1) Setting up routing
2) Auto operation for outbound, correct?
call-delay 60
rescan-delay 60
Will cause binkd to look in the outbound dir for stuff to send every
60 seconds, correct?
3) Is ARC compression still needed???? unar or FreeArc?
4) Nodelist processors for the nodediff?
Is there a crashmail echo anymore??? Since I have been graciously
allowed to use a JamNNTPD server to get to echos right now, I am not seeing it listed..
I could use some help on getting this tied to binkd, crashmail,
TinyTIC and GoldED... I think if I can get some pointers on the
configs, some HOWTO's, tutorials etc. I would be grateful to any
pointers and help on this, including better echos, ie: Linux,
Linux_UBUNTU etc...
Monday September 12 2016 22:23, you wrote to All:
1) Setting up routing
Routing will all be done in the tosser. Binkd will just look in your outbound for stuff to send so as long as your tosser has done the right thing your good.
2) Auto operation for outbound, correct?
call-delay 60
rescan-delay 60
Will cause binkd to look in the outbound dir for stuff to send every
60 seconds, correct?
Yes, that's right.
What I am not sure about is the finer points of its config
1) Setting up routing
2) Auto operation for outbound, correct?
call-delay 60
rescan-delay 60
Will cause binkd to look in the outbound dir for stuff to send every 60 seconds, correct?
3) Is ARC compression still needed???? unar or FreeArc?
4) Nodelist processors for the nodediff?
Is there a crashmail echo anymore??? Since I have been graciously
allowed to use a JamNNTPD server to get to echos right now, I am not seeing it listed..
I used the package that is in 14.04 ESRseem
sudo apt-get install binkd
So it starts up automatically when the system does, so I take it this is via inetd as I am not seeing anything else...to start it...
And trying to get it to do a manual poll of the local net host doesn't
to work.. the only way to get that to work is to kill -9 binkd pid andthen
sudo binkd -P1:135/0 binkd.cfg .
Routing will all be done in the tosser. Binkd will just look in your
outbound for stuff to send so as long as your tosser has done the
right thing your good.
Well I think that is where there is a glitch now...
Is the JamNNTPD echo good for crashmail? As I've seen it discussed there or is LINUX or LINUX_UBUNTU better?????
Well that doesn't appear to be the case... as I entered a message in Golded and then ran crashmail, and it didn't appear to do much of anything...
And trying to get it to do a manual poll of the local net host doesn't seem to work.. the only way to get that to work is to kill -9 binkd pid and then sudo binkd -P1:135/0 binkd.cfg .
I used the package that is in 14.04 ESR
sudo apt-get install binkd
So it starts up automatically when the system does, so I take it this is via inetd as I am not seeing anything else...to start it...
And trying to get it to do a manual poll of the local net host doesn't seem to work.. the only way to get that to work is to kill -9 binkd pid and then sudo binkd -P1:135/0 binkd.cfg .
This seemed to be so much easier in the days of DOS! :) ;) :0 I knew FD in and out...
With attach mailers like FD netmail routing was all done by the mailer. That is
not the case with BSO mailers like Binkd. The routing is all done by the tosser.
You could also try binkd -pP1:135/0 binkd.cfg. That will poll that node
If binkd is being started by inetd you should still be able to poll as
you need
to. That inetd process is just a listener on your binkp port.
Yep, I remember switching from AMA to BSO... good times! :)
check your startup script in /etc/init.d or where ever it is located... you might want to change the user that binkd is running as... that will likely also require some other changes for the logging directory as well as the inbound and outbound directories... we had to set one up to run
as the same user as synchronet runs as to make it easy for the files to
be seen and handled by both sides of the fence...
This brings back memories of why I used FD! :) ;) But with FTN over
net seems FD is out of the option list. :( And would require DOSBox or something to run it anyway versus native and wouldn't probably be a
good plan for my ultimate choice to put my FTN mailer at least on a Pi
You could also try binkd -pP1:135/0 binkd.cfg. That will poll
that node
$ sudo binkd -pP1:135/0 /etc/binkd/binkd.cfg
07:24 [4210] BEGIN, binkd/0.9.11/Linux -pP1:135/0
/etc/binkd/binkd.cfg 07:24 [4210] clientmgr started 07:24 [4210] the
queue is empty, quitting..
That is all I got!????! Doesn't seem right.... I would think I would
see it connect etc.. or the p option suppress that ?
Now if I run sudo binkd -pP1:135/0 /etc/binkd/binkd.cfg
it whines about being runnning already etc.. then if I do
sudo binkd -pP1:135/0 /etc/binkd/binkd.cfg
It actually POLLS the node....So I am now confused... (the loud
banging you hear is my head hitting desk! :) ;) )
If binkd is being started by inetd you should still be able to
poll as you need to. That inetd process is just a listener on
your binkp port.
So its listening....
I'll have to investigate things... I think there is some issues re permissions to access stuff in the outb and/or inb and the setup of crashmail...
Yep, I remember switching from AMA to BSO... good times! :)
:( I am not having fun... yet! :) ;)
Thanks for the input! Keep it coming, please!
$ sudo binkd -pP1:135/0 /etc/binkd/binkd.cfg
07:24 [4210] BEGIN, binkd/0.9.11/Linux -pP1:135/0
/etc/binkd/binkd.cfg 07:24 [4210] clientmgr started 07:24 [4210] the
queue is empty, quitting..
That is all I got!????! Doesn't seem right.... I would think I would
see it connect etc.. or the p option suppress that ?
$ sudo binkd -pP1:135/0 /etc/binkd/binkd.cfg
07:24 [4210] BEGIN, binkd/0.9.11/Linux -pP1:135/0
/etc/binkd/binkd.cfg 07:24 [4210] clientmgr started 07:24 [4210] the
queue is empty, quitting..
That is all I got!????! Doesn't seem right.... I would think I would
see it connect etc.. or the p option suppress that ?
The -P1:135/0 option tells binkd to create a poll for that node. The -p option tells binkd to send whatever is in your outbound and then quit. If there is already stuff in your outbound for that node you can just use -p and binkd will send everything that needs to be sent and quit.
Your version of binkd is a little old. That will still work but v1.0.4 was released two years ago. I would go with that or the current 1.1 version that
most are using. Either works well in my experience.
The location to get those is listed in the FAQ that is posted in here weekly or
Permissions I think. I'm not sure what user your binkd is running as or where
it is storing inbounds or logs. Check /var/log for any binkd.log files and check where it is storing inbounds, you may have some!
I think you will be better off to remove that package and compile your own binkd and use that as whatever user you like without the conflicts.
Permissions I think. I'm not sure what user your binkd is running as or where
it is storing inbounds or logs. Check /var/log for any binkd.log files and check where it is storing inbounds, you may have some!
I think you will be better off to remove that package and compile your own binkd and use that as whatever user you like without the conflicts.
No DEB's, or a PPA with DEB's, no go. I don't know why, well I do,
its not on topic here, the package is so outdated in the repos.
Permissions I think. I'm not sure what user your binkd is running
as or where it is storing inbounds or logs. Check /var/log for
any binkd.log files and check where it is storing inbounds, you
may have some!
I think that is a large part of the issue: init.d starts this up as ftn:ftn, but thats not a real user... so I am think I just move it the main user that I would use it under...since golded will need access to that and that will run under SSH or XDMCP connection.
Again, no DEB's no go! I've been through the horrors of "attempting"
to compile. It never works.
There is 1.04 built for 15.04, so possibly that might install in place
of the 0.91... don't know why they wouldn't compile it for the ESR release.... oh.. wait I do.... stupid Linux politics...
I'll grab that deb and see if the dependencies can be resolved.. and
use in 14.04...
Extract the archive to the place of your choosing. Go into the root of that directory.
cd /home/alan/binkd
Copy the files from mkfls/unix to the root binkd directory.
cp mkfls/unix/* .
Run configure.
Now run make..
If that was all successful you should now have a binkd in there. If
that wasn't successful there is some easy to find solution we just
need to know the problem.
Place the binkd executible somewhere like /usr/local/bin or /usr/local/sbin and run it with your config.
Place the binkd executible somewhere like /usr/local/bin or
/usr/local/sbin and run it with your config.
FYI, running 'make install' after make will do this for you (place
binkd in /usr/local/sbin).
--with-https --with-ntlm --with-bwlim
touch ~/fido/outbound/$(printf "%04x%04x.flo\n" 123 500)
--with-https --with-ntlm --with-bwlim
Binkd has capabilities I wasn't aware of. I'll have to look those up.
touch ~/fido/outbound/$(printf "%04x%04x.flo\n" 123 500)
I'll have to make a script for that. It would be much simpler than hunting down what .flo file I need to touch.
Friday September 16 2016 15:32, you wrote to me:be
No DEB's, or a PPA with DEB's, no go. I don't know why, well I do,
its not on topic here, the package is so outdated in the repos.
In the case of binkd it is a simple matter to compile your own. It would
great if the repos had upto date versions but they don't always. You may need
zlib-dev and bzip2-dev installed to build support to compress pkts on
the fly.
It might be enough to add yourself to the ftn group to have read/write permission to the outbound/inbound.
Don't even think about being intimidated by binkd. There is a readme.md(or
similar) in the binkd archive or if you get your source from cvs,
This has been, still, and will continue to be Linux's DOWNFALL and GREATEST IMPEDIMENT, software distribution...
I love Linux! Don't get me wrong... there are portions of the
"culture" I despise even more than that of the crap from msloth
land...but this is getting way tangetial....
zlib-dev and bzip2-dev installed to build support to compress
pkts on the fly.
This is always the issue with compiling... finding this stuff... when
its not listed outright..
It might be enough to add yourself to the ftn group to have
read/write permission to the outbound/inbound.
That could be, and I thought about going that route as well... I just decided to move binkd to ME! (Always about ME! :) ;) ) and be done
with it....
I get where this whole ftn:ftn thing is headed, but in the REAL WORLD
I am not so sure that plan works...
Thanks for the info...as when I was at the binkd site it didn't
outline this, and my main machines are not setup for git/cvs/svn... I
can spin up some VM's in VMWare and play with it...
But honestly the few times I've been successful with compiling has
only been when there have been exact detailed steps aka Compiling for Absolute Total Moronic Idiots! (I don't program in compiled
languages, Python, BASH, php, html, SQL, ECMAScript, pascal back in
the day)
sudo apt-get install stupidlib stupidlib-dev anotherlib anotherlib-dev
And don't even get me stated on RPM's and RH/CentOS! :) URRRGHH!
Thanks again for the pointes and tips, and info, assistance... when I
get a lab day to try this I will spin up a VM to give a whirl, maybe I
can make a DEB for 14.04 ...
Software distribution is one of (at least linux) the strengths. On rare occations I find that I need to build my own binaries, like binkd.
Different distributions have different ways of doing things as far as packages
On my slackware box all this stuff I need to compile things is installed already, I seldom need to go looking for dependencies. That's probably because
on slackware you are going to need it.. ;)
It does work, I have done it before. I prefer to build my own and run binkd as
my regular user. You can still do that with a packaged binkd but I just build
my own.
IIRC cvs is installed as part of build-essential. It's a good way to
keep upto
date but you can also download a tarball (or zip) from the bink site, either
way is good.
Don't feel bad. I don't code either. Not at all. If I can download a tarball I
can usually get the job done.. as long as someone else has done the coding.. ;)
Those -dev packages are what we need when compiling software. It's very handy
though we just need them installed to satisfy dependencies.
The first distribution I used was redhat many years ago. I understand.. :)
I can make a slackware package, or a package for archlinux, it's fairly straight forward. Maybe one day I can do debian packages too but nottoday.
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