From Manley Hubbell@1:105/55 to Manley Hubbell on Sunday, August 25, 2002 03:30:20
oh yeah: remember August 25, 2002 ? local TV now's covering
the "DAILY" event 24 hours a day {maybe} seams as thou there are
40 FBI agents housed in two tents out on Beaver's Creek ? -----------------------------------------------------------------
I don't watch mutch TV .. but all 4 channels ar covering the "dailies"
and I guess there's some national coverage of this also
Like I said .. I Just don't watch .. here howevers my translation =================================================================
5 \ igmp \ FBI |Li
igmp 2 IGMP # internet group multicast protocol
its a multicast [at least 4 Local TV Stations / maybe 6]
{I think ch 12 just give's them there air time 24hr/day}
preEmpting everything // Like i've said i dont watch it ????????????????????????????????????????????????
group protocall? I admitt i dont have clue 1.. unless its reading
"BONES" if the GROUP part refers to the TWO(2) tents
of if Group means 40 FIB agents? how do you tell?
__Line 20 1:23 A.M. PST i have it as /AFT/FBI/CIA thou I don't know