• D'Bridge 3.99/SR10 released and available

    From Nick Andre@1:229/426 to All on Saturday, June 11, 2016 21:17:35
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    █ D'Bridge EMAIL System █
    Copyright (c) by Nick J. Andre, Ltd.

    VERSION 3.99 SERVICE RELEASE 10 - JUNE 11 2016 ----------------------------------------------

    WARNING: Please backup your entire D'Bridge system before installing SR10
    and be prepared to rollback to SR9 if this does not perform to
    your expectations. BinkDWIN must be completely shut down before
    installing SR10. If it is installed as a service, it must be
    completely stopped and removed from Windows before proceeding.

    D'Bridge should now be 100% IPV6-capable and ready...

    This very minor "hotfix" release brings the Windows version of BinkD to
    the 1.1a-27 build-level with native IPV6 connectivity support... along
    with some minor things I wrote over the past few months.

    This version of BinkD should also resolve potential "timeout" problems on Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1 and Windows 10 32-bit systems. A
    very minor change was also done to the way D'Bridge controls the
    configuration for BinkD.

    NOTE: Refer to the revised README file to install D'Bridge on Windows 10.

    NOTE: The structure of the Echomail database file DBRIDGE.ADF has been
    changed in this release. Refer to TECHSPEC.TXT.

    - Random problems with "Error: Invalid parameter 'U', reverting back to
    previous configuration" and related weird nonsense from BinkD is fixed.

    - An option has been added for saving the kludge-lines in archived
    messages, on a per-echo basis, in Editor - Echo areas. This question works
    in conjunction with DBUTIL PURGE. So now, you can have your choice of
    having some areas with the kludges archived, and some without... you
    get the idea.

    - A minor fix for the rescan limit in Areafix requests.

    - A minor fix for rescanning Areafix messages.

    - A very minor fix for Areafix for Usenet gateways.

    - Very minor corrections to Echofile/TIC processing.

    - D'Bridge is a tiny bit more verbose when the mailer moves an extremely
    large mail bundle into BinkD staging.

    - Two additional security checks are done as part of the mailer's much
    more comprehensive "baseline check" against mail-bombs, invalid packets
    and so on that was introduced from before.

    - DBUTIL QNAME just reports the Queue name... Duhhhhhhhh.

    Nick Andre

    --- D'Bridge 3.99
    * Origin: Darkrealms (1:229/426)