• WWIV 5.2 is out

    From MATT MUNSON@1:218/109 to All on Monday, January 02, 2017 18:07:36
    In case if you missed it.
    We are happy to announce WWIV 5.2 is available as the stable release of
    WWIV BBS for Linux and Windows. WWIV 5.2 is the 2nd major release after the long-awaited 5.0 release last year, and in addition to native WWIVnet
    support (no more DOS dependencies) on all platforms, supports alpha-quality native Fido Technology Networking (FTN) Support.
    5.3 is the next frontier.
    ... [CE] I shop at the class gap. It's called the petit bourgeoisie.

    --- WWIV
    * Origin: Inland Utopia BBS * Ontario, California (1:218/109)