Name | Size | Date | Description | |
🔎︎ | 64BLAZE.ZIP | 68.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Allows you to logon to Commodore 64/128 boards and benefit Allows you to logon to Commodore 64/128
boards and benefit from full Commodore color
🔎︎ | 911HELP.ZIP | 70.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | 911 dispatch system intended for smallish Police agencies. 911 dispatch system intended for smallish
Police agencies. Works well and fun to play
with. Gives you an idea of how hard it is to
be a dispatcher at a PD and keep your head.
🔎︎ | ACCULINK.ZIP | 40.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | New super low cost long distance service for BBSing. New super low cost long distance service for
🔎︎ | ACE0320.ZIP | 248.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | ACECOMM & UTILITIES communications program ReDef Keybd, EM ACECOMM & UTILITIES communications program
ReDef Keybd, EMSI Freqs, Small/Fast/Friendly
Ext. Protocol Support/Triggers, Color, Scroll
🔎︎ | ACE170.ZIP | 341.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | AceComm v1.7; Full-featured, somewhat complex, comm progra AceComm v1.7; Full-featured, somewhat
complex, comm program w/internal X/Y/Zmodem,
"very configurational" (macros, keyboard
redef, more), full script language & the
usual terminal emulations. EMSI/IEMSI, point
mail, huge FON files, online help, mouse
support, Auto log on, FIFO, color scroll
back, point shoot file lister, powerful
macros,"AutoScriptGen" "Intelligent Auto Log
On Technology"
🔎︎ | ACSPG20.ZIP | 57.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | ACS Page ver 2.0 (formerly PAGER), 07-27-92. Send text mes ACS Page ver 2.0 (formerly PAGER), 07-27-92.
Send text messages to alpha pagers. Emulates
Motorola AlphaMate. Many new features. Pages
now abort on timeout or user abort.
Automation features include command line
paging, group paging, transmitting a text
file, video disable, auto drop to DOS after
manually paging, ERRORLEVEL codes. -AV by
author, Affordable Computer Services.
Shareware, $10 registration.
🔎︎ | ACTS11.ZIP | 8.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Dial Nist Automated Computer Time Service And Set Pc Date Dial Nist Automated Computer Time Service And
Set Pc Date And Time. Routine Understands
Daylight Savings Time And Will (Optionally)
Adjust For It.
🔎︎ | AFONT010.ZIP | 3.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | AFont v0.10; TSR-Tool emulates the AMIGA Standart Font! It AFont v0.10; TSR-Tool emulates the AMIGA
Standart Font! It's especially created for
PC-MODEM-Phreaks that are calling AMIGA-BBSs
🔎︎ | AH1004.ZIP | 9.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Area Code Helper v1.004. |
🔎︎ | ALAD170.ZIP | 259.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Genie PC-Aladdin v1.63; Now Intel 386 and 486 processor-aw Genie PC-Aladdin v1.63; Now Intel 386 and 486
🔎︎ | ALM101.ZIP | 92.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Library Manager for Alladin (Genie automatic message retri Library Manager for Alladin (Genie automatic
message retriever).
🔎︎ | ALPHPG.ZIP | 170.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | DPD (Data Processing Directions) Alphanumeric Paging Softw DPD (Data Processing Directions) Alphanumeric
Paging Software. Designed to perform batch
message transmission from a PC to a message
carrier via a Hayes compatible modem.
🔎︎ | AMAIL201.ZIP | 33.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | AutoMail; Automated QWK/REP mail runs for TeleMate users, AutoMail; Automated QWK/REP mail runs for
TeleMate users, now supports PCBoard using
QMAIL 3 or 4, WildCat 2.x or 3.0 using
TomCat! Also, now supports VJ and MarkMail
🔎︎ | ANALG131.ZIP | 29.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | ANALOG v1.31; {COMMO} log analyzer, Supports v5.5 logs, ha ANALOG v1.31; {COMMO} log analyzer, Supports
v5.5 logs, has long distance cost estimating.
🔎︎ | AOL_MAIL.ZIP | 17.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | America Online mail tutorial in ASCII and GeoWorks format. America Online mail tutorial in ASCII and
GeoWorks format. Learn how to use gateway to
Internet, Compuserve, Fido, others from AOL
🔎︎ | APCP38.ZIP | 74.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | PC-Pursuit Menu Facility For Procomm+ V3.8 |
🔎︎ | ARS10.ZIP | 546.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | ARS v1.0 DOS/WIN; Unattended downloads, auto list updates, ARS v1.0 DOS/WIN; Unattended downloads, auto
list updates, easy offline searches-
automatic retrieval of files from National
Shareware Library, a national archive of
shareware, public domain and freeware
programs. Features: graphical interface, full
mouse support, DOS & WIN versions, AutoMatic
List Updates, Offline File Search
🔎︎ | ATMOD.ZIP | 1.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Very small modem communication program. ASM source include Very small modem communication program. ASM
source included.
🔎︎ | ATO2OZ.ZIP | 9.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | ATO-2-OZ is a utility which adds the contents of AutoSig u ATO-2-OZ is a utility which adds the contents
of AutoSig user id files to the OZCIS address
book. If you're converting from AutoSig to
OZCIS, this will let you preserve your
various .PPN files.
🔎︎ | ATOBR300.ZIP | 46.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | ATOBRO v3.00; allows you to view CI$ forum library catalog ATOBRO v3.00; allows you to view CI$ forum
library catalogs complete catalogs/IBMNET
summary files, search for files, & generate
an Autosig script for fast downloading of the
file you've selected.
🔎︎ | AUTODIAL.ZIP | 53.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | AutoDialer v3.1; Find other computers in your area. Includ AutoDialer v3.1; Find other computers in your
area. Includes a built in communications
🔎︎ | AUTOROB2.ZIP | 7.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Autorobo for RoboComm is completely changed from the previ Autorobo for RoboComm is completely changed
from the previous versions
🔎︎ | B50MENU.ZIP | 11.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Add mouse menu to Boyan 5.0 comm program. |
🔎︎ | B5INSTAL.ZIP | 6.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Install for BOYAN 5, latest version of THE BEST communicat Install for BOYAN 5, latest version of THE
BEST communications program in the world. Use
this batch file to unzip the other two files
(BOYAN5A.ZIP and BOYAN5B.ZIP) - shareware.
🔎︎ | BACKCOMM.ZIP | 15.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Background Communications v2.0; Only Uses 40K of memory Background Communications v2.0; Only Uses 40K
of memory
🔎︎ | BANK_V20.ZIP | 127.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | The Touch Tone Bank Dialer V2; Designed for easy computer The Touch Tone Bank Dialer V2; Designed for
easy computer access to Bank accounts,
Computer Voice/ Touch Tone Services.
🔎︎ | BBS105.ZIP | 101.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | BBS 2.05 and DIAL 2.13 from MicroFox Company. BBS is an ea BBS 2.05 and DIAL 2.13 from MicroFox Company.
BBS is an easy to use communications program
for calling BBSs and uploading & downloading
files. Protocols included are ASCII, Kermit,
Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, Xmodem/1K, Xmodem/G,
Ymodem/G. It can capture screens to file and
will record the time and length of each call.
BBS205.ZIP contains a phone Dialing utility.
🔎︎ | BBS_ETIQ.ZIP | 12.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Text file that discusses etiquette on BBS's |
🔎︎ | BBSEE24A.ZIP | 233.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | BBSee 2.4. Highly-rated, easy-to-use disk catalog system. BBSee 2.4. Highly-rated, easy-to-use disk
catalog system. Options to catalog disks and
inside archive files, import most BBS file
description lists, optimize disk use, and
simplify disk management. Very fast
operation. BBS database links to most BBS
automation systems (ie Intellicomm, Robocomm,
Liberator). [1 of 2]
🔎︎ | BBSEE24B.ZIP | 110.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | BBSee file catalog system documentation file. Also BBSee's BBSee file catalog system documentation file.
Also BBSee's IMPORT PCBoard BBS conversion
file program. [2 of 2]
🔎︎ | BBSEE24C.ZIP | 83.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | BBSee catalog database conversion utilities. Convert from BBSee catalog database conversion utilities.
Convert from CatDisk, InteliCat, DiskTrak,
CUDM, and Wssindex. Now includes an ASP
catalog conversion utility.
🔎︎ | BBSEE24X.ZIP | 146.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | BBSee file catalog system utilities. These files are not r BBSee file catalog system utilities. These
files are not required for BBSee operation,
but will enhance its performance. Programs
include a packing utility for the databases,
utility to rearrange delete, and insert BBS's
in the database, and a PCBoard output file
🔎︎ | BBSGUIDE.ZIP | 23.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | A new user guide to BBS'ing. TriBBS system oriented but ap A new user guide to BBS'ing. TriBBS system
oriented but applicable to all BBS. General
help and hints ref: messages, doors, logons
etc. etc.
🔎︎ | BBSPASS.ZIP | 31.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | BBS User Password Generator Version 1.0 FREEWARE From The BBS User Password Generator Version 1.0
FREEWARE From The Author Of Express 2.2. This
Program Will Generate Over 1 Billion Random
Passwords!! Small, Quick And Colorful! *
Program For SYSOPS To Assist New Users With
Creating Passwords!
🔎︎ | BBSPEAK.ZIP | 2.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Common BBS abbreviations and ASCII artwork and their meani Common BBS abbreviations and ASCII artwork
and their meanings.
🔎︎ | BCALCST3.ZIP | 4.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Intellicomm(0.93) script for PCB-Deposit Leaves 10 minute Intellicomm(0.93) script for PCB-Deposit
Leaves 10 minute min. for next session.
Corrects bugs from previous versions.
🔎︎ | BCOM22.ZIP | 133.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | BCom telecommunications program, 'trial version'. 01/07/93 BCom telecommunications program, 'trial
version'. 01/07/93.
🔎︎ | BD.ZIP | 105.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | BackDown v1.0; TSR (terminate and stay resident) utility, BackDown v1.0; TSR (terminate and stay
resident) utility, BACKDOWN lets you start
and manage communications sessions and file
downloads in the background while you
continue working in your foreground
🔎︎ | BDG100.ZIP | 137.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet. Guide to the Internet f Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet. Guide to
the Internet for folks who have little or no
experience with network communications.
🔎︎ | BEEPER11.ZIP | 4.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Resident background BEEP handler. Replaces your BIOS beep Resident background BEEP handler. Replaces
your BIOS beep with a beep that does not slow
down programs that are running. Also lets you
change the beep sound. FREEWARE including ASM
source code. Updated to limit to 10 pending
beeps. Good for multi-node BBS operators.
🔎︎ | BEEPME11.ZIP | 70.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | BeepMe 1.1 calls your pager when it detects rings on the p BeepMe 1.1 calls your pager when it detects
rings on the phone. works with COM1 or COM2
🔎︎ | BGFAXB05.ZIP | 56.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | BGFAX v1.0beta; Now sysops can recieve both fax and data c BGFAX v1.0beta; Now sysops can recieve both
fax and data calls if running Class 2 Fax
Modems with adaptive answer. Can also SEND
faxes from the command line. Works with
FrontDoor, D'Bridge, PC Board, GT Power,
WWIV, Supra, PPI, Zoom, and more
🔎︎ | BGFT302A.ZIP | 276.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | BackGround File Transfer [1/2]; Now has Zmodem, use of har BackGround File Transfer [1/2]; Now has
Zmodem, use of hard drive, more floppy
support, new user interface, and install.
Part A will do a fast hard drive install;
additional features require Part B
🔎︎ | BGFT302B.ZIP | 129.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | BackGround File Transfer [2/2]; Now has Zmodem, use of har BackGround File Transfer [2/2]; Now has
Zmodem, use of hard drive, more floppy
support, new user interface, and install.
Part A required for intallation of Part B
🔎︎ | BOOTHOST.ZIP | 5.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Boyan 5.0 - script to reboot your machine and come back to Boyan 5.0 - script to reboot your machine and
come back to host mode in case of problems.
🔎︎ | BOYAN5A.ZIP | 186.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | [1/2] FANTASTIC com program, auto d/l, batch protocols, hu [1/2] FANTASTIC com program, auto d/l, batch
protocols, huge script language, 16550 sup.
🔎︎ | BOYAN5B.ZIP | 133.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | [2/2] Super com program, auto word wrap, host mode, doorwa [2/2] Super com program, auto word wrap, host
mode, doorway support, mouse support
🔎︎ | BOYHST5A.ZIP | 11.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Host mode macros for Boyan 5.0. |
🔎︎ | BOYMKS5E.ZIP | 48.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Boyan ADVANCED scripts; This will make a mail script, hand Boyan ADVANCED scripts; This will make a mail
script, handles files tranfers, supports BBS,
more BBS system scripts are contained. This
has modem.bsc within.
🔎︎ | BOYMODEM.ZIP | 6.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Boyan script for setting modems values |
🔎︎ | BRC_3ASP.ZIP | 17.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Script for PcPlus does 'new file listings', downloads, fil Script for PcPlus does 'new file listings',
downloads, file accesses, file extra info,
QWK message reading and uploads.
🔎︎ | BYTECOMM.ZIP | 74.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Background comm program from Nov '91 BYTE. Has Xmodem and Background comm program from Nov '91 BYTE.
Has Xmodem and 1K-Xmodem (NOT "Ymodem" file
transfer protocols and capture log. Be
careful using 1K-Xmodem while in task-swapper
environments like BNFP or Carousel. Otherwise
very good.
🔎︎ | C64TRM5B.ZIP | 131.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | C64 Color Terminal Emulator for IBM v.5b |
🔎︎ | C900DEMO.ZIP | 230.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Connect 900 Service Software Demo demo version of the Conn Connect 900 Service Software Demo demo
version of the Connect 900 Service Software.
It is useful as BBS Accounting software as
well as the interface to the Connect 900
🔎︎ | C_5_MAC.ZIP | 2.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | {Commo} script/macro examples for autologon and mail runs. {Commo} script/macro examples for autologon
and mail runs.
🔎︎ | C_CALL.ZIP | 17.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Telephone directory with C source. |
🔎︎ | CA29-1.ZIP | 179.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | COM-AND, a comm program for the PC, 10th release. Released COM-AND, a comm program for the PC, 10th
release. Released as CA29-1, CA29-2, CA29-3,
CA29-4.ZIP, containing: executable, doc,
scripts, and advanced script pgmming files.
COM-AND includes: dialing directory, macros,
transcripting, file transfers, ASCII editor,
file en/decrypt, scripts, 16550 UART support,
comm driver BIOS redirect through INT 14h...
IBM compatible, 384K, DOS 2.0 or above. This
ZIP contains EXE files. ASP, Shareware!
🔎︎ | CA29-2.ZIP | 168.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | COM-AND, a comm program for the PC, 10th release. This ZIP COM-AND, a comm program for the PC, 10th
release. This ZIP contains documentation.
ASP, Shareware!
🔎︎ | CA29-3.ZIP | 233.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | COM-AND, a comm program for the PC, 10th release. This ZIP COM-AND, a comm program for the PC, 10th
release. This ZIP contains script files and
documents. ASP, Shareware!
🔎︎ | CA29-4.ZIP | 86.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | COM-AND, a comm program for the PC, 10th release. This ZIP COM-AND, a comm program for the PC, 10th
release. This ZIP contains advanced script
programming utilities. ASP, Shareware!
🔎︎ | CALL3012.ZIP | 45.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | SpeedCall 30 v1.2; Use in conjunction with phone co.'s spe SpeedCall 30 v1.2; Use in conjunction with
phone co.'s speed calling service to easily
maintain and change the thirty two- digit
speed calling numbers.
🔎︎ | CALLFD10.ZIP | 4.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Call Forward v1.0: simple util that allows one whose phone Call Forward v1.0: simple util that allows
one whose phone lines have 'call forwarding'
to automatically activate and deactivate the
call forwarding feature at prescheduled times
to any phone number you designate. Not a TSR
& requires BASIC/QBASIC/etc to run.
🔎︎ | CALLR04C.ZIP | 11.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | CALLER v0.4c: Use your modem to quickly dial voice for you CALLER v0.4c: Use your modem to quickly dial
voice for you. Updates from v0.3r easier to
use, more features.
🔎︎ | CALLW.ZIP | 3.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Text File To Disable Call Waiting Feature |
🔎︎ | CATBX16A.ZIP | 139.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | The Catalog ToolBox (CATBOX) v1.6A: tool for managing long The Catalog ToolBox (CATBOX) v1.6A: tool for
managing long listings of Compuserve's file
library contents. sort by filename/extension,
upload date, uploader ID, LIB #, file
type/size or dl count. view/del/extract/ move
entries by date. remove duplicates. print,
search & format conversion functions.
context-sensitive help. DOS shell.
🔎︎ | CBIP_KIT.ZIP | 27.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | UseNet CBIP Starter's Kit; This kit contains what you will UseNet CBIP Starter's Kit; This kit contains
what you will need to begin downloading files
🔎︎ | CCREDIR.ZIP | 4.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Add-on for Complete PC's Complete Communicator, switches b Add-on for Complete PC's Complete
Communicator, switches between voice and fax
answering depending on the ring pattern.
🔎︎ | CDM-V14.ZIP | 108.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Use Commo and want an alphabetical dialing directory? Well Use Commo and want an alphabetical dialing
directory? Well here's a Commo directory
management program that's speech friendly,
creates Commo.fon and now allows for long
distance codes! Written by Charles Crawford
of the MCB BBS. Get it! Free! Not a Commo
product - 3rd party utility.
🔎︎ | CFS2171.ZIP | 61.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Correspondence Filing System CFS(tm) V2.171- - The Corresp Correspondence Filing System CFS(tm) V2.171-
- The Correspondence Filing System CFS(tm) is
a application to organize word processor
documents, Mail Messages, Fax's, Images, and
any other files you might have. Into a easy
to retrieve Filing system. Data fields (to,
from, subject) can be auto filled from WORD,
and Mail Messages. Free form files the data
fields will be prompted. Files can later be
extracted from CFS without fear of changing
🔎︎ | CHEAPSET.ZIP | 11.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | CHEAPSET v1.0; To allow those who have access to such over CHEAPSET v1.0; To allow those who have access
to such over-the-air time standards like WWV,
WWVH, CHU, accurately set their
computer clocks by sight/ear rather than
costly dialup programs.
🔎︎ | CILNK30D.ZIP | 309.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Cedar Island Link V3.0d; Elegantly Simple to use MouseBase Cedar Island Link V3.0d; Elegantly Simple to
use MouseBased COMM program. Supports Zmodem
auto & resume, Ymodem, YmodemG, Xmodem,
Xmodem 1KG, Kermit,ASCII,B+,extern. Scripts,
ScrollBack, "Mouse Pass-through"
🔎︎ | CIMOZ2AD.ZIP | 11.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | CimOz2Ad v1.0; Utility to convert a CompuServe Information CimOz2Ad v1.0; Utility to convert a
CompuServe Information Manager v2.0 address
book to an OzCIS version 2.0 format.
🔎︎ | CIS9302.ZIP | 10.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Guide to CompuServe Forums |
🔎︎ | CISBIL21.ZIP | 33.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | CIS Billing Tracker; Off-line CompuServe billing organizer CIS Billing Tracker; Off-line CompuServe
billing organizer. Will gather weekly and
daily billing from captured billing
information, maintain yearly cum file.
Provides formatted report on screen, file, or
🔎︎ | CISBL201.ZIP | 31.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | CIS Billing Tracker-JNGoodale CIS Billing Tracker-JNGoodale |
🔎︎ | CISDB10.ZIP | 7.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | CISdb v1.0: front_end/command-line driven program that con CISdb v1.0: front_end/command-line driven
program that converts TAPCIS/OZCIS messages/
mail into an ASCII delimited text file.
01/13/93. Steve Harris/System One Pty Ltd.
🔎︎ | CISEST10.ZIP | 19.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | CISEST v1.0: AutoSig-specific utility that is an ACLS alte CISEST v1.0: AutoSig-specific utility that is
an ACLS alternative, which estimates on-line
charges for CIS. Based upon menu selections,
it will provide charges by year, month, or
single day. 02/03/93. Jane Goodale.
🔎︎ | CISNOD10.ZIP | 59.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | The CIS Node Locator v1.0: MS-Windows program that will fi The CIS Node Locator v1.0: MS-Windows program
that will find a location when you enter a
CIS node and press the Find Button. designed
to run under Windows while your communication
program is also running under Windows in a
windowed mode.
🔎︎ | CISOALT.ZIP | 1.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Alternate logoff script for OzCIS 2.0 |
🔎︎ | CISRF111.ZIP | 52.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Compu$erve Forum Catalog Viewer v1.11; View/Search CIS For Compu$erve Forum Catalog Viewer v1.11;
View/Search CIS Forum full description
catalogs. Catalogs must have been prev-
iously downloaded. Works on all catalogs in
the format of the IBMNET. Mark items and
print list and description to aid in
subsequent downloading.
🔎︎ | CISSITES.ZIP | 67.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | The Authoratative Soviet E-Mail Directory and Guide. The Authoratative Soviet E-Mail Directory and
🔎︎ | CLCOM200.ZIP | 516.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | ClickComm Communications v2.00; This is one of the best co ClickComm Communications v2.00; This is one
of the best communications packages going. It
has many built in protocols and emulations.
Also provides a script mode and other extras.
🔎︎ | CMC53.ZIP | 26.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | CMC v5.3 for {COMMO} MASTER CONTROL lets planned sessions CMC v5.3 for {COMMO} MASTER CONTROL lets
planned sessions run everything for either
Wildcat! or PCBoard BBS's! Dl net mail and ul
replies with Tomcat! or Qmail easy!
🔎︎ | CMOHP53.ZIP | 61.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | {COMMO} 5.3 for the HP 95LX palmtop. This is a supplement {COMMO} 5.3 for the HP 95LX palmtop. This is
a supplement to the standard {COMMO} release
5.3. You will still need to download the
standard version, COMMO53.ZIP, if you do not
already have it (you need it for the
documentation files and other information).
🔎︎ | CMOMAC02.ZIP | 17.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | {C}MAC the do everything macro for {COMMO}. |
🔎︎ | CMS204V2.ZIP | 123.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | File transfer & Electronic Mail Program With Mailbox Funct File transfer & Electronic Mail Program With
Mailbox Functionality For Direct Modem
Transfer Of Files Between 2 Computers
🔎︎ | COCO.ZIP | 234.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Latest CoCo Net access program for CocoNet Graphical BBS Latest CoCo Net access program for CocoNet
Graphical BBS
🔎︎ | COM1234.ZIP | 2.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | This simple mod will allow you to use all four com port as This simple mod will allow you to use all
four com port assignments at the same time.
The mod uses unused irq's and makes the i/o
card think that it is using irq3 or 4.
🔎︎ | COM2COM.ZIP | 62.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | COM-2-COM; Remote communications package featuring full sc COM-2-COM; Remote communications package
featuring full screen transfers, file
transfers and remote/host printer control.
Com2Com does not support graphics modes or
mice. Most available commercial software that
does not REQUIRE graphics or a mouse will run
with Com2Com.
🔎︎ | COMCL311.ZIP | 110.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | COMCALL v3.11: package designed to monitor your phone line COMCALL v3.11: package designed to monitor
your phone line in your absence that will
either call you at ANY other phone location,
that may be directly dialed, to advise you
when a pre-defined trigger is met or execute
a cmd to start some alternative action, or it
will simply monitor/log any incoming calls.
🔎︎ | COMLOG10.ZIP | 34.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Shows Total time spent online with {Commo} |
🔎︎ | COMM0914.ZIP | 44.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | COMM0914 contains support files for COMMO551. It contains COMM0914 contains support files for COMMO551.
It contains popular San Diego BBSs, Autologon
and Protocol macros.
🔎︎ | COMMAC50.ZIP | 6.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Updated protocol macros for Commo 5.0. |
🔎︎ | COMMLINK.ZIP | 391.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | CommLink; Full Multi-Media terminal emulator Provides supp CommLink; Full Multi-Media terminal emulator
Provides support for conventional ASCII and
ANSI communications, CommLink provides its
own hi-speed communications protocol,
allowing HyperBBS access to any DarkStar BBS.
Equipped with superior performance, intuitive
emulation, and a graphics interface beyond
compare, both DarkStar! and CommLink are
poised to carry the BBS community to an
objective of far-reaching consequence.
🔎︎ | COMMO552.ZIP | 169.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | {COMMO} 5.52 (maint. release). Superb High performance com {COMMO} 5.52 (maint. release). Superb High
performance communications program. Designed
for people who like to customize and automate
their online sessions. The macro language is
unusually complete and flexible. This program
is small, fast, reliable and has features of
programs many times its size.
🔎︎ | COMO_HLP.ZIP | 63.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | COMO-HLP; Provide a menu from within the COMMO communicati COMO-HLP; Provide a menu from within the
COMMO communication program that allows you
to easily run other programs or
🔎︎ | COMV31.ZIP | 111.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Remote controller for your modem, fax, voice. |
🔎︎ | CON0993.ZIP | 49.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | DRC's Corporate Controllers Phone Directory |
🔎︎ | COS150.ZIP | 234.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Cosworth; the free communications software that is sweepin Cosworth; the free communications software
that is sweeping Europe and taking the United
Kingdom by storm.
🔎︎ | CS-MAC.ZIP | 7.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Seybolt'S {Commo} Macro; Offline Mail Reader Macro For {Co Seybolt'S {Commo} Macro; Offline Mail Reader
Macro For {Commo}X. Handles Most Popular Mail
Readers. Has Many Advanced Features. Can Be
Easily Modified.
🔎︎ | CS_WTR01.ZIP | 1.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Call the National Weather Service with this macro. Saves t Call the National Weather Service with this
macro. Saves to a disk file and to printer.
🔎︎ | CSCOM.ZIP | 14.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | CSCOM is a modem communication program for calling CompuSe CSCOM is a modem communication program for
calling CompuServe & downloading a file using
CompuServe's B+ protocol. Includes 8086 ASM
source code.
🔎︎ | CSCRIPT.ZIP | 13.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Script Examples For Commo Communications Program. For Netm Script Examples For Commo Communications
Program. For Netmail Etc.
🔎︎ | CSMAC07.ZIP | 50.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Commo automated mail and file transfer macro series. Suppo Commo automated mail and file transfer macro
series. Supports many BBSware & MAILware
types. Easy to expand. Now with Autopilot for
extended unattended running. A number of
novel macro tricks inside. Fast action, short
online times. Many features for your live
sessions. Requires v5.41 of Commo.
🔎︎ | CSU10.ZIP | 93.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Utilities to convert quotes that are captured using Compus Utilities to convert quotes that are captured
using Compuserve's Basic Quotes for direct
import to Quicken or your favorite
🔎︎ | CU_200.ZIP | 325.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | COMMUNIQUE v2.00; Powerful yet easy to use and learn termi COMMUNIQUE v2.00; Powerful yet easy to use
and learn terminal package that we all have
been waiting for. With IEMSI, AVATAR, ANSI,
File Manager, File Tagging, ZIP/LZH/ARJ
support, GIF support, infinite dialling
directory, phone dir import from other
software, IEMSI File Request, all
Multi-tasker support, and much more.
🔎︎ | DAILY103.ZIP | 2.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Daily v1.03: Ozcis script for daily Compuserve maintenance Daily v1.03: Ozcis script for daily
Compuserve maintenance.
🔎︎ | DAILYRUN.ZIP | 3.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | DAILYRUN; Contains scripts for capturing AP News Online, H DAILYRUN; Contains scripts for capturing AP
News Online, Hourly Updates; current CIS
billing information; downloading PC News
Today; local weather forecast; Today on
🔎︎ | DASST102.ZIP | 214.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | STABLE DATA ASSISTANT v1.02 STABLE DATA ASSISTANT v1.02 |
🔎︎ | DEPTY304.ZIP | 320.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Deputy v3.04; Advanced Communications software with MNP5 d Deputy v3.04; Advanced Communications
software with MNP5 data compression. Powerful
script language and ANSI, Prestel, MiniTel,
VT52/100/200/320 & Wyse60 Emulations;
Background file transfers including Zmodem,
Xmodem, Ymodem, YmodemG, ASCII & Kermit
protocols Host mode with messaging and file
transfer facilities. Support for all DTE
rates up to 115200 bps Novell NACS/NASI
Interface with multi-session support
🔎︎ | DIAL21.ZIP | 89.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Autodial your phone v2.1: timer/log and much more. Autodial your phone v2.1: timer/log and much
🔎︎ | DIAL_23.ZIP | 103.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | THE DIALER v2.30; Feature packed telephone autodialer. Its THE DIALER v2.30; Feature packed telephone
autodialer. Its features include a call
timer, a notepad, a log that saves the name,
time, date, and your notes, easy to use
macros, the capacity for an unlimited amount
of names and numbers, quick search and find,
effortlessly dials long number sequences that
makes even credit card calls a breeze, and
much more.
🔎︎ | DIALCOMM.ZIP | 83.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | DIAL; Program that has been designed to connect you to a G DIAL; Program that has been designed to
connect you to a Galacticom BBS.
🔎︎ | DIALIT12.ZIP | 162.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Huge phone book for your modem. 12/11/92. |
🔎︎ | DIALM70.ZIP | 210.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | DIALM v7.0; Telephone dialing program, you can dial the ph DIALM v7.0; Telephone dialing program, you
can dial the phone, automatically re-dial
busy numbers, and keep a log of calls made.
🔎︎ | DIALOG21.ZIP | 210.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | DiaLog 2.11; Phone dialer, logger, stopwatch, spec touch t DiaLog 2.11; Phone dialer, logger, stopwatch,
spec touch tone svc, 2 addr bks, print
envelopes, create help files. Calculator,
alarm clock, editor, screen saver. Use
1-800-Egg-Head, redial on busy, Tone or
Pulse, change Sys time. Usable with or w/o
modem. Logs Date, Time, Name, Number,
Minutes, Job Code, City, State and more
🔎︎ | DIALTONE.ZIP | 40.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | A Touchtone (DTMF) phone dialer for the HP95LX, compliant A Touchtone (DTMF) phone dialer for the
HP95LX, compliant with the System Manager
🔎︎ | DIGIPAGE.ZIP | 11.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Digital beeper paging program |
🔎︎ | DIGITERM.ZIP | 38.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | DigiTerm Version 3.5 by Jason Dorie Small, simple, but pow DigiTerm Version 3.5 by Jason Dorie Small,
simple, but powerful communications program.
ZModem, scroll back, chat mode, phone book,
and much more! Registration fee is only $10
🔎︎ | DIR4ROB2.ZIP | 10.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | DIR4ROB2; Interface between ROBOCOMM and BBSs that allow f DIR4ROB2; Interface between ROBOCOMM and BBSs
that allow file descriptions in a format
other than PCB default. Without DIR4ROB2 only
the first line would be kept with a non-
default PCB. DIR4ROB2 operates by refor-
matting the new files list in a format that
ROBO can understand.
🔎︎ | DL_RS_20.ZIP | 22.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | DataLink! v2.0; RoboComm scripts Use for TBBS/QSO boards. DataLink! v2.0; RoboComm scripts Use for
TBBS/QSO boards. Fully supports mail, upload
and download files, free files list, search
for files, download weather maps, etc. This
ZIP file includes DIR4ROB2.ZIP which is
required by the scripts.
🔎︎ | DLITE201.ZIP | 212.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | D-LITE (Delphi) v2.0; Auto-login for Email, Forum message, D-LITE (Delphi) v2.0; Auto-login for Email,
Forum message, and Database File transmission
and retrieval. Ability to send binary files
as private Email. SCHEDULE option for
timed-delay auto-login during off-peak hours.
Multi-Forum message database for fast search
and retrieval of old messages. Full
implementation of Database cataloging,
uploading, downloading, and updating.
🔎︎ | DLRK11.ZIP | 40.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Download Recordkeeper v1.1: pgm to help you keep track of Download Recordkeeper v1.1: pgm to help you
keep track of the files you acquire for your
computer system.
🔎︎ | DNAV99M.ZIP | 533.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | NavCIS v.99m; DOS (GUI). NavCIS is an off- line CompuServe NavCIS v.99m; DOS (GUI). NavCIS is an off-
line CompuServe navigator designed with ease
of use in mind. The user interface is for
better navigation. The SE version is a free
release of NavCIS that is intended to be used
without time limit.
🔎︎ | DOWNTIM.ZIP | 15.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | The Download Calculator; Nifty little program that will en The Download Calculator; Nifty little program
that will enable a caller to estimate how
long it will take to download a file at a
given bps rate.
🔎︎ | DPDQ24.ZIP | 47.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Dial Pretty Damn Quick v2.4 telephone directory & dialer f Dial Pretty Damn Quick v2.4 telephone
directory & dialer from command line.
🔎︎ | DUATPLUS.ZIP | 153.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Weather access software. Toll-free modem number. Weather access software. Toll-free modem
🔎︎ | DUP40.ZIP | 83.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Finds and eliminates duplicates in Robocomm 'Available Fil Finds and eliminates duplicates in Robocomm
'Available Files' list - alternatively sets
'Preference' BBS to D/L from.
🔎︎ | ECOMM225.ZIP | 273.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Easycomm v2.5 telecommunication program. 12/20/92. Easycomm v2.5 telecommunication program.
🔎︎ | ED45.ZIP | 69.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Easy Dial from Patriquin version 4.5. |
🔎︎ | EMULP141.ZIP | 101.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Minitel est unmulateur minitel comme son nom l'indique. Il Minitel est unmulateur minitel comme son nom
l'indique. Ilmule un minitel couleur ou noir
et blanc. Il essaie d'muler pour l'instant un
minitel M1.
🔎︎ | EXT2TM16.ZIP | 21.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Upload/download info in TeleMate's logfile for MPt/PUMA, D Upload/download info in TeleMate's logfile
for MPt/PUMA, DSZ, BiModem. Straight from the
🔎︎ | EZZCOMM.ZIP | 159.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Set of of excellent script files for ZComm and Pro-Yam com Set of of excellent script files for ZComm
and Pro-Yam communications programs. These
files even include ways to download mail from
other boards.
🔎︎ | FASTFONE.ZIP | 86.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | FastFone v1.0 automatic phone dialer for mouse or keyboard FastFone v1.0 automatic phone dialer for
mouse or keyboard. Uses ASCII text file for a
directory. User configurable.
🔎︎ | FAX480.ZIP | 382.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | 480 Line Facsimile Program |
🔎︎ | FAXBUDDY.ZIP | 129.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | fax cover sheet print prog/DOS version of FaxCover, the or fax cover sheet print prog/DOS version of
FaxCover, the original cover sheet
printer-now with full editor, fax directory,
mouse support, much more.
🔎︎ | FAXER11.ZIP | 32.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Faxer 1.1; Sends a fax to a fax machine/board without CAS Faxer 1.1; Sends a fax to a fax machine/board
without CAS or any other interface. It should
work on Class 1 boards using Rockwell chips.
🔎︎ | FAXMGR12.ZIP | 78.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Fax Manager Database & Cover printer |
🔎︎ | FAXPAX.ZIP | 143.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Set of programs for use with the Intel Connection coproces Set of programs for use with the Intel
Connection coprocessor or the Intel
Satisfaxtion fax boards. The software
provided with the boards is designed for
interactive sending and receiving of faxes
but doesn't handle things like sending faxes
from the dos command line or from within
batch files. Faxpak can do these procedures.
🔎︎ | FAXS20.ZIP | 67.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | ssFaxer; Simple program intended to send a fax to a fax ma ssFaxer; Simple program intended to send a
fax to a fax machine/board WITHOUT CAS or any
other interface.
🔎︎ | FAXSENRP.ZIP | 5.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Fax numbers of All US senators and US congressman. Fax numbers of All US senators and US
🔎︎ | FCATALOG.ZIP | 13.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Complete catalog of the NDD Automated FAX system. You can Complete catalog of the NDD Automated FAX
system. You can use your FAX machine to call
a toll free number to get all products sold
by IBM by FAX including OS/2 2.0. 01/07/93.
🔎︎ | FEDJOB.ZIP | 138.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Allows the user to browse through and select relevant jobs Allows the user to browse through and select
relevant jobs from the Federal Jobs Registry
file based on user-defined criterion. The
program also has a communications section to
allow the user to download the Federal Jobs
Registry file directly from its source BBS.
🔎︎ | FN-SCANR.ZIP | 34.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Mail scanner, downloader, uploader for use with PCPlus (DO Mail scanner, downloader, uploader for use
with PCPlus (DOS version 2.01 only) with
free-net systems using software the same as
used on the Cleveland free-net system.
🔎︎ | FONDIR59.ZIP | 57.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Phone Dear! Qmodem 5.0, 4.5. K9X 8.8. Telemate 3.01, Telix Phone Dear! Qmodem 5.0, 4.5. K9X 8.8.
Telemate 3.01, Telix 3.15, Ultiterm 2.0,
Pilot 2.0 conversions added this version. BBS
list to comm program dial directory, phone
number translations.
🔎︎ | FONE61DA.ZIP | 271.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Telephone call pricing program; [1/2] Now supports interna Telephone call pricing program; [1/2] Now
supports international users, as well as
United States users. You now can ADD YOUR OWN
point-to-point RATES to your Personal Data
Base! Or, use to lookup rate information in
its reference data base, and import the data
into your Personal Data Base. Keep a CALL LOG
showing WHO, WHEN, HOW LONG, and HOW MUCH a
call cost. PRINT REPORTS for: Personal
Database Entry, Rate Overview, Call Log.
🔎︎ | FONE61DB.ZIP | 268.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Telephone call pricing program; [2/2] Now supports interna Telephone call pricing program; [2/2] Now
supports international users, as well as
United States users. You now can ADD YOUR OWN
point-to-point RATES to your Personal Data
Base! Or, use to lookup rate information in
its reference data base, and import the data
into your Personal Data Base. Keep a CALL LOG
showing WHO, WHEN, HOW LONG, and HOW MUCH a
call cost. PRINT REPORTS for: Personal
Database Entry, Rate Overview, Call Log.
🔎︎ | FREEFONE.ZIP | 3.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Phone bills too High?? Read this |
🔎︎ | FTERM250.ZIP | 118.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | FracTerm; The Fractal Terminal Program FracTerm is a commu FracTerm; The Fractal Terminal Program
FracTerm is a communcations program, with a
twist. FracTerm uses ANSI terminal emulation
but also has the ability to view fractally
compessed images! Includes Zmodem protocol,
dialing directory, settings menu, and many
other features.
🔎︎ | FTERM362.ZIP | 32.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Flashback bbs terminal program v3.62. |
🔎︎ | FTTU120.ZIP | 20.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | File Transfer Time Utility v1.20 Takes user input of file File Transfer Time Utility v1.20 Takes user
input of file size in bytes and CPS and
calculates either hours, minutes, or seconds
the transfer will take.
🔎︎ | FTV20.ZIP | 18.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | FindTime v2.0 file tagger, time estimator. Has many option FindTime v2.0 file tagger, time estimator.
Has many options for output reports.
🔎︎ | FUND41.ZIP | 121.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Track-Graph-Analyze Fund Performance - Hooks To Prodigy on Track-Graph-Analyze Fund Performance - Hooks
To Prodigy online service
🔎︎ | FUTUR201.ZIP | 94.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Comm program for various TDD/ASCII modems. Demo version pe Comm program for various TDD/ASCII modems.
Demo version permits five minute calls.
Drives several commercially available modems
that provide 300 baud ASCII and TDD (Baudot
with Weitbrecht modem) compatibility.
🔎︎ | FWKLU116.ZIP | 70.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | FWKLU116.ZIP remote Lookup kit for use with FWKCS(TM) Cont FWKLU116.ZIP remote Lookup kit for use with
FWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature System Ver.
1.16, 1991 Dec 26. This kit is for users who
only wish to use the Lookup and remote
cross_reference functions, find files on
remote BBS's, avoid uploading duplicate files
regardless of filenames. Instructions
🔎︎ | FXT100.ZIP | 262.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | FXTerm v1.0; Designed to take full advantage of the new Te FXTerm v1.0; Designed to take full advantage
of the new Tel-FX Graphics Standard by
Hamilton TeleGraphics Inc. Experience the
power of a high resolution, mouse driven
Graphical User Interface complete with
dragging windows, scroller bars, icons,
pushing buttons and photographic images.
🔎︎ | FYI_QA.ZIP | 28.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Answers to commonly asked "New Internet User" questions. I Answers to commonly asked "New Internet User"
questions. Introductory material to the
🔎︎ | GDSTERM.ZIP | 150.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | From GDSOFT. GUI Terminal program allows external protocol From GDSOFT. GUI Terminal program allows
external protocols/HOST mode.
🔎︎ | GENIUS15.ZIP | 179.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | GEnius v1.5; Terminal program for the 90's. Full color, ta GEnius v1.5; Terminal program for the 90's.
Full color, tagging, EMS/XMS backscroll,
X/Y/Zmodem, full macros, script language, and
much more.
🔎︎ | GETFIL17.ZIP | 14.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Get File From Directory List For Downloading |
🔎︎ | GETS20.ZIP | 494.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | GETS; Snafu Software's Graphically Enhanced Terminal Softw GETS; Snafu Software's Graphically Enhanced
Terminal Software. With GETS, a BBS program
can control almost any function of the remote
computer system Graphics, Sound, Text,
Diskettes, almost anything!
🔎︎ | GOLDP40.ZIP | 261.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Fastphone Gold v4.0. Phonebook, dialer with labels and not Fastphone Gold v4.0. Phonebook, dialer with
labels and notepad.
🔎︎ | GRO1700.ZIP | 115.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | GTO Version 17.00 terminal version only. |
🔎︎ | HACKRDIC.ZIP | 343.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Hackers Terminology Dictionary |
🔎︎ | HELPCP.ZIP | 7.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Help4PCP; Help for PCPlus Communications |
🔎︎ | HHG1_12.ZIP | 38.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Hitch Hikers Guide To The Net 1-12, Humorous. |
🔎︎ | HOSTBBS2.ZIP | 26.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Boyan host script BBS style. Sysop menu user database. Sup Boyan host script BBS style. Sysop menu user
database. Supports HS-Link, private messages
4 user levels, interface doorway.
🔎︎ | HSLT102B.ZIP | 83.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | HSLTAG v1.02Beta; tagging and batch upload manager for use HSLTAG v1.02Beta; tagging and batch upload
manager for use as a shell from your
communications program.Manages your BBS bi-
directional transfers with HS/Link. Internal
editing features place description files in
compressed files tagged for uploading.
Compatible with most compression formats.
Tested in DOS, DV and Windows environments.
Execute transfers with click of mouse or
single keystroke!
🔎︎ | HTERM.ZIP | 310.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Terminal emulator comm program for Japanese. Read Japanese Terminal emulator comm program for Japanese.
Read Japanese language text online. MS-DOS
🔎︎ | HUNT100.ZIP | 9.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | HUNT.ASP Hunt dialer for Procomm+ |
🔎︎ | IBM2OZ10.ZIP | 7.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Converts and splits IBMNET library summary files into OzCI Converts and splits IBMNET library summary
files into OzCIS-style short listings;
🔎︎ | ICOM100A.ZIP | 219.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Intellicomm communications, v1.00 1 of 2 Unattended calls Intellicomm communications, v1.00 1 of 2
Unattended calls to MULTIPLE BBS types! Save
time, effort and long distance charges by
having calls carried out overnight while
you're sleeping. Mega- mail/Qmail-type
message transfers, auto file
uploads/downloads and much more. For
beginners and experts alike.
🔎︎ | ICOM100B.ZIP | 243.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Intellicomm communications, v1.00 2 of 2 User's manual, In Intellicomm communications, v1.00 2 of 2
User's manual, Intellicomm File Tagger. New
users: Also download ICOMAUTO.ZIP if
available on this BBS.
🔎︎ | ICOMBLT5.ZIP | 62.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Bulletin Capture (1.0) for icom. Captures bulletins when " Bulletin Capture (1.0) for icom. Captures
bulletins when "New Bulletins" appears at
logon. Features auto install & works with any
offline reader/utility. No limit on number of
bulletins to look for.
🔎︎ | INFOTERM.ZIP | 342.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | INFOTERM PLUS is possibly the world's best terminal progra INFOTERM PLUS is possibly the world's best
terminal program. Mouse support, color
scrollback, 300 entry dialing directory, QWK
mail, menubar, extensive help screens, fast
configuration, simple scripts, and many
special features never before seen in a
terminal program.
🔎︎ | INFPOP25.ZIP | 262.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | InfoPop v2.50: TSR utility designed to help you use Telene InfoPop v2.50: TSR utility designed to help
you use Telenet &/or your modem to reach a
variety of info systems: Internet, CompuServe
the Well & a couple 100 BBS systems are
covered. Mouse. 01/08/93. Clyde W Grotophorst
GMUtant Software. 01/08/93.
🔎︎ | INPCP101.ZIP | 288.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | InComm:PcPDial, release 1.0.1BUG FIX High speed PCPursuit InComm:PcPDial, release 1.0.1BUG FIX High
speed PCPursuit Dialer. If you're
product.ReplacesICEXwith greater ease
ofuse,addedfunctionality andfarsurpasses it
inperformance and features.FUTURESOFT
🔎︎ | INT_SERV.ZIP | 17.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | InterNet Services Frequently Asked Questions and Answers v InterNet Services Frequently Asked Questions
and Answers v1.1
🔎︎ | IRDC10.ZIP | 178.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | IRDC v1.0; INFRA-RED Direct Control. Control your One-For- IRDC v1.0; INFRA-RED Direct Control. Control
your One-For-All (6 or 12) remote from your
PC. Full Screen Point & Click DOS interface.
Your PC screen becomes a large remote keypad.
Special serial cable can be ordered
w/software. Time-Limited Shareware Demo
🔎︎ | JAR_2911.ZIP | 451.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | The Jargon File from the Internet, Version 2.9.11, direct The Jargon File from the Internet, Version
2.9.11, direct from SIMTEL. A fascinating
collection of computer slang and hacker lore.
An earlier version of this file was published
as 'The Hacker's Dictionary'. Release date:
🔎︎ | JAXHOST7.ZIP | 73.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | JaxHost v7.0: office-to-home host comm pkg. May shell dire JaxHost v7.0: office-to-home host comm pkg.
May shell direct to CTTY, Doorway, RemDoor.
Has built-in CD monitor, call logging, and
callback security, ringback, trigrd callback
and handy modem monitor for EZ setup. Can
handle extended comm port specifications
(beyond com1 and com2) and opening speeds to
38400. Self-registering shareware. $20.
🔎︎ | JBHST51A.ZIP | 13.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | {COMMO} Host mode macro program v5.1a. Smaller than the on {COMMO} Host mode macro program v5.1a.
Smaller than the one included with Commo.
🔎︎ | JVF100.ZIP | 74.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Program to create voice mailbox system with ZyXEL modems. Program to create voice mailbox system with
ZyXEL modems. Freeware.
🔎︎ | LA31.ZIP | 47.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Find those BBS #'s and see what they cost per minute....Re Find those BBS #'s and see what they cost per
minute....Register for your particular area
of residence.
🔎︎ | LC105.ZIP | 233.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | LComm v1.05; Communications Package |
🔎︎ | LCCDP3.ZIP | 742.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | User Front End For Logikal Career Connection On-Line Job P User Front End For Logikal Career Connection
On-Line Job Placement Service For Technical
People. Free.
🔎︎ | LD_CUT.ZIP | 4.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | How to cut LD-phone bills down to size. |
🔎︎ | LINENOIS.ZIP | 7.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Message "thread" from CompuServe's PRACTICE forum discussi Message "thread" from CompuServe's PRACTICE
forum discussing LINE NOISE. suggestions are
given to reduce or eliminate line noise.
🔎︎ | LISTRD13.ZIP | 14.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Listread 1.03.c.jpi is a utility to take any bbs list and Listread 1.03.c.jpi is a utility to take any
bbs list and display only the local bbs's to
your area code and prefix.
🔎︎ | LOCAL20.ZIP | 79.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Program to let you know if the number you are calling is a Program to let you know if the number you are
calling is a local or a toll call.
🔎︎ | LOCALZ.ZIP | 18.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | LocalZ Version 1.00 released Jan 28th 1992 Perform offline LocalZ Version 1.00 released Jan 28th 1992
Perform offline Zippy director scans on file
lists downloaded from Bulletin Board Systems.
Supports wildcarding for dir filenames and
any number of directories may be scanned.
Search results may be paged back and forth as
desired. Search may be based upon entire
description line or limited filespec only.
Results of search may be saved to / loaded
from disk.
🔎︎ | LOGS050B.ZIP | 15.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | LOGSIZE v0.50β; Robocomm 4.x Log File Maintenance Utility. LOGSIZE v0.50β; Robocomm 4.x Log File
Maintenance Utility. Keep that Robocomm Log
File From Absorbing All Your Free Hard Disk
🔎︎ | LYNC30.ZIP | 70.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Lync v3.0 small/fast communications for lap- tops. Interna Lync v3.0 small/fast communications for lap-
tops. Internal Zmodem, dialing directory,
host mode & more. Powerful for size.
🔎︎ | MAILMSG4.ZIP | 42.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Personal mail reminder script for ICOM. Records logon noti Personal mail reminder script for ICOM.
Records logon notices to a text file, and
runs screen saver with message when found, or
when QWK packet contains personal mail. Ver
4.0 adds support for both Rosemail and Qmail
door types. By John LeaverPower.
🔎︎ | MAN-WP.ZIP | 190.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | OZCIS manual (see OZCIS12A&B) in WP 5.1 format. Looks grea OZCIS manual (see OZCIS12A&B) in WP 5.1
format. Looks great.
🔎︎ | MBASE5.ZIP | 229.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Modem Base "Ultimate Offline BBS File Maintainer"! Convert Modem Base "Ultimate Offline BBS File
Maintainer"! Convert BBS text program file
lists directly into a database format for
further processing and storage.
🔎︎ | MCIPCON1.ZIP | 1.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Take a byte out of long distance bills! No Speed Degrading Take a byte out of long distance bills! No
Speed Degrading Local Access Numbers, Get
full benefit of your high-speed modem.
🔎︎ | MDIC200.ZIP | 52.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | The Modem Dictionary v2.00; This is a must for anyone usin The Modem Dictionary v2.00; This is a must
for anyone using a modem. It contains
easy-to-understand definitions of over 730
words that come up when using modems and
BBS's. Helpful for both the beginner and
expert. No need to try to figure out the
jargon anymore!
🔎︎ | MINU10B6.ZIP | 241.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | MINUET, v1.0beta 6; Program combines everything you need t MINUET, v1.0beta 6; Program combines
everything you need to interact with the
INTERNET in one program! Imagine, EMail, FTP,
Telnet, Gopher, and News all wrapped up in
one program. That is Minuet. Public Domain
software from the University of Minnesota.
PROGRAM! This version is solid, even though
it is Beta.
🔎︎ | MKDIALER.ZIP | 6.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Dialer.BSC v1.7; Script for pre-programming the dialing of Dialer.BSC v1.7; Script for pre-programming
the dialing of Bbs's at specific times, with
Boyan Communications It is easy to set up and
runs fast with all kinds of modems. Works
well with Mark & Cindi Sherman's QWK.BSC and
MARK.BSC scripts. Have you used Boyan lately?
🔎︎ | MOD_1_17.ZIP | 260.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | MODEM6, modem program, 100% HAYES Compatible, support ANSI MODEM6, modem program, 100% HAYES Compatible,
support ANSI, and protocols like ZMODEM,
YMODEM, XMODEM, Super-Kermit, KERMIT, and
many others. FREE!
🔎︎ | MOD_GLOS.ZIP | 8.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Dictionary Of Modem Related Terms |
🔎︎ | MODDIZ.ZIP | 52.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | The Modem Dictionary In HyperText Format. Answers your que The Modem Dictionary In HyperText Format.
Answers your questions about communications
🔎︎ | MODER30A.ZIP | 12.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | A list of MsDos FTP sites, their moderators and other usef A list of MsDos FTP sites, their moderators
and other useful information for downloading
🔎︎ | MODMIT12.ZIP | 46.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Modem-it v1.2: communications program. 01/20/93. Modem-it v1.2: communications program.
🔎︎ | MOSTHOST.ZIP | 13.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Enhanced Host Mode Macro For {COMMO} |
🔎︎ | MPTLOG10.ZIP | 34.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | MPT protocol logfile analyzer. |
🔎︎ | MS2Q11.ZIP | 21.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | MS2Q - program that will build a Quicken format security p MS2Q - program that will build a Quicken
format security price file using MetaStock
Data. The Quicken format file can then be
imported into Quicken to update security
🔎︎ | MUFUS36K.ZIP | 75.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Mufusion is a terminal emulation program which emulates a Mufusion is a terminal emulation program
which emulates a Microfusion MF30 terminal,
as used with McDonnell Douglas hospital
information systems software.
🔎︎ | MYCMM210.ZIP | 131.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | MyComm v2.1; powerful, yet small (166K) telecommunications MyComm v2.1; powerful, yet small (166K)
telecommunications program. Supports Zmodem,
Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Xmodem, Xmodem-1K, and of
course ASCII file transfers. There are slots
for up to 6 external protocols. Supports TTY,
ANSI, VT-52, and VT-100 terminal emulations.
Many more features including an easy to use
script language.
🔎︎ | MYHOST.ZIP | 15.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | contains an aspect file for pcplus 2.0x which w contains an aspect file for pcplus
2.0x which will cause host mode to be more
like a bbs.
🔎︎ | MYQ200.ZIP | 194.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | MYMIQ v2.00 MYMIQ v2.00 |
🔎︎ | NAVPAGE.ZIP | 37.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | NAVPAGE v1.0; Will dial and send a maximum message of 80 c NAVPAGE v1.0; Will dial and send a maximum
message of 80 characters to an alpha numeric
pager. In order to use this program you must
know the dial-up number of your alpha numeric
pager service. This program was designed to
be the alarm system of a custom network early
warning system, however, many other uses can
be found for this program.
🔎︎ | NAVRETPH.ZIP | 1.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Phone numbers helpful to retired military personnel Phone numbers helpful to retired military
🔎︎ | NEWFNT16.ZIP | 17.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | NEWFONT 1.61; replaces PRODIGY's most common bit-mapped fo NEWFONT 1.61; replaces PRODIGY's most common
bit-mapped fonts with bigger, bolder custom
characters. Supports the VGA640, EGA640,
HER720, EGA640E, AMS640, and CGA640 screen
drivers of PRODIGY software
🔎︎ | NISTSET2.ZIP | 5.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Call NIST and sets your clock to within a zillion billiont Call NIST and sets your clock to within a
zillion billionth of a second - COM1 and COM2
🔎︎ | NL2TM200.ZIP | 33.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Nodelist to Telemate v3.01 FON directory converter v2.0. Nodelist to Telemate v3.01 FON directory
converter v2.0.
🔎︎ | NODFND10.ZIP | 85.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Node Finder v1.0: database of CIS nodes and locations that Node Finder v1.0: database of CIS nodes and
locations that allows quick retrieval of ID's
find and ID location, interactive browse mode
with add/modify/delete/search.
🔎︎ | NT107.ZIP | 254.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | NT- The AU Terminal Emulator, Version 10.7 |
🔎︎ | NUGU93.ZIP | 368.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | New User Guide to UseNet |
🔎︎ | NUKE40.ZIP | 86.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | NUKE40: Robocomm 4.0 utlity - marks files for deletion in NUKE40: Robocomm 4.0 utlity - marks files for
deletion in files database based on text
string in description.
🔎︎ | NUM22.ZIP | 7.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | NUM helps you make and decipher mnemonic phone numbers. NUM helps you make and decipher mnemonic
phone numbers.
🔎︎ | O_T11B.ZIP | 44.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Ozt V11b: Ozcis Message Re-Threader. |
🔎︎ | OLC0413A.ZIP | 288.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Online! Professional Communications. Emulates commands of Online! Professional Communications. Emulates
commands of several popular programs. Select-
able default & VT100/ANSI BBS emulation. Up
to 57 transfer protocols.
🔎︎ | OLU100.ZIP | 34.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | OzLibUpd v1.0; OzCIS Library Updater which will turn ON or OzLibUpd v1.0; OzCIS Library Updater which
will turn ON or OFF, and/or show the status
of, all of the fields related to updating
long library scans in an OzCIS FORUMS.DB
file, in all or selected forums.
🔎︎ | OZBILL.ZIP | 736 | Aug 21, 2002 | OzCIS script to retrieve billing information For CompuServ OzCIS script to retrieve billing information
For CompuServe
🔎︎ | OZCIS1.ZIP | 276.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | [1/3] New CompuServe offline navigation program. Beta. [1/3] New CompuServe offline navigation
program. Beta.
🔎︎ | OZCIS2.ZIP | 163.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | [2/3] New CompuServe navigation program. Beta. |
🔎︎ | OZCIS3.ZIP | 128.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | [3/3] New CompuServe navigation program. Beta. May rival T [3/3] New CompuServe navigation program.
Beta. May rival Tapcis, CISOP, ATO
🔎︎ | OZCIS4.ZIP | 136.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | OzCIS v1.0: extensive pull-down menu-driven program design OzCIS v1.0: extensive pull-down menu-driven
program designed to provide you with a user-
friendly environment for the navigation of
CompuServe Information Systems, automating
the transfer of private mail, forum messages
and binary files.
🔎︎ | OZLOGC10.ZIP | 9.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | OzLogCSV v1.0: program for parsing the OzCIS log file to c OzLogCSV v1.0: program for parsing the OzCIS
log file to create a file of comma-separated
values that can be imported into most
spreadsheet/database pgms allowing you to
easily analyze the costs of connecting with
various hosts & baud rates. 02/28/93. John E.
🔎︎ | OZM100.ZIP | 53.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | OZM v1.0; OzCIS Mail Organizer for OzCIS CISMAIL files. Si OZM v1.0; OzCIS Mail Organizer for OzCIS
CISMAIL files. Since CIS Mail is more of a
"two-person" exchange rather than the
multi-person nature of forum messages, the
idea of threading doesn't really apply.
Instead, the primary job is simply to put the
individual messages in a reasonable order
while removing duplicates.
🔎︎ | OZT11B.ZIP | 49.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | OZT v1.1B: OzCIS message re-threader. |
🔎︎ | OZZNT10.ZIP | 1.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | OzCIS scripts for ZiffNet that downloads the ZIPpes versio OzCIS scripts for ZiffNet that downloads the
ZIPpes version of the current PC Week News &
the current ZiffNet Highlights. 07/18/92.
Roger D. Lange.
🔎︎ | PAGE101.ZIP | 40.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | v1.01 of PageMate. Calls your pager when you get a call. V v1.01 of PageMate. Calls your pager when you
get a call. Ver. 1.0 bug fixed.
🔎︎ | PAGE33.ZIP | 49.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Pagemate version 3.3: calls pager when phone rings. For DO Pagemate version 3.3: calls pager when phone
rings. For DOS/Win.
🔎︎ | PAGEIT17.ZIP | 13.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | PageIt v1.7; Reader/Beeper/Modem/Message Transmitter. With PageIt v1.7; Reader/Beeper/Modem/Message
Transmitter. With your PC and Modem, you may
send script messages directly to alpha
numeric beepers without paying the fee of a
local dispatcher. PAGEIT is designed to
operate simply and easily and can be learned
by anyone within minutes.
🔎︎ | PAGER11.ZIP | 39.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | SEND TEXT MESSAGES TO ALPHA PAGERS |
🔎︎ | PANTHER2.ZIP | 338.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Panther Communications v2.0; Full featured communications Panther Communications v2.0; Full featured
communications software - internal protocols,
script language, macros, auto dialler, logs,
captures, ANSI, Avatar, VT52, IEMSI,
scrollback. You Name It. Freeware
🔎︎ | PCBM51A.ZIP | 19.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Pcboard/Qmail/ProComm+Win Automated Scripts |
🔎︎ | PCCP047.ZIP | 276.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Set of communications programs and related files. Includes Set of communications programs and related
files. Includes source code
🔎︎ | PCDRED20.ZIP | 63.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | PC-DIRED 2.0, Procomm Plus 2.0x Dialing directory editor. PC-DIRED 2.0, Procomm Plus 2.0x Dialing
directory editor. Edit all fields in your
directory interactively. Includes Mouse
support, Sorting, Dialing code editing, and
much more!
🔎︎ | PCFAX114.ZIP | 148.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | PC FAX Public Domain v1.14; To make and manage simple FAX PC FAX Public Domain v1.14; To make and
manage simple FAX Cover Sheets.
🔎︎ | PCFDL105.ZIP | 153.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | PCFDial, a 7k TSR, dials numbers displayed on the screen b PCFDial, a 7k TSR, dials numbers displayed on
the screen by any program. Handles "vanity"
numbers like 800-LANS-NOW, keeps a log of
calls, and shows local time for any area
code. Pops up regularly so you know how long
you've talked (perfect for salesmen who must
"close the deal" in a set amount of time).
Context help. ASP shareware, v1.05, $19.00.
🔎︎ | PCP_DIAL.ZIP | 3.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | This set of files will load your Procomm dialing directory This set of files will load your Procomm
dialing directory from your PC's DOS prompt.
🔎︎ | PCPCHK6A.ZIP | 104.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Checks a phone number to see if it is PC- Pursuitable. Bug Checks a phone number to see if it is PC-
Pursuitable. Bug fix version.
🔎︎ | PCPEXEC5.ZIP | 5.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | The Exec-PC "log-on" menu; This set of files will log you The Exec-PC "log-on" menu; This set of files
will log you on to Exec-Pc from your PCs DOS
prompt using Procomm Plus v2.1 Communications
🔎︎ | PCPXCH3.ZIP | 36.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | PC Pursuit cities & xchange directory updated |
🔎︎ | PCREMOT2.ZIP | 86.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | PCREMOT2; Allows the remote (home) PC to control the keybo PCREMOT2; Allows the remote (home) PC to
control the keyboard and monitor the screen
of the host (office) computer, via modems or
a null-modem cable. Only text-mode programs
can be run on the host, but two-way
file-transfer capabilities are provided
through a modified version of ZCOPY.COM
🔎︎ | PCTSR100.ZIP | 23.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Procomm TSR v1.0; Allow users to have a memory resident Pr Procomm TSR v1.0; Allow users to have a
memory resident Procomm that can be used
within other applications. It allows the user
to perform all of Procomms functionality from
within other applications.
🔎︎ | PCWINTLS.ZIP | 17.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Aspect file gives the user a dialog box with a directory l Aspect file gives the user a dialog box with
a directory listing, an edit box to enter the
name of a file to upload, and the choice of
uploading or downloading with three of my
favorite protocols: DSZ, Zmodem and Ymodem as
well as HS/Link, a quick bi-directional
🔎︎ | PD7.ZIP | 130.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Advanced Phone Dialer Version 7 |
🔎︎ | PDIAL013.ZIP | 15.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | The Public Dial-up Internet Access List text file, version The Public Dial-up Internet Access List text
file, version 13.
🔎︎ | PDL400.ZIP | 336.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Pro Download 4.0; Allows Prodigy users to download after-m Pro Download 4.0; Allows Prodigy users to
download after-market stock and index quotes
into a format that can be used to update
Metastock and other technical analysis
software. This program is a companion to
Personal Ticker Tape, which formats the data
🔎︎ | PEM.ZIP | 108.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Personal-Emailbox: background resident E-mail send and rec Personal-Emailbox: background resident E-mail
send and receive program over phone lines
using 2400 modem.
🔎︎ | PEMAIL10.ZIP | 101.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | MAILBOX v1.0; Personal-E Mailbox is the FIRST and ONLY bac MAILBOX v1.0; Personal-E Mailbox is the FIRST
and ONLY background resident (TSR) software
program that delivers the PC user automated
person-to-person, send and (VS)
🔎︎ | PGP21OS2.ZIP | 207.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) v2.1; RSA public-key encryption PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) v2.1; RSA
public-key encryption freeware for MSDOS,
protects E-mail. Lets you communicate
securely with people you've never met, with
no secure channels needed for prior exchange
of keys. Well featured and fast! Excellent
user documentation.
🔎︎ | PICTERM.ZIP | 30.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | PicTerm - Successor to GifTerm, a multi format online pict PicTerm - Successor to GifTerm, a multi
format online picture viewer. User section,
BBS section in
🔎︎ | PILOTV25.ZIP | 315.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Pilot v2.5; Good communications program with host mode. Ve Pilot v2.5; Good communications program with
host mode. Very easy to set up and use.
Supports Ymodem, Zmodem and others.
🔎︎ | PLOG11.ZIP | 120.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Phonelog: tracks & logs phone line activity. 12/15/92. Phonelog: tracks & logs phone line activity.
🔎︎ | PNS52.ZIP | 25.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Displays a single directory at a time and allows the user Displays a single directory at a time and
allows the user to TAG files. When the
program is exited, it writes the TAGGED files
out to a specified (or default) file.
🔎︎ | POPNET10.ZIP | 5.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | PopNet v1.0; Popnet is a memory resident menu system that PopNet v1.0; Popnet is a memory resident menu
system that stores EMAIL, FTP, and TELNET
addresses. It also allows additional user
defined commands. It has a scratch pad and
works within kermit & ?.
🔎︎ | POWER.ZIP | 2.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | How to be a BBS System Power User. |
🔎︎ | PPED.ZIP | 13.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | PPED v1.0; Generate PcPlus directory list; Sort directory PPED v1.0; Generate PcPlus directory list;
Sort directory by list; Change default
options for all or unused entries in directory
🔎︎ | PPLSLAUN.ZIP | 3.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Procomm Plus Launcher for Geoworks Pro |
🔎︎ | PPSTOCK4.ZIP | 16.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | A ProComm Plus script to download stock prices from Compus A ProComm Plus script to download stock
prices from Compuserve. Includes comma-
delimiter formatting program w/C src so the
data can be easily imported. For the
investors. Vrsn 0.4, by Jim Robeson
🔎︎ | PRCMJOK1.ZIP | 4.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Set up a joke to play on friends/family when they call ano Set up a joke to play on friends/family when
they call another computer or BBS. The idea
is that your computer has malfunctioned and
has accidently dialed into CIA headquarters.
🔎︎ | PRCVT243.ZIP | 7.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Convert ProComm 2.4.3 Dialing Procm +2 |
🔎︎ | PRM307.ZIP | 275.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | PROMASTER v3.07 PROMASTER v3.07 |
🔎︎ | PROD21.ZIP | 162.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Spelling Dictionary to use with Prodigy utilities, and sof Spelling Dictionary to use with Prodigy
utilities, and software developed by Gateway
Software, Inc.: - PROMASTER: What PRODIGY
should be! - eVa: GEnie Front End software
ASP member
🔎︎ | PROM552.ZIP | 81.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Prodigy utilities package |
🔎︎ | PRS202.ZIP | 165.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | PROSTOCK v2.02 PROSTOCK v2.02 |
🔎︎ | PS110.ZIP | 285.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Phone Secretary v1.01; fax/modem ans 1 line, call fwd, cal Phone Secretary v1.01; fax/modem ans 1 line,
call fwd, call screen, and more! With dist.
ring from Bell auto answers for fax voice or
modem. Auto control of call frwding. Auto
weed out unwanted calls. Log date, time, dist
ring, for all calls. Get notification by
beeper OR PHONE for incoming calls, faxs,
etc. User settable daily schedules for all
funct'ns Your modem will never be the same
🔎︎ | PSQCONV2.ZIP | 119.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | converts Prodigy's QUOTES.TXT file to a dBASE format and a converts Prodigy's QUOTES.TXT file to a dBASE
format and appends the quotes to a STOCKS
database. You can view the database to study
historical trends.
🔎︎ | PTIMER13.ZIP | 15.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | PTIMER v1.03. Times and logs external file transfer protoc PTIMER v1.03. Times and logs external file
transfer protocols. 02/19/91. Richard
🔎︎ | PTT117.ZIP | 225.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | From Genie And Ci$, Update 50 Metastock Directories And Ch From Genie And Ci$, Update 50 Metastock
Directories And Chartpro/Megatech, Also Use
Data From *Prodigy, Djn/R //Hq And Formatted
Ascii Files. Gives Nh, Nl, Price, Vol, Stock
Split Alerts, Last Date Updated and more
🔎︎ | PVTS109.ZIP | 99.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Private Secretary v1.09: monitors your phone/ answering ma Private Secretary v1.09: monitors your phone/
answering machine via std modem then dials
your pager or another phone to notify you of
calls received, remind you of appointments,
report power fail, etc. Keep your
pager/cellular phone numbers confidential or
change them anytime. Multiple pager/phone
support. Not intended for use with unattended
receive FAX modems. 01/27/93. Integrated
Support Tech.
🔎︎ | QAT10A.ZIP | 2.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | QuickAT v1.0. Quick, fast, very small modem utility. Send QuickAT v1.0. Quick, fast, very small modem
utility. Send modem commands from DOS or from
a batch file.
🔎︎ | QCOM297.ZIP | 161.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | QCOM v2.97. A compact communications pgm. Easy to use, fea QCOM v2.97. A compact communications pgm.
Easy to use, features auto-script maker,
scroll-back with quoter, host mode, music
support, file tagging for batch uploads, and
easy modem setup. Supports ANSI and TTY
terminal emulations. Has Xmodem and YModem
built in, uses DSZ or GSZ and can use other
external protocols too. Comes with QMP v0.08
mail reader. FEB/93.
🔎︎ | QDIAL20.ZIP | 44.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | QuikDial v2.0; Memory resident utility that permits you to QuikDial v2.0; Memory resident utility that
permits you to dial telephone numbers using
your modem. It can scan the display for
numbers to dial or you can interactively
enter the numbers. QuikDial makes use of
expanded memory (EMS) or extended memory
(XMS) or a hard disk swap file to store most
of its code when not in use.
🔎︎ | QMOLX-TD.ZIP | 821.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | The newest test drive of Qmodem for 1993. 02/23/93. The newest test drive of Qmodem for 1993.
🔎︎ | QMU320.ZIP | 108.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | QMU v3.20 QMU v3.20 |
🔎︎ | QNS311.ZIP | 21.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | QNS v3.11 QMODEM/PCBOARD echomail script Automates nightly QNS v3.11 QMODEM/PCBOARD echomail script
Automates nightly mail transfers for the mail
doors: QMAIL 3.0 - 4.0, MARKMAIL 1.0 - 2.0,
PCRELAY. Preconfigured for SOUND OF MUSIC.
Easy to setup. 3 years history.
🔎︎ | QTALK541.ZIP | 70.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Q-Talk V5.41 Small Communications Program |
🔎︎ | QUOTER10.ZIP | 10.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Online messaging utility for those ancient BBS programs th Online messaging utility for those ancient
BBS programs that don't have a quoting
feature. Works great with Commo.
🔎︎ | RANDPASS.ZIP | 11.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Random Password Generator |
🔎︎ | RBCOM341.ZIP | 126.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBcomm is a lean and mean DESQview-aware comm program by R RBcomm is a lean and mean DESQview-aware comm
program by Ralf Brown. Freeware. Main
features of v3.40: runs in as little as 46K;
DESQview-aware to minimize CPU usage provides
some extra features under DV; 250-number
dialing directory; ANSI/VT102, VT52, AVATAR/0
emulations; seamless file transfers using
DSZ, etc.
🔎︎ | RBLOOK13.ZIP | 98.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBLOOK v1.3; Scans Robocomm .LOGs and guestimates phone bi RBLOOK v1.3; Scans Robocomm .LOGs and
guestimates phone bills
🔎︎ | RC42_42B.ZIP | 141.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Robocomm 4.2 to 4.2b upgrade kit. Several small bug fixes. Robocomm 4.2 to 4.2b upgrade kit. Several
small bug fixes.
🔎︎ | REFAX10.ZIP | 41.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | ReFax v1.00 FOSSIL version; ZyXEL Recievefax for mailer an ReFax v1.00 FOSSIL version; ZyXEL Recievefax
for mailer and BBS systems
🔎︎ | REGTM.ZIP | 1.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Telemate Generic Serial # GeneratorTHP |
🔎︎ | REMCTL58.ZIP | 43.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Fax/Modem or Fax Answer on 1 Phone Line |
🔎︎ | REMFAX.ZIP | 89.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | MVRFAX v1.00; Free Utility for ZyXEL Modems. Control your MVRFAX v1.00; Free Utility for ZyXEL Modems.
Control your ZyXEL fax modem from remote!
Ideal for those who must leave the office
unattended: Use either your laptop or a
simple phone to collect your faxes while on
the road.
🔎︎ | REXCLD11.ZIP | 125.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | REXCLUDE 1.1 Robocomm bonus utility. Works for registered REXCLUDE 1.1 Robocomm bonus utility. Works
for registered users only. Allows you to
easily build an index of files that should
not be added to your Robocomm new file lists.
This is perfect for Sysops and heavy
downloaders. New version 1.1 will import
names from a PCBoard format file list.
🔎︎ | RIPTM154.ZIP | 573.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Ripterm v1.54.00: graphics, mouse and more |
🔎︎ | RNGBCK.ZIP | 4.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Share Phone Line with ProComm Host Mode! |
🔎︎ | ROBO270R.ZIP | 100.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Sync bugfix terminal program for using RoboBBS EGA/VGA BBS Sync bugfix terminal program for using
RoboBBS EGA/VGA BBS Program.
🔎︎ | ROBO42_A.ZIP | 265.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | ROBOCOMM Version 4.2 (File 1 of 2) The *ultimate* tool for ROBOCOMM Version 4.2 (File 1 of 2) The
*ultimate* tool for unattended BBS
communications! Works with PCBoard AND
Wildcat BBS Systems. Includes a full script
language for others. Build comprehensive
databases of available files. Upload and
download files and mail automatically!
🔎︎ | ROBO42_B.ZIP | 292.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | ROBOCOMM Version 4.2 (File 2 of 2) Supports all popular ma ROBOCOMM Version 4.2 (File 2 of 2) Supports
all popular mail doors. Zmodem, Ymodem-G, PC
Pursuit dialer all included. Enhanced ANSI
terminal with Doorway mode. Full mouse
support. This program will revolutionize the
way you use BBS systems. Join the next
generation of BBS callers!
🔎︎ | ROBO42_U.ZIP | 341.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | ROBOCOMM Version 4.1 to 4.2 Upgrade Kit Use this file to u ROBOCOMM Version 4.1 to 4.2 Upgrade Kit Use
this file to upgrade only if you are
currently running version 4.1. Includes all
files needed to upgrade. Please see the
ROBOCOMM.HST file for a summary of changes in
this version.
🔎︎ | ROBO42BU.ZIP | 141.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Robocomm 4.2 to 4.2b upgrade kit. Several small bug fixes. Robocomm 4.2 to 4.2b upgrade kit. Several
small bug fixes. See the enclosed
ROBOCOMM.HST file for details.
🔎︎ | ROBO_UTL.ZIP | 326.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Handy Utilities For RoboComm Communications |
🔎︎ | ROBO_ZNS.ZIP | 1.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Robocomm Script file to use with the ZipNews Door. Automat Robocomm Script file to use with the ZipNews
Door. Automates mail runs easily.
🔎︎ | ROBOBAT.ZIP | 1.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Sample Robocomm startup batch file to aid in in disaster r Sample Robocomm startup batch file to aid in
in disaster recovery and general Robo
🔎︎ | ROBOCLAS.ZIP | 13.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Text file of the class on robocom give by the SF computer Text file of the class on robocom give by the
SF computer society.
🔎︎ | ROBOFAQ.ZIP | 3.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Answers to frequently asked questions about Robocomm Answers to frequently asked questions about
🔎︎ | ROBOHELP.ZIP | 39.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Robocomm v4.2 help files. |
🔎︎ | ROBOHST.ZIP | 10.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Document designed to assist experienced Robocomm users in Document designed to assist experienced
Robocomm users in coming up to speed quickly.
🔎︎ | ROBOSCRP.ZIP | 4.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | A small collection of RoboComm Version 4.0 scripts to chan A small collection of RoboComm Version 4.0
scripts to change message pointers in several
popular mail doors
🔎︎ | ROBQUO02.ZIP | 8.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Version .02beta of Robs Quoter. Small very fast quoter. Wo Version .02beta of Robs Quoter. Small very
fast quoter. Works with any BBS. Public
🔎︎ | RSTQS101.ZIP | 36.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | ReseTQS v1.01; Utility designed to lessen the frustration ReseTQS v1.01; Utility designed to lessen the
frustration of OzCis users who make use of
external programs for viewing and tagging
OzCis' QuickScan files.
🔎︎ | SAD_V22.ZIP | 47.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Slick AutoDialer v2.2 From SlickWare |
🔎︎ | SC40.ZIP | 129.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Set-Clock is the combination of a program and script for y Set-Clock is the combination of a program and
script for your communications (comm)
program. It calls the Naval Observatory in
Washington DC or the NIST Automated Computer
Time Service in Bolder CO and sets the DOS
(and CMOS) date and time. It also supports
Procomm Plus Version 2 and Procomm Plus for
🔎︎ | SDIAL501.ZIP | 89.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | StarDial AutoDialer v5.01 w/ZMODEM auto Dload |
🔎︎ | SDL25.ZIP | 21.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Smart Download 2.5 Telemate 3.01 Script for PCBoard that d Smart Download 2.5 Telemate 3.01 Script for
PCBoard that d/l batch of files listed in
file you select until download successful!
Great menu. Also, transfert messages with or
without RoseMail. With internal clock for
night download. *VERY* Powerful and *VERY*
easy to use! You cannot live without it! See
the doc!
🔎︎ | SEEMAIL1.ZIP | 746.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Assists In Managing Your MCI/E-MAIL 1/2 |
🔎︎ | SEEMAIL2.ZIP | 402.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Assists In Managing Your MCI/E-MAIL 2/2 |
🔎︎ | SENATORS.ZIP | 3.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | List of US Senators with Phone Numbers |
🔎︎ | SENDCOM2.ZIP | 18.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Send string or file to communication port (supports @-X co Send string or file to communication port
(supports @-X commands. Reads environment and
PCBOARD.SYS (14.5a versions) for PCBOARD.SYS
location to determine NODE, COMM port and
ANSI mode.
🔎︎ | SENDFAXP.ZIP | 3.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | PPS and PPE for PCB15 to prepare msg 2b faxed This script PPS and PPE for PCB15 to prepare msg 2b faxed
This script accepts fax number etc, then puts
user in editor to enter message text. Use
with a 'fax mail' program (not included). PPS
source included.
🔎︎ | SETTIM.ZIP | 9.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | SETTIME.WAS v1.00 Sets system clock with NIST ACTS or USNO SETTIME.WAS v1.00 Sets system clock with NIST
ACTS or USNO time.
🔎︎ | SHGIF55E.ZIP | 144.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | ShowGIF 5.5e. Allows you to view GIF for- mat files as you ShowGIF 5.5e. Allows you to view GIF for- mat
files as you download AND upload them. Also
includes an incredibly fast interact- ive
viewer with move/erase/copy/slideshow
capabilities + password protection to keep
out prying eyes. Forced hardware handshak-
ing for reliable DSZ/GSZ Transfers & more.
🔎︎ | SHWGIF55.ZIP | 104.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Shows GIF's during their Downloading, This really works gr Shows GIF's during their Downloading, This
really works great!
🔎︎ | SLICK63F.ZIP | 196.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Slick super modem terminal, does it all. |
🔎︎ | SMART24.ZIP | 27.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Smart Download 2.4 Script pour Telemate 3.01 et PCBoard qu Smart Download 2.4 Script pour Telemate 3.01
et PCBoard qui permet de d/l en batch au
moyen d'une liste indpendante. Reprend le d/l
en cas d'erreur! Menu perfectionn.
Aussi,transfert de messagerie avec RoseMail
ou sans. Minuterie interne pour download de
nuit. *TRES* Performant et *TRES* facile
utiliser! En francais.
🔎︎ | SMTV11A.ZIP | 108.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Script Modem Terminal STM 1.1 full scripting. |
🔎︎ | SORTFON.ZIP | 115.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | SORTFON v1.0; free utility for sorting the dialing directo SORTFON v1.0; free utility for sorting the
dialing directory of the COMMO communications
🔎︎ | SP110A.ZIP | 225.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | save you time & money if you make or receive long- distanc save you time & money if you make or receive
long- distance phone calls, by helping you
plan your calls for optimum use of phone
rates. It is a database of area codes, zip
codes, cities, towns, countries, time zones,
population stats etc. Can pay for itself on
your first call! More great shareware - from
Pinnacle Software!
🔎︎ | SP120B.ZIP | 215.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | SmartPhone v1.20 is a database that can save you time & mo SmartPhone v1.20 is a database that can save
you time & money if you make or receive long
distance phone calls, by helping you plan
your calls to use lower phone rates. Includes
database of area codes, zip codes, cities,
towns, countries, time zones, population etc.
Can pay for itself the first day you use it.
🔎︎ | SSFAXR11.ZIP | 66.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | SsFaxer v1.1: program to do one thing - send/receive fax t SsFaxer v1.1: program to do one thing -
send/receive fax to/from a fax machine/board
without CAS or any other interface
🔎︎ | SUB40.ZIP | 80.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Substitute v4.0; Robocomm add-on allows you to change file Substitute v4.0; Robocomm add-on allows you
to change file extensions on the files listed
in Available Files. It is useful for when
sysops create newfiles lists THEN change the
compression method from, for instance, ARJ to
ZIP. Robo will have the file stored as ARJ,
yet when it comes time to download.
🔎︎ | SVCS_FAQ.ZIP | 16.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | InterNet Services frequently asked questions and answers v InterNet Services frequently asked questions
and answers v0.7
🔎︎ | SZMODMSE.ZIP | 1.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Logitech mouse support for SZmodem protocol. |
🔎︎ | T321U-1.ZIP | 211.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Telix Communications v3.21 (update) [1/2]; Fast, powerful, Telix Communications v3.21 (update) [1/2];
Fast, powerful, and easy to use. 12 file
transfer protocols, 200 + modem setups,
terminal emulation, dialing directory, 2
powerful script languages, scroll-back and
BBS HOST mode, keyboard macros, new
development team, many more new features.
Maintenance release, containts only the files
that have changed since v. 3.20.
🔎︎ | T321U-2.ZIP | 193.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Telix Communications v3.21 (update) [2/2]; Fast, powerful, Telix Communications v3.21 (update) [2/2];
Fast, powerful, and easy to use. 12 file
transfer protocols, 200 + modem setups,
terminal emulation, dialing directory, 2
powerful script languages, scroll-back and
BBS HOST mode, keyboard macros, new
development team, many more new features.
Maintenance release, containts only the files
that have changed since v. 3.20.
🔎︎ | TAA_100.ZIP | 50.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | TAA - Telephone Activity Analyser. Provides a way for you TAA - Telephone Activity Analyser. Provides a
way for you to watch the activity of your
phone during your absence.
🔎︎ | TAGIT11.ZIP | 18.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | TSR that allows tagging filenames for later downloading. TSR that allows tagging filenames for later
🔎︎ | TAPLIB.ZIP | 326.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Tapcis/ozcis catalog of novlib files from Netwire. Current Tapcis/ozcis catalog of novlib files from
Netwire. Current as of 01/05/93.
🔎︎ | TAPPER.ZIP | 5.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Telephone Line Tapping Device for IBM PC, XT, |
🔎︎ | TASS35.ZIP | 164.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | The Answering Service Software v. 3.50 |
🔎︎ | TB120.ZIP | 369.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | TurBoard is an NAPLPS, RIPscrip, ANSI and ASCII asynchrono TurBoard is an NAPLPS, RIPscrip, ANSI and
ASCII asynchronous telecommunications program
designed to provide server E-Mail, data and
information exchange for a group of users.
The system can be used in a public or private
environment and over a LAN or Modem
🔎︎ | TDIC100.ZIP | 33.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Defines over 400 telecommunications terms. |
🔎︎ | TECHHP.ZIP | 9.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Technical Help for Modem problems and File Transfers Technical Help for Modem problems and File
🔎︎ | TEFS.ZIP | 6.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Two timed execution files for use with Procomm PLUS for Wi Two timed execution files for use with
Procomm PLUS for Windows
🔎︎ | TELE_ACC.ZIP | 62.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Fascinating set of documents dealing with the telecommunic Fascinating set of documents dealing with the
telecommunications explosion and especially
the rights to access for folks with
disabilities. Get it and get involved.
🔎︎ | TER110.ZIP | 774.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | TERMINATE v1.10; The final terminal! On-line help for novi TERMINATE v1.10; The final terminal! On-line
help for novices & the advanced features and
flexibility that experts require! Fido-net
point system, fax support, cost manager,
hostmode, IEMSI logins, CD-Audio Player,
system info, voicecalls. Superb file manager
boasts tagging and requests. Great
translation /keyboard editor: load
keymap/table for each phone book entry!
🔎︎ | TERM10E.ZIP | 36.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Public Domain Terminal Program v1.0-E |
🔎︎ | TERMCOMX.ZIP | 1.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Smallest comm program around, in French (from Quebec). Eac Smallest comm program around, in French (from
Quebec). Each of the pgms is set up for a
different com port termcom1 for com1, etc.
🔎︎ | TERMINAL.ZIP | 243.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Add-on to the INTERCOM. Is called from the Utility Menu in Add-on to the INTERCOM. Is called from the
Utility Menu in the INTERCOM. Terminal.exe is
NOT required for operation of the INTERCOM It
is a terminal program like Qmodem/ProComm
🔎︎ | THP100.ZIP | 98.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | TinyHost Plus V1.00 - Based on TinyHost, the small, simple TinyHost Plus V1.00 - Based on TinyHost, the
small, simple host program. All the features
of TinyHost V3.00 (external protocols, shell
to DOS, operator chat, etc.) plus the added
capability of dialing another TinyHost/Plus
system at a preset time and tranferring up to
5 files automatically.
🔎︎ | TIMSET72.ZIP | 166.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | TimeSet v7.20; Accurate time by phone from 5 atomic time s TimeSet v7.20; Accurate time by phone from 5
atomic time services covering 2 continents,
also from computers running TimeGen (incl.),
Generates time signals in USNO format from
any computer. Interactive with RighTime
v2.5+, Tom Becker's precision learning CMOS
and DOS clock corrector. Can automatically
reconfigure itself for time season changes in
North America, Britain, or Europe.
🔎︎ | TINYTERM.ZIP | 22.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | TinyTerm v1.0; Meant for those who want a low cost ANSI-BB TinyTerm v1.0; Meant for those who want a low
cost ANSI-BBS compatible terminal program
that works great with "SHELL" file transfer
protocol programs such as DSZ.
🔎︎ | TLO_13.ZIP | 103.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | The Little Operator is an advanced pbx phone dialer suppor The Little Operator is an advanced pbx phone
dialer supporting many customizable features
including tone frequency designation. Use of
this program as a BLUE BOX is ILLEGAL
🔎︎ | TLX321-1.ZIP | 175.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Telix Communications v3.21 [1/6]; Fast, powerful, and easy Telix Communications v3.21 [1/6]; Fast,
powerful, and easy to use. 12 file transfer
protocols, 200 + modem setups, terminal
emulation, dialing directory, 2 powerful
script languages, scroll-back and BBS HOST
mode, keyboard macros, new development team,
many more new features. Maintenance release
updating ver. 3.20.
🔎︎ | TLX321-2.ZIP | 79.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Telix Communications v3.21, [2/6]; Support files, sample s Telix Communications v3.21, [2/6]; Support
files, sample scripts, compilers
🔎︎ | TLX321-3.ZIP | 200.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Telix Communications v3.21, [3/6]; Host+ BBS Host mode, BB Telix Communications v3.21, [3/6]; Host+ BBS
Host mode, BBS Installation
🔎︎ | TLX321-4.ZIP | 72.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Telix Communications v3.21, [4/6]; Documentation for Host+ Telix Communications v3.21, [4/6];
Documentation for Host+, Scripts, Telix
🔎︎ | TLX321-5.ZIP | 73.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Telix Communications v3.21, [5/6]; Documentation for Host+ Telix Communications v3.21, [5/6];
Documentation for Host+, Scripts, Telix
🔎︎ | TLX321-6.ZIP | 56.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Telix Communications v3.21, [6/6]; Documentation for Host+ Telix Communications v3.21, [6/6];
Documentation for Host+, Scripts, Telix
🔎︎ | TM120.ZIP | 73.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | TurModem NAPLPS Terminal V1.00 TurModem is FREEWARE TurMod TurModem NAPLPS Terminal V1.00 TurModem is
terminal emulation program that requires
🔎︎ | TM412_1.ZIP | 185.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | TELEMATE 4.12, Powerful comm program, [1/4] TELEMATE is a TELEMATE 4.12, Powerful comm program, [1/4]
TELEMATE is a multi-threading communication
program. Featuring ANSI/Avatar/VT52/VT102
terminal, editor, viewer, huge backscroll,
clipboard and many unique functions. Built-in
mouse support provides easy access to all
functions. This high quality comm program
gives you OS/2-like power in a DOS program.
🔎︎ | TM412_2.ZIP | 193.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | TELEMATE 4.12, Powerful comm program, [2/4] Version 4.12 h TELEMATE 4.12, Powerful comm program, [2/4]
Version 4.12 has many new features: Multiple
upload and download directories, batch file
transfer status, video cache, high IRQ,
giving up control to DesqView and OS/2, and
much much more.
🔎︎ | TM412_3.ZIP | 193.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | TELEMATE 4.12, Powerful comm program, [3/4] TELEMATE is a TELEMATE 4.12, Powerful comm program, [3/4]
TELEMATE is a multi-threading communication
program. Featuring ANSI/Avatar/VT52/VT102
terminal, editor, viewer, huge backscroll,
clipboard and many unique functions. Built-in
mouse support provides easy access to all
functions. This high quality comm program
gives you OS/2-like power in a DOS program.
🔎︎ | TM412_4.ZIP | 244.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | TELEMATE 4.12, Powerful comm program, [4/4] Part 4 is the TELEMATE 4.12, Powerful comm program, [4/4]
Part 4 is the bundled GIFLink protocol driver
which allows you to view transmitting GIF
images in stunning SuperVGA graphics! Support
X/Y/Zmodem/CIS QuickB. Can skip receiving
images. Easy to install.
🔎︎ | TMALARM.ZIP | 26.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Telemate external alarm, sample files and description. Telemate external alarm, sample files and
🔎︎ | TMD130.ZIP | 44.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Modem Dictionary v 1.30. 650 definitions for modems. Modem Dictionary v 1.30. 650 definitions for
🔎︎ | TMUSIC12.ZIP | 95.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | TMusic 1.2 - Adds 34 more Alarm Songs for Telemate, & impo TMusic 1.2 - Adds 34 more Alarm Songs for
Telemate, & imports BASIC programs & lets you
write your own songs. Install specific or
randomly chosen song. Songs include Turkey in
the Hay, She'll be Coming 'Round the
Mountain, Oh! Susanna, Jesu, Joy of Man's
Desiring, Ode to Joy, Goober Peas, Amazing
Grace, & 27 more.
🔎︎ | TOLLCALL.ZIP | 2.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | If you want to save money on long distance calls you may w If you want to save money on long distance
calls you may want to read this. Gives access
codes to the major LD providers enabling you
to choose the cheapest vendor for your calls.
🔎︎ | TR4_23.ZIP | 181.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | TeleReplica; allows connecting two computers together (via TeleReplica; allows connecting two computers
together (via telephone lines and modems, or
via a direct cable, or via a common mini- or
main-frame computer), and arrange for input
to be accepted from either keyboard, and for
both displays to appear identical.
🔎︎ | TRANSRC2.ZIP | 5.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Transfer Record v2.0; Record your file transfers with form Transfer Record v2.0; Record your file
transfers with forms you print on your own
printer! Document you uploads, downloads, BBS
info and file descriptions!
🔎︎ | TRANSRC3.ZIP | 6.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Transfer Record Sheet v3.0; Print useful forms on your own Transfer Record Sheet v3.0; Print useful
forms on your own printer to document your
file transfers, uploads, downloads, BBS
lists, online time, PC equipment information,
and a complete and up to date listing and
description of your file records.
🔎︎ | TRIM40.ZIP | 80.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | TRIM v4.0: Robocomm utility, checks to see if the files in TRIM v4.0: Robocomm utility, checks to see if
the files in the Downloads list either exist
or have been moved offline. If not it deletes
them. Intended for folks who DL lots of files
and also trash many of them. Clipper source
🔎︎ | TRIVFE.ZIP | 81.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Self extracting front end for the NTN Trivia Network found Self extracting front end for the NTN Trivia
Network found on GEnie.
🔎︎ | TSET721.ZIP | 167.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | TimeSet v7.21: Gets accurate time by phone from 5 atomic t TimeSet v7.21: Gets accurate time by phone
from 5 atomic time services on 2 continents,
also from computers running TimeGen (incl.),
which generates time signals in USNO format
from any computer. Interactive with RighTime
v2.5+, Tom Becker's precision learning CMOS
and DOS clock corrector. Can automatically
reconfigure itself for time season changes in
North America, Britain, or Europe. Shareware
$40.00 U.S.
🔎︎ | TSRDIALR.ZIP | 3.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Repetitively dials busy numbers in the background Repetitively dials busy numbers in the
🔎︎ | TT20.ZIP | 270.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | TurboTerm v2.0 Communications Software |
🔎︎ | TTY.ZIP | 1.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | VVG basic comm program. Several options. Uses external DSZ VVG basic comm program. Several options. Uses
external DSZ.COM. Small, barebone but elegant
and well designed, even for very high speeds.
🔎︎ | TUTBBS21.ZIP | 73.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | TUTBBS Version 2.1 November, 1992-Tutorial On BBS Procedur TUTBBS Version 2.1 November, 1992-Tutorial On
BBS Procedures, Terms, With 2 Quizzes. HELP!!
For Callers New To Calling BBSes. Great
Curriculum Helper for Computer Class.
🔎︎ | TWITT.ZIP | 4.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Definition of a Computer Twitt, "VERY OFFENSIVE to a Twitt Definition of a Computer Twitt, "VERY
OFFENSIVE to a Twitt".
🔎︎ | TWPLAY13.ZIP | 16.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | TW AUTOPLAY is a collection of menu driven script files wr TW AUTOPLAY is a collection of menu driven
script files written in PcPlus aspect
language for use with TW2002. Included are
Paired Port Trader, Steal Sell Cycle, Mine
Disruptor, CIM report, Bust Record and more.
Handles speeds up to 14,400. For use with
PcPlus 2.xx DOS.
🔎︎ | TWW10.ZIP | 111.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Trade Wars Weapons v1.0 for Telemate; Great collection of Trade Wars Weapons v1.0 for Telemate; Great
collection of scripts designed to help
serious Trade Warriors get the winning edge
over their competetion. TWW also has some
unique scripts never released or seen before!
🔎︎ | U_STYLE.ZIP | 2.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Hints on Writing Style for Usenet. Useful for other Confer Hints on Writing Style for Usenet. Useful for
other Conferences, too.
🔎︎ | UTERM207.ZIP | 442.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Ultiterm Communications program |
🔎︎ | UZ.ZIP | 17.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Automate the process of checking out files you download - Automate the process of checking out files
you download - configurable - easy to strip
the comments, unzip, scan and read documents
in any archive file automatically - small,
command-line interface
🔎︎ | VGIX25A.ZIP | 68.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Terminal program that allows you to call any board running Terminal program that allows you to call any
board running VBBS 5.6x+ and use the VGA
interface with mousable menus and icons which
are all configurable both by user and sysop!
Also interprets VBBS's Heart Codes and
regular ansi codes! Great comm program!
🔎︎ | VISCOM.ZIP | 122.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Terminal Program to use with ANSI and Xmodem |
🔎︎ | VT320.ZIP | 2.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Vax VMS VT320 Terminal Emulator |
🔎︎ | VTBAN.ZIP | 2.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | This script is designed to work specificly with the Ven-Te This script is designed to work specificly
with the Ven-Tel 9600 Plus line of modems. If
neither the 9600 PLUS or 9600 PLUS II are
detected, a Hayes Smartmodem 1200 will be
🔎︎ | WHATIS_I.ZIP | 10.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | What Is the Internet? Explains InterNet and what you can e What Is the Internet? Explains InterNet and
what you can expect.
🔎︎ | WHATIS_U.ZIP | 7.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | What is Usenet? Explains UseNet and what you can expect. What is Usenet? Explains UseNet and what you
can expect.
🔎︎ | WHATL280.ZIP | 33.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | WhatLine v2.80; utility designed to squeeze the most out o WhatLine v2.80; utility designed to squeeze
the most out of a single telephone line. Use
up to three phone numbers on one telephone
🔎︎ | WIGWAM.ZIP | 370.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | WigWam is the Windows-based program which will make CompuS WigWam is the Windows-based program which
will make CompuServe easy to use, and
dramatically reduce your telephone and
connect charges. [1/4]
🔎︎ | WIZLINK1.ZIP | 102.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Sharp Wizard to PC communications program |
🔎︎ | WTERM110.ZIP | 90.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | WTerm v1.10 small communications with door- way mode. WTerm v1.10 small communications with door-
way mode.
🔎︎ | X10XA200.ZIP | 129.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | XA-X10 Command Interpreter v2.0; Send X10 commands/events XA-X10 Command Interpreter v2.0; Send X10
commands/events to CP-290 directly from DOS,
batch file, or script. Features: POWERFAIL
RECOVERY (restores modules to last programmed
state), Improved Date handling, Automatic
Daylight Savings adjustments, Expanded
programming, SUNRISE/SUNSET calcs, clock
synchronization, report generator.
Registering enables IF/ELSE, access to I/O
ports, math and logical operations, +++ more.
🔎︎ | XFER57.ZIP | 85.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Transfer v5.7 - a file transfer shell for a communications Transfer v5.7 - a file transfer shell for a
communications program.
🔎︎ | XFERGEOS.ZIP | 2.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Batch file and instructions to set up DSZ or GSZ as extern Batch file and instructions to set up DSZ or
GSZ as external protocols to GeoWorks
Ensemble's GeoComm. Requires XFER42.ZIP, a
shareware program that is a shell enabling
🔎︎ | YKH121.ZIP | 207.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Japanese VT320, works w/modems&DECNET, req VGA |
🔎︎ | ZCDC1805.ZIP | 215.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | User Manual for ZCOMM ZCOMM Communications |
🔎︎ | ZCOM10B.ZIP | 166.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Easy and powerful communications program that allows Zmode Easy and powerful communications program that
allows Zmodem uploads/downloads; w/capture
file, modem selection, up to 8 com ports
🔎︎ | ZCOMMEXE.ZIP | 201.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Communications Program with Zmodem-90 v17.86 |
🔎︎ | ZCOMMHLP.ZIP | 95.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Help Database for Zcomm v17.86 |
🔎︎ | ZDIAL21.ZIP | 90.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | ZIPDIAL v2.1; The purpose of this program is to keep a dat ZIPDIAL v2.1; The purpose of this program is
to keep a database of peoples addresses and
phone numbers, and allow dialing their phone
number using your modem from within the
🔎︎ | ZIPLIST.ZIP | 56.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | If you download you need this. Database and organizer. If you download you need this. Database and
🔎︎ | ZIPPGP.ZIP | 19.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Zimmermann's PGP: "A Cure for the Common Code". The Govern Zimmermann's PGP: "A Cure for the Common
Code". The Government wants to break him, but
Boulder's prince of privacy remains cryptic.
Worried about your privacy? Your secret is
safe with this guy.
🔎︎ | ZLFLIP10.ZIP | 5.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | ZLFLIP will work with ZDS MinisPort and TurbosPort laptop ZLFLIP will work with ZDS MinisPort and
TurbosPort laptop systems. ZLFLIP will cause
COM1 and COM2 to be swapped. That is, the
internal modem will become COM1, and the
external RS-232 port will be COM2.
🔎︎ | ZYG-60.ZIP | 246.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Zygolo DOS based communication program. No internal Protoc Zygolo DOS based communication program. No
internal Protocols. Must use Externals.
408 files listed
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