Name | Size | Date | Description | |
🔎︎ | AD2QWK9B.ZIP | 41.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Adds personal downloads to qwk packets. |
🔎︎ | ADOPT42.ZIP | 73.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Adopt-a-door for RBBS-PC BBS |
🔎︎ | ALIA173C.ZIP | 43.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBBS merges for alias's in messages. |
🔎︎ | ANSC174.ZIP | 14.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Split screen ANSI Chat for RBBS 17.4. |
🔎︎ | ANSI173C.ZIP | 2.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | AUTO-ANSI DETECT For RBBS-PC 17.3C This merge will allow R AUTO-ANSI DETECT For RBBS-PC 17.3C This merge
will allow RBBS-PC to Auto-Detect ANSI on the
users remote computer and allow the display
of a color PRELOG file.
🔎︎ | BADPASSW.ZIP | 1.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBBS 17.4 Merge, add info about forgotten passwords. RBBS 17.4 Merge, add info about forgotten
🔎︎ | BBSMENUS.ZIP | 20.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBBS/PCBoard Color Menus |
🔎︎ | BC-NTKE1.ZIP | 6.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | BC-NoTurboKeysMerge - a set of merges that will disable th BC-NoTurboKeysMerge - a set of merges that
will disable the ability to have Turbo keys
in RBBS-PC v17.4.
🔎︎ | BSHOW101.ZIP | 47.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Freeware bbs file viewer page, search, more. |
🔎︎ | CALRZ11.ZIP | 34.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Off-line callers file reader for RBBS-PC. |
🔎︎ | CB101A.ZIP | 34.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Eric's CallBack Verification System for RBBS-PC v1.01 Eric's CallBack Verification System for
RBBS-PC v1.01
🔎︎ | CDOR0811.ZIP | 696.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Cellar Door for RBBS v17.4 The CDor mods include ANSIChat, Cellar Door for RBBS v17.4 The CDor mods
include ANSIChat, Aliases, ANSIed, Batch UL's
16 FG 8 BG SmartText Colors, internode chat,
Internal FMS/FSS Maintenance - allows uploads
from any drive to the bbs, EasyFind Mod,
DOOR.SYS, and PCBOARD.SYS door files, RFM,
Twit, User-Ed, No-Hacks, EGA/VGA 43/50 Line
Mode, AVATAR and RIP Graphics support,
🔎︎ | DCRD100.ZIP | 9.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBBS 17.4 mod to allow Doors to log off callers without ma RBBS 17.4 mod to allow Doors to log off
callers without marking the log off as a
carrier drop in RBBS.
🔎︎ | DRAGBLOK.ZIP | 4.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Merge for RBBS. Blocks conf on users. |
🔎︎ | ECHOLIST.ZIP | 20.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBBS-net echolist |
🔎︎ | EDIT174.ZIP | 9.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | ANSIed edit/etog merges for RBBS 17.4a/0704. |
🔎︎ | FLUP135.ZIP | 35.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | FMSFLUP v1.35; RBBS-PC FMS Files List Entry Updater. Adds FMSFLUP v1.35; RBBS-PC FMS Files List Entry
Updater. Adds a daily entry of your latest
ALLFILES List (Downloadable Files List) to
your FMS file. Works with any file list
creator or for any file that is updated
regularly. Now supports an extended
🔎︎ | FMS-103.ZIP | 164.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Latest version of an offline catalogue generator & reader. Latest version of an offline catalogue
generator & reader. Consists of 3 programs
that allows RBBS users to d/load catalogue
files and read them offline. Catalogue
updates can also be created, d/loaded and
merged into existing offline catalogue files.
Sample files included. Mouse supported.
🔎︎ | FMS2PCB.ZIP | 9.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Convert your RBBS File Management System Master Directory Convert your RBBS File Management System
Master Directory to PCBoards DIRxx files. A
must for those who are switching from RBS to
🔎︎ | FMSUD204.ZIP | 31.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | FMS UpDate Ver 2.04 for RBBS-PC |
🔎︎ | HOTUNZ13.ZIP | 50.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | HOTlist v1.3; Creates a list of hottest and most recent fi HOTlist v1.3; Creates a list of hottest and
most recent files for RBBS systems. Simple to
use, and freeware
🔎︎ | JIMMER13.ZIP | 123.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Jimmer 1.3, RBBS .QWK mail door. |
🔎︎ | LASTON13.ZIP | 45.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | CALR2TXT; RBBS Callers to Text Conversion |
🔎︎ | MAPL0301.ZIP | 322.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Maple Merges; Allows Message lines to 199 Updates to MenuV Maple Merges; Allows Message lines to 199
Updates to MenuV30 Mods. Multi Door Drop File
MOD for RBBS-PC 17.4 DCRD Door Carrier Drop
MOD for RBBS-PC 17.4 and some other minor
🔎︎ | MAPL1223.ZIP | 192.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Maple Street Merges - a collection of merges which have be Maple Street Merges - a collection of merges
which have been created by many RBBS-PC
🔎︎ | MFIX0709.ZIP | 10.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | create the Maple version from STOCK 17.4 code with RBBS-MP create the Maple version from STOCK 17.4 code
🔎︎ | MFIX402.ZIP | 32.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | MAILFIX v4.02 - Purge/repair/re-size/renumber RBBS-PC mess MAILFIX v4.02 - Purge/repair/re-size/renumber
RBBS-PC message bases. Originally part of the
Mail Manager QWK mail door package, this
stand-alone version comes complete with
QB4/PDQ source code. Version 4 has been sped
up quite a bit from earlier releases, and has
the ability to renumber messages and maintain
user last-read pointers. 4.02 handles larger
message bases, with new /S command line
🔎︎ | MMGR23.ZIP | 177.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBBS Manager v2.3. Menu driven. |
🔎︎ | MMNGR134.ZIP | 184.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | QWK-compatible mail door for RBBS-PC |
🔎︎ | MSGTOS2B.ZIP | 426.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | MSGTOSS is a comprehensive, highly configurable program. MSGTOSS is a comprehensive, highly
configurable program.
🔎︎ | NEWDIR11.ZIP | 36.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | NewDirectory v1.1; DOS Directory Renaming Utility NewDirectory v1.1; DOS Directory Renaming
🔎︎ | NM_113.ZIP | 10.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Sysop echomail control utility for RBBS-PC. |
🔎︎ | NOSN101.ZIP | 73.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | NoSnail 1.01; Netmail for RBBS-PC. Adds outbound routed ne NoSnail 1.01; Netmail for RBBS-PC. Adds
outbound routed netmail access to RBBS
systems who participate in Fidonet Technology
🔎︎ | PBMMAN.ZIP | 36.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Play by mail game file manager for RBBS. |
🔎︎ | PEEKR174.ZIP | 2.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Add ANSI capability to Mark Kimes Peeker and RBBS-PC. Add ANSI capability to Mark Kimes Peeker and
🔎︎ | PGVW173C.ZIP | 11.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBBS source code mods for chat door. |
🔎︎ | PREUSR40.ZIP | 143.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | The Ultimate screen maker to display user logons for RBBS- The Ultimate screen maker to display user
logons for RBBS-PC. The displays contain the
previous callers name and several SysOp
configurable fields. The SysOp has the option
to display the users city/state, date of
logon, time of logon, and length of session
(in mins.). Displays may be created in the
three "flavors" typical of RBBS or you may
output one file containing smartext.
(c)1991-93 by Gary Glueckert
🔎︎ | QWKSPC11.ZIP | 9.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | QWK mail format: Collected information enclosed in this ar QWK mail format: Collected information
enclosed in this archive.
🔎︎ | R2DBF121.ZIP | 31.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Convert v1.21; Writes a .DBF from RBBS users file. Include Convert v1.21; Writes a .DBF from RBBS users
file. Includes Clipper, C, Pascal Source
🔎︎ | RBBS174.ZIP | 18.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBBS 17.4. A collection of text files that outline the new RBBS 17.4. A collection of text files that
outline the new capabilities of RBBS 17.4
Contains technical details for Sysops, but is
also a good source of info for callers. Some
of the new features discussed are: * Time
Banking. (Sock away some online time for a
rainy day) Carbon Copies and Distribution
Lists (For messages *or* files!)
🔎︎ | RBBS_SMF.ZIP | 184.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Contains the "Small & Fast" version of RBBS-PC, completely Contains the "Small & Fast" version of
RBBS-PC, completely functional
🔎︎ | RBBSCOLO.ZIP | 145.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Let users d/l file from Col. tape drive. RBBS |
🔎︎ | RBBSCONN.ZIP | 4.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBBSCONN v1.0; Mod to the RBBS code to allow it to log 144 RBBSCONN v1.0; Mod to the RBBS code to allow
it to log 14400 baud connect speeds.
🔎︎ | RBBSMGR2.ZIP | 170.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBBS Manager v2.0. The complete utility for RBBS-PC. This RBBS Manager v2.0. The complete utility for
RBBS-PC. This program can edit your FMS,
users file, messages file, and view your
callers file, and make a downloadable list of
your files and more. Supports EMS memory.
🔎︎ | RBBSTA98.ZIP | 113.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBBS-PC total access callback door |
🔎︎ | RBBSV101.ZIP | 246.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBBS-Verify v1.01; Superior Callback Verification Door For RBBS-Verify v1.01; Superior Callback
Verification Door For RBBS-PC. Hundreds of
customizable features, SUPER EASY install-
ation, offers features as such systems as
PCBoard, yet it's exclusively for RBBS!
🔎︎ | RBQ403.ZIP | 143.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBBS Quote of the day for ANY BBS program v4.03 fully work RBBS Quote of the day for ANY BBS program
v4.03 fully working version.
🔎︎ | RBS173C7.ZIP | 85.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBBS-PC v17.3 Text, menus, help files. |
🔎︎ | RBTCH230.ZIP | 257.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBatch v2.3; RBBS Batch Uploading, HS/Link, and BiModem In RBatch v2.3; RBBS Batch Uploading, HS/Link,
and BiModem Interface. Will also support ZSX,
Puma, DSZ & PCZ protocols, and .TIC file
processing. This new version will give byte
credits back to users who upload files.
Additional features for local file posting,
and support for MENU0 merges. This program
DOES NOT require merges to run on your BBS!
🔎︎ | RBZCH176.ZIP | 123.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBBS PC batch uploading, HS/Link and Bimodem interface v1. RBBS PC batch uploading, HS/Link and Bimodem
interface v1.76.
🔎︎ | REG_RBBS.ZIP | 3.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Information for the US BBS List and RBBS-PC |
🔎︎ | REHASH13.ZIP | 39.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | REHASH v1.30; small RBBS utility for packing and resizing REHASH v1.30; small RBBS utility for packing
and resizing a system's users files. Users
can be removed based on the date last on the
system (or in a conference), and exempted by
security level.
🔎︎ | RFIX0704.ZIP | 26.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Merges to upgrade RBBS 17.4 to 17.4a/0704. |
🔎︎ | RMAIL182.ZIP | 97.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBBSMail, the RBBS-PC Echomail Processor v18.2; Featuring RBBSMail, the RBBS-PC Echomail Processor
v18.2; Featuring CRITMON and DynaPurge!
🔎︎ | RNODE10.ZIP | 9.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | RNODE Version 1.0 - 09/25/92 Utility for use with RBBS-PC RNODE Version 1.0 - 09/25/92 Utility for use
with RBBS-PC systems which takes down other
nodes until a system event has completed.
Supports from 1 to 36 nodes (the maximum
number of nodes RBBS itself supports). RNODE
takes down ALL nodes until the node running
the system event has FULLY completed. Very
easy installation and no maintnance required.
If you run a multinode RBBS system, then a
utility such as RNODE is essential, protect
🔎︎ | RS_RBBS.ZIP | 2.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBBSROBO.RS is a file transfer script for RBBS-PC 17.3C RBBSROBO.RS is a file transfer script for
🔎︎ | RTFDC110.ZIP | 24.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBBS Turbo FMS Dupe Checker (RTFDC) v1.10 Finds Duplicate RBBS Turbo FMS Dupe Checker (RTFDC) v1.10
Finds Duplicate entries in your FMS, and on
your disk. Also points out files that are on
your disks but not in your FMS and Files in
your FMS that are not on the disk. Now points
out possible version updates too.
🔎︎ | RTMBP310.ZIP | 107.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBBS Turbo Message Base Packer v3.10: Message and USER Mai RBBS Turbo Message Base Packer v3.10: Message
and USER Maintenance utility for RBBS-PC.
Supports Both RBBS Msg Formats. Packs,
Purges, Renumbers Msg Bases. Deletes old
Users from User Files. Too many features to
mention. Works with PCRelay and Postlink's
Reset.Exe. Completly configurable.
Informative Logging. And FAST!!
🔎︎ | S3DESQ.ZIP | 10.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Info on setting up RBBS-PC with DesqView. |
🔎︎ | SI174V10.ZIP | 9.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | SIN174 - Merge for RBBS v17.4 to display the version of DO SIN174 - Merge for RBBS v17.4 to display the
version of DOS that RBBS is being run under
and to detect and display the version of
DESQview that RBBS is being run under if
applicable. By Richie Molinelli, SysOp of The
Small Time BBS.
🔎︎ | SMS2LIB.ZIP | 138.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Files required to provide RBBS FMS directory support for t Files required to provide RBBS FMS directory
support for the So Much Shareware 2 CD-ROM.
🔎︎ | TAG160.ZIP | 74.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Tagfile v1.60: Batch upload mgt util for Telix, Boyan, oth Tagfile v1.60: Batch upload mgt util for
Telix, Boyan, others? Intended primarily for
use w/RBBS.
🔎︎ | TCCB109.ZIP | 70.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBBS callback door, Highly configurable. |
🔎︎ | TFMS110.ZIP | 41.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | TFMS110.ZIP Turbo FMS Lister v1.10. Great New RBBS FMS All TFMS110.ZIP Turbo FMS Lister v1.10. Great New
RBBS FMS Allfiles Generator. Lightning Fast!
None Better!
🔎︎ | TMKFFS17.ZIP | 53.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBBS utility. Build fidx/lidx files. |
🔎︎ | TOSSPD.ZIP | 45.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBBS QWK Mail TOSSER. This is public domain release of the RBBS QWK Mail TOSSER. This is public domain
release of the program and C source. Does QWK
to RBBS to REP. Network two BBS's together
via a QWK compatible mail reader door! The
author no longer runs RBBS and anyone is
welcome to continue it.
🔎︎ | TQM112.ZIP | 145.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | TQM v1.12; The QWK Mail Door for RBBS-PC |
🔎︎ | UGLY174.ZIP | 86.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | The UGLY Merges Set of merges for RBBS-PC v17.4 that chang The UGLY Merges Set of merges for RBBS-PC
v17.4 that change how RBBS looks to the
remote user and adds a few minor bugs fixes.
The current version is compatible with RBBS
v17.4, with or without the RFIX0704 fixes.
🔎︎ | UPDN71B.ZIP | 117.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | UpDn v7.1; The Ultimate Bulletin Maker for Any RBBS System UpDn v7.1; The Ultimate Bulletin Maker for
Any RBBS System
🔎︎ | WHOUP110.ZIP | 32.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Whoup v1.0; RBBS utility that will give recognition to an Whoup v1.0; RBBS utility that will give
recognition to an uploader by immortalizing
his name in the FMS directory!
70 files listed
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