• Max Payne Gold Coverage

    From Bryan Turner@1:124/7013.1 to ALL on Tuesday, July 17, 2001 08:42:51
    As was announced yesterday by the cryptic one word announcement, Max Payne has
    gone gold. For those of you who don't know what that means.. It doesn't mean that the game is shipping, it means that it's been given the final clearance from development and has been released to manufacturing. The game has a final test to pass - that being that the installation master will install on all the test machines, then it's off to duplication. We don't know yet what actual date the game will hit the streets, we'll know in the next couple of days what's going on there. Once we do, we'll report back.

    Game sites have been buzzing with the news of Max Payne's completion, and here's a sampling of coverage overnight..

    First up is an interview with Scott Miller over at VoodooExtreme on the game going gold. In it, Scott talks about what it's like finally finishing the game. Here's some of what he has to say..

    But it truly is a good feeling to see it released-this is one of the best times to be a developer, when you know you have something good and there's a high amount of anticipation for it to finally be in players' hands.

    When you finish the game you'll feel like you've been the main character in a novel, actually living the story. I can't think of any other action game that has made me feel this way.

    Second up is a mini interview with Aki Määttä of Remedy also on the game being
    finished which was also posted over at Voodoo Extreme. Here's what Aki had to

    VE -- Max Payne has gone gold, how do you feel?!

    AM -- Numb. I never feel a thing at an occasion like this - guess it'll hit me in a week or two (latest when the game hits the streets).

    VE -- In your own words, why do you think Max Payne kicks ass?

    AM -- The feeling, the coolness, the action, the insane things we never told anybody about.

    VE -- The game really took a long time to develop, do you feel all the extra effort Remedy put into it will be worth it?

    AM -- You expect some other answer than 'yes' here? :D

    Of course Max is/was our first major title, so part of the development process was purely a learning experience, but in the end, the time was spent very rationally; you'll be able to tell we're not exactly your average 12-18 month title.

    Finally, we have some quotes from some various gamers around a few game news forum sites...

    This game looks like it could a lot of fun. I'll buy it and give it a whirl. -
    Computerboy, Shacknews
    WOOOHOO! And I just ordered my new system up! - Capt Gerkin, Bluesnews
    Bring on the Payne! Gimme the Payne! - Rustic, Voodoo Extreme
    This game will rock my world - KingDePork, Shacknews
    W0000000t!!!! GOOOOOOLD! GOLD GOLD GOLD!!! i've been waiting for this for so long i can't wait until I hold the CD in my own hands.....yeeaaaah!!!!! - Neo69, Voodoo Extreme
    I am so ready for this game. Can't you feel it? It's like electricity in the air - Wunderbred, Shacknews
    WOOHOO! First action game in a loooong time that I'm really looking forward to! - Tunis5000, Voodoo Extreme
    Now this is news I can like! - A Lonely Hat, Weekly Web News
    Sweet! I've been looking forward to this one for a long time. Congrats to Remedy! - Ceridus, Voodoo Extreme
    Sweet! I'm getting this game for sure. The movies that are available look pretty killer. - Partar, Stomped
    What? It's Gold?!? Is the world coming to an end or something? - Kickassguy, Voodoo Extreme
    Let me say... FINALLY! I'm reeling with anticipation! - Zoesch, Shacknews
    Congrats, this game looks like some real fun. - Arithmatic, Voodoo Extreme
    My nipples are so hard they could cut glass! - Heywood J, Shacknews

    For those of you who haven't done so, make sure and pre-order your copy of Max
    Payne with 3D Realms directly by hitting http://www.buymaxpayne.com - That site
    does require a credit card, if you don't have one, you can still pre-order with
    us, the info for that is available here.

    You can send in the order form that will be posted in this echo soon, or call 1-800-3DREALMS to place it with a Credit Card.

    * Origin: Pegasus Flight *REMOTE* (1:124/7013.1)