• Another Gun Show Find

    From Weatherman@TLCBBS to All on Monday, April 24, 2023 08:16:44
    So, this weekend in Laramie was another gun show. I went just looking for something small like maybe a set of reloading dies in .380 or something...

    Anyway, on one table was a Charles Daly AR 12S. Nice looking gun I thought, looked at the price... $280. I thought that was a pretty damned good price. Once I got an internet connection for my phone I checked and sure enough, retailing for $430 and List is over $500! $280 for a new in the box AR12?

    Yeah.... it came home with me.


    ■ Synchronet ■ The Lost Chord BBS - Cheyenne, WY
  • From Moondog@CAVEBBS to Weatherman on Tuesday, April 25, 2023 11:34:00
    Re: Another Gun Show Find
    By: Weatherman to All on Mon Apr 24 2023 08:16 am

    So, this weekend in Laramie was another gun show. I went just looking for something small like maybe a set of reloading dies in .380 or something...

    Anyway, on one table was a Charles Daly AR 12S. Nice looking gun I thought, looked at the price... $280. I thought that was a pretty damned good price Once I got an internet connection for my phone I checked and sure enough, retailing for $430 and List is over $500! $280 for a new in the box AR12?

    Yeah.... it came home with me.


    Sounds like a good deal. I'm reluctant to buy a Turkish made shotgun, but
    I've seen good reviews on the A-12. There are several made Turkish semi-auto shotguns out that are fussy with regards to cycling shells that are under
    1200 fps. It appears the A12 is properly gassed to accept shells such as Winchester Universal 7 1/2 shot. Some Turkish made semi's won't cycle it.

    ■ Synchronet ■ The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - cavebbs.homeip.net
  • From Weatherman@TLCBBS to Moondog on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 10:31:45
    Re: Another Gun Show Find
    By: Weatherman to All on Mon Apr 24 2023 08:16 am

    So, this weekend in Laramie was another gun show. I went just looking for something small like maybe a set of reloading dies in .380 or something...

    Anyway, on one table was a Charles Daly AR 12S. Nice looking gun I thought, looked at the price... $280. I thought that was a pretty damned good price Once I got an internet connection for my phone I checked and sure enough, retailing for $430 and List is over $500! $280 for a new in the box AR12?

    Yeah.... it came home with me.


    Sounds like a good deal. I'm reluctant to buy a Turkish made shotgun, but I've seen good reviews on the A-12. There are several made Turkish semi-auto shotguns out that are fussy with regards to cycling shells that are under
    1200 fps. It appears the A12 is properly gassed to accept shells such as Winchester Universal 7 1/2 shot. Some Turkish made semi's won't cycle it.

    I don't believe I have any other Turkish guns, but while looking up the price online did a quick scan for reviews and most seemed favorable, so I went back and bought it. I ALMOST left it on the table with the thought "I already have enough tactical shotguns" and then I imagined what that sounded like out loud and realized that NOBODY has enough tactical shotguns!


    ■ Synchronet ■ The Lost Chord BBS - Cheyenne, WY