Hi everyone, [Be warned: this is 383 lines long!]
About "SBBS/W32 Kermit SABOTAGE" of November 8:
We are intested in including support for Kermit with Synchronet.
...we're NOT going to spend days plugging away at it. You do...
Hummm... I suppose the last weeks of SYSTEMATIC CONTROVERSY were a SysOp's way to welcome a contribution and, since i do value constructive interventions, here's my late revision of the .INI Rob Swindell rejected
in mid-2003! Remember, it's Work on Progress (no "Ready-Made kit" yet):
Cut here --> -------[ http://public.sogetel.net/bicephale/MSK.INI ]-
; `MSK.INI' - `SBBS/W32' support for `Kermit' using `MS-Kermit v3.16'
; Suggested Presentation
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
; UpLoad (User-Send):
; Kermit [7]-Bits Binary [K]ermit Binary
; [X]MoDem [Y]MoDem [Z]MoDem
; N.B.: 7-Bits Binary Kermit is for 3rd-party SoftWare compatibility
; DownLoad (User-Receive):
; [K]ermit Binary Kermit [R]ecovery Kermit [T]ext
; [X]MoDem [Y]MoDem [Z]MoDem
; N.B.: Recovery or Text Kermit may fail on some 3rd-party SoftWare
; At least two files require revision to display `Kermit' items:
; `UlProt.ASC' and `DlProt.ASC', these files are found in the `\Text\
; Menu\' directory - where `BATUProt.ASC' and `BATDProt.ASC' are also
; found. At the time of this writing, only the 1st two are provided:
; Drivers & Clients
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
; `MS-Kermit' for `DOS' can be found here:
; (1M03, October 12, 2003 - full-featured driver)
; (677 Kb, November 7, 2002 - updated documentation)
; (480 Kb, September 17, 1997 - memory-wise driver)
; N.B.: Rename `Kermit.EXE' as `MSK.EXE' to help the command-lines fit!
; Wayne Warthen's `Kermit for Windows' FreeWare can be found here:
; (159 Kb, January 8, 1998) - Win-16
; (238 Kb, January 8, 1998) - Win-32
; `C-Kermit v5A(190)' for `OS/2' can be found here:
; (790 Kb, November 16, 1994) - Last 16-Bits version
; `C-Kermit v5A(191)' for `OS/2' can be found here:
; (620 Kb, April 24, 1995) - Last 32-Bits version
; Some `OS/2' SysOps use setup GlueWare which is available from here:
; (1M4, January 28, 2000) - N.B.: NO `Kermit' code included...
; `SBBS/W32' Installation
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
; First, copy `MSK.EXE' and `MSK.INI' to the `\EXEC\' directory.
; Enter the `Synchronet Configuration Utility' (`SCFG.EXE') from
; the main `Synchronet Control Panel' (push [Alt]+[B] then [C]), open
; `File Options' (press [F], [F], [Enter]) then add `Kermit' command-
; lines in the `Transfer Protocols' section ([T], [T], [Enter]). New
; additions are made by modifying a duplicate of the last entry (move
; the cursor down to the end of the `File Transfer Protocols' listing
; and highlight the last line then actuate [Insert] to duplicate it).
; Move down to the newly created entry then press [Enter] to access a
; `File Transfer Protocol' definitions/command-lines listing... Just
; press [Enter] again to proceed with modifications. Return to `File
; Transfer Protocols' (main list) by pressing [Escape] when finished.
; More additions can be made from there. Press [Escape] to return to
; `File Transfer Configuration' when ready, tap [Escape] again to get
; the "Save Changes" dialog then select <Yes> (leave `File Options').
; Press [Escape] to bring the "Exit SCFG" dialog then select <Yes> to
; exit the `Synchronet Configuration Utility' (`Configure' box). Use
; the samples shown below to fill the `File Transfer Protocol' lines:
;________________________________________[ Mnemonic (Command Key): K ]_
; Protocol Name: Kermit Binary
; Access Req.: NOT UNIX
; U/L Cmd Line: %!MSK Set Port FOSSIL 1, Take %!MSK.INI, BRcv %~
; D/L Cmd Line: %!MSK Set Port FOSSIL 1, Take %!MSK.INI, BSnd %~
;Batch U/L Cmd Line: %!MSK Set Port FOSSIL 1, Take %!MSK.INI, BRcv @%~
;Batch D/L Cmd Line: %!MSK Set Port FOSSIL 1, Take %!MSK.INI, BSnd @%~
; Bidir Cmd Line:
; Uses DSZLOG: No
;________________________________________[ Mnemonic (Command Key): 7 ]_
; Protocol Name: Kermit 7-Bits Binary
; Access Req.: NOT UNIX
; U/L Cmd Line: %!MSK Set Port FOSSIL 1, Take %!MSK.INI, BRcv7 %~
; D/L Cmd Line:
;Batch U/L Cmd Line: %!MSK Set Port FOSSIL 1, Take %!MSK.INI, BRcv7 @%~
;Batch D/L Cmd Line:
; Bidir Cmd Line:
; Uses DSZLOG: No
;________________________________________[ Mnemonic (Command Key): R ]_
; Protocol Name: Kermit Recovery
; Access Req.: NOT UNIX
; U/L Cmd Line:
; D/L Cmd Line: %!MSK Set Port FOSSIL 1, Take %!MSK.INI, RSnd %~
;Batch U/L Cmd Line:
;Batch D/L Cmd Line: %!MSK Set Port FOSSIL 1, Take %!MSK.INI, RSnd @%~
; Bidir Cmd Line:
; Uses DSZLOG: No
;________________________________________[ Mnemonic (Command Key): T ]_
; Protocol Name: Kermit Text
; Access Req.: NOT UNIX
; U/L Cmd Line:
; D/L Cmd Line: %!MSK Set Port FOSSIL 1, Take %!MSK.INI, TSnd %~
;Batch U/L Cmd Line:
;Batch D/L Cmd Line: %!MSK Set Port FOSSIL 1, Take %!MSK.INI, TSnd @%~
; Bidir Cmd Line:
; Uses DSZLOG: No
;________________________________________[ Mnemonic (Command Key): D ]_
; Protocol Name: Kermit DeBug Terminal
; Access Req.: NOT UNIX
; U/L Cmd Line: %!MSK Set Port FOSSIL 1, Take %!MSK.INI, Stay
; D/L Cmd Line: %!MSK Set Port FOSSIL 1, Take %!MSK.INI, Stay
;Batch U/L Cmd Line: %!MSK Set Port FOSSIL 1, Take %!MSK.INI, Stay
;Batch D/L Cmd Line: %!MSK Set Port FOSSIL 1, Take %!MSK.INI, Stay
; Bidir Cmd Line:
; Uses DSZLOG: No
; `SBBS/W32' Transfer Menu Levels
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
; UpLoad (User-Send): DownLoad (User-Receive):
; Kermit Binary (a) Kermit Binary (a)
; Kermit 7-Bits Binary (c) Kermit Recovery (b)
; Kermit DeBug Terminal (e) Kermit Text (d)
; Kermit DeBug Terminal (e)
; a) Basic setup
; b) Yet to be tested Enhanced setup
; c) Yet to be tested Compatibility setup
; d) Yet to be tested Cross-Platform setup
; e) SysOp DeBug setup
; DeBug Terminal
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
; The present `MSK' setup doesn't pretend to be a ready-made kit
; and hence the SysOps must have access to the `Kermit' command-line.
; Modifications during the initial setup phase have been planned
; from the begining, press [D] from a file-transfer menu to start the
; protocol-driver in manual mode (N.B.: this Hot-Key doesn't display
; in the file-transfer menus). Exploration of the `Kermit' options &
; variables can be achieved at this level, the "Set Local On" command
; followed by the "Connect" command will ease cooperative testing: a
; simple chat session allows both parties to communicate and transfer
; from their respective `Kermit' clients, which simplifies TuneUps...
; The "Kermit 7-Bits Binary" item is most likely to require some
; modifications at the time of this writing (`MSK.INI' has never been
; tested and much less the `BRcv7' macro, after all)... The problems
; encountered when using 3rd-party `Kermit' SoftWare can be isolated,
; no other `Kermit' item should be affected if specific modifications
; are strictly localized to the `BRcv7' macro. Once testing is done,
; a later `MSK.INI' configuration could attempt to integrate it back.
; `MS-Kermit' Configuration
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
;Set Port \%p ; Set Port/Line according to variable
Set ErrorLevel 255 ; Set this for a *CANCELED* transfer.
ClS ; Clear the screen - for manual mode.
Log Session c:\sbbs\data\Capture.LOG ; Try to have session records handy
Log Transactions c:\sbbs\data\Kermit.LOG ; (must use TWO SEPARATE FILES)
; re-work needed here, not critical.
; N.B.: the File-Paths may differ...
Set Window 5 ; Try values between 6 and 32 (max.)!
Set Parity None ; ~RS-232~/~BIOS INT-14~ serial-port:
; the data format should be "8N1"...
Set Block-Check-Type 3 ; This is similar to CRC-16 checksum;
; sufficient since Error Detection &
; Correction often occurs elsewhere.
Set Streaming On ; This feature works with v3.16 only;
; functions correctly over ~TelNet~!
Set Carrier On ; Immediately recover from hangups if
; well supported in the BBS program.
Set Flow None ; Seems OKay for this particular use.
Set Bell Off ; The BBS may ring a bell of its own.
;Set HandShake None ; Maybe that's something to be tried;
;Set Delay 0 ; and perhaps this other line too...
;Set Transfer CRC On ; Hummm... What about this one here?
Set File Display Quiet ; Skip file transfer display (BBSes).
Set Exit Warning Off ; Don't ask for confirmation on exit.
Set Local Off ; The following items are usefull for
Set Prompt Kermit> ; those who are using `MS-Kermit' as
Set Term ANSI ; a terminal emulation program. The
Set Term Cursor Block ; needs and taste of the users vary.
Set Display Regular 8-Bit ; I recommend these parameters for a
Set Terminal ByteSize 8 ; reminder only, use as you see fit!
Set Terminal APC Off ; *SECURITY!* Verify and activate as Disable All ; you see fit, ignore ALL the Server
; commands and re-enable SEPARATELY.
Enable Finish ; Allow Transfer Interruption (safe). ;Enable Get ; Allow Receive Request (maybe safe). ;Enable Send ; Allow Send Request, SAFETY-CHECKED? Disable Query ; Remote queries: see documentation. ;Enable Define ; Idem. - Check when "Define" needed. ;Enable Kermit ; Allow remote *SERVER* features, the
; BBS Users/SysOps must be carefull. ;Enable Retrieve ; Read documentation before anything! Disable Assign ; No effect whenever disabled before. Disable Message ; Idem, i show it as a reminder only.
Set Send PathNames Off ; Don't Send everything they ask for!
Set Receive PathNames Off ; It will protect `Command.COM', etc.
; N.B.: a change of directory would
; be possible via the "CWD" command.
; Macros allow command-line brevity.
Define BSnd Set File Type - ; No character translation is wanted. Binary, Set Send Packet 9024, - ; Users can negociate lower values...
Set Control UnPreFixed All, - ; This is how to optimize `Kermit' so
Set Control PreFixed 0 1 129, - ; that it works better via ~Telnet~.
Send \%1, - ; That's the BEST-CASE SCENARIO, try
- ; 0 1 3 13 17 19 129 131 141 145 147
; only when it's required. Transmit
If Success Set ErrorLevel 0, - ; and adjust ErrorLevel before exit.
Write Transaction \32\32\v(cps) - ; Save the final transfer rate to the cps\13\10, Close Transactions, - ; transactions record then quit log.
Close Session, Exit ; The ReSend feature isn't compatible
; with the Wayne Warthen `Kermit for
; Windows (16/32) v0.85' FreeWare!!!
Define RSnd Set File Type - ; No character translation is wanted. Binary, Set Send Packet 9024, - ; Users can negociate lower values...
Set Control UnPreFixed All, - ; This is how to optimize `Kermit' so
Set Control PreFixed 0 1 129, - ; that it works better via ~Telnet~.
ReSend \%1, - ; That's the BEST-CASE SCENARIO, try
- ; 0 1 3 13 17 19 129 131 141 145 147
; only when it's required. Transmit
If Success Set ErrorLevel 0, - ; and adjust ErrorLevel before exit.
Write Transaction \32\32\v(cps) - ; Save the final transfer rate to the cps\13\10, Close Transactions, - ; transactions record then quit log.
Close Session, Exit ; The ReSend feature isn't compatible
; with the Wayne Warthen `Kermit for
; Windows (16/32) v0.85' FreeWare!!!
Define TSnd Set File Type - ; Character translation is allowed...
Text, Set Send Packet 9024, - ; Users can negociate lower values...
Set Control UnPreFixed All, - ; This is how to optimize `Kermit' so
Set Control PreFixed 0 1 129, - ; that it works better via ~Telnet~.
Send \%1, - ; That's the BEST-CASE SCENARIO, try
- ; 0 1 3 13 17 19 129 131 141 145 147
; only when it's required. Transmit
If Success Set ErrorLevel 0, - ; and adjust ErrorLevel before exit.
Write Transaction \32\32\v(cps) - ; Save the final transfer rate to the cps\13\10, Close Transactions, - ; transactions record then quit log.
Close Session, Exit ; ReSend is unavailable in Text mode.
Define BRcv Set File Type - ; No character translation is wanted. Binary, Set Receive Packet 9024, - ; Users can negociate lower values...
Set Control UnPreFixed All, - ; This is how to optimize `Kermit' so
Set Control PreFixed 0 1 17 19 - ; that it works better via ~Telnet~.
129, Set Attribute Date Off, Set - ; Enable transfer recovery, fix a Y2K
File Incomplete Keep, Set File - ; related problem. Give enough time Collision UpDate, Pause 3, - ; for the user to type in the UpLoad Receive \%1, If Success Set - ; command then start transfer - more ErrorLevel 0, Write Transaction - ; retries only make aborts slower... \32\32\v(cps) cps\13\10, Close - ; Adjust ErrorLevel before exit, get Transactions, Close Session, Exit ; transfer rate on record, quit log.
Define BRcv7 Set Term Byte 7, BRcv ; Experimental - worst case scenario:
; add "Set Block-Check-Type 2", etc.
Define Stay NOP ; Don't transfer, (local debug mode).
Def AppendCPS Write Transaction \32\32\v(cps) cps\13\10 ; Manual record.
ClS ; Display useful setup information...
Echo \13\10\32\32Port is: \v(line)
Echo \32\32.INI is: \v(cmdfile)\13\10
Echo Memory is:
Show Mem
Echo \13
; My setup above hasn't been specifically authorized, approved, condoned
; and/or verified by Rob Swindell, an ego-centric "expert" & inquisitor.
; Michel Samson, 2004-Nov-9
; -=*=-
Cut here --> -----------------------------------------------[ EOF ]-
SysOps thriving on controversy aren't welcome to contact me, though
i'd gladly cooperate with those who _can_ handle their own BBS SoftWare.
It doesn't mean i won't try to help with BBS interfacing at all, my
deal is this, ideally: we'll contribute with our *RESPECTIVE* expertise
and it's off from the moment one of the parties finds no satisfaction...
For background on why `MSK.INI' has been ignored for months, see my
one week record of, euh... "discussions" which took place on `DoveNet':
http://public.sogetel.net/bicephale/Vert-801.QWK.ZIP (284 Kb)
Many more issues remain to be addressed, my modular structure based
on macros is meant to help focuss on solving each of them one at a time.
The ultimate goal is to promote (thru *UNIVERSAL* `Kermit' support)
an alternative for BBSers who can't or won't use `ZMoDem' over ~TelNet~.
The `MSK' setup, which might already qualify as a "Ready-Made kit",
WILL eventually be published as such to promote UNIVERSAL ~OLMR~ BBSing.
Michel Samson
a/s Bicephale
... Kermit a "top", ZMoDem...
--- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.45 - Help TelNet OLMR BBSing to become UNIVERSAL
* Origin: BBS Networks @ www.bbsnets.com 808-839-6036 (1:10/345)