• Samba & OS/2 (eCS)

    From Mark Hofmann@1:261/1304 to All on Tuesday, November 10, 2015 15:20:02

    It took me awhile to figure it out, but finally got Samba client mappings from eCS to Windows working using EVFS. It isn't the most straightforward setup, but does work.

    So now, I can not only host shares on my eCS VM, but can map drives from eCS to
    Windows (even on Active Directory).

    This will eventually allow me to move my BBS files from eCS to Windows, but still run all the BBS nodes on the eCS VM. Basically the opposite of what I have today.

    - Mark

    --- WWIVToss v.1.51
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (1:261/1304.0)
  • From Nick Andre@1:229/426 to Mark Hofmann on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 00:36:11
    On 10 Nov 15 15:20:02, Mark Hofmann said the following to All:

    It took me awhile to figure it out, but finally got Samba client mappings f eCS to Windows working using EVFS. It isn't the most straightforward setup but does work.

    So now, I can not only host shares on my eCS VM, but can map drives from eC to Windows (even on Active Directory).

    This will eventually allow me to move my BBS files from eCS to Windows, but still run all the BBS nodes on the eCS VM. Basically the opposite of what have today.


    Have you tried running D'Bridge on OS/2 eCS?


    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: www.darkrealms.ca (1:229/426)
  • From Arthur Stark@1:120/323 to Mark Hofmann on Saturday, November 14, 2015 22:24:33

    Hello Mark!

    Replying to a msg dated 10 Nov 15 15:20, from you to all.

    What version of WIndows are you shareing folders withECS with? I thought that without netbui (which was removed from Windows quite some time ago) this was impossible? I would love to hear more on how you accomplished this (I run ecs 2.0 and Windows 10 along side of each other... Thanks!


    * Origin: Top's Diamond Mine - tdmonline.org (1:120/323)
  • From Mark Hofmann@1:261/1304 to Arthur Stark on Monday, November 16, 2015 11:43:53

    What version of WIndows are you shareing folders withECS with? I thought that without netbui (which was removed from Windows quite some time ago) this was impossible? I would love to hear more on how you accomplished
    this (I run ecs 2.0 and Windows 10 along side of each other... Thanks!

    Here is the link to all the info and files needed:


    In my particular case, I am mapping from eCS to Windows XP, but it will map to Windows 7, Windows 10, etc. You can event browse the servers/workstations using the eCS client side for Samba.

    The Server side that also runs on eCS allows other OS's to map to it. Like mapping from Windows 7 to eCS.

    There are several packages and dependencies to install, but it does work. Not the easiest setup in the world because it isn't easy to see what you need.

    What was very confusing to me is that there are two different items needed. eCS
    Samba server (for mapping to eCS), and eCS Samba client (for mapping from eCS to other clients).

    - Mark

    --- WWIVToss v.1.51
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (1:261/1304.0)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to Mark Hofmann on Monday, November 16, 2015 18:04:56
    Mark Hofmann wrote to Arthur Stark <=-


    Thanks for reminding me that I need to get NFS set up between my desktop and
    my BBS machine. :D

    --- MultiMail/Linux
    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Limestone, TN, USA (1:18/200)
  • From Mark Hofmann@1:261/1304 to Sean Dennis on Saturday, November 21, 2015 09:38:42

    Thanks for reminding me that I need to get NFS set up between my desktop and my BBS machine. :D

    It wasn't easy, that's for sure. I had to manually copy files around after the
    install since there seemed to be multiple versions of the same file in different directories.

    I also found out another tip: Disable Samba logging!!!!

    I had no idea it was logging file access all this time and my log file grew to over 200 megs! It eventually made my C: partition run out of disk space.

    Killed logging and removed the files and everything is good now.

    - Mark

    --- WWIVToss v.1.51
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (1:261/1304.0)
  • From Arthur Stark@1:18/200 to Mark Hofmann on Sunday, November 29, 2015 19:57:19
    Mark Hofmann wrote to Arthur Stark:

    Ahh ok... Never got this reply on my bbs. But thanks! I ended up moving the BBS
    over to a Windows 7 setup due to a few problems I was having with ECS... =(

    What version of WIndows are you shareing folders withECS with? I
    that without netbui (which was removed from Windows quite some time
    this was impossible? I would love to hear more on how you accomplished this (I run ecs 2.0 and Windows 10 along side of each other... Thanks!

    Here is the link to all the info and files needed:


    In my particular case, I am mapping from eCS to Windows XP, but it will map to Windows 7, Windows 10, etc. You can event browse the servers/workstations using the eCS client side for Samba.

    The Server side that also runs on eCS allows other OS's to map to it. Like mapping from Windows 7 to eCS.

    There are several packages and dependencies to install, but it does work. Not the easiest setup in the world because it isn't easy to see what you need.

    What was very confusing to me is that there are two different items needed. eCS Samba server (for mapping to eCS), and eCS Samba client (for mapping from eCS to other clients).

    - Mark

    --- WWIVToss v.1.51
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (1:261/1304.0)

    Greetings, Arthur Stark

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux-i386)
    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Limestone, TN, USA (1:18/200)
  • From Mark Hofmann@1:261/1304 to Arthur Stark on Tuesday, December 01, 2015 12:42:23

    Ahh ok... Never got this reply on my bbs. But thanks! I ended up moving
    the BBS
    over to a Windows 7 setup due to a few problems I was having with ECS...

    Only my BBS nodes run on eCS (OS/2). My future plan is to move the BBS data from eCS to a Windows 7 VM and have eCS map and run the nodes from a Windows 7 share.

    Basically, that is the reverse of the way I have it today where the Windows VM maps a drive to the eCS VM.

    - Mark

    --- WWIVToss v.1.51
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (1:261/1304.0)
  • From dream master@1:218/520 to Mark Hofmann on Friday, December 11, 2015 12:41:23
    On 12/01/15, Mark Hofmann said the following...
    Ahh ok... Never got this reply on my bbs. But thanks! I ended up movin the BBS
    over to a Windows 7 setup due to a few problems I was having with ECS.

    how is eCS compared to the old warp

    .·∙Dream Master∙·.
    °∙·∙° °∙·∙°

    --- Mystic BBS v1.11 (Raspberry Pi)
    * Origin: Dogtown BBS -= bbs.kiwi.net =- (1:218/520)