Tell me more about your 'commo' program, you say it will do
a ppp dial up connection and telnet?
I've been experimenting with several in my attempts to do telnetting
into bbs'ing, but haven't found any that will let me download files
from bbs, other than kermit for DOS, which is painfully slow.
If you can point me to a download of commo... I'd like to try this
commo terminal program of yours...
Tell me more about your 'commo' program, you say it will do
a ppp dial up connection and telnet?
I've been experimenting with several in my attempts to do telnetting
into bbs'ing, but haven't found any that will let me download files
from bbs, other than kermit for DOS, which is painfully slow.
If you can point me to a download of commo... I'd like to try this
commo terminal program of yours...
Tell me more about your 'commo' program...
...`{Commo}' ISN'T FROM ME...
...I ask a little tolerance and leeway...
...the next thing I know I've got people jumping all over me for
saying the wrong thing in the wrong post at the wrong time...
...if there is something that I, or someone else doesn't know,
should we be afraid to ask a question?
...trying to figure out a way to dial up my ISP using a DOS ppp
connection and telnetting into a BBS and being able to go to the
files area and download using zmodem is something I've been
intrigued about for a long time. I really have to struggle...
...I'll take a look at what you've got. I'm actually using
BANANACOM right now, dialed into the last remaining BBS here...
Hi Matt,
About "LSPPPDlr 2003" of December 5:
Tell me more about your 'commo' program...
...`{Commo}' ISN'T FROM ME...
...I ask a little tolerance and leeway...
Granted. I've been the moving target of others so often these late years i regularily feel the need for this myself! %-) Most of the guys
who address me usually sound like they've been "prepared" so i can't but welcome you... 8-) Anyway, i believe the thread can be read from here:
...the next thing I know I've got people jumping all over me for
saying the wrong thing in the wrong post at the wrong time...
That feels familiar enough for me who has been posting on `FidoNet'
for some time, which is why i refrained from warning you against using a `BBBS', `WildCat!' or similar pre-1985 3rd-party `Kermit' implementation when i read you about "Kermit for DOS" being "painfully slow": having a chance to correspond with DOS LEGACY BBSers like myself is so unique the warning could wait my next post i thought! It's refreshing reading you.
...if there is something that I, or someone else doesn't know,
should we be afraid to ask a question?
If my reply makes you uncomfortable there's something wrong, either
you never heard of me or what you know is somewhat biased... `LSPPPDlr' wouldn't still be On-Line today if i didn't really want to save you from
the frustration; ask me questions and i'll answer as honestly as i can.
...trying to figure out a way to dial up my ISP using a DOS ppp connection and telnetting into a BBS and being able to go to the
files area and download using zmodem is something I've been
intrigued about for a long time. I really have to struggle...
An image is worth a thousand words. You'll find that your transfer rates depend on the ~ISP~, the HardWare/SoftWare and the BBS being used; i've been lucky with all my ~ISP~s since none of them disabled a packet- driver by doing validation via ~MS-CHAP~ exclusively (it isn't supported
by `EPPPD'/`LSPPP'), for example... as for the file transfer protocols, their availability and suitability will depend on your HardWare/SoftWare
in combination with the remote host implementations. `{Commo}'/`ZMoDem' seems OKay on my P-200 Mhz MMX but it doesn't "degrade" as gracefully as `Kermit' on more modest systems (unless `BBBS-Kermit'/`WC-Kermit' is the only alternative to it)... I have 8088 PCs and later, let me know about your setup and i'll try to tell you what .ZIP cps rate you can dream of.
...I'll take a look at what you've got. I'm actually using
BANANACOM right now, dialed into the last remaining BBS here...
I don't recall re-evaluating `BananaCom' in this century, i do know
i didn't retain it as a candidate when i searched for terminal emulators with the features required for an external ~PPP~ packet-driver dialer in
any case - which was long before i switched to "Plan-B" (~TelNet~ only).
Luckily, *IF* `BananaCom' supports ~FOSSIL~ interfacing, you should
be able to use your favourite SoftWare without much help from `{Commo}'s `LSPPPDlr' macro: simply generate some `SetPPP.BAT' + `LogIn.BAT' setup thru `{Commo}'s Wizard then switch to `COMTool'. I must testify that my 8088s made an unforgiving test-bench and that `{Commo}' sure passed this test, though... Who would start from the ground up anyway? I wouldn't!
I mention ~FOSSIL~ because i don't expect to hear about `BananaCom' supporting ~TelNet~ internally. Is v4 still the last realease there is?
Salutations, ;-)
Michel Samson
a/s Bicephale
... DOS+TCP/IP+TelNet+ZMoDem/Kermit+.QWK technologies on 8088s or higher--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5a
-!- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.45 - It could make TelNet OLMR BBSing UNIVERSAL!
--- Mail-ennium/32 v2.0-beta-r1
* Origin: Mail-ennium/32 v2 Beta Coming Soon! (1:379/1200.0)
Hi Matt,
About "LSPPPDlr 2003" of December 5:
Tell me more about your 'commo' program...
...`{Commo}' ISN'T FROM ME...
...I ask a little tolerance and leeway...
Granted. I've been the moving target of others so often these late years i regularily feel the need for this myself! %-) Most of the guys
who address me usually sound like they've been "prepared" so i can't but welcome you... 8-) Anyway, i believe the thread can be read from here:
...the next thing I know I've got people jumping all over me for
saying the wrong thing in the wrong post at the wrong time...
That feels familiar enough for me who has been posting on `FidoNet'
for some time, which is why i refrained from warning you against using a `BBBS', `WildCat!' or similar pre-1985 3rd-party `Kermit' implementation when i read you about "Kermit for DOS" being "painfully slow": having a chance to correspond with DOS LEGACY BBSers like myself is so unique the warning could wait my next post i thought! It's refreshing reading you.
...if there is something that I, or someone else doesn't know,
should we be afraid to ask a question?
If my reply makes you uncomfortable there's something wrong, either
you never heard of me or what you know is somewhat biased... `LSPPPDlr' wouldn't still be On-Line today if i didn't really want to save you from
the frustration; ask me questions and i'll answer as honestly as i can.
...trying to figure out a way to dial up my ISP using a DOS ppp connection and telnetting into a BBS and being able to go to the
files area and download using zmodem is something I've been
intrigued about for a long time. I really have to struggle...
An image is worth a thousand words. You'll find that your transfer rates depend on the ~ISP~, the HardWare/SoftWare and the BBS being used; i've been lucky with all my ~ISP~s since none of them disabled a packet- driver by doing validation via ~MS-CHAP~ exclusively (it isn't supported
by `EPPPD'/`LSPPP'), for example... as for the file transfer protocols, their availability and suitability will depend on your HardWare/SoftWare
in combination with the remote host implementations. `{Commo}'/`ZMoDem' seems OKay on my P-200 Mhz MMX but it doesn't "degrade" as gracefully as `Kermit' on more modest systems (unless `BBBS-Kermit'/`WC-Kermit' is the only alternative to it)... I have 8088 PCs and later, let me know about your setup and i'll try to tell you what .ZIP cps rate you can dream of.
...I'll take a look at what you've got. I'm actually using
BANANACOM right now, dialed into the last remaining BBS here...
I don't recall re-evaluating `BananaCom' in this century, i do know
i didn't retain it as a candidate when i searched for terminal emulators with the features required for an external ~PPP~ packet-driver dialer in
any case - which was long before i switched to "Plan-B" (~TelNet~ only).
Luckily, *IF* `BananaCom' supports ~FOSSIL~ interfacing, you should
be able to use your favourite SoftWare without much help from `{Commo}'s `LSPPPDlr' macro: simply generate some `SetPPP.BAT' + `LogIn.BAT' setup thru `{Commo}'s Wizard then switch to `COMTool'. I must testify that my 8088s made an unforgiving test-bench and that `{Commo}' sure passed this test, though... Who would start from the ground up anyway? I wouldn't!
I mention ~FOSSIL~ because i don't expect to hear about `BananaCom' supporting ~TelNet~ internally. Is v4 still the last realease there is?
Salutations, ;-)
Michel Samson
a/s Bicephale
... DOS+TCP/IP+TelNet+ZMoDem/Kermit+.QWK technologies on 8088s or higher--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5a
-!- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.45 - It could make TelNet OLMR BBSing UNIVERSAL!
--- Mail-ennium/32 v2.0-beta-r1
* Origin: Mail-ennium/32 v2 Beta Coming Soon! (1:379/1200.0)
I checked out your site, and I sort of am 'getting it'.
I grabbed IVT for DOS... seems to require PC/TCP...^^^^^^
...connection... ...RLfossil... ...modem comport... that a terminal program, such as COMMO, or maybe telemate...
...I went and downloaded most of the files on your 'glueware' page
and have them still zipped... ...I'm not sure exactly where to go
from here, as I'm not sure exactly where to unzip everything...
...I am really excited about the possiblity of using a DOS machine
to telnet into a bbs and actually transferring files with zmodem...
Can you repaste those links here...
--- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.45 - Only numbers can make BBSing *UNIVERSAL*...--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5a
...could I not just fire it up, cd to c:\rlfossil and run the
RLfossil program and cause it to emulate a comport, my modem is on
com2, mouse is on com 1, so what comport/irq would I use?
Another, other than COM1 or COM2 as they are both in use... perhaps
COM3 with IRQ5... ...don't exit RLFossil since it is the com/modem emulator... if you exit it, the emulation isn't in place anymore... ~IRQ~... `RLFossil' talks to the Packet-Driver and the later
has EXCLUSIVE use of your real MoDem. The packet-Driver itself is
no piece of HardWare... image is worth a thousand words...
But what COM port would one tell {COMMO} or telix or procomm to use
to talk to RLFOSSIL? ~IRQ~... `RLFossil' talks to the Packet-Driver and the later
has EXCLUSIVE use of your real MoDem. The packet-Driver itself is
no piece of HardWare... image is worth a thousand words...
But what COM port would one tell {COMMO} or telix or procomm to use
to talk to RLFOSSIL?
`Procomm v2.4.3' doesn't have such a capability, `{Commo}
v7.7' and `Telix v3.51' do support ~INT-14~/~FOSSIL~ Serial-Ports.
Since an image is worth a thousand words, euh... i'll simply use command-line samples:
RLFossil.EXE 2 1 "Commo.EXE /:INT-14 /{*1,,3,V,}"
C:\PPP\RLFossil.EXE 2 1 "Telix.EXE INT14"
Take note that no genuine `{Commo}' release used the
`INT-14' macro but both packages allow the selection of a
~FOSSIL~ Serial-Port from the Command-Line: in `{Commo}'s
case, "*1" in "{*1,,3,V,}" means ~BIOS INT-14~/~FOSSIL~
Serial-Port at 38K4 bps. I must confess that the matter
of local connection speed (~DTE~, isn't it?)
sure sounds somewhat "elusive" since i get rate peaks around
4K cps (both on `{Commo}' and `Telix') but there's no
significant drop when i set `Telix' for a 9K6 bps connection;
if i use `MS-kermit' with `RLFossil' instead then my connect
speed shows as "unknown"...
In any case, the Serial-Port `{Commo}' or `Telix' would use
is defined right on `RLFossil's Command-Line!...
It's just a matter of making both pieces of SoftWare agree
(and to pick a Serial-Port which is free, preferably)! ;-)
Now, might a HardWare and a ~Fossil~ Serial-Port coexist by
using the same COM number and yet work correctly?
debug-d 0040:0000
There is such a possibility in a `W32' DOS box when `COM/IP'
happens to be the Virtual ~TelNet~ MoDem "Shim", i believe,
but my setup is OK as it is...
N.B.: Please, drop me a note when you're ready to try
`MS-Kermit' as an `OS/2' external file-transfer protocol-driver
on a `Maximus' BBS!
...`{Commo} v7.7' and `Telix v3.51' do support ~INT-14~/~FOSSIL~...
Interesting... Very interesting... image is worth a thousand words... ...command-line samples: RLFossil.EXE 2 1 "Commo.EXE /:INT-14 /{*1,,3,V,}"
What versions of {COMMO}, Telix and RLFossil are those, please?
I must confess that the matter of local connection speed (~DTE~,
isn't it?) sure sounds somewhat "elusive" since i get rate peaks
around 4K cps (both on `{Commo}' and `Telix') but there's no
significant drop when i set `Telix' for a 9K6 bps connection... if
i use `MS-kermit' with `RLFossil' instead then my connect speed
shows as "unknown"... In any case, the Serial-Port `{Commo}' or
`Telix' would use is defined right on `RLFossil's Command-Line!...
...the equipment is not hampered by hardware (aka uart) speed... either doesn't have a matching connect speed or doesn't recognise what it may be being told is the connection speed...
My bbs does that with telix all the time... When a user logs off,
my system fires up telix... ...and runs a script to fetch the
session's stats from the modem...
...if one is handy with debug or other capable software, one can
redefine the BIOS table of serial and parallel port addresses...
...drop me a note when you're ready to try `MS-Kermit' as an `OS/2' external file-transfer protocol-driver on a `Maximus' BBS!
...on a RemoteAccess BBS since i don't run Maximus "out front"...
I pasted/copied all your instructions into a single txt file which I
will probably print out on fanfold paper and drag into the next
room, I have a pentium 90 with just DOS on it and it would be a good machine to dedicate to the lsppp/rlfossil/commo venture.
I already have kermit and it runs okay...
Evaluate it without its internal ~TelNet~ support, using `RLFossil' intead...'ll see the point when you compare your cps rates!
I think we've had a discussion in the past about msdos kermit.
What will happen if I try your setup and I happen to have other DOS internet stuff (bobcat/arachne/lynx/etc/etc) on the same machine?
...I'll keep you posted. image is worth a thousand words... ...command-line samples:
RLFossil.EXE 2 1 "Commo.EXE /:INT-14 /{*1,,3,V,}"
What versions of {COMMO}, Telix and RLFossil are those, please?
As i mentioned above, `{Commo}' is version v7.7 (the last
one there was before its source-code and author both disapeared).
As for `Telix', i'm refering to version 3.51 but you tell me if
it's the last release...
I must confess that the matter of local connection speed (~DTE~,
isn't it?) sure sounds somewhat "elusive" since i get rate peaks
around 4K cps (both on `{Commo}' and `Telix') but there's no
significant drop when i set `Telix' for a 9K6 bps connection... if
i use `MS-kermit' with `RLFossil' instead then my connect speed
shows as "unknown"... In any case, the Serial-Port `{Commo}' or
`Telix' would use is defined right on `RLFossil's Command-Line!...
...the equipment is not hampered by hardware (aka uart) speed... either doesn't have a matching connect speed or doesn't
recognise what it may be being told is the connection speed...
I have found that the behavior of ~BIOS INT-14~/~FOSSIL~
compatible terminal emulators varied significantly when i
investigated them but the "unknown" result returned by
`MS-Kermit' was said to make perfect sense, according to its
maintainers at the Columbia university. From memory, i
believe their reasoning was it's the ~FOSSIL~ driver's
responsability to manage it, usually (it sounds about true of
`X00', `ADF' and the suite).
My bbs does that with telix all the time... When a user logs off,
my system fires up telix... ...and runs a script to fetch the
session's stats from the modem...
BBSes depend on a fully compliant level 5 ~FOSSIL~ driver
which can support application swapping even when the
Serial-Ports are still "Hot", i wish `RLFossil' were compliant
enough to support the use of a `ZMoDem' protocol driver run
from `MS-Kermit's terminal interface, or vice-versa!
Right now, i can "share" connections (alternately) using
`LSPPPDlr' with `MS-Kermit' run as a protocol-driver - when
used via `COM/IP' - but not with `RLFossil' (the later reboots
my PC instead)!...
I wonder what feedback i'd get from a person like Sylvain Lauzon
(he was knowledgeable enough about `RLFossil' to get me a 8088
built which didn't exist on the Net), euh... i have to wonder if
he wouldn't happen to know where to go for the source-code or,
maybe, even a quick fix.
`TelNet Port' suffered from the same problem when i checked, i
may be stuck with this for ever!
...if one is handy with debug or other capable software, one can
redefine the BIOS table of serial and parallel port addresses...
Back in days when i played with `Z-80' code, a concept like
double-Byte numbers with their most significant Byte last made
sense but that's all history now, i depend on the talent of
others for my modest hobby...
...drop me a note when you're ready to try `MS-Kermit' as an `OS/2'
external file-transfer protocol-driver on a `Maximus' BBS!
...on a RemoteAccess BBS since i don't run Maximus "out front"...
Good! 8-) Anyway, i must meditate on the meaning of the
...30 day trial period... ...COMMO.ID file... How bad does it get
if it is not registered? Have mr. Brucker's people released a free
key and/or are they continuing on with {COMMO}'s development? such lock in v7.7! understanding was that the author
got a thought for the blind... ...right in time for ChristMass...
...i tried to read the YahooGroups mail-list yesterday... I might
try later and give you at least a name but it will have to wait...
But maybe HardWare performance has more inlfuence than i suspected!
On my internal 10mb LAN, i'm getting 9kcps...
Yet it tells me how much potential there is on a 100 Mbps one!
I'm this || close to getting the needed items to upgrade the major
parts of my LAN to 100mb... The NICs will have to come secondary...
Can you tell i'm testing something?
...`LSPPPDlr'... ...the BBS community could have done it!
...supposed sysops are really little more than advanced lemmings...
Am i detecting some dark poetry in the way you see things?...
Even i find myself on the "dark side" more often than not...
Sysop: | digital man |
Location: | Riverside County, California |
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Messages: | 439,680 |
Posted today: | 4 |