• Amateur Radio Emergency Service Members Support Nevada County Office of Emergency Services

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@WLARB to QST on Monday, December 19, 2022 16:35:48

    Ten Nevada County Amateur Radio Emergency Service[1]¿, NC-ARES¿, members were sworn-in as Nevada County Office of Emergency Services (NC-OES) Disaster Service Worker Volunteers during their December 1, 2022, meeting at the Nevada County Airport in California.

    Lt. Sean Scales, Nevada County Safety Officer (NCSO), Emergency Operations Coordinator and Office of Emergency Services, administered the oath.

    Nevada County ARES members are sworn in as Nevada County OES Disaster Service Worker Volunteers. L-R (seated) Robin De Negri, N6ZPO and Peter Mason N6ERL. L-R (standing) Cal McKitrick, AI6MC; Martin Twer, AJ6OH; Mark Triolo, N6PVI; Sean Robichaud, K6ACN; John Hart, KE6FIQ; Jeff Wagner, KK6CUG, and Jan Woldseth, KB6FMZ. Not pictured is Drew Mazer, KN6MMK. [Cal McKitrick, AI6MC, photo]

    NC-ARES and NC-OES signed a Memorandum of Understanding in May to establish the cooperative relationship.

    "NC-ARES volunteers are another local resource Nevada County OES can call upon to support our community," said Lt. Scales.

    Peter Mason, N6ERL, NC-ARES Emergency Coordinator added, "ARES members use their radio equipment and training to provide radio communications support to local agencies during emergencies, including Nevada County OES and the American Red Cross."

    NC-ARES sponsors a free educational program for local neighborhoods called Neighborhood Radio Watch. "In three in-person meetings, households learn the benefits of, and how to use, handheld General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) radios to communicate during emergency situations when internet, phone, and cell services become unavailable or fail," said Mark Triolo, N6PVI, NC-ARES GMRS Program Leader.

    ARES[2] is a program of ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio¿.

    Thanks to Peter Mason, N6ERL, Nevada County ARES Emergency Coordinator for information contained in this story.

    [1] https://nevadacountyares.org/
    [2] http://arrl.org/ares

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