• Random Password|rumors

    From jas hud@DSTREAM to Biohazard on Sunday, August 13, 2006 17:52:00
    Re: Random Password
    By: Biohazard to All on Sun Aug 06 2006 01:31 pm

    Wondering if someone could help me in a quick mod I'd like to make with
    the BBS --

    are you the guy that wrote biohazard rumors?

    |15 .─.┌ ┬ ┬┬ ┬┬.─.┬ ┬┌┐
    |07-│ │├┐│ ││ │││ ││ │└┐-
    |07 `─'└┘┴┘┴`\/'┴`─'└-┘└┘
    |08+o edge of oblivion bbs ■ eob.darktech.org ■ NUV ■

    ■ Synchronet ■ Data Stream - telnet://dsbbs.net - www.dsbbs.net
  • From Matt Munson@BORING to jas hud on Sunday, August 13, 2006 17:49:00

    are you the guy that wrote biohazard rumors?
    and wrote bionews.

    Matt Munson - The Parallel BBS - parallel.darktech.org (4 line)

    ■ Synchronet ■ The Parallel BBS * parallel.darktech.org
  • From Jas Hud to Matt Munson on Sunday, August 13, 2006 18:59:34

    are you the guy that wrote biohazard rumors?
    and wrote bionews.

    Matt Munson - The Parallel BBS - parallel.darktech.org (4 line)

    well, if he wrote biohazard rumors, then he is the same guy
    that had it on bbsfiles.com with a paypal link.

    using unbaja it was quite easy to prove that biohazard rumors was a 1:1 copy
    of mime's rumors, with a pricetag attached.

    .─.┌ ┬ ┬┬ ┬┬.─.┬ ┬┌┐
    -│ │├┐│ ││ │││ ││ │└┐-
    edge of oblivion bbs ■ eob.darktech.org ■ NUV
    Angus is a big fat dog kisser

  • From Finnigann@BNB to Jas Hud on Sunday, August 13, 2006 23:54:00
    With regards to the social ramifications;
    Jas Hud wrote to Matt Munson <=-

    are you the guy that wrote biohazard rumors?
    and wrote bionews.

    Matt Munson - The Parallel BBS - parallel.darktech.org (4 line)

    well, if he wrote biohazard rumors, then he is the same guy
    that had it on bbsfiles.com with a paypal link.

    using unbaja it was quite easy to prove that biohazard rumors was a 1:1 copy of mime's rumors, with a pricetag attached.

    Letsee.... someone on Dovenet objects to selling someone elses work and
    yet gives away other people's work. Is that you 1BMF?

    From: Jas Hud Line: 1/23 78%
    To: All Stat: Pvt Read Repl Mark Save
    Subj: icedit / quikedit

    Hey kids!

    I just uploaded registered copies of iceedit and Quikedit [my favorite]
    (both abandonware as far as i'm concerned)

    Alot of that pot/kettle thing going around!!

    /_`._ _ ._ _ _ _
    / // // ///_//_|/ // /

    ... "I thought I would send YOU on this adventure." - Gandalf
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.47
    ■ Synchronet ■ Bits-N-Bytes - bnb.dtdns.net / bnb.synchro.net
  • From Matt Munson@BORING to Finnigann on Sunday, August 13, 2006 20:28:00

    I just uploaded registered copies of iceedit and Quikedit [my favorite] (both abandonware as far as i'm concerned)

    Alot of that pot/kettle thing going around!!

    The author of QuikEdit refuses to release the source or sell teh source. Because he feels he doesnt want to waste the time with it. He said crack the bloody thing since I dont really want to do anything with it.

    See the thread in bbsfiles.com's where's the authors section.

    Matt Munson - The Parallel BBS - parallel.darktech.org (4 line)

    ■ Synchronet ■ The Parallel BBS * parallel.darktech.org
  • From Death@DARKNESS to Matt Munson on Monday, August 14, 2006 14:32:00

    The author of QuikEdit refuses to release the source or sell teh source. Because he feels he doesnt want to waste the time with it. He said crack the bloody thing since I dont really want to do anything with it.
    See the thread in bbsfiles.com's where's the authors section.

    You must understand that Finnigann knows absoulutly shit about
    nothing.. He just ASSUMED that Jas was putting illegal software up for download.. Simply because he doesn't like him very much and wanted a
    reason to insult him. However, if he would have done a little research
    before posting his bullshit, he would have known the author didn't
    care. Ahh well.. =o)


    Home of DarkNet

    ■ Synchronet ■ Darkness BBS - darkness.synchro.net
  • From Finnigann@BNB to Death on Monday, August 14, 2006 16:20:00
    With regards to the social ramifications;
    Death wrote to Matt Munson <=-

    The author of QuikEdit refuses to release the source or sell teh source. Because he feels he doesnt want to waste the time with it. He said crack the bloody thing since I dont really want to do anything with it.
    See the thread in bbsfiles.com's where's the authors section.

    You must understand that Finnigann knows absoulutly shit about
    nothing.. He just ASSUMED that Jas was putting illegal software up for download.. Simply because he doesn't like him very much and wanted a reason to insult him. However, if he would have done a little research before posting his bullshit, he would have known the author didn't
    care. Ahh well.. =o)

    Not so. (I did look over the site but found nothing regarding those

    Even if Rob uploaded registered software to his own BBS, I would have
    written pretty much the same thing. Coupled with his message about
    supporting RA which as I can tell is also abandoned software.

    Unless the Software author expressly states the software is public
    domain, then it is NOT public property. It's sad when an author
    abandons software but they are under no obligation to make it public.
    when they no longer wish to work on it. They might change their mind at
    some point in the future. or not...

    In any case, no one else can make the decision for the author.

    Not to question Jas Hud's honesty but others might not adhere to the
    truth where software ownership is concerned.

    If you can't get it from the lawful owner, then you can't get it.

    That's my opinion.

    /_`._ _ ._ _ _ _
    / // // ///_//_|/ // /

    ... "There's only one truth about war: people die." - Sheridan
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.47
    ■ Synchronet ■ Bits-N-Bytes - bnb.dtdns.net / bnb.synchro.net
  • From Radagast@EELF to Death on Monday, August 14, 2006 16:13:00
    Re: Random Password|rumors
    By: Death to Matt Munson on Mon Aug 14 2006 14:32:00

    You must understand that Finnigann knows absoulutly shit about
    nothing.. He just ASSUMED that Jas was putting illegal software up for download.. Simply because he doesn't like him very much and wanted a
    reason to insult him. However, if he would have done a little research before posting his bullshit, he would have known the author didn't
    care. Ahh well.. =o)

    He uses the same tactics regarding politics.

    ■ Synchronet ■ Eleemosynary ELF - telnet://eelf.richardw.net
  • From Biohazard@BIOHAZ to jas hud on Sunday, August 20, 2006 10:07:00
    Re: Random Password|rumors
    By: jas hud to Biohazard on Sun Aug 13 2006 18:52:00

    are you the guy that wrote biohazard rumors?

    Yes & Bionews which is now called SyncNews -- Merlin and I did that proggy. Rumors, I did that one and had lost the archive for it when I went on a 2 year break from BBSing. So, if anyone has the Rumors module archive that I did up, can you send it? Thanks. =D

    Timothy Arnold (Biohazard)

    Timothy Arnold (Biohazard)

    ... Documentation - The worst part of programming.

    ■ Synchronet ■ Biohazmat - biohazmat.ath.cx
  • From Jas Hud to Finnigann on Saturday, August 26, 2006 20:57:51

    Letsee.... someone on Dovenet objects to selling someone elses work and
    yet gives away other people's work. Is that you 1BMF?

    From: Jas Hud Line: 1/23 78%
    To: All Stat: Pvt Read Repl Mark Save Subj: icedit / quikedit

    Hey kids!

    I just uploaded registered copies of iceedit and Quikedit [my favorite] (both abandonware as far as i'm concerned)

    Alot of that pot/kettle thing going around!!

    hey, moron, there is no relation.

    taking someone's FREE code and saying it is yours and selling it is WRONG.
    that is what happened here.

    my uploading registered copies of abandonware from 10+ years ago that nobody could buy if they wanted to is not a bad thing.

    get your facts straight, idiot.

    .─.┌ ┬ ┬┬ ┬┬.─.┬ ┬┌┐
    -│ │├┐│ ││ │││ ││ │└┐-
    edge of oblivion bbs ■ eob.darktech.org ■ NUV
    Angus is a big fat dog kisser

  • From Finnigann@BNB to Jas Hud on Sunday, August 27, 2006 08:42:00
    With regards to the social ramifications;
    Jas Hud wrote to Finnigann <=-

    Letsee.... someone on Dovenet objects to selling someone elses work and
    yet gives away other people's work. Is that you 1BMF?

    From: Jas Hud Line: 1/23 78%
    To: All Stat: Pvt Read Repl Mark Save Subj: icedit / quikedit

    Hey kids!

    I just uploaded registered copies of iceedit and Quikedit [my favorite] (both abandonware as far as i'm concerned)

    Alot of that pot/kettle thing going around!!

    hey, moron, there is no relation.

    taking someone's FREE code and saying it is yours and selling it is
    WRONG. that is what happened here.

    my uploading registered copies of abandonware from 10+ years ago that nobody could buy if they wanted to is not a bad thing.

    get your facts straight, idiot.

    You and the facts speak for themselves.

    If you don't see the difference then why should anyone else?

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
    ( F | i | n | n | i | g | a | n | n )
    \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/

    ... OLD HELSINKI TOURISTS never die, they just vanish into Finn Air
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.47
    ■ Synchronet ■ Bits-N-Bytes - bnb.dtdns.net / bnb.synchro.net
  • From Matt Munson@BORING to Jas Hud on Saturday, August 26, 2006 20:13:00

    my uploading registered copies of abandonware from 10+ years ago that nobody could buy if they wanted to is not a bad thing.
    The author said i dont want to deal with issuing registration codes he said "<sigh>" i guess you should use a key gen.

    Matt Munson - The Parallel BBS - parallel.darktech.org (4 line)

    ■ Synchronet ■ The Parallel BBS * parallel.darktech.org
  • From MRoblivious1bmf@MRoblivious1bmf@DOVE-Net.SYNCHRONET_BAJA to Finnigann on Monday, August 28, 2006 21:16:45
    To: Finnigann
    .,: This is something about Random Password|rumors,
    Finnigann said it to Jas Hud on Sun Aug 27 2006 08:42 am ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    You and the facts speak for themselves.

    If you don't see the difference then why should anyone else?

    i spelled it all out nice and slow for you.
    your though process is flawed, honestly.

    --- Synchronet 3.13a-Win32 NewsLink 1.84
    * eob - Racine, WisconSIN - telnet://eob.darktech.org
  • From MRoblivious1bmf@MRoblivious1bmf@DOVE-Net.SYNCHRONET_BAJA to Matt Munson on Monday, August 28, 2006 21:18:16
    To: Matt Munson
    .,: This is something about Random Password|rumors,
    Matt Munson said it to Jas Hud on Sat Aug 26 2006 08:13 pm ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    my uploading registered copies of abandonware from 10+ years ago that nob could buy if they wanted to is not a bad thing.

    The author said i dont want to deal with issuing registration codes he said "<sigh> " i guess you should use a key gen.

    well, i guess that is the final word then.

    too bad, with a couple of bug fixes and additions,i know quite a few people [including me] who would have loved to buy it.

    --- Synchronet 3.13a-Win32 NewsLink 1.84
    * eob - Racine, WisconSIN - telnet://eob.darktech.org
  • From Biohazard@K5JATBBS/BIOHAZ to jas hud @QWKNET*67 on Tuesday, December 18, 2007 18:47:00
    Re: Random Password|rumors
    By: jas hud to Biohazard on Sun Aug 13 2006 18:52:00

    are you the guy that wrote biohazard rumors?

    Yes & Bionews which is now called SyncNews -- Merlin and I did that proggy. Rumors, I did that one and had lost the archive for it when I went on a 2 year break from BBSing. So, if anyone has the Rumors module archive that I did up, can you send it? Thanks. =D

    Timothy Arnold (Biohazard)

    Timothy Arnold (Biohazard)

    ... Documentation - The worst part of programming.

    ■ Synchronet ■ Biohazmat - biohazmat.ath.cx