• SIMNET - Get dial-up access numbers for you telnet BBS

    From Sampsa Laine@2:250/7 to All on Sunday, December 04, 2016 03:42:00
    What the hell is SIMNET?

    Basically we're trying to give as many telnet BBSes as many dial-up numbers around the world and POSSIBLY packet radio access as well.

    At the moment we have five operational dial-up numbers, 3 in the US, my GSM (V.32 basically) modem in Finland and finally an access point in Romania.

    If you want your BBS listed as a destination node the simply send an email
    to admin@uuhec.net with the subject "SIMNET Node Application" and the
    contents in the following format:

    <upto 8 letter BBS ID>|<BBS Name and description|<telnet addres>|<port>

    If you happen to have a spare landline and modem lying around and would like
    to join us in providing access points, please contact me at admin@uuhec.net
    as well.

    You can find more details at http://uuhec.net/simnet/



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