08 Jun 18 11:23, you wrote to Wilfred van Velzen:
The source of Allfix is in possession of Ken Johnson 1:213/720, who
did the coding and the last couple of releases of the 6.x version.
He currently can't release it as opensource, because of used
propriety code.
As was D'Bridge until Nick Andre got around the proprietary
And indeed the source to the timEd message editor was also open sourced back in
2000 by its author despite depending on the Mix C Database Toolchest, a third party commercial library. The commercial library was simply excluded from the code and the rest of it open-sourced with a GPL licence.
A few years later timEd was ported to Linux without the need for that library. (The library never supported Linux anyway.)
More recently, earlier this year I got around to fixing the old code from 2000 so the DOS, OS/2 & Windows versions of timEd could be rebuilt without the need for the commercial library.
Often these problems can ultimately be overcome so the entire thing remains open source, if people feel like spending time doing that.
--- GoldED+/BSD 1.1.5-b20170303
* Origin: Blizzard of Ozz, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (3:633/267)