'Anti-Muslim' Australia attacked
"Islamophobia strikes deep - into your life it will creep. It gets you
on a plane or a train.
Never sure when "Mo" come, and blow you away..."
She believes Australian attitudes to Islam are hardening faster than any
other nation.
I wonder why Australian attitudes to Islam are hardening - could it have anything to do with "firebrand" Muslims like her, "Sheik" Hilali (uncovered meat), Leb-style gang rapes, drive-by shootings, crime, terrorism, and a dhimmi government that lets her and her ilk enter?
'Anti-Muslim' Australia attacked
Carly Crawford
April 07, 2007 12:00am
FIREBRAND Islamic convert Yvonne Ridley has accused Australians of being
among the worst Muslim haters in the world.
As millions of Australians celebrated Easter, they were branded Islamophobes by the outspoken British woman.
She believes Australian attitudes to Islam are hardening faster than any
other nation.
"I'm deeply shocked," Ms Ridley said.
"It's not what it was when I was last here three years ago.
"I've visited over 20 different countries in the last three years and Australia is the most shocking in terms of deterioration."
Ms Ridley, 48, will speak about Islamophobia today at a controversial
Muslim conference at Melbourne University.
Thousands are expected to attend a series of lectures over the weekend.
Organisers laughed off suggestions the 1st Annual Australian Islamic Conference was staged over Easter to insult Christians.
"We certainly meant no insensitivity," organiser Adel Salman said.
"We weren't making any particular statement or any religious statement.
"It was purely a convenient time to schedule the conference."
Two controversial sheiks have been refused visas to speak at the conference.
Several politicians also wanted Ms Ridley banned.
The former investigative reporter was briefly held captive by the Taliban
in Afghanistan in 2001 and converted to Islam two years later.
She discourages British Muslims from co-operating with anti-terrorism
police and she refers to suicide bombings as "martyrdom operations".
Full article at " Herald Sun"
* Origin: Xaragmata / Adelaide SA
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