• *Swiss SUICIDE POD passes legal barrier - could start operations next

    From August Abolins@2:460/256 to All on Monday, December 06, 2021 20:01:11
    Hi All,
    ...Greets from my Telegram app!

    *Swiss SUICIDE POD passes legal barrier - could start operations next year*

    A new 3D-printed mobile suicide capsule which performs euphanasia without the use of drugs has passed a legal review in Switzerland, and is set to begin operations in 2022.

    The Sarco machine completes assisted suicide in 30 seconds by flooding the interior with nitrogen to reduce oxygen levels to just 1% and leaving users slightly euphoric before death with no panic or choking sensation.

    Those intending to die press a button inside the capsule in their own time, and can undergo the process in any setting they choose.

    /|ug (https://t.me/aabolins)

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    * Origin: Fido by Telegram BBS from Stas Mishchenkov (2:460/256)
  • From BoonDock@4:920/69 to August Abolins on Monday, December 06, 2021 16:15:59
    Re: *Swiss SUICIDE POD passes legal barrier - could start operations next
    By: August Abolins to All on Mon Dec 06 2021 20:01:11

    *Swiss SUICIDE POD passes legal barrier - could start operations next year*

    All round, I think this is a good idea. I've seen what happens when someone struggles on in pain.. my great-grandmother took eight years to die, with her mind sharp and her body falling apart. It was a blessed relief when she went.

    ALl the best
    * El Gato de Fuego (The Fire Cat) 4:920/69 * Pedasi, Panama

    ... A conclusion is simply the place where someone got tired of thinking.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Cat of Fire aka El Gato de Fuego II (4:920/69)
  • From August Abolins@1:153/757.21 to BoonDock on Thursday, December 09, 2021 20:45:00
    Hello BoonDock!

    ** On Monday 06.12.21 - 16:15, BoonDock wrote to August Abolins:

    *Swiss SUICIDE POD passes legal barrier - could start
    operations next year*

    All round, I think this is a good idea. I've seen what
    happens when someone struggles on in pain.. my great-
    grandmother took eight years to die, with her mind sharp
    and her body falling apart. It was a blessed relief when
    she went.

    The first book of the imagined world of Lois Lowry, The Giver,
    depicts... "a society that knows no pain, grief or death. When
    the Community members hears of someone being "released" (a
    euphemism for "euthanized by lethal injection"), they believe
    they're being sent to a mystical place called Elsewhere. The
    old, the disabled and the extremely weak are systemically taken
    away to be "released." The same fate awaits anyone who doesn't
    fit properly in the Community, like a newborn who doesn't
    develop fast enough or doesn't sleep at night. A "release" was
    also a punishment for those deemed as having committed great

    It's like communist/socialist world where everything is decided
    for the individual by a group of elders.

    If I recall correctly, the film "Soylent Green" also depicts
    the opportinity people (mostly the elderly) can choose when to
    die by visiting a special center for "processing".

    I have one problem with the Swiss SUICIDE POD design. If that
    where me in there, I might long to hold someone's hand during
    the process. I held my mom's hand in her last moments. Up
    until the last second, her grip was quite fierce as I was also
    able to be real close, stroke her hair and arms and talk to

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
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