Name | Size | Date | Description | |
🔎︎ | APPINST.ZIP | 88.4K | May 03, 2024 | AppInst v2.1: Freeware install utility for DOS APPINST v2.1
A handy little freeware utility for DOS
that helps you clean up your hard disk
by installing programs and applications
you don't use very often with the touch
of a button.
🔎︎ | CPD23.ZIP | 55.8K | May 03, 2024 | CPD v2.3: Complete program uninstaller Complete Program Deleter 2.3 totally
removes all files and directories added
to a disk by any installation utility,
SYSTEM.INI, and WIN.INI. A complete
uninstaller for DOS or Windows programs.
🔎︎ | CZINS102.ZIP | 526.0K | May 03, 2024 | CzarInstall v1.02 CzarInstall v1.02 - |
🔎︎ | DADINST1.ZIP | 212.6K | May 03, 2024 | DOS quick and dirty installation program v1.0 Disk And Desk Installation Program v1.0
REALLY Simple DOS installation program.
Answer 6 questions and you're off! Includes
Install Maker. Allows you to shell to a batch
file after copying files! SHAREWARE $10
🔎︎ | EAZYI971.ZIP | 250.3K | May 03, 2024 | Software installer creates self extracting EXE Eazy-I Software Installer v97.1, features
self extracting EXEs, makes distribution
disks, file compression, supports ARJ,LHA
and PkZip archives, royalty free licence,
Shareware - there are no "nag" screens or
program restrictions.
🔎︎ | EI73.ZIP | 267.8K | May 03, 2024 | Easy Install v7.3: Installation Disk Maker EASY INSTALL VERSION 7.3 Self Installing
Distribution Disk Maker. Makes compressed
self installing disks for progam distribut
ion. No script language to learn Just tell
it your program name and directory. Packs
sub directories, displays readme file and
optionally starts program after install.
Registration $40
🔎︎ | EZSFX13.ZIP | 267.9K | May 03, 2024 | Self Extracting Installation File Maker EASY SFX VERSION 1.3 creates a unique self
extracting and installing file. It allows
the user to choose the target drive and
directory. It also displays a readme.txt
file after extraction and optionally starts
the installed program. The parameters for
each SFX file made are stored in a data
file so that remakes are just a case of
choosing the program name from a list.
Any directory sub structure can be packed.
🔎︎ | FAINSTAL.ZIP | 33.8K | May 03, 2024 | Fat Art's Installer v1.01: Program installer Fat Art's Installer v1.01
This is an install program for any
programmer that needs to simply
copy all the files from their
distribution disk into a single
directory on the end user's hard
drive. If you register, you can
distribute an unlimited number of
copies of INSTALL with your own
programs! For IBM/compatible 8086
or better systems.
🔎︎ | GINSTAL2.ZIP | 104.6K | May 03, 2024 | Create self-installing files, Shareware |
🔎︎ | GO230.ZIP | 198.3K | May 03, 2024 | GO!: Install-archive-from-a-diskette program |
🔎︎ | II203.ZIP | 346.7K | May 03, 2024 | Easy-to-use DOS application installer INSTALLIT! is a DOS application installer,
extremely easy to use, no script language,
many features, occupies only 33K on disk.
Built-in decompression, reassembles large
files, and other utilities included. Regis-
tration key gives you access to free up-
dates as they are released. $25US
🔎︎ | IMPRES31.ZIP | 334.5K | May 03, 2024 | Programmer's custom installation kit First Impression v3.1-Scriptless Install Kit
for developers that covers every aspect of
an install. Full featured WYSIWYG developer
interface allows you to create that exact
look you need without writing a script!!
Checks hardware requirements as well as
updates CONFIG & AUTOEXEC. Auto search will
search drive for prev. install and
conditional checking allow necessary actions
to be performed if needed.(ASP) $60
🔎︎ | INST108.ZIP | 94.9K | May 03, 2024 | Installer! v1.08: Script-based installer Installer! v1.07
Create your own custom installation
scripts. Includes aesthetic and file
manipulation tools, a script compiler
and a script checker.
Shareware: free for non-commercial use!
(see manual for more details)
🔎︎ | MDF150.ZIP | 399.0K | May 03, 2024 | Builds & applies patches (DOS/OS2/Win95/WinNT) Complete software to produce and apply
patches to your programs and data files.
For DOS, OS/2, Windows 95 and Windows NT.
It also produces self installing patches.
C libraries and samples included.
Shareware. Author:
🔎︎ | NICE205.ZIP | 268.2K | May 03, 2024 | NICE-INSTALL v2.05. Full-Working DEMO NICE-INSTALL (v2.05) is an integrated
set of tools designed to quickly install
your software products or data. Within
minutes, you will be able to create
your install product which compiles to
a compact royalty-free EXE. Includes
built-in data compression, over 20
auto-detection features, ability to
modify AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS, file
group assignments, partial installations,
and a Diskette-Set-Builder. NICE205.ZIP
is a full-working demo version.
🔎︎ | PINSTL20.ZIP | 884.6K | May 03, 2024 | Create Installations disks w/ full uninstall Pabulum Install v2.0 - a great looking
and easy to use installation program.
Features include: Compresses all files
before copying to disk; automatically
copies to multiple disks if needed;
full uninstall capability; modify
CONFIG and AUTOEXEC files; Spanish or
English installation; Mouse Support;
Installs to default directory or allows
user to change directory; Displays any
message when Installation is completed.
🔎︎ | PRELUD13.ZIP | 780.2K | May 03, 2024 | Multi-language install utility (DOS & Windows) |
🔎︎ | PUT343.ZIP | 224.5K | May 03, 2024 | PUT & GET v3.43: Compression/archiving/install PUT, GET and INSTALL from MicroFox Company.
The file name for bulletin board systems is
PUTnnn.ZIP where nnn is the version number.
PUT is a command driven and/or menu driven
compression and archiving program. GET is the
decompression and unarchiving program that
goes with it. INSTALL is a utility you can
use to install program and files that were
compressed by PUT. Author: Jim Hass, |
🔎︎ | SFTMGR4.ZIP | 328.5K | May 03, 2024 | Software Manager v4.2: Install tracker Software Manager 4.2 provides three wizards to manage your software.
The Uninstall Wizard supports manual and automated uninstalls.
Manual mode creates a step-by-step procedure. Automated mode performs
system updates with your confirmation. Removal of pre-existing software
is easy and safe. Removes DLL, VBX files. The Install Wizard generates
report of changes made during software install and simplifies evaluation of
Shareware / Internet downloads. Configuration File Wizard w/ auto backup.
Shareware |
🔎︎ | SHINST15.ZIP | 53.1K | May 03, 2024 | The Shareware Installer 1.5: DOS/Win installer The Shareware Installer v1.5 DOS and Windows
installation programs (Install for Windows is
included in the registered version). Intro,
Install, Exit messages; partial installs,
upgrades, etc.; Checks disk space, conv. and
ext. memory, DOS ver., CPU, video card and
monitor; supports multiple disks and files;
optionally modify AUTOEXEC.BAT & CONFIG.SYS;
installs self-extracting EXE, ZIP files, and
/or copy files. From Relative Software.
🔎︎ | SHVEND15.ZIP | 35.1K | May 03, 2024 | The Shareware Vendor-Disk vendors' install pgm The Shareware Vendor v1.5 is a small, fast,
and easily customizable installation program
for vendors to distribute their shareware
disks to end users. Installs self-extracting
EXE's or ZIP files. Supports multiple files
and disks (up to 25 programs per disk set).
Select program name from scrolling list box.
Checks for valid drive & disk space, creates
directory if doesn't exist, prompts for each
disk. From Relative Software.
🔎︎ | SIMPAK11.ZIP | 1.2M | May 03, 2024 | Auto install and doc reader/printer Simple Pack v1.1 |
🔎︎ | SINST10.ZIP | 39.0K | May 03, 2024 | Simple DOS installation program |
🔎︎ | STPSTN13.ZIP | 123.6K | May 03, 2024 | Making distribute/install disk/disc |
🔎︎ | SUF303.ZIP | 977.7K | May 03, 2024 | Setup Factory v3.03: Make setup programs Setup Factory 3.03 for Windows. Using a
visual "object-oriented" project approach,
Setup Factory gives you the power and
flexibility to create your installation
program and disk sets without writing a line
of code or filling in confusing forms.
Features built-in data compression, gradient
backgrounds, splits large files, create
program groups and icons, system
configuration checking and much more!
🔎︎ | TINSTAL1.ZIP | 117.5K | May 03, 2024 | TXT-Install for DOS, with C source code |
🔎︎ | UNSTAL05.ZIP | 51.9K | May 03, 2024 | Rosenthal UnInstall: Removes DOS and Win pgms Rosenthal UnInstall v5 |
🔎︎ | VSEG10.ZIP | 99.5K | May 03, 2024 | Visible::Setup-G vG1.0: Install util., VGA ed. Visible::Setup-G, vG1.0 - RCCO Research.
Special VGA-splashcreen edition of the
widely-used Visible::Setup, developers'
installation utility for DOS apps. Displays
a developer-designed VGA .pcx file for a
customized introduction. Simple, clean,
professional installations; no scripts or
macros. Small (24k), fast, efficient.
🔎︎ | XTRCT102.ZIP | 23.0K | May 03, 2024 | Batch enhancer/menu shell for program installs The Xtractor, version 1.02 [DOS] [01/01]
29 files listed
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