Hi Danny,
Danny Walters wrote in a message to Richard Webb:
Otherwise, I guess it's direct dial from the hotels and motels.
You'll go broke. See if your LD carrier can provide you with
residential 800 service. I have it through Sprint for $0.07/min
with no connect fees. I have a really old Sprint account, though,
and it may not be available to new customers.
I don't think Bellsouth offers it these days either. USed to have it through
worst in IOwa but it was spendy then.
Btw we're headed for MIami this morning (TUesday 10/16 at about 5:00 A.M.) then
when we get back from there our truck's finally going to be out of the shop with working brakes that do what they're supposed to properly. About a ewek after that we'll be heading over your way to see that man re: that MCI console.
WE"l be letting you know when we firm up arrangements with him. sTill want to
show your bosses what we've got <g>.
I'm hoping to have internet connectivity going for the bbs by end of winter. We'll see how that works too, and how much work the business gets, caues that's
where all our money went <g>. OTherwise my thought is to point off my own system, have point phone boss node twice a week from the road. HOwever with network and all set up here we might play with transex and such and have it email bundles to the wife's system for me to be sneakernetted to my laptop <g>.
... Braille: support true literacy for the blind.
--- timEd 1.10.y2k+
* Origin: Radio REscue net operations BBS (1:116/901)