• utils

    From Jason Hud@Jason Hud@DOVE-Net.Synchronet_baja to Digital Man on Saturday, January 12, 2008 00:24:42
    To: Digital Man
    > 'sed' traditionally comes with *nixes, but you can also get it for Windows.
    e.g. http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=9328, unxutils.zi includes a Win32 build of sed.

    a while back i mentioned to you that i used ndos for its GLOBAL command,
    which preforms a command on all files and files in the sub dirs.

    you mentioned that you had a similar program that did the same thing?
    do you recall the name and where one could pick it up?

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  • From Digital Man to Jason Hud on Saturday, January 12, 2008 10:39:38
    Re: utils
    By: Jason Hud to Digital Man on Sat Jan 12 2008 12:24 am

    To: Digital Man
    > 'sed' traditionally comes with *nixes, but you can also get it for Wind
    e.g. http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=9328, unxutils includes a Win32 build of sed.

    a while back i mentioned to you that i used ndos for its GLOBAL command, which preforms a command on all files and files in the sub dirs.

    you mentioned that you had a similar program that did the same thing?
    do you recall the name and where one could pick it up?

    I have a 16-bit DOS program called sweep.exe, I think it can from a PCMag utility set, which will execute a specific command-line in each sub-directory of the current directory, recursively. I also have a Win32 program called 'each', which I wrote and executes a specified command-line for every file in the current directory, but it doesn't recurse. So I don't think either of these program do what GLOBAL does, but perhaps a combination of the 2 would (with 16-bit limitations). Probably not what you're looking for.

    digital man (xbox-live: digitlman)

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    There is a town called "Big Ugly" in West Virginia.
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  • From Angus McLeod@ANJO to Digital Man on Saturday, January 12, 2008 15:36:00
    Re: utils
    By: Digital Man to Jason Hud on Sat Jan 12 2008 10:39:00

    a while back i mentioned to you that i used ndos for its GLOBAL command, which preforms a command on all files and files in the sub dirs.

    you mentioned that you had a similar program that did the same thing?
    do you recall the name and where one could pick it up?

    I have a 16-bit DOS program called sweep.exe, I think it can from a PCMag utility set, which will execute a specific command-line in each sub-director of the current directory, recursively. I also have a Win32 program called 'each', which I wrote and executes a specified command-line for every file i the current directory, but it doesn't recurse.

    find /base/directory -name "filespec" -exec yourcommand '{}' \;


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  • From Deuce@SYNCNIX to Digital Man on Saturday, January 12, 2008 13:41:00
    Re: utils
    By: Digital Man to Jason Hud on Sat Jan 12 2008 10:39 am

    you mentioned that you had a similar program that did the same thing?
    do you recall the name and where one could pick it up?

    I have a 16-bit DOS program called sweep.exe, I think it can from a PCMag utility set, which will execute a specific command-line in each sub-directory of the current directory, recursively. I also have a Win32 program called 'each', which I wrote and executes a specified command-line for every file in the current directory, but it doesn't recurse. So I don't think either of these program do what GLOBAL does, but perhaps a
    combination of the 2 would (with 16-bit limitations). Probably not what you're looking for.

    Sounds like he's looking for a Windows version of the unix find utility... which is probably included with that unix utilities bundle on sourceforge.

    Synchronet - Jump on the Web 0.2 bandwagon!

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  • From MRoblivious1bmf@MRoblivious1bmf@DOVE-Net.Synchronet_baja to Digital Man on Sunday, January 13, 2008 00:12:04
    To: Digital Man
    .,: This is something about utils,
    Digital Man said it to Jason Hud on Sat Jan 12 2008 04:39 pm --──────────────────────-────---───────────────---─────────--────────
    'each', which I wrote and executes a specified command-line for every file i the current directory, but it doesn't recurse. So I don't think either of th program do what GLOBAL does, but perhaps a combination of the 2 would (with 16-bit limitations). Probably not what you're looking for.

    ah, found sweep.exe and also found a program called global.exe which does the same thing with a few more features.

    hate to give ndos.com the boot, there's a lot of useful things it can do.

    Sometimes i forget to do cmd /c for the functions and filenames get
    truncated, though.

    never liked 4nt.

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  • From MRoblivious1bmf@MRoblivious1bmf@DOVE-Net.Synchronet_baja to Deuce on Sunday, January 13, 2008 00:15:38
    To: Deuce
    .,: This is something about utils,
    Deuce said it to Digital Man on Sat Jan 12 2008 07:41 pm --──────────────────────-────---───────────────---─────────--────────
    Sounds like he's looking for a Windows version of the unix find utility... which is probably included with that unix utilities bundle on sourceforge.


    didnt think that version of find was for executing commands on files in recursive dirs\

    i have several copycat unix utils and my copy of find doesnt do that.

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    * eob - Racine, WisconSIN - telnet://eob-bbs.com