• Parole Software

    From T.J. Mcmillen@1:129/305 to All on Monday, November 11, 2024 22:29:33
    Here's a code snip from the Parole website from the wayback machine. Not sure what doors these would work for, but here.
    Here is the source code for the WCXReg serial number algorithm.

    Private Sub Cmd_Compute_Click()
    SHARED OltRegNum&, CEventRegNum&, SexTrvRegNum&, AdRegNum&
    SHARED BBSName$, BBSReg$, C4MRegNum&, M4WRegNum&, SysPakRegNum&
    Dim Sum&
    Dim RegSum&
    BBSUp$ = UCase$(BBSName$)
    BBSLow$ = LCase$(BBSName$)

    'Online Trivia
    If Chk_Olt.Value Then
    Sum = 0
    RegSum = 0
    For j = 1 To Len(BBSName$)
    Sum& = Sum& + Asc(Mid$(BBSUp$, j, 1))
    For j = 1 To Len(BBSReg$)
    RegSum& = RegSum& + Asc(Mid$(BBSReg$, j, 1))
    OltRegNum& = 56 * (Sum& + RegSum&) * 74 - (RegSum& * 3)
    Txt_OLTReg.Text = Format$(OltRegNum&, NumFmt)
    End If
    'Sex Trivia
    If Chk_Sex.Value Then
    Sum& = 0
    RegSum& = 0
    For j = 1 To Len(BBSName$)
    Sum& = Sum& + Asc(Mid$(BBSUp$, j, 1))
    For j = 1 To Len(BBSReg$)
    RegSum& = RegSum& + Asc(Mid$(UCase$(BBSReg$), j, 1))
    'j = LEN(BBSName$)
    SexTrvRegNum& = 28 * (Sum& + RegSum&) * 34 - (RegSum& * 4)
    Txt_Sex.Text = Format$(SexTrvRegNum&, NumFmt)
    End If

    'Current Events
    If Chk_Cevent.Value Then
    Sum& = 0
    RegSum& = 0
    For j = 1 To Len(BBSName$)
    Sum& = Sum& + Asc(Mid$(BBSLow$, j, 1))
    For j = 1 To Len(BBSReg$)
    RegSum& = RegSum& + Asc(Mid$(LCase$(BBSReg$), j, 1))
    j = Len(BBSName$)
    CEventRegNum& = j * (Sum& + j) * 43 + (Int(Sqr(Sum&)) * 22) + RegSum&
    Txt_Cevent.Text = Format$(CEventRegNum&, NumFmt)
    End If

    'Classified Ads
    If Chk_Ad.Value Then
    Sum& = 0
    RegSum& = 0
    For j = 1 To Len(BBSName$)
    Sum& = Sum& + Asc(Mid$(BBSLow$, j, 1))
    For j = 1 To Len(BBSReg$)
    RegSum& = RegSum& + Asc(Mid$(LCase$(BBSReg$), j, 1))
    j = Len(BBSName$)
    AdRegNum& = j * (Sum& + j) * 34 + (Int(Sqr(Sum&)) * 18) + RegSum& - 4
    Txt_Ad.Text = Format$(AdRegNum&, NumFmt)
    End If

    If Chk_C4M.Value Then
    Sum& = 0
    RegSum& = 0
    Work$ = LTrim$(RTrim$(BBSUp$)) + LTrim$(RTrim$(BBSReg$))
    For j = 1 To Len(Work$)
    Sum& = Sum& + Asc(Mid$(Work$, j, 1))
    C4MRegNum& = Sum& * (Len(Work$) * 45) + (Sum& - 1234)
    Txt_C4M.Text = Format$(C4MRegNum&, NumFmt)
    End If
    If Chk_M4W.Value Then
    Sum& = 0
    RegSum& = 0
    Work$ = LTrim$(RTrim$(BBSUp$)) + LTrim$(RTrim$(BBSReg$))
    For j = 1 To Len(Work$)
    Sum& = Sum& + Asc(Mid$(Work$, j, 1))
    M4WRegNum& = Sum& * (Len(Work$) * 54) + (Sum& + 4321)
    Txt_M4W.Text = Format$(M4WRegNum&, NumFmt)
    End If

    'SysOp Plus Pak
    If Chk_SysPak.Value Then
    Sum& = 0
    RegSum& = 0
    Work$ = LTrim$(RTrim$(BBSUp$)) + LTrim$(RTrim$(BBSReg$))
    For j = 1 To Len(Work$)
    Sum& = Sum& + Asc(Mid$(Work$, j, 1))
    mult% = Asc(Mid$(Work$, 6, 1))
    SysPakRegNum& = mult% * (Sum& * Len(Work$) + 389) * Len(LTrim$(RTrim$(BBSUp$)))
    Txt_SysPak.Text = Format$(SysPakRegNum&, NumFmt)
    End If

    End Sub

    ... Paused: enter any 12-digit prime number to continue

    --- Renegade v1.35/DOS
    * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - ttb.rgbbs.info (1:129/305)
  • From Jas Hud@mro@bbses.info.remove-5t0-this to T.J. Mcmillen on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 09:54:37
    To: T.J. Mcmillen
    Re: Parole Software
    By: T.J. Mcmillen to All on Mon Nov 11 2024 10:29 pm

    Here's a code snip from the Parole website from the wayback machine.
    Not sure what doors these would work for, but here.
    Here is the source code for the WCXReg serial number algorithm.

    don't we have all the reg codes for parole board's doorgames?
    I know we have to use dennis' codes but it's not a big deal.

    is wcxreg for wildcat! doorgames?