• PCMS performance (cont.)

    From Digital Man to All on Friday, March 16, 2001 10:51:51
    For comparitive purposes, I wrote this little JavaScript program that does basically the same thing as the Baja code in the last message:

    var start = new Date();

    var i=0;

    while(new Date().valueOf() - start.valueOf()<1000)

    print(i + " additions and time-of-day operations per second\n");


    I ran this code through Netscape's SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine (jsshell), which produced the following numbers (rounded averages):

    38000 on the same lightly-loaded 700mhz PIII w/WinNT 4.0
    3400 on the same lightly-loaded 300mhz PII w/WinME

    Interesting, huh?
    I've yet to run this script on my Linux machine, but I'm sure to do that tonight and will let you know...

  • From Digital Man to Digital Man on Friday, March 16, 2001 14:59:40
    RE: PCMS performance (cont.)
    BY: Digital Man to All on Fri Mar 16 2001 05:51 pm

    I ran this code through Netscape's SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine (jsshell), which produced the following numbers (rounded averages):

    38000 on the same lightly-loaded 700mhz PIII w/WinNT 4.0
    3400 on the same lightly-loaded 300mhz PII w/WinME
    1300 on the same lightly-loaded 200mhz PI w/Linux

    Strange, eh?

  • From Digital Man to Digital Man on Friday, March 16, 2001 15:08:58
    RE: PCMS performance (cont.)
    BY: Digital Man to Digital Man on Fri Mar 16 2001 09:59 pm

    I ran this code through Netscape's SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine (jsshel which produced the following numbers (rounded averages):

    38000 on the same lightly-loaded 700mhz PIII w/WinNT 4.0
    3400 on the same lightly-loaded 300mhz PII w/WinME
    1300 on the same lightly-loaded 200mhz PI w/Linux

    Slight correction for Linux box (400 bogomips), 2600 after reboot. <shrug>

  • From PistolGrip@WASTELND to Digital Man on Friday, March 16, 2001 17:30:00
    RE: PCMS performance (cont.)
    BY: Digital Man to Digital Man on Fri Mar 16 2001 09:59 pm

    RE: PCMS performance (cont.)
    BY: Digital Man to All on Fri Mar 16 2001 05:51 pm

    Strange, eh?

    Uh oh, now he's talking to himself :-)


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