@MSGID: <5A98941E.1766.amtradio@capitolcityonline.net>
Hello, All!
http://www.arrl.org/news/arrl-requests-expanded-hf-privileges-for-techni cian-licensees
ARRL proposes to provide Technician licensees, present and future, with phone privileges at 3.900 to 4.000 MHz, 7.225 to 7.300 MHz, and 21.350
to 21.450 MHz, plus RTTY and digital privileges in current Technician allocations on 80, 40, 15, and 10 meters.
ARRL proposes to provide Technician licensees, present and future, with phon NA>privileges at 3.900 to 4.000 MHz, 7.225 to 7.300 MHz, and 21.350 to 21.450 M NA>plus RTTY and digital privileges in current Technician allocations on 80, 40 NA>15, and 10 meters.
I'm thinking the proposal was to help Amateur Radio Manufacturers.
But I may be wrong.
I was a A.R.R.L. Member for about 10 Years.
I am going to go back to the other Echo and read all of what that ARLB007 EV>says.
@MSGID: <5A9BD1D6.1774.amtradio@capitolcityonline.net>
I'm thinking the proposal was to help Amateur Radio Manufacturers.
But I may be wrong.
Speculation was that may be part of it...or to try to get ARRL new members.
I was a A.R.R.L. Member for about 10 Years.
I'm an ARRL Life Member...but except for being one of the VE's with their VEC, I do very little with them.
I am going to go back to the other Echo and read all of what that ARLB007
The FCC hasn't issued a call for comments, and I'd be very surprised
if this got anywhere. To me, let them upgrade to General Class license...they'd get far more privileges, and when I took the exam back
in 2007 (just after the pool had changed), I thought it was "a piece of cake".
@MSGID: <5A9BD1D6.1774.amtradio@capitolcityonline.net>-snip-
I'm an ARRL Life Member...but except for being one of the VE's with their VEC, I do very little with them.
Howdy! Daryl,
Shouldn't Technicians automatically become owners of a General License EV>since the 13 WPM CW Element isn't a requirement anymore.
Now that the Novice Class License is no longer the entry level why doesn't EV>the F.C.C. drop the Technician Class License and just offer Operating EV>Privileges for only the General and Amateur Extra Class Licenses?
... Johnson & Johnson Tagline: ###############
Is the General and Technician Written Test the same?
You would know for sure.
Is the General and Technician Written Test the same?
@MSGID: <5A9F0BFC.1778.amtradio@capitolcityonline.net>
Howdy! Daryl,
Hi, Ed...
Shouldn't Technicians automatically become owners of a General License
since the 13 WPM CW Element isn't a requirement anymore.
They can be, if they prove they held an amateur radio license prior
to March 21, 1987. If they have that, and the license was Technician,
they just go to a VE Test Session, fill out the paperwork, pay the fee, and they get a CSCE for a General Class license WITHOUT having to take
an exam. That's the ONLY license class with that.
Now that the Novice Class License is no longer the entry level why doesn't
the F.C.C. drop the Technician Class License and just offer Operating
Privileges for only the General and Amateur Extra Class Licenses?
A large chunk of hams...Novice, Techician, and Advanced Class
licensees, would then be left out in the cold. The Technician Class
Never mind the fact that the gear manufacturers would have far fewer customers, and organizations (ARRL and otherwise) would have far fewer members. The hobby is dying, as so many are...because we can't seem to "stop the bleeding" of those who are letting their licenses lapse, or
who are becoming Silent Keys.
There's something in the hobby for every license class. While I tried CW, the nervous system damage from 2 lightning strikes over the years makes it impossible to transcribe what I'm hearing to letters. I never cared for contesting...and do all my QSLing now via eQSL. For their
20th anniversary, I purchased a Platinum Lifetime Membership.
... Johnson & Johnson Tagline: ###############
That's just a Band-Aid for a tagline that was cut and pasted into the QWK reader. <G>
@MSGID: <5A9F0BFC.1779.amtradio@capitolcityonline.net>
Is the General and Technician Written Test the same?
Not any more. However, before March 21, 1987, the Technician and
General written exam WERE IDENTICAL -- the only difference was a 5 wpm
CW exam for the Technician (which you already had, if you had a Novice License beforehand), and a 13 wpm CW exam for the General.
I've had these experiences at exam sessions (I've been a VE going on
11 years now):
1) If an examinee walks in to the session with a Technician ham radio license that was issued on March 20, 1987 or before, all they have to
do is show ID, pay the fee, fill out the paperwork, and they get a CSCE for a General Class license WITHOUT having to take an exam first; basically, it's "grandfathered". This is the ONLY exam that you can get
an upgrade for, without testing.
The caveat is that the license has to be CURRENT -- if it has lapsed (it's expired more than 2 years (item 2 below), they go to category 2B below.
2) If an examinee walks in to the session with a lapsed (expired more
than 2 years) license, the term of the license class determines what "prior credit" they have.
A) If it was a Novice or Technician Class license, they have NOTHING --
as if they had never taken an exam (no license or callsign -- which is
the case for anyone whose license has lapsed). They show their ID, pay
the fee, fill out the paperwork, and have to take and pass the
Technician Exam to be back into the hobby. They are issued a CSCE for a Technician Class license.
B) If it was a General Class license, or a lapsed Technician Class
license that was issued on March 20, 1987 or before...they have credit
for Element 3, the General Exam (proof of such is required). However, without the lower level (Element 2 Technician), they have NOTHING. So, they have to show their ID, pay the fee, fill out the paperwork, then
take and pass the Technician exam. They are then issued a CSCE for a General Class license.
C) If it was an Advanced Class license, the credit is the same as item
2B above (proof of such is required). However, since the Advanced Class license was discontinued in April, 2000 (as was the Novice Class
license), they are DOWNGRADED to General, and are basically the same as item 2B above.
D) If it was an Amateur Extra Class license, they have credit for
Element 3, the General exam...and Element 4, the Amateur Extra exam
(proof of such is required). However, without Element 2, the Technician exam, they have NOTHING. So, they have to show their ID, pay the fee,
fill out the paperwork, then take and pass the Techician exam. They
are then issued a CSCE for an Amateur Extra Class license.
With items 2A through 2D above, they will get a new license and
callsign about 2 weeks after the exam. If they don't see their license
in the FCC ULS after 2 weeks, then they need to call the VEC, or the VE Team Leader, and find out what the delay is.
If their former callsign is still available under the vanity callsign system, they can apply for it, but they have to wait at least 21 days before it's granted.
Howdy! Daryl,
Licensed Hams in those three Classes can still Renew their License when the EV>time comes.
I just did that in August 2017 for my Advanced Ticket.
Those who fit in that last catagory can't prevent the reason that keeps EV>them from Renewing their License.
You don't have to listen to CW anymore, use the computer on the CW Bands. EV>Make QSOs with a perfect fist.
I own a Bug but a J-38 Key fits my hand too, never tried computer CW myself EV>but seen other Hams use their PC for more than keeping the Log.
... Johnson & Johnson Tagline: ###############
That's just a Band-Aid for a tagline that was cut and pasted into the QWK reader. <G>
It appears that OLX couldn't show that ASCII Graphic Characters my First Aid EV>Tagline used.
The BandAid graphic is 5 $DB's (219), 5 $B0's (176) and 5 $DB's (219).
Could You see the ASCII Graphic in OLX, but was not able to get it into EV>Your Reply to Me?
Or is 15 Pound Signs all that You saw in my Tagline and see in this message?
Howdy! Daryl,
I can't remember but back in 1959 when I took and passed the Technician EV>Exam to keep my Call Sign active, I'm thinking I took a Morse Code Test EV>before I took the written portion of the Exam.
I can't remember ever taking a test for a Amateur Radio Operators License EV>without writing some code down first.
But I may be wrong, I have - many many many times B4 been wrong.
And 60+/- years is a long period so I could be mistaken about the CW test.
For someone with a Expired Amateur Extra ticket that Element 2 sounds EV>STUPID (to Me).
I Passed the CW portion, Flunked the Written portion, walked out with a EV>Temporary Advance Class License until the F.C.C. sent the License to me EV>in the Mail.
There were lots of things in the Amateur Extra exam I took that I had
no idea about.
I never took another Ham Exam.
To Me That Organization is NOT of, for, by the amateurs like I think EV>their motto used to say a long long long time ago.
And YES I believe I can still pass the CW and Written Test for MY License EV>if needed to.
I didn't think the General test was that much harder at all. The only part t JS>was a tad harder was memorizing the band plans and knowing what frequencies JS>went where, but that clicked eventually. Everything else is basic electronic JS>theory. The Technician license seemed to focus on rules and regulations, whi JS>the General is more technology-based.
@MSGID: <5A9F63DA.1780.amtradio@capitolcityonline.net>
Hello Ed,
You would know for sure.
Is the General and Technician Written Test the same?
I didn't think the General test was that much harder at all. The only
part that was a tad harder was memorizing the band plans and knowing
what frequencies went where, but that clicked eventually. Everything
else is basic electronic theory. The Technician license seemed to focus
on rules and regulations, while the General is more technology-based.
I The Technician license seemed to focus on rules and regulations, whi
the General is more technology-based.
When I took the General exam in 2007, it was right after the Question
Pool had changed. I thought it was a piece of cake, myself.
Now, the Amateur Extra was a whole different story. :P
Hello Daryl,
When I took my General test I also took the Extra test during the same test JS>session. I passed the General and ALMOST passed the Extra. I should retake t JS>Extra test again one of these days.
@MSGID: <5AA05D7C.1784.amtradio@capitolcityonline.net>
Howdy! Daryl,
Hi, Ed...
Licensed Hams in those three Classes can still Renew their License when the
time comes.
I just did that in August 2017 for my Advanced Ticket.
If they did that though, it might discourage folks from putting forth the effort to upgrading. Admittedly, I had planned to be a Technician Class ham originally. But, when there was a shortage of Volunteer Examiners at a local hamfest several years ago, I decided to go ahead
and upgrade, to become a Volunteer Examiner.
As I noted in an earlier message, I am exercising the Extra Class privileges ONLY when I conduct, or help with, a license exam session. Otherwise, I'm EXCLUSIVELY in the Technician Class bands, as I enjoy
them. I know one local ham, who is a General Class licensee...but he
has absolutely no interest in HF. He works with emergency
communications and runs local nets...where most of the checkins are Technician Class hams.
Those who fit in that last catagory can't prevent the reason that keeps
them from Renewing their License.
I am amazed at the number of hams who have no clue as to when their license expires. Years ago, when there was still 3 CW exams, and 5
classes of licenses...one ham realized 2 days after his license had
lapsed (over 2 years since expiration). He called the VEC, trying to
get it reinstated, but was told..."Sorry...you have to take all the
exams again". From what I understand, passing the 20 wpm CW exam was
good enough to prove you could copy 5 and 13 wpm CW.
You don't have to listen to CW anymore, use the computer on the CW Bands.
Make QSOs with a perfect fist.
My hands shake too much with the nervous system damage to use a
keyer. I would do better typing on the keyboard (like with CQ100), and
let the program take care of converting it, both ways.
I own a Bug but a J-38 Key fits my hand too, never tried computer CW myself
but seen other Hams use their PC for more than keeping the Log.
I usually have the log until the new is done, except for QCWA D-Star Net. That one is kept for only the current month...then once the net manager has it, I zap it.
he... Johnson & Johnson Tagline: ###############
That's just a Band-Aid for a tagline that was cut and pasted into
idQWK reader. <G>
It appears that OLX couldn't show that ASCII Graphic Characters my First
Tagline used.
It's doing it for me. You hold the ALT-key while entering the number.
The BandAid graphic is 5 $DB's (219), 5 $B0's (176) and 5 $DB's (219).
Is this what you're looking for??
Could You see the ASCII Graphic in OLX, but was not able to get it intoessage?
Your Reply to Me?
Or is 15 Pound Signs all that You saw in my Tagline and see in this
All I saw was 15 pound signs (that was rather heavy (hi hi)).Would it help You if I grunted for You while You lifted the 15 Pound Signs
@MSGID: <5AA05D7C.1785.amtradio@capitolcityonline.net>
Howdy! Daryl,
Hi, Ed...
I can't remember but back in 1959 when I took and passed the Technician
Exam to keep my Call Sign active, I'm thinking I took a Morse Code Test
before I took the written portion of the Exam.
Correct. When the FCC was administering the exams, you HAD to PASS
the CW test FIRST -- or you were dismissed from the session, WITHOUT
being allowed to do the written exam.
I can't remember ever taking a test for a Amateur Radio Operators License
without writing some code down first.
In the U.S. and its territories, the 13 and 20 wpm CW exams...plus
the issuing of new Novice and Advanced Class licenses, were STOPPED on April 15, 2000. Holders of the Novice and Advanced Class licenses could renew them at the appropriate time. The 5 wpm CW exam (the last one),
was eliminated on Feb. 23, 2007. Now, people are learning CW because
they *WANT* to...and NOT because they *HAVE* to.
But I may be wrong, I have - many many many times B4 been wrong.
And 60+/- years is a long period so I could be mistaken about the CW test.
Or like a T-shirt I saw once..."I may not always be right...but, I'm never wrong" (hi hi).
For someone with a Expired Amateur Extra ticket that Element 2 sounds
STUPID (to Me).
Well, there was concern that with a lapsed license, having to get
back on without taking a test, was "stupid". The FCC determined that passing the Technician exam was sufficient enough that they had the
basic knowledge of items needed. They now require answering "the basic
character qualification question" on the NCVEC Form 605...answering Yes
or No, on whether they have been convicted of a felony, in state or federal court. A YES answer is NOT an automatic disqualification...it depends on the circumstances. Yet, the examinee has to send to the FCC, all required documentation, etc. to the FCC within 14 days of the exam session, or the license grant is dismissed...as if they had never taken
an exam.
I Passed the CW portion, Flunked the Written portion, walked out with a
Temporary Advance Class License until the F.C.C. sent the License to me
in the Mail.
When I first got my license in 1991, there was no FCC ULS. I took the test on Field Day Weekend, and it was the second week of August before
my ticket and callsign arrived in the mail. Now, with the FCC ULS, you
can get it in as little as 1 to 2 weeks...although I saw one fast turnaround...the ham passed Elements 2, 3, and 4 (Technician, General,
and Amateur Extra) in one session. The exam session was on a Saturday...his callsign was in the database the following Wednesday!!
There were lots of things in the Amateur Extra exam I took that I had
no idea about.
I learned how to tell where the voltage was leading or lagging the current, and that's all I remember.
I never took another Ham Exam.-snip-
Every year when I do my rent recertification, they ask me if I'm a student. I reply "the only exams I do now are giving ham radio license exams...and undergoing medical exams and procedures". Along that line,
I'm getting a "two-fer"...an EGD (upper GI) and a colonoscopy (lower
GI) on Friday the 13th of April. It'll be "lucky" for me, in that:
1) I'm long overdue for both -- it has been over 3 years.
Howdy! Daryl,
I haven't had the desire try for the Amateur Extra ticket.
I've not operated my station for some time but I wanted to renew the EV>license so I could get on the air if I wanted to.
What I meant was to use a Program that lets You type on the computer and EV>your rig sends CW for You.
And connect the Rcvr Audio to the computer and let it read the CW for You.
Since You have the Amateur Extra License You could have CW QSO's on any EV>part of any CW Band, and chat with Operators holding any Class of Ham EV>Radio Operator License anywhere in the World.
I thought to look to see what Your message looked like in MultiMail v.50 EV>for Windows.
It didn't look any different using MMWIN50 that it does in MMDOS49,
but at least I tried to see if it looked any better in Multimail WIN.
Would it help You if I grunted for You while You lifted the 15 Pound Signs EV>? ? ??? ??? ? ?
Howdy! Daryl,
Hey!, Thanks!!!!, I like being correct once in a while, instead of being EV>corrected all the time.
Sorry about the Typo on Your Name in another Reply.
At least now You know I don't use a Script that makes the second line in EV>a Reply, only the first line is made by settings I have in MultiMail.
Last year I tried a Search on DuckDuckGo.com to learn about what You said EV>about Vibroplex getting lots of orders for Bugs, but couldn't find a link EV>to anything like that.
Would You have a URL about people recently learning CW because they *WANT* EV>to? ? ??? ??? ? ?
That saying doesn't apply to me.
My reason for thinking it was stupid is that the VEC Organization is asking EV>a Ham who's License expired to complete a exam for a Class of License LOWER EV>than the one the Ham had taken for the HIGHER Class License.
I'm thinking on the FCC Form 610 I sent to them asking for the Novice Exam EV>papers back in the Summer of 1958 asked that question about being convicted EV>of a felony.
Computers do Paper Shuffeling faster that a Clerk can do it at the F.C.C. EV>Office, don't they? ? ??? ??? ? ?
3 years is about the same time span as the Doctor that does mine has Me EV>come to see Him.
Hello Daryl!
Do you ever check into the Alabama Traffic Net Mike (ATNM) on 3.965?
I try to get in when I can, normally two to three times a week.
Your callsign looks really familiar to me. I'm going to go thru my log to see O>if I've talked with you.
Why should Technicians try to upgrade to the General Class?
Since the CW Element for the Amateur Radio Exam has been discontinued
isn't the Written Test Element the SAME for the Technician and General
Class Licenses as it was in 1959 when I took the the Tech and General written exams?
No, the General Class test has more difficult questions when compared with t RS>Technician's test. Here's a comparison: RS>https://www.hamradiolicenseexam.com/which-exam.htm
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