• Paul McCartney...or is it Billy Shears?

    From Chicken Head to All on Thursday, August 09, 2018 18:04:45
    Ok one more for tonight...and this one is a good one.

    You've all heard the long-running conspiracy theory that Paul McCartney died in 1966 and was replaced with a sound-alike named "Billy Shears" (or Shepherd).
    It is the conspiracy theory that will not die. It has even taken on a new life on YouTube by someone calling himself "iamaphoney" who has created probably a hundred videos about Paul's death and replacement.

    But now we have THIS: https://www.amazon.com/Memoirs-Billy-Shears-Thomas-Uharriet/dp/1475145888/ref=s r_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1533862774&sr=8-1&keywords=memoirs+of+billy+shears&dpID=41tAO 4kLsXL&preST=_SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch

    Yes, I have this book. And no, I did not believe a word of the conspiracy theory. But reading this book really turns your head around. It is LONG...over 600 pages. Whoever wrote this knows Beatles lore inside and out. And they also know the "Paul is Dead" story inside and out. It is actually mind boggling to read, and that's if you don't count the acrostic "encoding" and word stacking that was done to give "secret messages." Call it a hoax but it is one hell of a hoax, and a good read.

    Is Paul dead? Is this book really the confession of the doppleganger who replaced him?

    We are http://www.prooforspoof.com
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Chicken Head on Friday, August 10, 2018 14:49:28
    Hello Chicken Head,

    Ok one more for tonight...and this one is a good one.

    You've all heard the long-running conspiracy theory that Paul McCartney
    1966 and was replaced with a sound-alike named "Billy Shears" (or
    It is the conspiracy theory that will not die. It has even taken on a new life
    on YouTube by someone calling himself "iamaphoney" who has created
    hundred videos about Paul's death and replacement.

    But now we have THIS: https://www.amazon.com/Memoirs-Billy-Shears-Thomas-Uharriet/dp/1475145888/ref=s

    Yes, I have this book. And no, I did not believe a word of the conspiracy theory. But reading this book really turns your head around. It is LONG...over 600 pages. Whoever wrote this knows Beatles lore inside and out.
    And they also know the "Paul is Dead" story inside and out. It is
    mind boggling to read, and that's if you don't count the acrostic
    and word stacking that was done to give "secret messages." Call it a hoax but
    it is one hell of a hoax, and a good read.

    Is Paul dead? Is this book really the confession of the doppleganger who replaced him?

    We are http://www.prooforspoof.com

    Paul is very much alive and well. At least the version I met
    a few years ago who was dressed as a clown in a Mardi Gras parade
    in New Orleans. Another of his bandmates (another Beatle) was
    also there, but not dressed as a clown.

    The first time I met him was eons ago, when the Beatles gave
    a concert at City Park in New Orleans. They were much younger
    then. All four of them still alive and kicking. The next time
    I met Paul he was dressed as a clown in a Mardi Gras parade.
    We all recognized him, even with the costume and make-up.
    There was another Beatle hanging abouts in the parade, but
    not in costume or make-up. Nobody bothered with him, as
    Paul received all the attention. The last time I met Paul
    was two years ago, when he gave a concert in New Orleans.
    Indoors on stage, not outdoors at City Park.

    Whichever version of Paul you are reading about, I know I have
    met the authentic version of Paul. Of which there can be only one.

    You do realize John Lennon is still alive and well at a
    monastery in Louisiana. Not far from where Paul (and Linda)
    used to do some recordings. It is a very secluded place,
    with lots of peace and quiet.


    As Good As It Looks

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