• Re: PTO

    From Kurt Snelling@RICKSBBS to Tiny on Saturday, June 15, 2024 21:08:03
    Re: Re: PTO
    By: Tiny to MRO on Sat Apr 13 2024 08:59 am

    MRO wrote to fusion <=-

    i like the kind that will pay out at the end of the year if you dont use it. i've worked at places that have rollover too.

    We were doing this with rollover. Was in a meeting early in the week where
    they are changing everything to: You get vacation pay when you're on vacati
    so use it or get taxed on it at the end of the year.

    I'm not a big fan of taking off. I don't know what to do with myself. i'll do 3 day weekends.

    I normally only take one week a year off for the same reason, I get bored.
    However this year due to the upcoming change I took my normal week in Augus
    and one in October. Oct is my favorite time to stay in the woods.


    ... "We have 'Being Hit on the Head' lessons in here."
    i endedup not using my pto and took it as a pay out at the end of the last year and it almost like getting an extra paycheck.

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