Name | Size | Date | Description | |
🔎︎ | A2R103.ZIP | 16.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | A2R v1.0; Ansi to Rip conversion utility. Converts ANSI sc A2R v1.0; Ansi to Rip conversion utility.
Converts ANSI screens to RIP format for use
with new RIP standard terminals. Fully
functional user supported software
🔎︎ | AD-GRAPH.ZIP | 72.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Adult Menu's in Rip from Graphics Unlimited BBS Adult Menu's in Rip from Graphics Unlimited
🔎︎ | ADICONS1.ZIP | 38.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Various original .ICN for use with RIP. |
🔎︎ | AIRRIP.ZIP | 3.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Good Collection of Icon-less RIP Graphic screens for SpitF Good Collection of Icon-less RIP Graphic
screens for SpitFire BBS, 2 Welcome Screens
and one Door Screen.
🔎︎ | ANIMRIP.ZIP | 6.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Three Animal RIPscript Screens, Good! |
🔎︎ | B4YHEAD.ZIP | 2.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Cartoon Rip Of CBS Morning Show-re Dan Rather Talk Cartoon Rip Of CBS Morning Show-re Dan Rather
🔎︎ | BASE36.ZIP | 11.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Base36 v1.2 TSR Convert decimal <> meganums |
🔎︎ | BATTLRIP.ZIP | 10.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Sample RIP screens for Wildcat BBS use'm if ya can. Sample RIP screens for Wildcat BBS use'm if
ya can.
🔎︎ | BATTRIP.ZIP | 10.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Some Sample RIP Screens for WC BBS. |
🔎︎ | BEAR.ZIP | 2.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | A Computing Bear in RIPscript |
🔎︎ | BILL.ZIP | 4.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIP Screen of what Clinton has in store? |
🔎︎ | BSRICONS.ZIP | 22.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Bunch of RIP Graphics Icons |
🔎︎ | CADICONS.ZIP | 38.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIP Icons from the CADalog BBS, AWESOME RIP! |
🔎︎ | CCAT4RIP.ZIP | 17.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Humorous RIP Scene from CCAT BBS, Could this happen to you Humorous RIP Scene from CCAT BBS, Could this
happen to you?
🔎︎ | CHARLIE.ZIP | 9.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Charlie announces WinRIP! - WinRIP rip graphic ad' Charlie announces WinRIP! - WinRIP rip
graphic ad'
🔎︎ | CHESHR01.ZIP | 21.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | The Cheshire Cat BBS RIPscrip icons; These icons are neede The Cheshire Cat BBS RIPscrip icons; These
icons are needed to fully assess the RIP
capabilities of TCC BBS.
🔎︎ | CNFNRIP2.ZIP | 61.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | CNFNRIP Creates ripscripts for CNFNR from the CNAMES file. CNFNRIP Creates ripscripts for CNFNR from the
CNAMES file. A screen or multi screens are
created WITHOUT the need for RIPAINT. With
Ripaint the same screens took several hours
to do what, this does it in Minutes. My users
think it's the greatest! Buttons instead of
entering conference numbers. Now unlimited
🔎︎ | CPU1.ZIP | 1.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Twin towers CPU's with modems, no icons RIPscript. Freewar Twin towers CPU's with modems, no icons
RIPscript. Freeware
🔎︎ | CSKPAINT.ZIP | 110.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Cheap Rip Paint program with save and editing abilties... Cheap Rip Paint program with save and editing
🔎︎ | CSV-RIP.ZIP | 2.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Menu screens made with Tombstone Artist .101 |
🔎︎ | DEC2MEGA.ZIP | 13.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | DEC2MEGA v1.0; Converts decimal integers to Hexa-Tri-Decim DEC2MEGA v1.0; Converts decimal integers to
Hexa-Tri-Decimal Meganumbers used by RIPSCRIP
(Remote Imaging Protocol Scripts). This
utility is freeware but the source code is
$5.00 if you would like to use it for your
own RIPSCRIP application.
🔎︎ | DLRIP12.ZIP | 86.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | DLRIP v1.2 - Allow Users to DL Rip Icons and/or FORCED fil DLRIP v1.2 - Allow Users to DL Rip Icons
and/or FORCED file.
🔎︎ | DPAIN21.ZIP | 171.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | DeadPaint v.2.1; RIP paint program. Improved file handling DeadPaint v.2.1; RIP paint program. Improved
file handling, keyboard support. Additional
fonts. Now also supports buttons, icons, and
text window. Converts Windows .ICO to .ICN,
🔎︎ | DRAG_RIP.ZIP | 7.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | 3 RIPscript Graphic Screens of Dragons |
🔎︎ | DSCARDS.ZIP | 33.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIP Icons Needed To Play Double Solitaire |
🔎︎ | DUCKICN.ZIP | 56.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | All of the RIP Icons needed to use with The Flying Duck BB All of the RIP Icons needed to use with The
Flying Duck BBS. One of the best RIP Graphics
BBS's seen.
🔎︎ | DVIEW30.ZIP | 93.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Dead View 3.0 - RIP Graphics Screen Viewer. |
🔎︎ | FLTLN103.ZIP | 270.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | FlatLine v1.03 - Powerful RIP editor/painter tool. FlatLine v1.03 - Powerful RIP editor/painter
🔎︎ | FNETICN.ZIP | 19.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Feathernet RIP icons. |
🔎︎ | GF_RIP.ZIP | 11.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Garfield RIPscript Graphics Screens |
🔎︎ | GICONS-1.ZIP | 81.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Mics. ICONs Like Pinochio, Spidey, Airplane, Samurai, boat Mics. ICONs Like Pinochio, Spidey, Airplane,
Samurai, boat, 486 PC... for RIP
🔎︎ | GICONS-2.ZIP | 8.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | More Cars of ICONs Colletcion for RIP |
🔎︎ | GICONS-3.ZIP | 8.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Ghostbuster ICONs for RIP |
🔎︎ | GICONS-4.ZIP | 16.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | More ICONs Like Madonna, Mulata Girl and Don't Panic Logo. More ICONs Like Madonna, Mulata Girl and
Don't Panic Logo.
🔎︎ | GICONS-5.ZIP | 89.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Collection of New ICONs for RIP |
🔎︎ | GICONS-6.ZIP | 113.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Collection of New ICONs for RIP |
🔎︎ | GICONS-7.ZIP | 113.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Collection of New ICONs for RIP |
🔎︎ | GICONS-8.ZIP | 112.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Collection of New ICONs for RIP |
🔎︎ | GICONS-9.ZIP | 27.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Collection of New ICONs for RIP |
🔎︎ | GOODRIPS.ZIP | 3.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | These are functional rip screens that look great and work These are functional rip screens that look
great and work great. Included is a text file
for those who would like me to make Rip
screens to fit their board.
🔎︎ | GRNEW.ZIP | 423.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Icons for Glory Road BBS, Great D&D BBS. Tons of the bugge Icons for Glory Road BBS, Great D&D BBS. Tons
of the buggers!
🔎︎ | HALLORIP.ZIP | 75.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Complete set of Halloween RIP Menus from Grafix Design. Complete set of Halloween RIP Menus from
Grafix Design.
🔎︎ | HELLORIP.ZIP | 32.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Write a companion .RIP file to any .BBS or .SCR file which Write a companion .RIP file to any .BBS or
.SCR file which is constantly changing due to
some programs making a HELLOxx.BBS (SCR) or
BULLxx.BBS (SCR) after they are run.
🔎︎ | ICONM102.ZIP | 49.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | The Icon Manager allows users of your bbs to download the The Icon Manager allows users of your bbs to
download the icons you use in your RIP
screens automatically. The icons will
automatically be placed in the proper icons
directory on the users rip compatible
terminal. This requires no uncompressing or
moving of files on the users part.
🔎︎ | ICONSBBS.ZIP | 8.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Collection of RIPscript Icons for BBS's |
🔎︎ | ICUPD2XX.ZIP | 253.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | IconUpDater v2.4 w/RIP; Highly configurable! Works on BBS IconUpDater v2.4 w/RIP; Highly configurable!
Works on BBS that can create DOOR.SYS Loaded
with Options! NO SYSOP MAINTENANCE ! Design
your RIP screens.Multi-Line w/ Multiple
Config files in the same DIR. Supports COMs
1-4, IRQs 1-15. Poll from caller's Hard drive
(RIP FILE QUERY) Auto Icon Scan download!
FORCE your callers to download a file. Setup
your own Menu options, set security levels.
🔎︎ | IDSICONS.ZIP | 15.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | IDS RipScript Icons IDS RipScript Icons |
🔎︎ | ISRIP.ZIP | 10.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | How to implement a graphical DOOR menu with Wildcat 3.9. U How to implement a graphical DOOR menu with
Wildcat 3.9. Util returns errorlevel for RIP
caller or non-RIP. Includes sample doors.RIP
menu and batch files.
🔎︎ | KP_BASE.ZIP | 2.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Set of base rip menus, background and title you add rest Set of base rip menus, background and title
you add rest
🔎︎ | LIABICON.ZIP | 88.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Icons needed for Lightning in a Bottle BBS |
🔎︎ | LICN0100.ZIP | 31.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | LOGINICN v01.00; Download RIP icons at Login Let your user LOGINICN v01.00; Download RIP icons at Login
Let your users download your RIP icons at
login, without having to search file areas or
bulletins to find the icon file name. Now
works for any BBS system that uses a DOOR.SYS
.ANS/.ASC/.RIP external display file support.
Auto-RIP mode detect. Non-Standard Com Ports.
🔎︎ | LITEMENU.ZIP | 3.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Some decent sample RIP menus! |
🔎︎ | LTHOUSE.ZIP | 2.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIP screen of a lighthouse |
🔎︎ | LVPG_ALL.ZIP | 150.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Collection of rip graphics Icons |
🔎︎ | MAINMNU2.ZIP | 1.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Main Menu in RIP w/Wildcat defaults and @-Codes built in. Main Menu in RIP w/Wildcat defaults and
@-Codes built in.
🔎︎ | MCLIP22.ZIP | 47.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | MegaClip v2.2: Screen Clipping Utility. Supports standard MegaClip v2.2: Screen Clipping Utility.
Supports standard EGA/VGA and SVGA modes.
Open/Save PCX, BMP, and RIP icon files.
Archive also contains a catalog of the latest
shareware titles from Blueview Software.
Requires EGA/VGA/SVGA and Mouse. From the
makers of NFX and Raster Master
🔎︎ | MENU1.ZIP | 1.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Main Menu RIPscript for WC3.xx. Active Mouse Regions Main Menu RIPscript for WC3.xx. Active Mouse
🔎︎ | MENU3.ZIP | 1.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Wildcat Main Menu, Mouse regions, no icons. |
🔎︎ | MENUBUTT.ZIP | 4.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Set of RIP Menus (ready to run) From Grafix |
🔎︎ | MERIP.ZIP | 14.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Midnight Escape BBS; These are a few of the RIP Menu Scree Midnight Escape BBS; These are a few of the
RIP Menu Screens used on Midnight Escape BBS.
Running SPITFIRE BBS Software 3.4.
🔎︎ | MISCRIP.ZIP | 9.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Set of 7 Excellent! RIP Graphics Screens |
🔎︎ | MKSFMENU.ZIP | 18.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | MKSFMENU v1.5; Create Display File Menus For SpitFire BBS! MKSFMENU v1.5; Create Display File Menus For
SpitFire BBS! Supports ASCII, ANSI and RIP
🔎︎ | MP-RIP.ZIP | 1.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | 2 RIP screens actually made with DeadPaint! |
🔎︎ | MSI_ICON.ZIP | 7.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | WildCat! Icons for Windows, WCPro, WCDraw, WCFile, MakeWil WildCat! Icons for Windows, WCPro, WCDraw,
WCFile, MakeWild 61 icons created with
🔎︎ | MSI_RIP.ZIP | 9.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | WildCat RIP graphics Screens |
🔎︎ | MYRIPS.ZIP | 6.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | 16 RIP Screens, Good Collection! |
🔎︎ | NEATNESS.ZIP | 6.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIP Graphic Screen Examples, Use or Edit |
🔎︎ | NEWDOOR.ZIP | 19.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Icons for Door Menu on Glory Road BBS |
🔎︎ | PRAMID1.ZIP | 1.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIPscript of 3D pyramid on sand, no icons |
🔎︎ | QUICKRIP.ZIP | 27.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Create RIP bordered version of your .BBS and .SCR's! This Create RIP bordered version of your .BBS and
.SCR's! This takes a lot of the work of
making RIP screens away from you. The screens
it makes will show your Board's name on top
Nicely Centered! Keep those Ansi's or BBS
screens you worked so hard to make and stop
the problem of having your screens scroll 2
lines at a time in the text window Does not
affect or change the original file in any way!
🔎︎ | RDMICONS.ZIP | 21.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Wide Variety Selection Of RIP Graphics Icons |
🔎︎ | RIPART.ZIP | 10.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | 4 RIP Screens-Stealth Fighter, F15, Liberty Bell & POW! 4 RIP Screens-Stealth Fighter, F15, Liberty
Bell & POW!
🔎︎ | RIPBBS.ZIP | 16.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIP screens for BBS. |
🔎︎ | RIPC101.ZIP | 22.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIPC v1.01; Ansi to RIP screen converter |
🔎︎ | RIPCBDMO.ZIP | 345.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | RipPCB Demo allows you to see many of the features of RipP RipPCB Demo allows you to see many of the
features of RipPCB v1.0;
🔎︎ | RIPCONV.ZIP | 3.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | .BBS to .RIP conversion |
🔎︎ | RIPEZ15.ZIP | 13.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Convert your ansi files to Rip graphics. 07/12/93. Convert your ansi files to Rip graphics.
🔎︎ | RIPICONS.ZIP | 8.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Icons for Ripterm. |
🔎︎ | RIPIV200.ZIP | 217.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | The RIP Icon Verifier v2.0; Detect if users need to downlo The RIP Icon Verifier v2.0; Detect if users
need to download your BBS RIP Icons
🔎︎ | RIPLIST1.ZIP | 48.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIPList v1.0; RIPList is a utility to help debug RIP scrip RIPList v1.0; RIPList is a utility to help
debug RIP script file. It simply outputs a
file that contains the extented text
description of the commands in each line and
lists there parameters or arguments.
🔎︎ | RIPMAINA.ZIP | 1.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Here is a ripscript main board menu used at Abject Poverty Here is a ripscript main board menu used at
Abject Poverty BBS. Easy to change to your
board name.
🔎︎ | RIPMECCA.ZIP | 44.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIP Graphics Mecca Menus For Maximus BBS |
🔎︎ | RIPMENU1.ZIP | 9.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | The set of default RIP menus for Renegade BBS Systems. The set of default RIP menus for Renegade BBS
🔎︎ | RIPMNU01.ZIP | 16.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Sample Rip Menus for PCBoard 15.0. |
🔎︎ | RIPPER10.ZIP | 12.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIPPER! v1.0 RIPPER! v1.0 |
🔎︎ | RIPPERS.ZIP | 97.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIPscrip graphics screens for TriBBS 5.0.Includes Main,Mes RIPscrip graphics screens for TriBBS
5.0.Includes Main,Message,File,and Sysop
menus. Just copy to your \DISPLAY directory.
🔎︎ | RIPPLE.ZIP | 4.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Sample RIPscript Graphics and plug for the "RIP Artist's G Sample RIPscript Graphics and plug for the
"RIP Artist's Group" that is looking for
interested artists to join.
🔎︎ | RIPSAM.ZIP | 3.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Collection Of Rip Menus & Etc. Written By The Uploader! Do Collection Of Rip Menus & Etc. Written By The
Uploader! Download If Interested In A Rip
Artist's Group, Also!
🔎︎ | RIPSCR10.ZIP | 12.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | FREEWARE ANSI To RIP Scene Creator |
🔎︎ | RIPSCRIP.ZIP | 41.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIPscrip Graphics Protocol Specification "Remote Imaging P RIPscrip Graphics Protocol Specification
"Remote Imaging Protocol"
🔎︎ | RIPSPECS.ZIP | 41.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIPscrip Graphics Protocol Specification RIP stands for "R RIPscrip Graphics Protocol Specification RIP
stands for "Remote Imaging Protocol" This
graphical standard is the answer to the
graphics needs of the BBS community.
🔎︎ | RIPSRNS.ZIP | 3.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Set of 5 Excellent RIP Scenes |
🔎︎ | RIVICONS.ZIP | 90.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | All Icons for the Rivendell BBS-BEST RIP GRAPHICS IN KANSA All Icons for the Rivendell BBS-BEST RIP
🔎︎ | ROBO2RIP.ZIP | 32.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Use these RIP Icons to make your BBS look like a ROBO BBS Use these RIP Icons to make your BBS look
like a ROBO BBS
🔎︎ | RRIPIT13.ZIP | 24.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | RBBS RIP Text Window Formatter v1.3; This little gem takes RBBS RIP Text Window Formatter v1.3; This
little gem takes any text file and imports it
into a RIPScript display complete with
configurable icons, mouse field commands,
colors, fonts, text, and more. Great for
creating RIP versions of your BBS Bulletins
🔎︎ | RTIME100.ZIP | 10.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIPTIME v1.00 - Create (.BBS/.RIP) when any function occur RIPTIME v1.00 - Create (.BBS/.RIP) when any
function occured *FREEWARE*
🔎︎ | RV101.ZIP | 39.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIPView v1.01; Automatically detect RIPScrip Graphics and RIPView v1.01; Automatically detect RIPScrip
Graphics and will show the user up to 20
screens. RIPView will display ASCII, ANSI and
RIPScrip screens. RIPView also supports
Languages. RIPView supports the following
drop files: TriBBS, PCBoard, DOOR.SYS (GAP),
SpitFire, WildCat!, RBBS (DORINFx.DEF), and
WWIV. RIPView also supports locked serial
ports, 16550 FIFO buffering, and you don't
need ANSI.SYS loaded!
🔎︎ | SAMCTRL.ZIP | 2.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | 3 RIP Graphic Screen Examples |
🔎︎ | SATUR1.ZIP | 3.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIPscript of Saturn like planet, with moons. No icons RIPscript of Saturn like planet, with moons.
No icons
🔎︎ | SFCTRL.ZIP | 3.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | 3 Excellent RIP Graphic Screen Examples |
🔎︎ | SFPLANE.ZIP | 3.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIP screen made using Tombstone Artist. It is based on the RIP screen made using Tombstone Artist. It is
based on the picture on the cover of the 3.4
supplement document!
🔎︎ | SHWCON12.ZIP | 23.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | ShowCon 1.2 RIP Icon Viewer. Freeware. |
🔎︎ | SHWRIP30.ZIP | 96.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | ShowRip v3.0; Use to view RIP files. Options allow you to: ShowRip v3.0; Use to view RIP files. Options
allow you to: Step thru file; Shows the RIP
command at bottom of screen; Delay for xxx
milliseconds between commands.
🔎︎ | SOMERIPS.ZIP | 140.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | A collection of Ripscreens, Good |
🔎︎ | SPIT_RIP.ZIP | 2.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIP screen of a Spitfire WWII Airplane Great for SpitFire RIP screen of a Spitfire WWII Airplane Great
for SpitFire BBS's
🔎︎ | STARWARS.ZIP | 1.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIP, Super StarDestroyer and the DeathStar |
🔎︎ | TART150.ZIP | 159.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | TombStone Artist v1.50; Full-Featured RIP paint program fo TombStone Artist v1.50; Full-Featured RIP
paint program for creating Rip Script
graphics for BBS use. Supports Bezier Curves,
Arcs, Copy and Paste, along with standard
paint commands. With TA, a sysop can create
excellent graphic screens for their BBS,
including buttons and mouse regions.
🔎︎ | TCLL.ZIP | 147.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIP Advertisement Screen from The Cuban Lizards Lounge BBS RIP Advertisement Screen from The Cuban
Lizards Lounge BBS
🔎︎ | TCLL_AD.ZIP | 40.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIP Advertisement Screen from The Cuban Lizards Lounge BBS RIP Advertisement Screen from The Cuban
Lizards Lounge BBS
🔎︎ | TCLL_ADV.ZIP | 73.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIP Advertisement Screen from The Cuban Lizards Lounge BBS RIP Advertisement Screen from The Cuban
Lizards Lounge BBS
🔎︎ | TCRIP.ZIP | 5.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | Define/use mouse buttons in Tomcat and text based bulletin Define/use mouse buttons in Tomcat and text
based bulletins
🔎︎ | TECHQUST.ZIP | 14.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIP Screen from TechQuest On-Line BBS |
🔎︎ | THEBOOK.ZIP | 2.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIP Screen...Looks Like the Wildcat 3.60 Manual! RIP Screen...Looks Like the Wildcat 3.60
🔎︎ | TOMBDOOR.ZIP | 2.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIP Door Menu - Made With Tombart Paint Program RIP Door Menu - Made With Tombart Paint
🔎︎ | TOTEM.ZIP | 3.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIP Title Screen from Totem Pole BBS |
🔎︎ | TRICON01.ZIP | 2.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIP Screens For TriBBS 5.0. Drawn With RIPaint And Include RIP Screens For TriBBS 5.0. Drawn With
RIPaint And Includes ICONS! Main, File &
🔎︎ | TRIRIP.ZIP | 5.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIP Screens for TriBBS; Includes the default Menu selectio RIP Screens for TriBBS; Includes the default
Menu selections for Main, File, and Message
menu. Also Included are a Logon Screen
advertising TriBBS and one for WME. I left
Room for Personalizing the menus with Icons
(center pieces) and additional commands.
🔎︎ | TRIRIP01.ZIP | 3.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | TriBBS 5.0 RIPscript Screens. Drawn With RIPaint FOR TriBB TriBBS 5.0 RIPscript Screens. Drawn With
RIPaint FOR TriBBS Sysops! Main,
Message,File. 2 Security Levels; New User &
🔎︎ | TSC_SCRN.ZIP | 21.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Menu Screen from Software Connection BBS |
🔎︎ | TTSRIP.ZIP | 14.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | This is a collection of RIP MENUS for use with WILDCAT 3.9 This is a collection of RIP MENUS for use
with WILDCAT 3.90 BBSes. Also included are
ANSI screens along the same lines, for the
ANSI part of the board!
🔎︎ | WALLS.ZIP | 1.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIPscript , Two files, Walls of 3D bricks |
🔎︎ | WALLS1.ZIP | 1.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIPscript of 3D wall. No icons. |
🔎︎ | WCICONS.ZIP | 2.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | ICONS for using RIPTERM on MSI's HQ BBS with RIP Graphics! ICONS for using RIPTERM on MSI's HQ BBS with
RIP Graphics!
🔎︎ | WHATRIP.ZIP | 1.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Goofy RIP Graphic To Show Color Palette |
🔎︎ | WMERIP.ZIP | 1.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | WORLD MESSAGE EXCHANGE... RIP Logon Screen. Tells Callers WORLD MESSAGE EXCHANGE... RIP Logon Screen.
Tells Callers Your Board Carries WME. Drawn
With Tombstone RIP painting Program. Use &
Modify As You Like.
🔎︎ | WRIPDM13.ZIP | 346.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | WinRIP Lite V1.00 Demonstration Package |
🔎︎ | ZEN-EGO.ZIP | 2.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIP screen that will show that the Zen Den sysop has an eg RIP screen that will show that the Zen Den
sysop has an ego!
127 files listed
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Wed Mar 12 2025 04:51:10 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)