• Turbopower Closes Down

    From Ed Williams@1:128/148 to All on Tuesday, January 07, 2003 19:30:14
    Despite the fact that I've dunked $1500 into this company over the last two years to help develop a comm program, this just might be a boon to the rest of Fidonet...

    7 JANUARY 2003 -----------------------------------------------------------------------



    Company Announces Sweeping Open Source Initiative

    Colorado Springs - TurboPower Software Company today announces their
    immediate withdrawal from the retail component and developer tools
    market. As part of the move, TurboPower announces its intention to
    release their award winning component libraries as open source to the
    maximum extent possible.

    "We've been a big part of the developer community for nearly 18 years,"
    said TurboPower President Gary Frerking. "Open sourcing our products
    seems like an appropriate gesture of appreciation to the community that supported us so well over the years. We sincerely hope these products
    take on a life of their own and continue to prosper for many years to

    TurboPower's component libraries cover a wide spectrum of development
    needs including compression, serial communication, faxing, Internet communication, scheduling, data entry, encryption, and XML
    manipulation. There are nearly twenty commercial-quality libraries
    being considered for release, containing hundreds of components and
    thousands of classes and routines - over one million lines of source
    code in all!

    The process of preparing the libraries for release to open source is
    already underway, and the current goal is to have the libraries
    released to the maximum extent possible by the end of January. The
    resulting open source projects will be hosted on SourceForge.net, an
    online open source repository.

    Additional information can be found on TurboPower's website at:



    Based in Colorado Springs, CO, TurboPower Software Company is a wholly
    owned subsidiary of Aristocrat Technologies Inc., a leading
    manufacturer of high-technology solutions for the gaming industry.

    TurboPower Electronic Newsletters are sent only to subscribers. To
    un-subscribe from this Newsletter, or subscribe to others, visit the
    TurboPower profile center at http://www.turbopower.com/tpslive.

    This E-Newsletter was sent to: edward.williams@adelphia.net

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