• Re: Version

    From Paul Williams@1:387/710 to David Rance on Tuesday, December 04, 2001 16:05:05
    Hi David Rance, hope you are having a nice day

    I believe that some versions (the one I'm running, for example)
    require something called NTCOMM.
    Mmm, we had this conversation last February, if you remember. I tried DR>NTCOMM but it didn't work here. Maybe it's because I've only got WIN98
    on this machine.

    I'm using the ntcomm version on the laptop under the first version
    of '98. Maybe there's a code difference between the us & uk versions
    of '98 that's affecting things?

    I have had one problem wrt finding the modem in '98 but it
    happens w/ fully '98 native programs like junoweb and hyperterm
    as well as dos programs like terminate, bt/dos, etc.

    The modem is a pcmcia modem and at times if I start a comm type
    program, '98 acts as if I'd just unplugged the modem. I have to
    reboot 2 or 3 times before I can finally use it.

    Another problem is bt(dos/w32) not seeing the modem to begin w/.
    In that case I have to pull it out, wait for the system beeps
    for unplugged cards, and the plug it back in at which point it's
    seen by any/all comm programs. :/

    Yours sincerely, Paul Williams <=-

    ... "Grrrr. I am NOT cute." -- JeffH
    --- Terminate 4.00/Pro
    * Origin: Reality crept in... I shot it for trespassing (1:387/710)
  • From David Rance@2:252/110.1 to Paul Williams on Thursday, December 06, 2001 10:54:00
    On 05 Dec 2001, Paul Williams wrote to David Rance:

    I'm using the ntcomm version on the laptop under the first version
    of '98. Maybe there's a code difference between the us & uk versions
    of '98 that's affecting things?

    I have had one problem wrt finding the modem in '98 but it
    happens w/ fully '98 native programs like junoweb and hyperterm
    as well as dos programs like terminate, bt/dos, etc.

    The modem is a pcmcia modem and at times if I start a comm type
    program, '98 acts as if I'd just unplugged the modem. I have to
    reboot 2 or 3 times before I can finally use it.

    I'm getting funny things like that on my Compaq laptop.

    Another problem is bt(dos/w32) not seeing the modem to begin w/.
    In that case I have to pull it out, wait for the system beeps
    for unplugged cards, and the plug it back in at which point it's
    seen by any/all comm programs. :/

    I've got a problem with one program (used for programming the computer inside the console of a church organ). The program doesn't check that the data are being received correctly and so it's difficult to know whether the connection is good or not!

    Best wishes, David

    --- GoldED/W32 3.0.1
    * Origin: ICHTHUS (Reading) UK 0118-946-1466 (2:252/110.1)
  • From Paul Williams@1:387/710 to David Rance on Wednesday, December 05, 2001 15:23:35
    Hi David Rance, hope you are having a nice day

    I've just gone back over the problems I had about ten months ago - I'd DR>forgotten exactly the details. I've just taken Winfossil out and rebooted. DR>I've got two versions of BT32.EXE installed here and get exactly the same DR>problems with both. They cannot see the serial port, NTCOMM and the BT DR>directory are in the path and, if I enable SharePort, BT32 complains that DR>that command is not enabled in the versions I'm using! (2.60XE/Gamma-6 and DR>2.60XE/Beta-XH7).
    Put Winfossil back in and it's as right as rain (though what there is DR>right about rain I don't know!!)

    To misquote, mysteriouser and mysteriouser. :>

    I think we may be over looking something though..
    What specific version of '98 are you using and more importantly
    what type of hardware? Ie. is the modem isa, pci or external, is it
    a winmodem or a real modem? That sort of thing.

    I've mentioned that the '98 system here is a laptop using a pcmcia
    modem, but one of the interesting things is that the modem is *not*
    what's known as a winmodem. It's closer to a usr courier or sportster
    true modem. The only difference is it's pcmcia not isa.

    I recall some time back either here or in another echo abt problems
    wrt '98 not seeing a modem. (you perhaps?)

    Yours sincerely, Paul Williams <=-

    ... "Tried it once. Skipped an entire night of sleep. ;-) - Joost
    --- Terminate 4.00/Pro
    * Origin: Madness takes its toll. Exact change please. (1:387/710)
  • From Steven Horn@1:17/67 to Jerry Schwartz on Friday, December 07, 2001 14:20:53
    Jerry Schwartz (1:142/928) wrote to David Rance at 20:11 on 05 Dec 2001:

    Mmm, we had this conversation last February, if you remember. I tried NTCOMM but it didn't work here. Maybe it's because I've only got
    WIN98 on this machine.

    Win98 here as well.

    When I was still running Win98SE I tried the NTCOMM version of XR6 with my 56K Sportster and found it would not work. Under Windows 2000 I'm not sure if a fossil is necessary.

    Take care,

    Steven Horn (shorn@yknet.ca)
    Moderator, ALASKA_CHAT and CAN_SYSLAW
    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: North_of_60.dyndns.org, Whitehorse, YT, Canada (1:17/67)
  • From David Rance@2:252/110.1 to Paul Williams on Friday, December 07, 2001 10:16:00
    On 05 Dec 2001, Paul Williams wrote to David Rance:

    Put Winfossil back in and it's as right as rain (though
    what there is right about rain I don't know!!)

    To misquote, mysteriouser and mysteriouser. :>

    I think we may be over looking something though..
    What specific version of '98 are you using ....

    Second edition.

    ... and more importantly what type of hardware? Ie. is the
    modem isa, pci or external, is it a winmodem or a real
    modem? That sort of thing.

    External. It's a USR 56k faxmodem.

    I recall some time back either here or in another echo abt problems
    wrt '98 not seeing a modem. (you perhaps?)

    Probably me.

    Best wishes, David

    --- GoldED/W32 3.0.1
    * Origin: ICHTHUS (Reading) UK 0118-946-1466 (2:252/110.1)
  • From Paul Williams@1:387/710 to David Rance on Monday, December 10, 2001 11:10:27
    Hi David Rance, hope you are having a nice day

    The modem is a pcmcia modem and at times if I start a comm type PW>>program, '98 acts as if I'd just unplugged the modem. I have to
    reboot 2 or 3 times before I can finally use it.
    I'm getting funny things like that on my Compaq laptop.

    All I know is that if I `salute' the system, the window that pops
    up says that msgsrv32 isn't responding and if I kill that process
    then whatever program that's accessing the modem & has hung starts
    back up and compains abt the missing modem.

    Add to that the fact that if I bring the laptop up from hibernation
    or standby mode, on random occasions whatever program is in foreground
    will crash&burn. Including explorer and the desktop. :/

    If it's the filemanager I use (wincmdr) then I just close it, cycle
    memturbo to defrag the memory, and restart wincmdr. If it's the desktop
    and/or explorer I have to do a reboot of some form to get everything

    Does it w/ 32meg, 64meg & 160meg so I'm not sure what to think. :<

    Another problem is bt(dos/w32) not seeing the modem to begin w/.
    In that case I have to pull it out, wait for the system beeps
    for unplugged cards, and the plug it back in at which point it's
    seen by any/all comm programs. :/
    I've got a problem with one program (used for programming the computer DR>inside the console of a church organ). The program doesn't check that the DR>data are being received correctly and so it's difficult to know whether the DR>connection is good or not!

    Fun all around it seems.<not!> The hardwired comport everything see's
    but the port I'd like to experiment w/... The laptop has the fast infrared
    port on it and atm is also configured to act as com5 and lpt4. If I could
    get *any* comm program to see com 5, there's a number of things I'd like
    to try/do.

    Bink by a 4mbps ir link would be fun to play around w/.

    Yours sincerely, Paul Williams <=-

    ... "Buma tomorrow!! There's always a buma tomorrow." - Jeff H
    --- Terminate 4.00/Pro
    * Origin: Computer... Smoke... Uhh Ohh (1:387/710)
  • From Paul Williams@1:387/710 to David Rance on Monday, December 10, 2001 11:35:30
    Hi David Rance, hope you are having a nice day

    I think we may be over looking something though..
    What specific version of '98 are you using ....
    Second edition.

    That too, but aren't there country specific versions too?
    I know I've seen reference to a french version, and ofc the
    one here is the us version.

    I'm wondering if there might be a code difference causing things
    to bounce. (lets face it, w/ m$ you never know what bugs may be hiding)

    ... and more importantly what type of hardware? Ie. is the
    modem isa, pci or external, is it a winmodem or a real
    modem? That sort of thing.
    External. It's a USR 56k faxmodem.

    Hmm does bink see the comport w/o the modem attached? Does it
    see any comports for that matter?

    Yours sincerely, Paul Williams <=-

    ... "Steven, have you commited a country song!?!?!?" - Garry Stahl
    --- Terminate 4.00/Pro
    * Origin: Insanity is a way of life and I've made it *MINE*!!! (1:387/710)
  • From Jerry Schwartz@1:142/928 to Paul Williams on Tuesday, December 11, 2001 00:44:49
    Hello, Paul...

    Dec 10, 2001 at 19:10, Paul Williams wrote to David Rance:

    Add to that the fact that if I bring the laptop up from hibernation
    or standby mode, on random occasions whatever program is in
    will crash&burn. Including explorer and the desktop. :/

    And that is unusual in what way?

    I've never had a laptop which would reliably wake up from hibernation. I've never had a laptop which would reliably shut down, for that matter.

    We have a fleet of identical laptops at our office, and they all exhibit various symptoms of that sort. There are timing issues galore in the startup and shutdown processes of both the hardware and the software.


    Jerry Schwartz


    --- Msged/NT 6.0.0
    * Origin: Write by Night (1:142/928)
  • From David Rance@2:252/110.1 to Paul Williams on Tuesday, December 11, 2001 10:36:00
    On 10 Dec 2001, Paul Williams wrote to David Rance:

    What specific version of '98 are you using ....

    Second edition.

    That too, but aren't there country specific versions too?
    I know I've seen reference to a french version, and ofc the
    one here is the us version.

    Yes, I've got a French version too but the differences are simply to do with language prompts.

    I'm wondering if there might be a code difference causing things
    to bounce. (lets face it, w/ m$ you never know what bugs may be

    As far as I know there aren't any differences in the coding.

    External. It's a USR 56k faxmodem.

    Hmm does bink see the comport w/o the modem attached? Does it
    see any comports for that matter?


    However since I last wrote I was persuaded to buy another, more expensive, USB to serial convertor This one works like a dream and all my problems have gone away! It's made by Belkin which I think is American. It can be configured to work with Windows and optionally with DOS as well. I must say I was sceptical about buying another one, but I'm glad I did. I can now run Binkley for DOS and
    Telix for DOS! :-)

    Best wishes, David

    --- GoldED/W32 3.0.1
    * Origin: ICHTHUS (Reading) UK 0118-946-1466 (2:252/110.1)
  • From David Rance@2:252/110.1 to Jerry Schwartz on Tuesday, December 11, 2001 10:44:00
    On 11 Dec 2001, Jerry Schwartz wrote to Paul Williams:

    Add to that the fact that if I bring the laptop up from
    hibernation or standby mode, on random occasions whatever
    program is in foreground will crash&burn. Including explorer
    and the desktop. :/

    And that is unusual in what way? I've never had a laptop
    which would reliably wake up from hibernation. I've never
    had a laptop which would reliably shut down, for that

    The cursor timing goes all strange on my laptop when it wakes up from hibernation!

    Best wishes, David

    --- GoldED/W32 3.0.1
    * Origin: ICHTHUS (Reading) UK 0118-946-1466 (2:252/110.1)
  • From Paul Williams@1:387/710 to David Rance on Friday, December 14, 2001 13:25:53
    Hi David Rance, hope you are having a nice day

    That too, but aren't there country specific versions too?
    I know I've seen reference to a french version, and ofc the
    one here is the us version.
    Yes, I've got a French version too but the differences are simply to do DR>with language prompts.

    Ah. Ofc w/ m$ you never know. ;>

    Hmm does bink see the comport w/o the modem attached? Does it
    see any comports for that matter?

    Ouch! Although that gives an idea of what to tinker on.
    It may be a case of '98 assigning the comports improperly.
    Unfortunately that's not something I can help a lot w/. :<

    It's like on my laptop w/ trying to get a com program to see
    the ir port which is com5. '98 says I have a nice high speed
    serial port on com5 but nothing, not even 'doze programs see it. :/

    I'm thinking it may be something to do w/ all the networking stuff
    that gets loaded.

    However since I last wrote I was persuaded to buy another, more expensive, DR>USB to serial convertor This one works like a dream and all my problems DR>have gone away! It's made by Belkin which I think is American. It can be DR>configured to work with Windows and optionally with DOS as well. I must DR>say I was sceptical about buying another one, but I'm glad I did. I can DR>now run Binkley for DOS and Telix for DOS! :-)

    I'm considering buying a USB-10/100 ethernet adapter for $39.95USD
    to use on the laptop. I'd like to find a USB-Joystick adapter as well
    but haven't seen one yet. (otoh i did see a usb-scsi adapter i thought
    was neat)

    Yours sincerely, Paul Williams <=-

    ... "I may be all-knowing, but I'm not omniscient!" --Ricky F.
    --- Terminate 4.00/Pro
    * Origin: Reality -- It's not even a nice place to visit. (1:387/710)