• The Medium

    From Kevin Melillo to All on Friday, June 09, 2000 06:51:20
    I look at it this way. You cant sue the people who run the service, because
    it is not the service itself which is illegal. It's like saying if I get drunk, and run a bus full of nuns down in my ford pickup truck (extreme
    case), then the church can sue both Budweiser, The Bar I came from, and Ford for supplying the vehicle?

    Can't be.

    -*- SabreEDIT v1.72a [STS97]
  • From Tinman to Kevin Melillo on Friday, June 09, 2000 07:07:34
    RE: The Medium
    BY: Kevin Melillo to All on Fri Jun 09 2000 01:51 pm

    I look at it this way. You cant sue the people who run the service, because it is not the service itself which is illegal. It's like saying if I get drunk, and run a bus full of nuns down in my ford pickup truck (extreme case), then the church can sue both Budweiser, The Bar I came from, and Ford for supplying the vehicle?

    Can't be.

    Agreed. It's going to be a ***VERY*** hard case to prove, but what thay can do, being that the music/movie industry has a incredibly rediculas amount of money to burn, is keep napster in court until thay die of legal suffication.

  • From Amcleod to Kevin Melillo on Friday, June 09, 2000 09:11:00
    RE: The Medium
    BY: Kevin Melillo to All on Fri Jun 09 2000 01:51 pm

    I look at it this way. You cant sue the people who run the service, because it is not the service itself which is illegal. It's like saying if I get drunk, and run a bus full of nuns down in my ford pickup truck (extreme case), then the church can sue both Budweiser, The Bar I came from, and Ford for supplying the vehicle?

    Can't be.

    If you had an agent from a car rental agency standing outside of a bar and when you came wandering out they said "Hey, you look so drunk, you'll probably trip up and fall over if you try to walk home. Here! Take the keys to this rental!" What do you think would happen to them when you'd run down those nuns?
  • From Tinman to Amcleod on Friday, June 09, 2000 09:23:37
    RE: The Medium
    BY: Amcleod to Kevin Melillo on Fri Jun 09 2000 04:11 pm

    If you had an agent from a car rental agency standing outside of a bar and w you came wandering out they said "Hey, you look so drunk, you'll probably tr up and fall over if you try to walk home. Here! Take the keys to this rental!" What do you think would happen to them when you'd run down those nuns?

    Your usually a pretty logical guy, but i gotta say, if your making that comparison to the napster situation you really need to get some sleep!

    Thay are not looking for poeple who have collections of illegaly copied music and saying "you look like you could use a service to distro that collection". NO, thay provide a lagitamet service for poeple to trade music. the users come to them, download their software, and make the concuios disision to violate the law by themselves.

  • From Hax0r to Kevin Melillo on Friday, June 09, 2000 15:23:10
    RE: The Medium
    BY: Kevin Melillo to All on Fri Jun 09 2000 01:51 pm

    I look at it this way. You cant sue the people who run the service, because it is not the service itself which is illegal. It's like saying if I get drunk, and run a bus full of nuns down in my ford pickup truck (extreme case), then the church can sue both Budweiser, The Bar I came from, and Ford for supplying the vehicle?

    Last time I checked the news people all over the place were suing Gun manufacturers and cigarette companies. Is it fair or right? Hardly. Do people smell money on the other end? Hell yeah.