Hello Jason!
03 Jun 06 00:23, Jason Rosalez wrote to All:
Hello, my name is Jason Rosalez, and I am physically located in Region
19. I operate a BBS and have both a mail tosser and a front end. The problem that I have encountered is reaching my coordinator. The coordinator listed no longer operates a BBS so I have no one to
contact. I have fully read Policy4 but need help. Could someone point
me in the right direction? Thanks so much.
19/0 should be accessible to Fido mailers by analog modem or internet (using BinkP), though I don't know if he has a BBS available. I do have an analog BBS
available (as well as analog mailer) at the number/address in the origin below and would be happy to help. If you can pin down your specific location and provide any alternate means of contact that doesn't rely on your Fido stuff working perfectly (email/phone), it would probably help expedite things.
--- GoldED 2.50+
* Origin: -=( The TechnoDrome )=- Austin,TX 512-327-8598 33.6k (1:382/61)