• Squish drop in

    From Steven Horn@1:17/67 to All on Monday, January 27, 2003 21:41:36
    Hello All!

    Does anyone know of a 32 bit WinConsole mail processor which I could "drop" in to my system to replace Squish?

    Take care,

    Steven Horn (steven_a_horn@yahoo.ca)
    Moderator, ALASKA_CHAT
    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: northof60.tzo.com, Whitehorse, YT, Canada (1:17/67)
  • From Gerrit Kuehn@2:2411/12 to Steven Horn on Tuesday, January 28, 2003 10:33:36
    Hello Steven!

    Jan 27 21:41 03, Steven Horn wrote to All:

    Does anyone know of a 32 bit WinConsole mail processor which I could "drop" in to my system to replace Squish?

    What's wrong with squish?


    --- Msged/BSD 6.1.1
    * Origin: They sought it with thimbles, they sought it with care (2:2411/12)
  • From Richard Menedetter@2:310/31.1 to Steven Horn on Tuesday, January 28, 2003 12:30:12
    Hi Steven!

    27 Jan 2003, Steven Horn wrote to All:

    Does anyone know of a 32 bit WinConsole mail processor which I could "drop" in to my system to replace Squish?
    HPT ?

    or see the echo fidosoft.husky

    Steven Horn (steven_a_horn@yahoo.ca)

    CU, Ricsi

    --- <ricsi@gmx.at>
    * Origin: Antidisestablishmentarianism! (2:310/31.1)
  • From Steven Horn@1:17/67 to Gerrit Kuehn on Tuesday, January 28, 2003 14:27:28
    Gerrit Kuehn (2:2411/12) wrote to Steven Horn at 10:33 on 28 Jan 2003:

    What's wrong with squish?

    Nothing except that I'd like to move up to Win32 console applications for everything I use.

    Take care,

    Steven Horn (steven_a_horn@yahoo.ca)
    Moderator, ALASKA_CHAT
    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: northof60.tzo.com, Whitehorse, YT, Canada (1:17/67)
  • From Gerrit Kuehn@2:2411/12 to Steven Horn on Wednesday, January 29, 2003 08:53:20
    Hello Steven!

    Jan 28 14:27 03, Steven Horn wrote to Gerrit Kuehn:

    What's wrong with squish?

    Nothing except that I'd like to move up to Win32 console applications
    for everything I use.

    Ok, so you're not looking for special features.
    As already suggested here, hpt (http://sf.net/projects/husky) is pretty much like squish with (several) Add-ons. You can't reuse your cfg 1:1, but the change should be quite easy.


    --- Msged/BSD 6.1.1
    * Origin: They threatened its life with a railway-share (2:2411/12)
  • From Alexander S. Aganichev@2:203/614.103 to Steven Horn on Wednesday, January 29, 2003 17:01:09

    Not so long ago (27 Jan 03) you wrote to everyone:
    Does anyone know of a 32 bit WinConsole mail processor which I could "drop" in to my system to replace Squish?

    Partoss reads the same config, AFAIK. Also, I heard that Squish was ported to the Win32 by someone in ex-USSR (if I'm not misteken, that was done by Sergei Trouchelle).

    WBR, Alexander

    --- GoldED+ snapshot-2003.1.12 (WinNT 5.1.2600-Service_Pack_1 i686)
    * Origin: Fraggle's Nest * Zelenograd, Russia * Riga, Latvia (2:203/614.103)
  • From Gregory Motruk@2:240/2188.186 to Steven Horn on Tuesday, January 28, 2003 17:04:46
    Åα¿óÑΓ *Steven*!

    27 ∩¡óáα∩ 2003 21:41, *Steven Horn* --> *All*

    Does anyone know of a 32 bit WinConsole mail processor which I could "drop" in to my system to replace Squish?

    hpt, partoss....

    éßÑú« éá¼ ¡á¿½πτΦÑú«,
    *Gregory* aka zX4m. _[The X-Form][zX4m/CS]_

    --- GoldED+/CYG 1.1.5 (Powered by WinNT & Cygwin)
    * Origin: Éáñ¿ ºáτÑΓá ßΓπñÑ¡Γ »«⌐ñÑΓ ¡á óßÑ, ñáªÑ ¡á ºáτÑΓ (2:240/2188.186)
  • From andrew clarke@3:633/267.1 to Steven Horn on Friday, January 31, 2003 20:47:14
    Tue 2003-01-28 14:27, Steven Horn (1:17/67) wrote to Gerrit Kuehn:

    What's wrong with squish?

    Nothing except that I'd like to move up to Win32 console
    applications for everything I use.

    Scott Dudley did release a Win32 console version of Squish, but it's hard to find [1]. It was sent to me by Ross Cassell. There is also a version compiled
    by Serguei Trouchelle [2] from the Maximus 3.02 source code [3].

    [1] http://blizzard.dnsalias.org/fidonet/squish/squish_n.zip

    [2] http://railways.dp.ua/~angryxpeh/projects/software/squish/ or http://blizzard.dnsalias.org/fidonet/squish/sq111n-2002-10-28.zip

    [3] http://maximus.sourceforge.net/

    --- timEd/Cygwin 1.11.a1
    * Origin: Blizzard of Ozz, Mt Eliza, Victoria, Australia (3:633/267.1)