• strange, yet interesting fellows..

    From August Abolins@1:153/757.21 to All on Friday, June 10, 2022 19:18:00
    An ex-special forces guy (UK) dropped by the shop. he showed me
    the insertion on his wrist where they implant trackers for
    everyone in special-ops. He also only carried a flip phone (a
    special edition that can't be tracked) ..and he wears an
    "atomic" watch right over the implant (so the watch is upside
    down on his wrist) to block any potential tracking.

    He spotted my Elvira comic..


    and said, "I know her personally.." and mentioned a few
    interesting things about her.

    Then one thing led to another and I said, "That reminds me of a
    fellow from a few years ago, who was looking for any copies of
    the Happy Hooker (Xavier Hollander). He stayed an extra night
    in the area, long enough for me to bring MY copies of her books
    to the shop. He was happy to pay a premium for them.

    Then the ex-special-ops guy said, "I knew her when she lived
    int Toronto.." ..and mentioned the street and a few other
    interesting details.

    What a day. And that was just ONE person.


    --- OpenXP 5.0.51
    * Origin: Mobile? Join CHAT here: https://tinyurl.com/y5k7tsla (1:153/757.21)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to August Abolins on Wednesday, March 01, 2023 09:41:44
    Then one thing led to another and I said, "That reminds me of a
    fellow from a few years ago, who was looking for any copies of
    the Happy Hooker (Xavier Hollander). He stayed an extra night
    in the area, long enough for me to bring MY copies of her books
    to the shop. He was happy to pay a premium for them.

    I had an LP of hers back in the '80s; I remember a couple of the wisecracks on them:

    F: "Who you gonna satisfy with that tiny thing?" M: "Me!"

    M: "You se that tattoo on my tallywacker that says L-I-T-T-L-E? When you get me happy, it'll spell Little Rock, Arkansas, United States of America!"

    My young teen self was quite tickled by these & my MacLean & MacLean albums! Those I'm having trouble finding again (they burned up in the housefire) with such classic Canadian comedy hits as: "Dildo Dawn" & "Put it in Your Mouth, Mrs, Murphy"

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)