Name | Size | Date | Description | |
🔎︎ | AFDOWNS.ZIP | 45.7K | Dec 23, 2021 | AF-Downs - Horse Racing BBS Door Game AF-Downs - Horse Racing BBS Door Game
This is a BBS Door Game of Horse Racing
Bid on your horse to Win, Place or Show
Run the race and get the results.
Door Requires DOOR.SYS to run properly.
Multi-Node capable. Requires the player
to have ANSI capabilities.
By Gary Crunk,!
🔎︎ | AFSLOTS.ZIP | 39.0K | Dec 23, 2021 | AF-Slots - Alot Machine BBS Door Game AF-Slots - Alot Machine BBS Door Game
This is a BBS Door Game of the old
1-Arm Bandit
Door Requires DOOR.SYS to run properly.
Multi-Node capable. Requires the player
to have ANSI capabilities.
By Gary Crunk,!
🔎︎ | BREV988.ZIP | 329.6K | Apr 29, 2023 | Barren Realms Elite [BRE] v0.988 Barren Realms Elite [BRE] v0.988
IBBS - Attack, trade, and make
political alliances throughout
the world - the real world - in
this completely inter-BBS capable
strategy war game.
🔎︎ | BULLS.ZIP | 6.2K | Dec 23, 2021 | BULLS - Mystic Bulletins Alternative BULLS - Mystic Bulletins Alternative
Bulls is an alternative "Replacement" for
Mystic BBS's Bulletin program. Instead of
having to have a BULLETIN.ASC in the
text folder and only having the bulletins
in bullet##.asc/ans format, now you can
point the Bulletins to Any ASCII/ANS File
you want. This also presents a nice
Scroll-Bar selection method. It will
tell the user if a Bulletin is NEW since
they last logged on.
By Gary Crunk,!
🔎︎ | DRKIGMPSC10.ZIP | 89.6K | Dec 23, 2021 | .·Darkness Plastic Surgey v1.00·. |16 |04.·|12D|04a|08rkness |12P|04l|08astic |12S|04u|08rgey |11v1.00|04·.
|11· |04An IGM for Darkness 1.0 β3 win32 / dos |11·
|03Darkness Plastic Surgery Center where you can
change your name or change your gender. What
is called Bruce Jenner package. Comes in two
flavors win32 & dos for both builds of Darkness
Comes with pascal source. Darkness is a game
by jack phlash of demonic in win and dos build.
Support bbs Dreamland
IRC Efnet #DoRE or #DoRENET
🔎︎ | DUBLZ101.ZIP | 254.8K | Feb 29, 2024 | ┌───────────────────────────────────┐ ┌───────────────────────────────────┐
: filename / DUBLZ101.ZIP :
├─────--- -- - - --- -────┤
: door / DUBLZ v1.01 :
. bbs software / All .
* author / Tom Swartz - Night Rider *
: released / 02/24/2024 :
├─────────────----- - - - --───┤
: desc: : The BBS door version of ·
· the tile game 2048. ·
· Programmed in 16/32bit. ·
: Free Pascal. :
: [x] win [ ] linux [ ] mac :
[ ] amiga [ ] c64 [x] dos
+ --------------------------------- +
: x - selected items
└──────────────────────────--- ─ -
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▀▄▀█▄ ▒ ████████▒▀▀▒████████ ▒ ▄█▀▄▀
\ ▀▀░ ▒█▀▀▀▄████████▄▀▀▀█▒ ░▀▀ /
▀▒ ██▀██▀██ ▒▀
: └──────·( EST. 2018 )·────┘ :
: :
* download from: *
: :
: :
🔎︎ | FHNRSRC.ZIP | 781.4K | Dec 09, 2023 | +----------------------------+ +----------------------------+
| For Honour |
| by |
| Andrew Pamment |
| For Honour is a BBS door |
| game similar to LORD. |
| |
| Now with LUA IGM Support! |
| |
| It is opensource. |
| |
| v1.91-dev SOURCE |
🔎︎ | FHNRWIN.ZIP | 828.4K | Dec 09, 2023 | +----------------------------+ +----------------------------+
| For Honour |
| by |
| Andrew Pamment |
| For Honour is a BBS door |
| game similar to LORD. |
| |
| Now with LUA IGM Support! |
| |
| It is opensource. |
| |
| v1.91-dev win32 |
🔎︎ | GALLERY.ZIP | 775.5K | Dec 23, 2021 | Ansi Art Gallery - By Andrew Pamment Ansi Art Gallery - By Andrew Pamment
Ansi art Gallery, Includes Windows
executable and source that can be compiled
under Linux.
🔎︎ | | 1.9M | Jun 02, 2021 | GALACTIC DYNASTY 2 (dev6)-A new remake of GalacticDynasty. GALACTIC DYNASTY 2 (dev6)
A new remake of Galactic
Dynasty. For Win32, Linux
and Source Available.
An new apam door in 2021
🔎︎ | GDYNSRC.ZIP | 827.6K | Nov 12, 2021 | Galactic Dynasty | by | Andrew Pamment |+-+| Galactic Dyna +----------------------------+
| Galactic Dynasty |
| by |
| Andrew Pamment |
| Galactic Dynasty is a BBS |
| door game similar to Solar |
| Realms Elite. |
| |
| It is interBBS capable and |
| opensource. |
| |
| v1.3.0-dev SOURCE |
🔎︎ | GDYNWIN.ZIP | 629.2K | Nov 12, 2021 | Galactic Dynasty | by | Andrew Pamment |+-+| Galactic Dyna +----------------------------+
| Galactic Dynasty |
| by |
| Andrew Pamment |
| Galactic Dynasty is a BBS |
| door game similar to Solar |
| Realms Elite. |
| |
| It is interBBS capable and |
| opensource. |
| |
| v1.3.0-dev WIN32 |
🔎︎ | MAGISLOTS.ZIP | 772.5K | Dec 23, 2021 | MagiSlots! - By Andrew Pamment MagiSlots! - By Andrew Pamment
3 Reel Slot Machine Door. Includes Windows
executable and source that can be compiled
under Linux.
🔎︎ | OREGON.ZIP | 780.7K | Dec 23, 2021 | Oregon Trail - By Andrew Pamment Oregon Trail - By Andrew Pamment
Ported from BASIC code written by
Bill Heinemann in 1971.
Your family sets out on a trip from
Independence Missouri to Oregon
City Oregon. Try to survive the
trip and make it into the top 10
🔎︎ | PORTVICTORIA.ZIP | 1.2M | Dec 23, 2021 | Port Victoria - By Andrew Pamment Port Victoria - By Andrew Pamment
Sea faring trading game. Amass wealth
by trading at various ports, Upgrade
your ship or Gamble away your gold in
the Tavern.
15 files listed
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