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I have a need for a special parsing program, if anyone is up to the task (?). I need to parse/convert an RSS/Xml Feed (ascii text format) to plain Text. The ONLY data I'm interested in is in multiple chunks throughout the file and delimited by either <title> and </title>, or <description> and </description>. Each chunk should get written (minus the delimiting headers) to a new text file, followed by a blank line after each one.
I need this as a command-line DOS utility for native MS-DOS 6.22, though compatibility with Wins DOS box & Linux DOSEmu would be a big plus. The resulting raw output will be mailed to me for review and automatically processed/formatted with control characters then made available as a daily Bulletin for users on my BBS. :)
Note: a sample input file can be D/L'd using WGet (or any browser then saving as text) from
http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/tech ...
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Keep the faith,
: Ben
: { FReq Magic INFO Direct for E-mail address }
+ WildCat! Board 24/7 (337) 232-4155 33.6kBps 8,N,1
--- GoldED+/DPMI32 v1.1.5 r0513 #436LM15
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