• 2024 ARRL Field Day Log Deadline Approaching

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@WLARB to QST on Friday, July 12, 2024 17:00:00

    The numbers for ARRL 2024 Field Day continue to grow. As of Thursday, July 11, there were nearly 3,500 entries posted. Remember, the deadline for entries is July 23, 2024. It's a good idea to check the ARRL Field Day website[1] daily for the latest updates and to make sure your entries are completed. If you see "complete" in the status column, your entries are good. If you see 'pending documents,' it means you need to submit additional forms or make corrections.

    The Field Day Soapbox[2] is up and running. You can post your thoughts and experiences on Field Day activities and read what other amateur radio operators were doing.  

    K0HX posted on Soapbox:  

    I operated class "D" from my home QTH. This was a last-minute decision. I have antenna restrictions at my home QTH. I used an MFJ-1788 magnetic loop antenna and 100 watts. I made 309 CW contacts. The magnetic loop is mounted on a 4-foot-tall umbrella stand. I was able to touch up the tuning on the loop as I was calling the other station. This was easy on the higher bands. All of my contacts were "search and pounce."  This is my 50th year as a radio amateur. I still love being a ham radio operator.  

    HP1GDS posted:  

    Great experience as other years. It give us new challenge to success our own objectives. This year I improved my EFHW antenna, and my battery pack, improving contacts, and documenting with pictures of the operation site. Using Winlink and other challenges.  

    If you need more information, please contact the ARRL Contest Manager[3].

    [1] https://field-day.arrl.org/fdentriesrcvd.php?_zs=SSlwl&_zl=mUQ03
    [2] https://field-day.arrl.org/fdsoapbox.php?_gl=1*tryfr5*_ga*MTI5MjMyNTQxMy4xNjM4MjEyMzIz*_ga_PZM4RWMR3R*MTY4ODE0MDg1OC41Mi4xLjE2ODgxNDA5MDUuMC4wLjA.
    [3] mailto:contests@arrl.org?subject=contests%40arrl.org

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