Name | Size | Date | Description | |
🔎︎ | ACD-PG20.ZIP | 47.9M | Jan 12, 2023 | Paging Module v2.0 for (Win/Linux) [MYSTIC] Paging Module v2.0 for (Win/Linux) [MYSTIC]
Mystic Paging Module. (Jan/2023) by n3!
- Text/PushOver/Audio Pages & Alerts
- Themes (Included ICECHAT and more!)
- Emergency Chat Override
- Blacklister
- Sysop Availability Status
- Home Automation URL Support
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ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
🔎︎ | | 6.3K | Oct 23, 2022 | ggg ggg
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Crypto Ticker and Exchange Plotter [MPY]
* Display current cryptocoin data
* Realtime ticker with ANSI plots
* For Mystic 1.12 A43+
🔎︎ | MyGUI | 1.6M | Jan 08, 2022 | ╔═══════════════ MyGUI v1.0.2.26 ═══════════════╗
╔═══════════════ MyGUI v1.0.2.26 ═══════════════╗
║ 06/01/22 ║
║ Mystic BBS GUI for SysOp's ║
║ Windows only .Net 4.72 req ║
║ An add on tool that provides:- ║
║ a single front end GUI: ║
║ mouse click Buttons for BBS tools/Config etc: ║
║ provides windows notification of BBS Events: ║
║ Easy navigation of BBS Files ║
║ Monitoring of mis Server, with Start/Stop ║
║ SysOp defineable Buttons for things like ║
║ Open Ansi Editor/Termial prog. ║
║ ║
║ If this tool is found to be of use I may ║
║ expand and develop more. ║
║ By Owen, Paranormal Panorama BBS ║
🔎︎ | | 1.7M | Jan 21, 2022 | ╔═══════════════ MyGUI v1.0.2.37 ═══════════════╗
╔═══════════════ MyGUI v1.0.2.37 ═══════════════╗
║ 18/01/22 ║
║ Mystic BBS GUI for SysOp's ║
║ Windows only .Net 4.72 req ║
║ An add on tool that provides:- ║
║ a single front end GUI: ** = NEW Feature ║
║ ** Auto start of mis serv - On/Off Option ║
║ provides windows notification of BBS Events: ║
║ ** Run at windows login - On/Off Option ║
║ Monitoring of mis Server, with Start/Stop ║
║ SysOp defineable Buttons for things like ║
║ Open Ansi Editor/Termial prog. ║
║ Keep BBS available after unexpected win boot ║
║ unattended, even after server incorrect close ║
║ that leaves mis.bsy in semaphore! ║
║ By Owen, Paranormal Panorama BBS ║
🔎︎ | | 2.4M | Mar 04, 2022 | ╔═══════════════ MyGUI v1.0.2.69 ═══════════════╗
╔═══════════════ MyGUI v1.0.2.69 ═══════════════╗
║ 27/02/22 ║
║ Mystic BBS GUI for SysOp's ║
║ Windows only .Net 4.72 req ║
║ An add on tool that provides:- ║
║ a single front end GUI: ** = NEW Feature ║
║ Auto start of mis serv - On/Off Option ║
║ provides windows notification of BBS Events: ║
║ Run at windows login - On/Off Option ║
║ Monitoring of mis Server, with Start/Stop ║
║ ** BBS Net Tool, Apply: Search: ║
║ Keep BBS available after unexpected win boot ║
║ unattended, even after server incorrect close ║
║ that leaves mis.bsy in semaphore! ...More ║
║ By Owen, Paranormal Panorama BBS ║
🔎︎ | | 10.0K | Jun 05, 2022 | ____________________ ___ __ _____ __5m __ ____________________ ___ __ _____ __5m __
\ \ ! | _/^\ \| | | \_/ |
<_ /> | : | _>__| | : | |
| __/ | <| | ! | \_/ |
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: ·· p r o d u c t i o n s ·· :
╠═══ ─-───── ── ────────────────---─-═══╣
│ filename / │
: mod : Users make their own ANSI TV show :
bbs software : Mystic
: author : DrClaw :
│ released : 05/22/22 │
│ desc: Version 1.03 This allows the users│
: to create their own ANSI TV Show based :
. on ANSI art you add in the art directory.
: it saves baud rate and slections per user
: [ ] win [X] linux [ ] mac :
: [ ] amiga [ ] c64 5m :
🔎︎ | | 25.8K | May 23, 2021 | ┬░┬░┬▒├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢ ┬░┬░┬▒├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢├¢ ┬░┬░┬▒ ████▌███████████████▌████▌██████▒████▌███
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RCS-AFK v1.1 - Away From Keyboard
├─ ─ ───── ── ─ ───── ─ ─── ───┤
│ Mystic a47 Mod that displays Matrix │
│ Rain(L/M) or a killer ANSI(W) after
│ users idle for a set amount of time, │
│ setting the node status appropriately │
│ so other users know if a user is AFK!
This archive contains MPL compatible
with Linux, MacOS and Windows Mystic
RCS Development Team - (c) 2021
└─ ─────── ─── ─ ─ ──── ────┘
🔎︎ | | 119.6K | May 22, 2021 | ░░▒█████████ ░░▒█████████ ░░▒███████ ████▌███████████████▌████▌██████▒████▌███
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RCS Game Room v1.2
├─ ─ ───── ── ─ ───── ─ ─── ───┤
│RCS Game Room is an easy way to set up │
│ doors within Mystic, and include nice
│ looking lightbar menus. │
│ This release includes INI files that │
│ will utilize DoorParty, BBSLink, or
both, along with any local games. By
changing the INI files, you can add
door servers or local games with ease.
Maintains a Top 5 listing for each menu
along with an overall Top 5 listing of
doors used. This Top 5 is displayed via
a scrolling banner on each menu, and
will update real-time to show your most
popular door games!
Support all terminal sizes, and tested
up to 132x37. Only 80x25 ANSIs included
RCS Development Team - (c) 2021
└─ ─────── ─── ─ ─ ──── ────┘
🔎︎ | | 20.8K | Mar 19, 2021 | ░░▒█████████ ░░▒█████████ ░░▒███████ ░░▒█████████ ░░▒█████████ ░░▒███████
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██ ██ ██ ██
██ ██ ████████████ ████████████
Official Release
RCS Party Time! v1.0
Party Time! MPL will show your users a
list of all users celebrating a birthday
and new users within the last seven days.
There is also a oneliner at the bottom
of the screen to leave a message for
them! This MPL will auto detect both
80x25 and 132x37 terminal sizes! This
does require Mystic v1.12a47+, as there
are new functions being used that were
added during the pre-alpha stage
Custom ANSI screens included!
RCS - Bringing useful modifications to the
BBS community in 2021
RCS Development Team(RCS) - (c)2021
🔎︎ | | 19.0K | Dec 07, 2021 | RRRRRRRRRRRR CCCCCCCCCCCC SSSSSSSSSS ░░▒█████████ ░░▒█████████ ░░▒███████
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██ ██ ██ ██
██ ██ ████████████ ████████████
Official Release
RCS Scrollz Announcements V1.0 Public Beta
Ever wanted to be able to have a scrolling
announcement on your Main Menu of your
Mystic BBS system? Now you can! This MPL
gives you the ability to have up to 10
messages that are randomly chosen and
displayed. The INI file gives you the
options as to where you want it place, the
speed and even the color of the text.
Requires Mystic v1.12A47+
Will NOT work right on menu with Lightbars
RCS - Bringing useful modifications to the
BBS community in 2021
Black Panther(RCS) - (c)2020-21
🔎︎ | XQ-MPLTUTOR01.ZIP | 20.8K | Jan 03, 2022 | __ __
___ __________/ |________
\ \/ / ____/\ __\_ __ \
> < <_| | | | | | \/
/__/\_ \__ | |__| |__|
\/ |__|
MPL Tutor: Part 1
A set of tutorials for Mystic Programming
Language (MPL). Compatible with Mystic 1.12+
This package contains the following tutors:
.. Text Files Basics
.. Record Files Basics
.. Screen Handling
.. Find and List Files
.. Filebase Manipulation
.oO0( xqtr )0Oo.
🔎︎ | | 19.6K | Apr 24, 2022 | /\_________/\______/\______/\_______
\\ / //
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/ __/ / /____/ \ __/jp!
//____/ \__ / ___/ /___/ \
==== /______\/ /==\_____// =/______\\==
: SysInfo v1.0 // mpy :
Display various information about your
BBS, the visitor/user and Internet
A small script with the looks of old
DOS programs...
Mystic BBS // MPY // Linux % RPi
12 files listed
Dynamically generated in 205 milliseconds by Synchronet Web Server 3.20e
Wed Mar 12 2025 04:53:07 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)