• BinkD won't start

    From Joe Schweier@1:342/200 to ALL on Sunday, October 14, 2018 20:18:34
    I started to edit my binkd.cfg file and niow binkd doesn't start as a service when I reboot my pi unit.

    I thought I was editing the simple things in the cfg file... I did not back anything up... piss me off.

    Where are the executables located for the pi or linux binkd program?? so that I may see what's happening to it

    Thanx again...


    * Origin: Joe's Mail System 1:342/200 -=joesbbs.com=- (1:342/200)
  • From Joacim Melin@2:201/120 to Joe Schweier on Monday, October 15, 2018 06:46:54
    I started to edit my binkd.cfg file and niow binkd doesn't start as a service when I reboot my pi unit.

    I thought I was editing the simple things in the cfg file... I did
    not back anything up... piss me off.

    Where are the executables located for the pi or linux binkd program??
    so that I may see what's happening to it

    Thanx again...

    You can launch the process manually like this:

    sudo /etc/init.d/binkd start

    And then check the logs at:

    /var/log/binkd/binkd.log or /var/log/binkd/binkd

    like this:

    sudo tail -f /var/log/binkd/binkd.log

    You probably just made a typo somewhere.

    --- NiKom v2.5.0dev
    * Origin: Delta City (deltacity.se, Vallentuna, Sweden) (2:201/120.0)