Name | Size | Date | Description | |
🔎︎ | AWARD31.ZIP | 125.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | Entertainment Awards Trivia v3.1; BBS door program concern Entertainment Awards Trivia v3.1; BBS door
program concerning "OSCAR" trivia questions
over the years. Registration will allow you
to add questions to the database. Another
PAROLE Software program by Dennis Maidon. Now
creates RIP graphic bulletins as well as
supports a RIPSCRIP interface. Supports all
the major BBS drop files. WC!/PCB/SF/GAP,
🔎︎ | BJACK.ZIP | 101.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | BRAINEX BLACKJACK RIP ANSI; Great Blackjack, just like Las BRAINEX BLACKJACK RIP ANSI; Great Blackjack,
just like Las Vegas. Features Double and
Split hands, and great ANSI/RIP graphics!
🔎︎ | BXICONS.ZIP | 39.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIPscript Icons for use with Brainex Door Programs. RIPscript Icons for use with Brainex Door
🔎︎ | CATLST41.ZIP | 276.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | CatList v4.10:RIPSCRIP Support! A full featured BBS Listin CatList v4.10:RIPSCRIP Support! A full
featured BBS Listing Door that may be set for
a specified number of days to keep a lising
current. At the end of that time, CatList
will notify the lister that his listing has
expired and that it will be deleted. Creates
a Full-Color bulletin using WC!3.x color
codes and a text file resembling WCLIST.TXT
from Mustang! BBS.
🔎︎ | CELEB31.ZIP | 131.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | Celebrity Trivia v3.1; BBS door program concering trivia a Celebrity Trivia v3.1; BBS door program
concering trivia about famous people around
the world. Creates RIP graphic bulletins.
🔎︎ | CLSSAD15.ZIP | 133.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Classified Ads v1.5 Enhancement Release! RIP Graphic Bulls Classified Ads v1.5 Enhancement Release! RIP
Graphic Bulls A BBS door program that accepts
Ads from your users. SysOps may specify 10
different categories. ClassAd will output a
full color bulletin as well as an ASCii text
file. Wildcat! SysOps also have the option of
having Classified Ads writing bulletins to a
specified conference path.
🔎︎ | DBLSOL11.ZIP | 94.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Double Solitaire v1.1; Play against the computer in this D Double Solitaire v1.1; Play against the
computer in this DOOR version of the classic
game. 'Tournament' style play. Features: ANSI
and RIPscrip graphics, FOSSIL support,
Multi-node support, COM1-COM8 and IRQs 1-15
supported, DESQview aware, easy setup.
🔎︎ | DMDTRV31.ZIP | 126.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Diamond Trivia v3.1; BBS door program concerning trivia of Diamond Trivia v3.1; BBS door program
concerning trivia of our national pasttime,
BaseBall. Now creates RIP bulletins and has a
RIPSCRIP interface.
🔎︎ | DNLOAD30.ZIP | 27.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Download Door v3.0; Fast Downloading of up to nine specifi Download Door v3.0; Fast Downloading of up to
nine specified files. This up-date adds
RipScript Graphics. You do not have to have a
Rip aware BBS to use this program. If your
user is running a Rip Terminal programming
DownLoad Door will detect the terminal and
send the Rip Graphics screens and give the
user mouse contol of the menus. If your user
has an ANSI terminal then they will get ANSI
screens. This version includes a files list
🔎︎ | IDELIGHT.ZIP | 135.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | Idiot's Delight Door v1.3; You can't be an idiot if you wa Idiot's Delight Door v1.3; You can't be an
idiot if you want to win this solitaire card
game. Non Standard Com Port addressing &
Fossil Driver Support. Now detects and
adjusts screen for RIP Graphics back to 25
line mode.
🔎︎ | JEST222.ZIP | 70.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | JestBBS 2.22; Funny BBS utility that displays a joke at lo JestBBS 2.22; Funny BBS utility that displays
a joke at logon/logoff. OVER 2130 JOKES
INCLUDED! Creates ANSI, ASCII, and optionally
RIP files!
🔎︎ | LD201.ZIP | 37.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | LZHDoor v2.01 - This door will explain to your users why y LZHDoor v2.01 - This door will explain to
your users why you use LZH (LHA.EXE) for your
archiver and what file to download. This door
also has several other uses. You may use to
display information to your users. Supports
COM1-4, non-standard IRQ's and other
features. NOW SUPPORTS RIPScrip! Very easy to
install. Fixes DOOR.SYS error.
🔎︎ | LEMRIP10.ZIP | 121.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Lemonade (RIP) Door v1.0: FULL RIP door. Make money sellin Lemonade (RIP) Door v1.0: FULL RIP door. Make
money selling lemonade! Full RIP graphics,
COM1-15, non-standard IRQ's, DV aware, RIP
bulletins, easy sets up on ANY BBS that
supports doors, sysop options available, and
much more!
🔎︎ | MAJYK90.ZIP | 52.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Fantasy Army RIP Door Game. Take over the world in this cr Fantasy Army RIP Door Game. Take over the
world in this cross between Warlords and
Civilization. RIP Icon package included.
🔎︎ | MATCHTWO.ZIP | 141.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | Match-Two Door Game v1.2; Poker style card game in which y Match-Two Door Game v1.2; Poker style card
game in which you bet on matching cards. It
is tuff. Non Standard Com Port addressing &
Fossil Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required.
The registered version features Make-Up &
Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin
maker and User Score Data Editor which is
built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for
RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
🔎︎ | MOVTRV31.ZIP | 131.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | MovieTime Trivia v3.1; BBS door program relating to trivia MovieTime Trivia v3.1; BBS door program
relating to trivia questions about the movie
industry. Now creates RIP bulletins and has a
RIPSCRIP interface.
🔎︎ | NBRV10.ZIP | 111.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | The newsest and best way to display your News Bytes Magazi The newsest and best way to display your News
Bytes Magazine. Custome door to display your
data, writen with PCBoard Toolkit 15.0 aware
386 instructions only. Colorizes your text
and headlines. Supports ANSI, ASCII and RIP
screens all are included. Full featured PCB
15.0 door Easy to use and setup.
🔎︎ | OLT_35.ZIP | 195.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | OnLine Trivia v3.5; Trivia door that supports many differe OnLine Trivia v3.5; Trivia door that supports
many different BBS systems. It contains over
1700 questions in 4 different categories that
is user selectable. OLT will also create a
full color bulletin using ANSI/WC!3.x and PCB
color codes. It is fully functional with only
a slight delay at startup. Now supports
Fossil driver and creates RIP bulletins.
🔎︎ | POKER.ZIP | 100.4K | Aug 21, 2002 | VEGAS VIDEO POKER Great video poker game, just like Las Ve VEGAS VIDEO POKER Great video poker game,
just like Las Vegas. Features Double or
Nothing bet, and great ANSI/RIP graphics!
🔎︎ | PURITY25.ZIP | 160.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | PURITY 500 v2.5 Adults Only BBS Door Comprehensive Purity PURITY 500 v2.5 Adults Only BBS Door
Comprehensive Purity Evaluation Test. 500
Adult oriented questions on allc aspects of
SEX and sexual relates subjects. Now supports
RIP bulletins.
🔎︎ | RASSLE6.ZIP | 125.2K | Aug 21, 2002 | Super Rassle v6 Wrestling Door Prg. Supports DOOR.SYS, USE Super Rassle v6 Wrestling Door Prg. Supports
several other BBS user files. Super Rassle
now supports a FOSSIL driver. No expiration
date. Now supports RIP Graphics and WC!3.9.
🔎︎ | RIP_GAME.ZIP | 39.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIP Puzzle: FREE door game with RIP graphics! First of its RIP Puzzle: FREE door game with RIP graphics!
First of its kind online game with windows,
dialogs, buttons and online mouse support.
Runs under any BBS program. Uses DOOR.SYS,
PCBOARD.SYS, or command line. Supports
standard and nonstandard com ports, FOSSIL
drivers and DigiBoards. Multitasker aware and
multiuser compatible. Simple installation.
FREE program brought to you by the makers of
Searchlight BBS, leaders in RIP technology.
🔎︎ | RIPCSLOT.ZIP | 61.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Crooked Slots 1.00 Door with RIP Graphics |
🔎︎ | RIPJACKA.ZIP | 6.9K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIP-Jack v1.01; Excellent new PPE game for PCBoard! Uses R RIP-Jack v1.01; Excellent new PPE game for
PCBoard! Uses RIP Script graphics to display
a graphical game to the players with mouse
support! Allows users to bet their time
online so they can get that last file!
Installs easily, runs with no sysop input
🔎︎ | RIPSW100.ZIP | 53.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIPsweeper door with RIP graphics! Amazing game with popup RIPsweeper door with RIP graphics! Amazing
game with popup windows, dialogs, mouse
buttons and online mouse support. No icons
required. Plays standard Mine Sweeper on any
RIP or ANSI terminal. Runs under any BBS
program using DOOR.SYS, PCBOARD.SYS or
command line. FOSSIL and DigiBoard support,
too. Multitasker aware, multiuser compatible.
🔎︎ | RIPUZ100.ZIP | 42.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIP Puzzle: FREE door game with RIP graphics! First of its RIP Puzzle: FREE door game with RIP graphics!
First of its kind online game with windows,
dialogs, buttons and online mouse support.
Runs under any BBS program. Uses DOOR.SYS,
PCBOARD.SYS, or command line. Supports
standard and nonstandard com ports, FOSSIL
drivers and DigiBoards. Multitasker aware and
multiuser compatible. Simple installation.
FREE program brought to you by the makers of
Searchlight BBS, leaders in RIP technology.
🔎︎ | RIPVR101.ZIP | 54.0K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIPversi: Great door game with RIP graphics! Online game w RIPversi: Great door game with RIP graphics!
Online game with windows, dialogs, mouse
buttons and online mouse support. Plays an
awesome game of Reversi on any RIP or ANSI
terminal. Runs under any BBS program using
and DigiBoard support, too. Multi-tasker
aware and multiuser compatible.
🔎︎ | RVB_10.ZIP | 182.1K | Aug 21, 2002 | RIP Voting Booth Door! v1.0; Users vote for their favorite RIP Voting Booth Door! v1.0; Users vote for
their favorite RIP graphic screens! Supports
COM0-15, DESQview and Network ready, fossil
drivers, easy setup and configuration via the
RIPUTIL program! Will run on ANY BBS that
supports Doors! End users must use a RIP
compatible com program.
🔎︎ | S_ICON10.ZIP | 11.6K | Aug 21, 2002 | Send Icons to Users! PPE for PCBoard v15.0; Supports Autom Send Icons to Users! PPE for PCBoard v15.0;
Supports Automatic Sending of your BBS icons
to the user! Also does auto-detect ANSI and
RIP support of the caller and then default
the "Do you want graphics" prompt to default
to the best selection avaialble.
🔎︎ | SEER_V11.ZIP | 24.7K | Aug 21, 2002 | Emerald Seer v1.1; ICON verification/update door. Emerald Seer v1.1; ICON verification/update
🔎︎ | SPRTRV31.ZIP | 128.5K | Aug 21, 2002 | NCAA Sports Trivia v3.1; A college sports BBS door. Automa NCAA Sports Trivia v3.1; A college sports BBS
door. Automatically resets each month. Create
full color ANSI, WC!3.x, PCBoard and RIP
graphic bulletins. Registered SysOps may DL
an editor to allow questions to be added to
the database.
🔎︎ | TIMEVRIP.ZIP | 106.3K | Aug 21, 2002 | Time Vault v2.01; Free RIP capable Time & File Bank for WC Time Vault v2.01; Free RIP capable Time &
File Bank for WC3.X This version is new from
"ON-CALL" Software and is of course free.
Allows configuration of Time Stored, Files
Stored, and Max daily withdrawals of both.
Fully autodetects RIP support and displays
the RIP menus and graphics!
🔎︎ | TTRIAL21.ZIP | 118.8K | Aug 21, 2002 | Time Trials v2.1 Drag Racing Simulation. A BBS door progra Time Trials v2.1 Drag Racing Simulation. A
BBS door program that gives you everything
but the smell of burning rubber. Supports all
the major BBS types. Another BBS door from
PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon. Now
creates RIP Graphic Bulletins. You gotta see
it to believe it!
33 files listed
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