Name | Size | Date | Description | |
🔎︎ | BATCH13.ZIP | 122.2K | May 03, 2024 | Comprehensive collection of Batch programs This is "THE RUN BATCH RUN BOOK" A comprehensive
collection of Batchprograms, a guide to Batchenhancers,
useful MS-DOS utilities and where on earth you can find
them, a shareware book, version 1.3. It's written for
the beginners, for those who has been working with MS
DOS for awhile and for the experencied user that needs
a reference manual to improve their own programs and for
those who are looking for new ideas. This book is meant
to be a tutorial and reference and is divided into chapters,
so that you can find the information you are looking for.
It's written in ASCII text and it's suitable for sending
it to a printer.
This version is distributed in English.
🔎︎ | BATCSH12.ZIP | 32.6K | May 03, 2024 | Converts DOS batch file to Unix C shell script |
🔎︎ | BATDBG14.ZIP | 107.6K | May 03, 2024 | Debugger/editor for Batch files |
🔎︎ | BATKIT57.ZIP | 86.1K | May 03, 2024 | Batch file utils including a powerful GetKey BATKIT v5.7 - Batch file utilities. GETKEY
displays a message (plain or fancy), gets a
response (255 char max) from user & stores it
in an env. variable or ERRORLEVEL. Many
options-response verify & logging, response
time-out, display formatting & branching, more.
SAVEDIR stores current directory in the env.
& can change drives & directories. WAIT
pauses a batch file. GETSCRN captures text
screens. Shareware $15 (CIS:SWREG #1312).
🔎︎ | BAV121.ZIP | 162.4K | May 03, 2024 | Search .BIN screens & extract current screen ┌──── ─ --·
│ ▐████████████ ██ ████████████▌
│ · ███ |███ ██ ███· ███ ¡
│ ¡ ███ ·¡██████████| ¡███ |
°·▀▀▀ ¡ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀¡| ▀▀▀ ¡
│ | · ¡ ° ¡ | ·
¡ · PγΣ$Σ∩τ$ ¡ ° :
| ─═■BinAry AnSi Viewer v1.21■═─ |
: ∙ Bugfix Release ∙
· │
- Improved file selector
- more file handling checks │
- speeded up about 10% │
·-- ─ ────┘
🔎︎ | BDRIVE01.ZIP | 4.8K | May 03, 2024 | bOOtDrive: Drive you booted from to ERRORLEVEL This is bOOtDrive 0,01.
It is a batch utile
which returns exit codes
with the # of the drive
you booted from.
Private use: Free
Other use: Mail me
🔎︎ | BELT1CA.ZIP | 60.1K | May 03, 2024 | Utility_Belt: Batch file utility collection Utility_Belt collection, v1.c:
Utilities designed to simplify the
creation of professional looking batch
files. 6 interactive utilities for
keyboard support, 9 video enhancers,
4 diagnostic & security utilities.
ASP shareware from Herne Data Systems Ltd.
🔎︎ | BIGECHO1.ZIP | 18.0K | May 03, 2024 | Display 10-char msg in 8x8 block characters |
🔎︎ | BLRMU22.ZIP | 89.5K | May 03, 2024 | 41 miscellaneous batch utilities version 22 of Rasmussen's Mini Utilities -
41 miscellaneous .com type utilities -
each utility is accompanied by its own
assembly source and small doc file -
< FREEWARE > < Public Domain >
internet e-mail address :
🔎︎ | BOX12.ZIP | 7.0K | May 03, 2024 | Draws boxes around text in BAT files BOX 1.2 - like ECHO, except also draws
a box around the text May be freely
distributed for non-military use only.
MASM/OPTAsm source included. Usage:
BOX Please insert the yellow diskette.
Leading and trailing blanks are removed
from the string and one blank is added
to each end. The result on the screen
| Please insert the yellow diskette. |
Except it will look better because BOX
uses the line drawing character set.
🔎︎ | CDBNG12.ZIP | 11.0K | May 03, 2024 | Enhanced CD ChDir command sets ERRORLEVEL CD! 1.2 - an improved Change Directory
command that sets the errorlevel.
The CD command that comes with MS or PC
DOS has three flaws:
1. It does not set the ERRORLEVEL for
Invalid directories.
2. It fails when there is a trailing
backslash on the name.
3. You cannot hide its error messages
with >NUL: redirection.
CD! acts just like CD except that it
fixes these three problems. CD! is
slower since it is must be loaded each
time, whereas CD is internal to DOS's
included. May be freely distributed and
used for any purpose except military.
🔎︎ | CENVI211.ZIP | 496.2K | May 03, 2024 | CEnvi v2.11 Batch-Enhancer/Macro/C-Interpreter CEnvi Scripting Language v2.11 |
🔎︎ | CUTPAK12.ZIP | 311.9K | May 03, 2024 | Clay's Utils v1.2: Various functions, 40 utils Clay's Utilities for DOS Batch Proces-
ses include numerous DOS command line
utilities for file interpretation and
modification (ASCII, binary, and INI
formats), DLL internal info reporting,
user input prompting, software memory
requirements testing, environment
variable interpretation, manipulation
of the boot environment from a child
process, copying of hidden and system
files with true overwrite and sharing,
file splitting, file inventory, system
data collection, integer addition,
file age determination (useful for
event scheduling) and more (total 40
programs included).
FREEWARE - See the included README.TXT
file for license agreement.
🔎︎ | DATELI11.ZIP | 48.0K | May 03, 2024 | Create batch files to act on files by date |
🔎︎ | DATES708.ZIP | 90.6K | May 03, 2024 | Warns you in advance of birthdays etc. DATES.EXE (7.08): Program that warns
you in advance when an event like a
birthday, anniversary, or holiday is
coming up. The idea is to give you
advance warning so you can send a card
or get out of town in time. Freeware.
Bruce Guthrie / Wayne Software
🔎︎ | DBOX12.ZIP | 7.0K | May 03, 2024 | Draws double boxes around text in BAT files DBOX 1.2 - like ECHO, except draws a
double line box around the text May be
freely distributed for non-military use
only. MASM/OPTAsm source included
DBOX Please insert the yellow diskette.
Leading and trailing blanks are removed
from the string and one blank is added
to each end. The result on the screen
| Please insert the yellow diskette. |
Except it will look better because DBOX
uses the IBM double line drawing set.
🔎︎ | DELBNG12.ZIP | 11.3K | May 03, 2024 | Enhanced DEL erase command DEL! 1.2 replacement for the DOS DEL
or ERASE command. DEL! never generates
error messages, and never asks for
confirmation. It also gets rid of
hidden and read-only files.
MASM/OPTASM source included. By Roedy
Green of Canadian Mind Products. May
be distributed freely for any purpose
except military.
🔎︎ | DEXIST10.ZIP | 5.9K | May 03, 2024 | Determines all logical drives on PC |
🔎︎ | DRIVES01.ZIP | 5.7K | May 03, 2024 | dRIVES v0.01: Default drive to ERRORLEVEL This is dRIVES V.0,01.
It is a batch utile
which returns exit codes
about wherever a drive is
the default drive or not.
Private use: Free
Other use: Mail me
🔎︎ | DTCKP161.ZIP | 58.5K | May 03, 2024 | Date Check Pro v1.61: Maintenance scheduler Date Check Pro version 1.61 Oct 25, 1996
Date Check is designed to handle maintenance
on your computer that everyone tends to
forget. Many configurable options.
FREEWARE from -= Wasted Lights Software =-
🔎︎ | FDATE91C.ZIP | 74.4K | May 03, 2024 | Date manipulation utility for batch files FDATE v9.1c batch-file date manipulation
utility to do everything you need to do
with dates in batch files: put the date
of your choice (in the format of your
choice) into an environment variable;
regular & date arithmetic; string
handling; get user input in a batch
file; English, French, Spanish, German
output. V9.1 corrects a minor bug in
the #mult function. Freeware.
🔎︎ | FILEAGE.ZIP | 37.2K | May 03, 2024 | Age of file in mins, hours, days as errorlevel |
🔎︎ | FORTN708.ZIP | 88.4K | May 03, 2024 | Fine-tunes DOS FOR command w/options FORTUNE.EXE (7.08): A tuner-upper for
the DOS FOR command. Generates a batch
file (typically) which does all those
wildcard things you wished FOR could do
%2*.*" to remove parts of file names).
Lets you do all sorts of things
including distinguishing file name roots
from their extensions as well as
incrementing file names by specified
values. Freeware.
Bruce Guthrie / Wayne Software
🔎︎ | GBE2A.ZIP | 399.0K | May 03, 2024 | Graphic Batch Enhancer - Fully Functional |
🔎︎ | GETK002.ZIP | 22.3K | May 03, 2024 | GET KEY .02: Symbolic implementation of CHOICE GETK.EXE 0.02 is a symbolic implementation of the DOS CHOICE command with names for all keys. Writes the key name to the standard output or sets it into an environment variable.
🔎︎ | GRADE12.ZIP | 15.9K | May 03, 2024 | Set errorlevel depending on file size, w/asm GRADE 1.2 classifies files by size
as small or large and sets the
errorlevel accordingly. You might say
it separates the sheep from the goats.
It is typically used to trigger
re-building the Magellan primary index
when the secondary index get too big.
MASMASM/OPTAsm source included.
Written by Roedy Green of Canadian Mind
Products. Copyrighted but may be
copied freely for Non-military use
only. Version 1.2 documents the DOS
quirk of treating IF ERRORLEVEL 0 to
mean IF ERRORLEVEL >= 0, which is
always true.
🔎︎ | GRADE13.ZIP | 11.4K | May 03, 2024 | Sets ERRORLEVEL if file too big GRADE 1.3 classifies files by size
as small or large and sets the
errorlevel accordingly. You might say
it separates the sheep from the goats.
It is typically used to trigger
re-building the Magellan primary index
when the secondary index get too big.
MASMASM/OPTAsm source included.
Written by Roedy Green of Canadian Mind
Products. Copyrighted but may be
copied freely for Non-military use
only. Version 1.2 documents the DOS
quirk of treating IF ERRORLEVEL 0 to
mean IF ERRORLEVEL >= 0, which is
always true.
🔎︎ | INPUT10.ZIP | 41.2K | May 03, 2024 | An input command for batch files |
🔎︎ | INPUTR02.ZIP | 9.1K | May 03, 2024 | iNpUTer v0.02: Input/menu to ERRORLEVEL |
🔎︎ | MTWDO218.ZIP | 144.9K | May 03, 2024 | MTWIN v2.18: INI - GRP file manager DOS MTWIN is a small DOS based prg. which lets you modify any kind of
INI-Files and GRP-Files from the DOS commandline. Usefull for networks,
just place it in the login-script.
!!!! New Version 2.18 with NET.CFG support !!!!
- Create new section, add or modify key & values
- Delete,Comments,Uncomments keys and sections
- Global replace of strings supported
- Supports NET.CFG
- You can use environment variables
- Change programmanager groups
- Support for general CFG files
This programm is email-ware.
🔎︎ | NFTY50.ZIP | 93.3K | May 03, 2024 | Nifty Fifty: 50 DOS utilities for batch files |
🔎︎ | PUA12.ZIP | 25.3K | May 03, 2024 | Set of small batch files, some w/special reqs. PUADOS is a set of batch files to enhance
the life of any computer user. Power Users'
Aliases for DOS, as the name implies, are
small utilities which do nothing but save
time. Best of all, all utilities here are
public domain, which means that you are free
to use and modify all of them as you wish.
4D, for example, checks if 4DOS is loaded.
ANSIDET detects if an ANSI driver is
installed. Email PD.
🔎︎ | PUADOS12.ZIP | 22.9K | May 03, 2024 | PUADOS v1.2: Set of batch files for DOS PUADOS is a set of batch files to enhance
the life of any computer user. Power Users'
Aliases for DOS, as the name implies, are
small utilities which do nothing but save
time. Best of all, all utilities here are
public domain, which means that you are free
to use and modify all of them as you wish.
4D, for example, checks if 4DOS is loaded.
ANSIDET detects if an ANSI driver is
installed. Email PD.
🔎︎ | RBATCH14.ZIP | 285.4K | May 03, 2024 | RUN BATCH RUN: Guide to creating batch files This is "THE RUN BATCH RUN BOOK" A comprehensive
collection of Batchprograms, a guide to Batchenhancers,
useful MS-DOS utilities and where on earth you can find
them, a shareware book, version 1.4. It's written for
the beginners, for those who has been working with MS
DOS for awhile and for the experencied user that needs
a reference manual to improve their own programs and for
those who are looking for new ideas. This book is meant
to be a tutorial and reference and is divided into chapters,
so that you can find the information you are looking for.
It's written in ASCII text and it's suitable for sending
it to a printer.
This version is distributed in English.
🔎︎ | REMI156.ZIP | 48.4K | May 03, 2024 | Reminder v1.56: Reminds you of birthdays, etc. - REMINDER v1.56 -
REMINDER is a small program which
warns you for upcoming events such
as birthdays, appointments, etc.
REMINDER is fully configurable to
suit your wishes.
(c) 1997 Olaf Achthoven
🔎︎ | REMO03.ZIP | 7.4K | May 03, 2024 | rEmOvable: Disk removability to ERRORLEVEL This is rEmOvable V.0,03.
It is a batch utile
which returns exit codes
about wherever a disk is
removable or not. It can
also go TSR and simulate
all drives as
Private use: Free
Other use: Mail me
🔎︎ | SAYBNG14.ZIP | 11.2K | May 03, 2024 | SAY! v1.4: Echo for control chars SAY! 1.4 like ECHO with all 256 chars
you can easily specify embedded control
characters. e.g.
SAY! "Y" 13 | DEL *.*
SAY! 27 "&l5257.1058J" 26 > LPT1:
SAY! 7 7 7 "The sky is falling"
Use it to send control strings to a
printer, or simulate keystrokes to
a program. Generates arbitrary
strings for pipes or redirection.
SAY! is very similar to SAY in the
Ziff Communications PC Powertools.
MASM/OPTAsm source included.
By Roedy Green of Canadian Mind Products.
Copyrighted but may be copied freely for
non-military use only. Version 1.4 just
embeds our new address and phone number.
🔎︎ | SCR01.ZIP | 6.1K | May 03, 2024 | sCREENS v0.01: Screen mode to ERRORLEVEL This is sCREENS V.0,01.
It is a batch utile
which returns exit codes
about which screen mode you
are in, can also change mode.
Private use: Free
Other use: Mail me
🔎︎ | SPARKL42.ZIP | 110.5K | May 03, 2024 | 19 options to add Sparkle to batch files Sparkle 4.2 Batch file menus/sound/more!
**Includes Sparkle & Menu Magic (MM). MM
writes batch files for you. Sparkle offers
NINETEEN options to enhance batch files:
into a menu), BIG! FONTS (Print 8-line-high
messages), WINDOWS 250 styles, SOUND EFFECTS
(Over 35), VIEW FILE (in colorful windows),
PROMPTS (4 dynamic prompts), CUSTOM BROADWAY
SCREEN FONTS, and m-u-c-h more!
🔎︎ | SSTUFF31.ZIP | 301.1K | May 03, 2024 | Steenburgh's Stuff batch utilities v3.10 STEENBURGH's STUFF Batch Utilities |
🔎︎ | STRING25.ZIP | 75.0K | May 03, 2024 | Adds 70 string handling functions to BAT files |
🔎︎ | TBT324.ZIP | 49.9K | May 03, 2024 | TurboBAT: Compiles DOS batch file to .COM file TurboBAT Batch File Compiler 3.24 08/17/94
TurboBAT Creates a .COM program file from a
DOS batch file. Eliminates the need to
distribute batch files with source code.
Registered users do not need to pay royalties
on programs created with TurboBAT. Shareware
registration forms and manual included. From
Foley Hi-Tech Systems (ASP). $19.95
🔎︎ | TCHA103.ZIP | 111.0K | May 03, 2024 | Execute two programs in sequence ╔═──────────────────────────────────═╗
│ ■──══ τεσ τ╫ε SσƒτWizαγd ══──■ │
│ σƒ ▀▀▀▐▐▌ ▐▌▌▀▀▀ │
│ ▐█▐▌ ▐▌█▌ │
│ ▐█▐▄▐▌▄▌█▌ │
│ ──══════════════── │
│ τ╫ε wσⁿδεγƒμl τεαm │
│ ■ ──══ Pγεsε∩τs ══── ■ │
│ │
│ TurboChainer 1.03 │
│ The EXE Linker │
│ │
│ With TurboChainer you can link │
│ your intro with ANY program │
🔎︎ | TSBAT52.ZIP | 132.2K | May 03, 2024 | Collection of useful batch files by Timo Salmi A large collection of useful batch files
and batch programming tricks from Prof.
Timo Salmi
Self-contained. No exotic external batch
enhancers needed.
🔎︎ | UBU_100.ZIP | 52.1K | May 03, 2024 | UniNova Batch Utilities Freeware bundle UBU 1.00 - UniNova Batch Utilities.
This bundle of freeware utilities
for DOS BATCH programming is a
redistribution of programs that
were originally distributed as
separate archives. The utilities
CDA - Check to make sure a drive is
ready before accessing it.
RFS - Randomly select one file from
a set and copy it to a given
location on disk.
RDW - Report the day of the week
via DOS ERRORLEVEL to allow once-
weekly code execution.
!ENUF - Determine if a destination
drive has enough space for files to
be copied to it.
MELANI - Provide once-monthly code
execution using zero-byte flag
files and DOS ERRORLEVEL return
🔎︎ | WAT01.ZIP | 5.1K | May 03, 2024 | wHat A tIMe v0.01: System clock to errorlevel This is wHat A tIMe V.0,01.
It is a batch utile
which returns exit codes
with the system time.
Private use: Free
Other use: Mail me
🔎︎ | WEEKND01.ZIP | 4.8K | May 03, 2024 | WeekEND v0.01: Week days to errorlevel This is WeekEND 0,01.
It is a batch utile
which returns exit codes
with the days of the week.
Private use: Free
Other use: Mail me
🔎︎ | WEEKND02.ZIP | 7.6K | May 03, 2024 | WeekEND v0.02: Week days to ERRORLEVEL This is WeekEND 0,02.
It is a batch utile
which returns exit codes
with the days of the week.
Private use: Free
Other use: Mail me
48 files listed
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