Filelis Menu Reader For PC-OHIO Filelist. Will Read
Master Filelist (PCoalpha.ZIP) by Unzipping
Each Directory From A Menu. 02-14-1993.
🔎︎ | PCP1310.ZIP | 23.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Check area/exchange for PC Pursuit(abaility). |
🔎︎ | PCP_EXCH.ZIP | 34.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | List of PCPursuit exchanges for each area code. List of PCPursuit exchanges for each area
🔎︎ | PDIAL005.ZIP | 9.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | The Public Dialup Internet Access List (PDIAL) dated Septe The Public Dialup Internet Access List
(PDIAL) dated September 10, 1992. A list of
public access service providers offering
dialup access to outgoing Internet
connections such as FTP and telnet. Note:
Delphi also provide these services.
🔎︎ | PGUILD.ZIP | 59.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | The International Programmers Guild BBS Listing The International Programmers Guild BBS
🔎︎ | PISCES.ZIP | 138.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Pisces software financial bbs file listing bbs specializin Pisces software financial bbs file listing
bbs specializing in stocks, options, finance,
real estate, & investing. Stock historical
data 4 or more years including NYSE, AMEX.
🔎︎ | POLBBS.ZIP | 3.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Police Bulletin Boards |
🔎︎ | PRODIR.ZIP | 10.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | The Best BBSs In The US-In Procomm+ Format |
🔎︎ | QMFON293.ZIP | 2.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Qmodem 1 FON file. Contains up to date Worcester area bbs Qmodem 1 FON file. Contains up to date
Worcester area bbs numbers. 02/11/93.
🔎︎ | QSBLT1_A.ZIP | 10.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | QuickSearch BLT1; Extremely fast searches on the Worldwide QuickSearch BLT1; Extremely fast searches on
the Worldwide PCBoard BBS list from Salt Air.
Works on a "raw" BLT1 list, no preparation is
required. This is a free Sysop & User utility
🔎︎ | RABBS303.ZIP | 10.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Lists 100's of verified bbs's & tells what they offer. Lists 100's of verified bbs's & tells what
they offer.
🔎︎ | REG0993.ZIP | 27.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | List of RBBS-PC BBS's with extended info. |
🔎︎ | RF9305.ZIP | 68.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | ROBLIST vV3.2; South Africas comprehensive BBS List ! Plus ROBLIST vV3.2; South Africas comprehensive
BBS List ! Plus editorial comment on the BBS
scene. Exports to most of the popular COMMS
programs including QModemPro.
🔎︎ | RIBB0892.ZIP | 7.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | The 401/Rhode Island BBS list for August 1992 08/01/92. The 401/Rhode Island BBS list for August 1992
🔎︎ | RIPBB003.ZIP | 1.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIPBB; listing of BBSs that offer the RIP (WYSIWYG, GUI) g RIPBB; listing of BBSs that offer the RIP
(WYSIWYG, GUI) graphics interface to their
callers. RIP is new, and so is this listing
🔎︎ | RUSSIA.ZIP | 8.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | BBS Listing Of Soviet Bulletin Boards |
🔎︎ | RUSSLST.ZIP | 14.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | The official Russian BBS list. |
🔎︎ | SBAXPORT.ZIP | 37.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | SBA's exporter guide summaries and contacts for internatio SBA's exporter guide summaries and contacts
for international trade.
🔎︎ | SDN_KIT8.ZIP | 15.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Author Kit #8 for SDN International(sm) February 1993. SDN Author Kit #8 for SDN International(sm)
February 1993. SDN International is The
Shareware Distribution Network for author
direct shareware inside FidoNet's 23,000+
amateur bulletin board systems.
🔎︎ | SEATLBBS.ZIP | 11.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | (206) Area Western Washington BBS Numbers |
🔎︎ | SFBBSLST.ZIP | 30.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Complete listing of all registered SpitFire BBS systems - Complete listing of all registered SpitFire
BBS systems - Worldwide.
🔎︎ | SITES.ZIP | 23.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | List of sites in the United States that allow access to th List of sites in the United States that allow
access to the global internet through UNIX
machines. This list was distributed through
KIDSNET, which is a mailing list on internet
of people interested in K-12 educational
applications of global networks.
🔎︎ | SOCAL089.ZIP | 23.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | List of computer bulletin boards, now numbering more than List of computer bulletin boards, now
numbering more than 1300 entries, throughout
Southern California.
🔎︎ | SOUTHERN.ZIP | 2.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | The Southern Oregon BBS list |
🔎︎ | SPECBBS.ZIP | 3.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | List of BBS's t That Specialize in Special Interest Groups List of BBS's t That Specialize in Special
Interest Groups
🔎︎ | STATEBBS.ZIP | 3.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | TX State bbs list with some 800 #'s. Comptroller bbs has l TX State bbs list with some 800 #'s.
Comptroller bbs has lotto info.
🔎︎ | SUPRT309.ZIP | 11.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Listing of support BBS numbers from over 300 hardware and Listing of support BBS numbers from over 300
hardware and software vendors. This can be
REAL handy when you have a problem after
business hours.
🔎︎ | T_MARKET.ZIP | 89.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | File Listing for 'The Market' investment BBS in New Jersey File Listing for 'The Market' investment BBS
in New Jersey. 02/16/93.
🔎︎ | TAP_0893.ZIP | 7.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | TAP-Net E-Mail; The next generation E-Mail network for the TAP-Net E-Mail; The next generation E-Mail
network for the Technical/Programmer. TAP-Net
has over 100 conferences, and uses the
RoseNet/QWK/FIDO mail transfer systems.
🔎︎ | TBBBSES.ZIP | 9.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | List of Tribbs BBSs. Includes Texas area 903. |
🔎︎ | TBBS0593.ZIP | 59.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | TBBS List for May 1993; Many New BBS's! Includes Dialing D TBBS List for May 1993; Many New BBS's!
Includes Dialing Directories!
🔎︎ | TEKFONES.ZIP | 4.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Over 200 technical support phone numbers. 03/02/93. Over 200 technical support phone numbers.
🔎︎ | THEPHONZ.ZIP | 1.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | The access codes of the LD carriers. If you have telco "Ea The access codes of the LD carriers. If you
have telco "Easy Access" you have the right
and privilege of using -any- long distance
carrier. Might be an option to using
"Predator Telco" in motels, hospitals & phone
🔎︎ | TL0293.ZIP | 10.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | DRC directory of Telecommunications companies |
🔎︎ | TRBBSREG.ZIP | 1.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Sysop form to be listed on Tri-State BBS list. For BBS's i Sysop form to be listed on Tri-State BBS
list. For BBS's in OH, PA, and WV. Monthly.
🔎︎ | TXGOVBBS.ZIP | 3.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | List of TX State government bbs, some 800 #'s Comptroller' List of TX State government bbs, some 800 #'s
Comptroller's bbs has lotto info, etc.
🔎︎ | U_PCBLST.ZIP | 4.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | List Of PCBoard Systems Active on the Usenet |
🔎︎ | UCSB.ZIP | 99.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Phone Directory for the University of California at Santa Phone Directory for the University of
California at Santa Barbara.
🔎︎ | UNIVINTR.ZIP | 56.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Various college/university/academy Internet addresses. Various college/university/academy Internet
🔎︎ | USB104.ZIP | 83.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | US BBS list for January, 1993 by Meade Frierson. US BBS list for January, 1993 by Meade
🔎︎ | USBBS113.ZIP | 102.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | USBBS National BBS Listing for October, 1993. Listing of I USBBS National BBS Listing for October, 1993.
Listing of IBM-based BBS systems. The listing
contains 3,019 entries with 119 new or
modified entries this month.
🔎︎ | USGBBS.ZIP | 5.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | U.S. Department of Commerce Economics and Statistics Admin U.S. Department of Commerce Economics and
Statistics Administration Office of Business
Analysis: The Economic Bulletin Board
🔎︎ | USN0292A.ZIP | 3.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | List of US Navy and other military BBS's worldwide. 1 FEB List of US Navy and other military BBS's
worldwide. 1 FEB 1992 edition. This list is
updated regularly. You are invited to submit
updates, additions or corrections to this
file for future editions.
🔎︎ | VL930210.ZIP | 191.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Vendor List. 02/12/93. |
🔎︎ | WASHCALL.ZIP | 1.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | List of 1-800 #'s to call in WashingtonpPlus address to wr List of 1-800 #'s to call in WashingtonpPlus
address to write to President Clinton and to
Vice President Gore, from Thurs 3-4-93 The
Plaindealer. 03/04/94.
🔎︎ | WBBS0393.ZIP | 6.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Worcester, MA area bbs list: March 1993. |
🔎︎ | WBS1192.ZIP | 35.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | WBS BBS List from Middle Earth BBS |
🔎︎ | WCFILES.ZIP | 13.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Files available on Quarterdeck BBS as of 2-18 Text file in Files available on Quarterdeck BBS as of 2-18
Text file in ASCII. 02/24/93.
🔎︎ | WHERE516.ZIP | 11.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | What town are you calling in 516, tells you by entering th What town are you calling in 516, tells you
by entering the prefix, can be a TSR.
🔎︎ | WIS92.ZIP | 40.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Wisconsin december 92 bbs list. |
🔎︎ | ZBBSLIST.ZIP | 270.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | * FINAL AND SUPER BBS LIST 1993 1. Animations 2. Sound Bla * FINAL AND SUPER BBS LIST 1993 1. Animations
2. Sound Blaster .VOC Files 3. Fun Box 4.
News And More! The Ultimate Entertainment
Listing For Utah Modem Lovers. Unlike Any
Other Listing You've Ever Seen. Download It
Now. {:}-x
🔎︎ | ZENNET.ZIP | 81.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | This file describes the use of the Internet system and its This file describes the use of the Internet
system and its related programs FTP, Telnet
and Archie.
187 files listed
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