• Free stuff

    From Gary Gilmore@1:2410/400 to Ben Ritchey on Friday, January 25, 2002 15:30:26
    This is NOT a keymaker, just a generic unlimited
    keyfile ...

    Well, that's what I meant. His website is rather clear on the release of this keyfile though, and I quote:

    (from the page: http://www.blaze.net.au/~davidn/inspecta.html)

    I am releasing an unlimited key in the following URL. Be sure to read
    the README document enclosed in the archive.

    ...and that "README" file clearly states:

    ===================== LICENSE & COPYRIGHT =====================

    This file and the accompanying README are copyright (c) 1997
    by David Nugent. Distribution via any means other than
    downloading from my web page is strictly prohibited. This
    written consent of the author.


    his site has no restictions whatsoever on distribution of this, so

    You are very, very wrong. Again, read the "README" file in the archive.
    I don't think it could be much clearer.

    You should do a "replace" on the file releases to clean this up, at least that's what I'd do.


    --- Maximus 3.01
    * Origin: bloom county bbs * dearborn,mi * 313-582-0888 (1:2410/400)
  • From Gary Gilmore@1:2410/400 to Ben Ritchey on Sunday, January 27, 2002 13:37:34
    Missed that one <g> but as it's almost 5 years old I
    doubt he cares anymore,

    Umm, it doesn't matter if it's 100 years old, you should ALWAYS respect the wishes of the authors, especially when releasing on the Filegate.

    It's Authors First there.

    but I'll try to reach him and find out. He left FIDONet in 1997 ...

    That should have been done first. Sorry to sound stern about it, but it's the pet peeves that you crossed into...

    1) Don't re-release (which InspectA is.. it was hatched ages ago already)
    2) Don't go against author requests regarding distribution

    3) Don't modify original archives.

    You did all three things, which you really shouldn't. :-/


    --- Maximus 3.01
    * Origin: bloom county bbs * dearborn,mi * 313-582-0888 (1:2410/400)
  • From BEN RITCHEY@1:2320/38.5 to GARY GILMORE on Sunday, January 27, 2002 23:15:00
    * An ongoing debate between Gary Gilmore and Ben Ritchey rages on ...

    GG: > Umm, it doesn't matter if it's 100 years old, you should ALWAYS
    GG: > respect the wishes of the authors, especially when releasing on the

    That's your opinion ... and you can't know anything, realistically, from something almost 10 years old. If you had read the entire thing you would know that he stated ANYONE could use his package for FREE. I'm hardly going to waste time having people pull an archive that is in all likelyhood, valid.

    I rely on common sense: any software Author who releases an unlimited "Free" key for his/her software, and makes it PUBLICALLY available, can't be too worried about who uses/gets his software, period.

    With all respect for David, the only reason I can think of for his obsure clause would be to provide a means for changing his mind later and charging for something he had already published as being "FREE". This is, in and of itself, highly unethical.

    GG: > That should have been done first. Sorry to sound stern about it, but

    Never said different, and you can sound anyway you want, it won't change my mind ...

    GG: > 3) Don't modify original archives.

    I modify ALL archives, if deemed necessary, as I see fit.

    Be well,

    : Ben
    : {http://www.geocities.com/benritchey/index.htm}
    + WildCat! Board 24/7 (337) 232-4155 33.6kBps 5GB Files

    * Origin: FIDONet - The Positronium Repository (1:2320/38.5)
  • From Steven Horn@1:17/67 to BEN RITCHEY on Friday, February 01, 2002 15:33:43
    BEN RITCHEY (1:2320/38.5) wrote to GARY GILMORE at 07:15 on 28 Jan 2002:

    With all respect for David, the only reason I can think of for his
    obsure clause would be to provide a means for changing his mind
    later and charging for something he had already published as being
    "FREE". This is, in and of itself, highly unethical.

    I obtained my copy of InspectA some years ago before this issue arose. However,
    did you ever give some thought to the proposition that David wanted people to do a bit of work to get the free key?

    I also note that David was rather bitter because InspectA was a program which people should have registered but obviously didn't. I suppose a lot of Fidonet
    nodes don't need to look at their mail packets but I've never seen anything as useful for looking st them.

    Take care,

    Steven Horn (shorn@yknet.ca)
    Moderator, ALASKA_CHAT
    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: North_of_60.dyndns.org, Whitehorse, YT, Canada (1:17/67)