• Detecting Arrow Keys...

    From Ktulu@ROI to All on Saturday, September 13, 2003 19:48:00
    To all BAJA gurus, what function can I use to detect the arrow keys? GETCMD doesn't appear to be right... Can someone show me some sample syntax please? I'd appreciate it. Thanks!


    ■ Synchronet ■ Realm of Insanity - Realmofinsanity.no-ip.info = Milwaukee, WI =
  • From Digital Man to Ktulu on Monday, September 15, 2003 14:31:25
    Re: Detecting Arrow Keys...
    By: Ktulu to All on Sat Sep 13 2003 07:48 pm

    To all BAJA gurus, what function can I use to detect the arrow keys? GETCMD doesn't appear to be right... Can someone show me some sample syntax please? I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

    GETKEY works fine, see exec/matrix.src for an example.

    digital man

    Snapple "Real Fact" #77:
    No piece of paper can be folded more than 7 times.