Hello Paul,
On Tuesday November 26 2019 12:45, you wrote to Max Vasilyev:
Modern binkd for win32/64 have a built-in compression support.
Is using zallow:* enough to get this working with those builds?
Or do I need to use zlevel and zminsize also to enable this feature?
"zallow *" should enable it, but a bit of fine tuning is recomended.
These are my settings:
zlevel 9
zminsize 1024
zallow *.PKT *.[0-9][0-9][0-9]
zdeny *.SU? *.MO? *.TU? *.WE? *.TH? *.FR? *.SA?
zdeny *.ZIP *.RAR *.ARJ *.HA *.LHA *.7Z *.GZ *.TGZ *.BZ2 *.XZ *.[ALRZ][0-9][0-9]
zdeny *.mp[0-9]
zallow *
Cheers, Michiel
--- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
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